Dar's Mastery Journal
53 posts
My name is Darline Dishmon and I'm from Princeton, New Jersey. I’m currently an aspiring Graphic Designer. I received a BS in Graphic Design from Full Sail University. I decided that I wanted to further my education in the design industry, so I’m currently back at Full Sail University working towards a Master's of Fine Arts in Media Design.
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darlinedishmon-blog · 6 years ago
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I finally did it!!! I am so proud of myself for doing something that I never thought possible!!!
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darlinedishmon-blog · 6 years ago
Course 1: Mastery: Personal Development and Leadership
How did this course contribute to my personal and professional development as a media designer?
This course helped me to understand that working at a Master’s degree level is very different and much harder than working towards a Bachelor’s degree. I gained personal development and leaderships skills on a mastery level which helped me through the entire program.
How did the techniques in this course help me complete my thesis project?
During this course, I learned the proper way to write an APA standard paper which helped me to write at a graduate-level on other papers during the course of the program. An APA paper involves proper formatting, correctly citing valid information and listing references in a particular manner compared to just writing a regular paper. Also, It greatly helped me to write my abstracts and DLOs for my theis presentation.
How would I describe my most outstanding personal triumph in this course?
My most personal triumph in this course is that I got the opportunity to write a mastery paper about Vincent Van Gogh who is one of my most favorite famous artists of all time. I have always loved his work, but I got the chance to learn about his life and how he became the famous painter that he was.
Course 2: Defining Client Needs
How did this course contribute to my personal and professional development as a media designer?
This course helped me to fully understand a designer-client relationship. It taught me about methodology, understanding industry trends, defining goals and objectives, and about prototyping and testing.
How did the techniques in this course help me complete my thesis project?
I learned how to create mind maps and how mind maps are helpful. A mind map is a graphical way to represent ideas and concepts when working on a project for a client. It is a visual thinking tool that helps structuring information, helping you to better analyze, comprehend, synthesize, recall and generate new ideas. Also, a main part of my thesis presentation included my Reykjavik, Iceland logo.
How would I describe my most outstanding personal triumph in this course?
My personal triumph in this course was creating detailed mind maps for Reykjavik, Iceland for geography, modern culture, and traditions. The mind maps that I created helped me learn a great amount of information about the city of Reykjavik which I needed to know for future courses.
Course 3: Brand Development
How did this course contribute to my personal and professional development as a media designer?
This course was the first of many that taught us about branding and everything that goes into branding to become successful. I learned now how to do research, but how to do in-depth research for the project at hand, I learned the differences and values of various brand elements, and how brands effect consumer behavior.
How did the techniques in this course help me complete my thesis project?
The techniques in this course were all about marketing and promoting a brand. This information was extremely beneficial because we were going to be doing an immense amount of branding throughout the program. Also, a main part of my thesis presentation included my Reykjavik, Iceland logo.
How would I describe my most outstanding personal triumph in this course?
My personal triumph in this course was having the opportunity to create various logos for Reykjavik, Iceland. I am obsessed with designing, during any course where designing was involved, I was in my glory. Creating logos also inspires me when creating other design projects.
Course 4: Effective Copy Writing
How did this course contribute to my personal and professional development as a media designer?
This course taught me the proper way of creating a print advertisement and how to make the goal of the advertisement successful through visual communication and by developing the proper writing skills that will promote the advertisement at hand.
How did the techniques in this course help me complete my thesis project?
During this course, I learned how to create a Profile Persona which is developing a fictious individual that has all the elements that fit the target audience for a particular advertisement. By creating a fictious individual, it makes creating an advertisement easier by knowing what type of person or people would be interested in the advertisement. Also, a main part of my thesis presentation included one of my positive animal shelter advertisements.
How would I describe my most outstanding personal triumph in this course?
My personal triumph for this course was to be able to create advertisements for a non-profit, no-kill animal shelter. At times while working on the ads, I got a bit sad and heartbroken for sheltered animals, but after learning about this one particular shelter, I started feeling better and was able to create two very positive and upbeat advertisements that fit the target audience and would also make a person want to adopt a sheltered animal or donate money to the facility.
