datcrazystupid · 8 years
Alec's reaction to Magnus magic was hysterical though. He was just like whoopsie, better lean sideways. I'm excited they don't show him intimidated though! Even though he probably couldn't defend himself against general magic on longer distances, right?
Anonymous said: Alec’s face in that gif when he dodges the magic though it’s like “yeah, okay, okay, I deserved that.” I’m crying.
HONESTLY LMAO he just kind of leaned to the side it was great. I’m sure Alec can defend himself just fine tbh; it’s magic, but he’s a Shadowhunter and an archer at that so long distance fighting is his specialty. Plus, he certainly knows how to duck.
Alec knows he deserved it tho for sure ajfowaj tbh I am loving that they’re already a bit like a married couple. I mean, a very powerful married couple, but still one. Like, can you imagine tho with all their powers how their bickering might go?
Alec drawing a silence rune on Magnus’s phone when it keeps ringing off the hook while they’re trying to make out
Alec’s keyboard suddenly typing WE WERE SUPPOSED TO LEAVE FOR DINNER AN HOUR AGO DARLING and he looks up and Magnus is there, casually leaning against the door frame studying his nails but Alec can see the smirk on his lips
Magnus plinking Alec with a little ball of magic, like the warlock version of throwing crumpled paper at someone
Alec glamouring a file Magnus has been going through all night so that it just says NO on all 50 pages; Magnus gets the message and comes to bed finally (Alec casually goes, How’s your research? and gets nicely pinned by a warlock for his trouble.)
I just really like the idea of the way they interact being amplified because of they’re both supernatural beings. And maybe to mortals looking in it seems a little bit startling, but to them it’s perfectly normal. Those are my favorite sort of details because these two aren’t human and I love being reminded of that. I hope we see them use their powers in petty and domestic ways alike, not just for saving the world.
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datcrazystupid · 8 years
When life gives you lemons, you gotta eat a donut because lemons are overrated
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datcrazystupid · 9 years
This is my jam
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datcrazystupid · 9 years
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Take down whatever stands in your way because it what doesn't kill you makes you stronger.
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datcrazystupid · 9 years
What would life be if we didn't go against the rules? All the great people in life who impacted the wold were once out casts, people told them it couldn't be done. So they did the impossible.
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datcrazystupid · 9 years
This is deep
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datcrazystupid · 9 years
Hey world I just wanted you to know that even if you think that you are small and insignificant, just remember that you were put here for a reason.
You were given this life because you are the only one who can live it.
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datcrazystupid · 9 years
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Live till you breathe your last breathe. Do it on your own terms, live your own life till the end. Then when the time comes, Go Down With STYLE.
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datcrazystupid · 9 years
Sometimes holding on hurts more than letting go.
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datcrazystupid · 9 years
This song sums up my life
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datcrazystupid · 9 years
Why do we fall in love? In the moment it feels so right like life has finally taken a turn for the better. All that stops when he drops you in the search for something else. Why do we love when it only leads to pain?
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datcrazystupid · 9 years
I wonder what is beyond the clouds. If there is another universe out there. If I could ask them one thing it would be if they had bacon trees.
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datcrazystupid · 9 years
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BANKSY has touch many souls
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