America for veto
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We have to listen to this man be insufferable for another week. I think I'm gonna skip this week, see you at the live eviction.
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I’ll see y’all in the double. I think I’m good. I’m not doing a hoh with that man. I’m sorry I can’t.
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I can’t believe they’re all going to have to spin a wheel and kick themselves in the ass when this fight is finally over and they want to leave 🤦🏻‍♀️
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please give us the big leap
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no but the energy of jared defiantly pointing at matt and saying he must have "misunderstood" him when he lied about jag was so demonic. 😫 he's just not a good man!
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Cory got so much respect for me for putting his bass in his voice and not taking Jared’s shit.
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Did you guys see Jared ask Cory to stop yelling after he yelled at Cory for 30 minutes straight, i think I saw Cory’s soul leave his body
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I am an americory fan… and a cirie fan… and an izzy fan… so while this is all very entertaining I am quite torn into pieces over it
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can't believe we're finally here 😭🤧
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i love when houseguests say their corny ass alliance names out loud… “who told her about the pinkie winkie twinkies?” “we should come up with the name for our f2… what about papa johns night shift?” “i don’t know whether i should vote with the swiffer wet jets or the big bird fan club this week”
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Cory: I wanna downplay my relationship with America so that they don’t see us as a power duo
Cory and America later tonight:
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I want America to pull out this HOH so bad.
Almost as bad as I want this fool to lose again.
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in some ways i’d say that pressure cooker week ending in an evicted houseguest staying in the house is actually quite cosmically poetic
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Cirie said I may have the whole house misted but now I'm going to mist the entire audience by unflipping the vote on Jag JUST to have him saved by Matt.
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Still thinking about how this was supposed to be Jared's big week, where he hustled and successfully secured the votes to save his girl from his mother's initial plan. And instead of getting a victory lap, Matt completely overshadowed that by saving Jag anyways.
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