Course 5: Design Research
How did this course contribute to my personal and professional development as a media designer?
During this course, we began the process of designing a website for our "city" campaign through research, exploring options, and applying critical thinking skills to the project to find the most appropriate solutions.
How did the techniques in this course help me complete my thesis project?
During this course, I learned how to create a vision board and wireframes for website designing. Learning how to create a vision board was essential for future courses. It helped me to understand the initial process of building a website. Also, a main part of my thesis presentation included the main wireframe that I created.
How would I describe my most outstanding personal triumph in this course?
My personal triumph from this course was creating a vision board and infographic for Reykjavik, Iceland. If I don’t say so myself, I feel that my infographic came out extremely well and much better than I anticipated. I was very pleased with the work that I had created during this course. I also revised my Reykjavik logo which I felt was one of the best logos that I’ve ever created.
Course 6: Organizational Structures
How did this course contribute to my personal and professional development as a media designer?
During this course, we video-taped ourselves in a group discussion. I had difficulties in this course because I’m terrified of public speaking and being video-taped.
How did the techniques in this course help me complete my thesis project?
I learned a great deal about creating videos and motion graphics which was going to be need in future classes and my future in the design world. None of my motioin graphic videos were in my thesis project, but I used motion graphic techinques from the WiX site to make my thesis presentation images come to life and it made my thesis presentation more interactive and enjoyable to watch.
How would I describe my most outstanding personal triumph in this course?
As I mentioned earlier, I’m terrified of being video-taped and public speaking. I believe the assignments in the course helped me to overcome my fear. I’m not great at public speaking, but I think I dramatically improved my speaking skills due to this course which will help me in the future when having to speak to clients.
Course 7: Design Strategies and Motivation
How did this course contribute to my personal and professional development as a media designer?
During this course, we had to create an extensive design brief on a town that we chose to rebrand. Learning how to create a design brief will help me in the future when dealing with clients.
How did the techniques in this course help me complete my thesis project?
I’ve always loved photography. During this course, we had to go to three towns and take photos that best represented each town and its culture. I took so many photos from different angles and perspectives. I believe this course improved my photography skills immensely. Also, I learned how to create a SWOT Analysis Chart and Empathy Map. A SWOT Analysis Chart is a great tool to use to fully understand the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats when trying to rebrand a town and an Empathy Map makes you fully understand how the residents of a town feel; the good and the bad. Alos, a main part of my thesis presentation included my SWOT Analysis Chart.
How would I describe my most outstanding personal triumph in this course?
My personal triumph from this course was learning about the town of Rocky Hill, NJ which is less than a mile from where I live. Through all the research that I did on the town, I found out some amazing facts that took place in Rocky Hill during the American Revolutionary War. I learned that General George Washington brought his troops through Rocky Hill after their Battle of Princeton victory. I also learned that General George Washington stayed at a home about a half a mile from me and during the war, Washington and his troops staying at the famous Rockingham House for three months. This to me is very important to me because I’m a history buff and also because I’m proud of what took place in my area during the war.
Course 8: Design Integration
How did this course contribute to my personal and professional development as a media designer?
During this course we focused on solving design solutions which is essential for future courses and for working in the design industry on client projects.
How did the techniques in this course help me complete my thesis project?
During this course, we had to create a motion graphic for the town that we had chosen to rebrand. I was taught how to use After Effects while at Full Sail working on my Bachelor’s degree, but I became a bit rusty and unfortunately, I forgot a lot of what I was taught. Having to dive back into After Effects helped me to remember how to create a video. Motion Graphics is a big part of the design industry today and once I graduate, I may audit an After Effects course to improve my skills for the future in designing. None of my motioin graphic videos were in my thesis project, but I used motion graphic techinques from the WiX site to make my thesis presentation images come to life and it made my thesis presentation more interactive and enjoyable to watch.
