daryl bennett fail blog
11 posts
Going into the election, let's not forget about all the times Daryl Bennett failed the people of Peterborough.
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darylbennetfailblog · 6 years ago
Daryl Bennett owns a cab company, is on the police board.
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darylbennetfailblog · 6 years ago
“The Warming Room, the city’s emergency shelter, is also often full and can’t take any more people, he notes.”
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darylbennetfailblog · 6 years ago
“Meanwhile Mayor Daryl Bennett is a director of a numbered company that owns the Liftlock Group of companies, which owns land nearby at 728 Rye St.”
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darylbennetfailblog · 6 years ago
"City staff received an application for a park rental for a rally. The city is unable to deny an applicant the opportunity to hold a non-violent rally against immigration policies and the Trudeau government. However, the city has notified the police of the event and they have informed the city that they will monitor the situation," Bennett wrote.
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darylbennetfailblog · 6 years ago
Same announcement. Same location (gentry apparel). 4 years later:
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darylbennetfailblog · 6 years ago
The meeting went nowhere. Waste of time and resources, again (sigh).
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darylbennetfailblog · 6 years ago
Daryl Bennet was the deciding vote.
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darylbennetfailblog · 6 years ago
“Mayor Daryl Bennett wants to step down from the Downtown BIA board of management, just as his relationship with the board has soured.”
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darylbennetfailblog · 6 years ago
“Peterborough mayor Daryl Bennett has been found guilty of misconduct by the Ontario Civilian Police Commission over his long-running conflict with the Police Services Board, from which he was suspended in September 2012.”
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darylbennetfailblog · 6 years ago
“She also advises that the ad, including the photo, was formally approved by the Bennett campaign before publication.” 
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darylbennetfailblog · 6 years ago
“The Commission has charged him with engaging in conduct that discredits and compromises the integrity of the board, according to an OCPC document.“
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