dashingdinorp · 2 years
I'm back!
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dashingdinorp · 3 years
 Dino already has his hands below Destiny to receive their baby daughter!
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“I’m ready to catch her, love, now push her into my waiting hands! Yes, push push...! She’s almost out! One more push!” After one last push from Destiny, Dino catches their crying newborn daughter in his hands!    He ties off and cuts their daughter’s cord, clears her airways, wraps her in a pink blanket and places her in Destiny’s waiting arms, after delivering the afterbirth via magic, Dino sits with his love and daughter! “You did it, my love, she’s beautiful. just like her mom is! I named her Grace, as she has graced us with her arrival! Shh, my baby, mommy and daddy are here.”
Expecting A Female Cherub-Destiny/Dino
It’s been 5 months since Destiny told Dino that he is going to be a father, now, at their 5 month ultrasound, they decide to find out the sex of their baby-to-be, the Angel Doctor informs Destiny and Dino that they are expecting a baby girl! Happy as all heaven, the two hug and return to Dino’s dorm, Dino laying his hand on her belly, feeling a tiny kick in the process… “Can you feel it, Dino? That’s our little girl, she’s kicking.” @dashingdinorp
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dashingdinorp · 3 years
Dino can feel their daughter starting to crown! Destiny asks Dino what  she feels coming out of her…
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“Ok love, just keep pushing, our little girl’s crowning! Her little head is coming out, you’re feeling her head crown, love! She has a little blond hair on her head, so her crowning might cause you to feel a burning sensation! Push on, you’re doing an amazing job, our baby girl will soon be in your arms!”
Expecting A Female Cherub-Destiny/Dino
It’s been 5 months since Destiny told Dino that he is going to be a father, now, at their 5 month ultrasound, they decide to find out the sex of their baby-to-be, the Angel Doctor informs Destiny and Dino that they are expecting a baby girl! Happy as all heaven, the two hug and return to Dino’s dorm, Dino laying his hand on her belly, feeling a tiny kick in the process… “Can you feel it, Dino? That’s our little girl, she’s kicking.” @dashingdinorp
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dashingdinorp · 3 years
Immediately after seeing Destiny’s water break, Dino undresses her and sits down, holding her to him and rolling a blanket over her knees, once he bends Destiny’s knees and spreads her legs, he sees that she’s pushing already…
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“Love, I can see that you’re pushing, are you trying to push?”
Expecting A Female Cherub-Destiny/Dino
It’s been 5 months since Destiny told Dino that he is going to be a father, now, at their 5 month ultrasound, they decide to find out the sex of their baby-to-be, the Angel Doctor informs Destiny and Dino that they are expecting a baby girl! Happy as all heaven, the two hug and return to Dino’s dorm, Dino laying his hand on her belly, feeling a tiny kick in the process… “Can you feel it, Dino? That’s our little girl, she’s kicking.” @dashingdinorp
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dashingdinorp · 3 years
Dino gasps, feeling their baby daughter kicking inside of Destiny’s belly…
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“Yes I can feel her small kicks, my love, be gentle little cherub girl, your mommy’s going through so much to bring you into the world, you’re already due to arrive in 4 months from now and I’ll be by your mama’s side the entire pregnancy, labor and birth and I will protect my growing family from harm!”
Expecting A Female Cherub-Destiny/Dino
It’s been 5 months since Destiny told Dino that he is going to be a father, now, at their 5 month ultrasound, they decide to find out the sex of their baby-to-be, the Angel Doctor informs Destiny and Dino that they are expecting a baby girl! Happy as all heaven, the two hug and return to Dino’s dorm, Dino laying his hand on her belly, feeling a tiny kick in the process… “Can you feel it, Dino? That’s our little girl, she’s kicking.” @dashingdinorp
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dashingdinorp · 3 years
Now cross with Lucifer, Dino steps in front of Destiny to protect her, his glare is now a furious one!
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“Back off, Lucifer! You are making my girlfriend uncomfortable by flirting on her, I happen to be Destiny’s boyfriend, so it’s time to back the fuck off, mister!”
I Don’t Like Your Boyfriend!-Destiny/Dino/Lucifer
In this rp, which is based on the song “Girlfriend” by Avril Lavigne, Dino is Destiny’s boyfriend, but Lucifer thinks he’d be a better boyfriend for her!
Destiny and Dino enter a popular restaurant on a date!
“Okay Dino, we’re here, love!”
Lucifer is also there… @hotashelllucirp and @dashingdinorp
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dashingdinorp · 3 years
Dino is snuggling Destiny while holding her arm!
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“This place looks wonderful, darling! Let’s hurry and find an amazing seat!” He glares at Lucifer as he approaches them!
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“Ugh, what is he doing here, love?!”
I Don’t Like Your Boyfriend!-Destiny/Dino/Lucifer
In this rp, which is based on the song “Girlfriend” by Avril Lavigne, Dino is Destiny’s boyfriend, but Lucifer thinks he’d be a better boyfriend for her!
Destiny and Dino enter a popular restaurant on a date!