How would I describe my most outstanding personal triumph in this course?
My personal triumph was creating a several motion graphics video for Rocky Hill, NJ. As I mentioned above, my After Effects skills were not up to par and I pushed myself and re-taught myself the basics to be able to create the videos. I’m very proud of myself for being able to re-learn basic After Effects tools in such a short period of time.
Course 9: Multi-Platform Delivery
How did this course contribute to my personal and professional development as a media designer?
During this course, we had to create sketches for logos for the town that we had chosen. Sketching is and will be a very important part of a designer’s career when working with clients. Usually sketches for clients to give them an idea of what their projects will look like before a designer starts to create the actual project. We also learned how to create a brand guide which also is important in show a client all aspects of their project.
How did the techniques in this course help me complete my thesis project?
Learning how to creating a brand guide and having to sketch out logos will help me in future courses and as a designer in the design world. A client may want to see their project in a brand guide form and now I know how to create one. Also, a main part of my thesis presentation included my Rocky Hill, NJ logo and media assets that I created for the town of Rocky Hill.
How would I describe my most outstanding personal triumph in this course?
My personal triumph in this course was improving my drawing skills which aren’t the best to say the least. Also, I believe I created a very unique, abstract and whimsical logo that I felt was fitting to the town of Rocky Hill, NJ. I created the logo by combining the past with today’s society to create what I believe to be a very cool town logo that will stand the test of time.
Course 10: Measuring Design Effectiveness
How did this course contribute to my personal and professional development as a media designer?
During this course, we had to test out our town logos to see what others thought of them and if they effectively represent the towns that we created them for. This is very important as a designer because what I may like, or a client may like, the general public may not like and if the public doesn’t approve of a logo, then it won’t be successful for the client or project at hand.
How did the techniques in this course help me complete my thesis project?
During the course, we learned how to create questionnaires/surveys to be able to determine the effectiveness of our logos and media assets. In the future, even if design firms don’t use surveys, I just conduct my own survey on a project that I’m working on to get answers that I need on if the public will approve my project. If survey results are bad, then my project most likely won’t be successful for the client. Also, a main part of my thesis presentation included one of the pages from the survey that I conducted that showed proof on how many people really enjoyed my logo.
How would I describe my most outstanding personal triumph in this course?
My personal triumph during this course was seeing all the positive results coming in from the survey that I conducted. 130 people took my survey and based off the results, 95% of the people believed my logo for the town of Rocky Hill, NJ would be appreciated and approved by its residents. Of course, I had some negative comments as well, but overall, people really liked my logo and it was actually fun to create and conduct a survey.
Course 11: Presentation of Design Solution
How did this course contribute to my personal and professional development as a media designer?
During this course, we created abstracts and I learned how to write and create a thesis presentation. Knowing how to create a thesis may be extremely essential for me in the future if I decide to further my education with another Master’s degree or if I have to write a detailed report for my employer or a client.
How did the techniques in this course help me complete my thesis project?
The thesis presentation that we did was created on a website called WiX. The WiX site can be used to create just about any type of presentation, report, or website. It made our presentations come to life. All the techniques that I learned in the other courses helped me to produce a great thesis presentation which I am grateful for. I was pleasantly surprised to get an amazing grade on my thesis presentation. I put a lot of hard work into creating what I felt to be an informative thesis presentation and also very pleasant and fun to view.
How would I describe my most outstanding personal triumph in this course?
My personal triumph during this course was building my thesis presentation on WiX. It gave me a great opportunity to take my work and put it into an interactive presentation. It was quite enjoyable to see my presentation on the internet.
Course 12: Professional Practice
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My Experience Map shows all my highs and lows during my mastery journey for the Full Sail University Media Design Master of Fine Arts program. I am proud to say that I have come a long way in the past twelve months to finish the program. I worked hard to get to this point and it was well worth it.
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darlinedishmon-blog · 6 years ago
My father passed away in 2007. He was both my mom and dad; he was my ENTIRE life!!! He was the most amazing, loving, and supportive dad that anyone could want. He was also artistic and extremely handy.
