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Purple is the colour for navigation, this is the navigations senior officers uniform.
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This is the chemistry senior officers uniform.
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Orange is the colour for engineering and this is the senior officer for engineering.
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This is the uniform for the senior botanist.
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Light green is the colour of the biology department and this is the uniform for the biology senior officer.
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This is the senior officers uniform who works is a doctor.
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This is the uniform for the physics departments senior officer.
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This is the uniform for the head of astronomy, I chose to use dark blue for the astronomy because it reminds me of the night sky.
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These are the two uniform designs that I created for the captain. The design that is on the left is what the captain will wear during the flight, it is a two piece boiler suit that is made up of a pair of high waist, loose fit cargo trousers that are belted at the waist. The trousers are bade out of cotton. The trousers have a stripe of colour down the outside that co-ordinate with the colour block on the shirt. The colour indicates the wearers occupation and the captain is the only person who is indicated by an all red outfit, this is done to make sure the captain is easily seen. The shirt is made out of the same cotton material and is diagonal split from the right shoulder to the bottom left of the shirt, the split also includes the left sleeve. On the right collar of the the shirt there is a a row of golden pins, these pins represent the rank of the wearer.
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Moon wobble
The moon wobble is the moon physically wobbling it was due to a change in the moons gravitational pull on the earth, this means that the moon has gotten slightly farther away from the earth and now had less of a pull on the ocean meaning that the tides have changed, this paired with the rising sea levels due to the ice caps melting and the hole in the ozone layer that is increasing the earth global temperature.
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NASA - moon and tides
The ship is leaving for a reason and we need to think of a reason as to what that is. The earth has tides because the moon is trapped inside of its gravitational field which is basically the fancy word for gravity, the tides happen because only part of earth is trapped inside the moon gravitational field, this means that when the moon is over a very large body of water such as the ocean the moon pulls it slightly towards it and 'drops' it because it docent have enough energy to fully remove it from the earths surface.
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Silent running
Silent running opens up the idea of how the plants would be transported through space because its all good to bring cutting of trees and flowers but what if the new planet doesn't have compatible soil so bringing some of earths soil makes sense. As for the actual film it looks like something I would enjoy due to is sci-fi nature and overly dramatic 70's acting and vfx.
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Two by Two
This film is kind of a big moral question because in the event of and apocalyptic disaster would a few species have to became extinct due to lack of resources and space on a ship. If this did happen who gets to decide who stay and who goes to their inevitable death.
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Alien - film (the ship)
I found it interstation that a ship of this size only required fifteen crew members for it to run properly and made me think what would happen if there was an emergency or some of the crew died. I also found it interesting that its want only living humans on board there were also embryos which in the long run makes sense because they don't take up too much space and aren't that heavy.
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Arc (film)
The arc's were built like gigantic submarines that were made to hold hundreds to thousands of passengers not including a few dozen animals. There were nine arcs that are knows of, some of which were never completed and the ones that were are assigned to different countries where they all individually sorted who would go onto the arc. This research helped me to think about how they passengers of the ship would be sorted and how the government would decide who gets to go on and who has to stay.
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First settlers in USA
This article didn’t help me with my project because it didn’t talk to much about clothing designs and crew uniforms. I did however find it interesting that one of the ships was called the discovery like the ship from star trek: discovery which i’m guessing the show was named after. The article said show some of the clothing from that time however the outfits were from 1620 not 1920.
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The dark crystal
I watched the dark crystal when I was younger and was scared of its hyper realistic puppets and they way they moved, since conducting my research on it for this project I realised it a still scared of them. However, I found researching the dark crystal quite useful because it’s similar to our buried in the way that the two new races that appear on the planet and have to survive just like the human who would leave earth in their new planet. It also gave me insight into what might happen if the planet they land on had pre-existing like and how people might react to non-humans and how they would coexist.
I found the production section on the website really helpful because it some what explains how the puppets were made and the thought process behind them, this might be useful to reference when I am creating the uniforms for the crew. It was also interesting to see how different artist create concept pages and how I might be able to create mine.
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