“Okay Dino, we’re here, love!”
Lucifer is also there… @hotashelllucirp and @dashingdinorp
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dashingdinorp · 3 years
Dino flies over and gently holds Destiny to him, he’s gentle and kind to her, so she calms down...
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“It’s ok, you’re safe now, my love, but I’ll need Sammy’s help to tend to you, let’s go find him.”
After dying, Destiny returns to the world as a cherub, she cries, will anyone come to aid her? “Waah!!!”
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dashingdinorp · 3 years
Hey uh reblog if you think asexuals are LGBTQ+ regardless of their romantic identity
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dashingdinorp · 3 years
Sleep Starters
“How late were you up last night?”
“You’re not pulling another all-nighter, not if I can do anything about it.”
“Aren’t you cold? I can go get you some blankets!”
“Are you alright? I thought I heard you talking in your sleep.”
“Don’t worry, you’re alright. It was just another nightmare.”
“I don’t want to get up!”-“You can’t make me go to bed!”
“Can you turn your music down? Some of us are trying to sleep!”
“That looks highly uncomfortable. How do you even sleep like that?!”
“I didn’t mean to wake you up…”
“Don’t you think it’s getting awful late?”
“Sweet dreams!”
“I didn’t get a wink of sleep last night.”
“You said some interesting things in your sleep last night.”
“Did you have another bad dream?”
“Come on, let’s just go to sleep.”
“You look exhausted. Did you get any sleep last night?”
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dashingdinorp · 3 years
Send “Protect” to hold my muse protectively.  
send “possessive” to hold my muse possessively.   
send “hostage”  to hold my muse hostage!!!
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dashingdinorp · 3 years
"Get away from me!"
Dino gets closer to her! "I don't take orders from others, miss, so I suggest you stop trying to order me around..."
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dashingdinorp · 3 years
Wanna rp
Sure thing!
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dashingdinorp · 3 years
For You, My Dino
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Dino removes his shirt upon viewing the picture!
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"And there goes my shirt, love!"
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dashingdinorp · 3 years
Send in sexy pictures to my submit box, and see how my muse reacts.
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dashingdinorp · 3 years
Extremely Exhausted Starters Part 2
“You’re nodding off… hey, come on, you need sleep.”
“I can’t… you’re going to have to carry me.”
“Hey, you passed out. Do you remember what happened?”
“No more today, you’re at your limit.”
“I’m can’t move… I’m too tired…”
“You’re starting to ramble, you need rest.”
“What was that over there…? Did you say something?”
“Nap… please? Nap with me?”
“My subconscious isn’t exactly allowing me to get some damn sleep.”
“I can’t lift it without shaking…”
“You’re too weak to stop me from stopping you.”
“I don’t even have the energy to be defiant… I must be messed up.”
“Standing up is about all I can do.”
“You can tell me all about how tired you aren’t while I carry you to bed.”
“It’s been three days… does it make sense now?”
“Whatever you need me to do so you’ll stop and rest, I’ll do it.”
“Don’t force my hand. This is your last chance to stop yourself.”
“Your health is deteriorating. Take a break or I’ll make you.”
“You’re wrong, I’m fine. I know I’m fine… I’m fine…”
“Telling yourself that you’re okay doesn’t make it true. We need to get you safe and rested.”
“Yes, you did it and you’re alive, shut up. I was worried half to death you idiot!”
“Tired enough for cuddling huh…”
“You shush… shhh… shhhhuuushhh…”
“Oh great bed rest warden, may I be allowed freedom from my prison today?”
“You’re shaking, and sore. I can see the exhaustion in your eyes.
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dashingdinorp · 3 years
Extremely Exhausted Starters Part 2
“You’re nodding off… hey, come on, you need sleep.”
“I can’t… you’re going to have to carry me.”
“Hey, you passed out. Do you remember what happened?”
“No more today, you’re at your limit.”
“I’m can’t move… I’m too tired…”
“You’re starting to ramble, you need rest.”
“What was that over there…? Did you say something?”
“Nap… please? Nap with me?”
“My subconscious isn’t exactly allowing me to get some damn sleep.”
“I can’t lift it without shaking…”
“You’re too weak to stop me from stopping you.”
“I don’t even have the energy to be defiant… I must be messed up.”
“Standing up is about all I can do.”
“You can tell me all about how tired you aren’t while I carry you to bed.”
“It’s been three days… does it make sense now?”
“Whatever you need me to do so you’ll stop and rest, I’ll do it.”
“Don’t force my hand. This is your last chance to stop yourself.”
“Your health is deteriorating. Take a break or I’ll make you.”
“You’re wrong, I’m fine. I know I’m fine… I’m fine…”
“Telling yourself that you’re okay doesn’t make it true. We need to get you safe and rested.”
“Yes, you did it and you’re alive, shut up. I was worried half to death you idiot!”
“Tired enough for cuddling huh…”
“You shush… shhh… shhhhuuushhh…”
“Oh great bed rest warden, may I be allowed freedom from my prison today?”
“You’re shaking, and sore. I can see the exhaustion in your eyes.
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