I picked up his traits which I’m so grateful for. My dad is the reason that I turned my life upside down by resigning from my company to go back to college to become a graphic designer.
At times, I miss him so much, it hurts!!! His birthday was on March 14th. When I got re-married, I chose his birthdate as my wedding date.
He would be so proud of me today and I just wanted to post this song in honor of him.
When I get sad, I listen to this song. It’s funny because it makes me even more sad, but it also makes me think that he’s up in heaven looking down at me. I hope so much that’s true.
I really hope he can see me and all that I’ve accomplished and all the skills that I’ve acquired over the years all because of him.
Dad… I’ll love you until the end of time!!! You’re now my forever angel!!!
Steve Wariner - Holes in the Floor of Heaven
If you have the time, please listen to this song; it will be well worth if for anyone who has lost someone special in their life.
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darlinedishmon-blog · 6 years ago
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If one of the most smartest men that has ever walked this earth believed that imagination is more important than knowledge, then I have to believe it too!!!
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darlinedishmon-blog · 6 years ago
During this course, I have learned about three vital takeaways that will help me in the future as a graphic/media designer.
Please find below my takeaways…
1. I have learned not just how to put information within a document to solve a solution, but also how to make the provided information sound like a story by reading “Stories that move mountains: Storytelling and visual design for persuasive presentations.” I have learned about the CAST process and the Visual Story Map which consists of why, what, how, and what if.
Sykes, M., Malik, A., & West, M. (2012) that they found there was a need to have a simple visual format in order to help remember different activities, and to capture vital information and decisions about how to structure and design a story. Sykes, M., Malik, A., & West, M. (2012) also say that using the Visual Story Map has simplified using printed documents, white boards, and flipcharts during meetings and discussions regarding projects as hand.
In regards to the Visual Story map, the why should explain why people should act upon an idea. The what provides valid reasoning why changes or fixes need to be done to the idea. The how explains the process in which the idea will happen or how it will take place, and the what if is supporting other people’s ideas, but convincing others why your idea is the best to go with and to act upon it immediately.
The CAST process teaches you how to be supportive to others, to put the audience first, but to also be persuasive in pushing your idea and leaving a positive perception in other’s minds. The more persuasive you are, the easier it is to sell your idea.
The CAST process also helps you to become a better story teller when presenting an idea rather than just stating the facts which are important, but can be very boring which may make you lose many important listeners by doing this. When the facts of a project are presented in a persuasive story, people pay attention and actually listen to an idea and that’s what you want them to do.
2. I have learned about the Degree Learning Outcomes (DLOs) for our thesis presentation. The DLOs consist of four categories: 1. Connecting, Synthesizing, Transforming, 2. Solving Problems, 3. Innovative Thinking, and 4. Acquiring Competencies.
The Connecting, Synthesizing, Transforming DLO is all about research, determining the target audience and finding the weaknesses of the competitors. It is also about determining why your idea is the most effective design solution presented among the competition.
The Solving Problems DLO is about identifying the true problem or problems at hand and determining the best and most effective design solution to solve the problem or problems presented.
The Innovative Thinking DLO is about showing and telling why your design solution is the best and most effective compared to its competitors. You need to convince the audience what is special about your design solution and what makes it different compared to the competitor’s solutions.
The Acquiring Competencies is about all the skills that we have learned throughout our courses that we didn’t know about prior to starting the Master’s program.
3. I have learned how to properly give a classmate a solid peer review. I have learned how to give constructive criticism without hurting anyone’s feelings, I have learned how to give both positive and negative feedback, but also how to effectively challenge my classmate to consider their content from an alternative perspective with substantiated claims. By being able to do this, it helps out both my classmate and myself for our current and future assignments.
Peer reviews are extremely beneficial because they allow us to view our work from a different point of view or different perspective which we may not see for ourselves.
Sykes, M., Malik, A., & West, M. (2012). Stories that move mountains: Storytelling and visual design for persuasive presentations: Creative Edge Classic. Retrieved from https://ce.safaribooksonline.com/book/communications/presentations/9781118423998
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This is part of my thesis presentation for Connecting, Synthesizing, Transforming for an animal shelter advertisement. The top image is the advertisment that I felt was the best and most effective ad for getting people to adopt sheltered animals.
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This is part of my thesis presentation for Solving Problems for the New Jersey town of Rocky Hill. The top logo is the logo that I decided to create for Rocky Hill based on its current status and because of the town’s history of long ago.
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This is part of my thesis presentation for Innovative Thinking for the logo that I created for Reykjavik Iceland which is an eco-friendly city. The top logo is the finalized logo for Reykjavik which I felt fit its culture and landscape perfectly.
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This is part of my thesis presentation for Acquiring Competencies. This part shows that I have learned how to create a target audience profile/persona and that I learned how to create and conduct a survey for project results.
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These are the original layouts that I created for my thesis presentation. As I started to build my thesis on the WIX site, all these layouts changed dramatically.
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darlinedishmon-blog · 6 years ago
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This saying is so true. At times, we all doubt ourselves; we all have to stop being doubtful, we have to learn to be more confident and we need to show the world that we do have the knowledge and skills to fullful our dreams.
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darlinedishmon-blog · 6 years ago
As a graphic designer, I’ve learned a great amount of information during this course. We as designers like the projects that we create, but it’s not about us and what we or our peers like; it’s about what the clients and the target audience like.
I knew that the branding process was quite involved with many steps that had to be completed, but never once did I realize that surveys and questionnaires were used in the process. This course was a definite eye-opener and enlightenment for me.
During this month, I acquired the skill on to how to create and conduct a questionnaire through the use of SurveyMonkey. I now understand that creating a questionnaire isn’t as simple as one may think. In order to get the most valid results from the target audience, questions have to be worded in a particular way for the respondents to fully understand what is being asked of them since most respondents that take surveys will not be artists or graphic designers. Collins (2010) mentions that “When compiling questions, keep them short, simple and to the point; avoid unnecessary words. Use words and phrases that are unambiguous and familiar to the respondent.”
After completing the questionnaire and analyzing the results, I now fully understand how a simple survey or questionnaire can provide such essential information regarding the effectiveness of a logo and media assets.
Obtaining non-biased opinions and comments regarding branding is the best way to acquire the most honest results in order to determine if what we as designers have created will have positive or negative outcomes. As a designer, these results are imperative to our entire project.
Going forward, If I’m ever in the position to create a logo, media assets or any other type of graphic design project, I will definitely create a questionnaire to get the most valid results that will help me to determine if the client will be pleased with what I have created.
I’m truly grateful for this course because learning how vital a survey or questionnaire is in obtaining the best results regarding a project will help me in the future as a graphic designer.
In the future, if I’m working on a project for a client, if my manager/supervisor doesn’t suggest to create a questionnaire, I may just do one for my own reassurance to know if what I’m creating coincides with what the client is looking for. The first and foremost reason for creating anything in graphic designing is to make the client happy.
Collins, H. (2010). Creative Research: Creative Edge Classic. Retrieved from
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This is the initial questionnaire page that I created for the rebranding of Rocky Hill, New Jersey. The answers that you see are the median results from the survey.
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This is the official logo that I created for the rebranding of Rocky Hill, New Jersey.
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Billboard that I created for the rebranding of Rocky Hill, New Jersey.
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Polebanner that I created for the rebranding of Rocky Hill, New Jersey.
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T-shirt that I created for the rebranding of Rocky Hill, New Jersey.
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Tote bag that I created for the rebranding of Rocky Hill, New Jersey.
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darlinedishmon-blog · 6 years ago
Multi-Platform Delivery Course Reflection
I enjoyed this class very much. It’s been a few months since we’ve actually done any physical designing, so this class was quite a blessing because I’m obsessed about graphic designing. I learned a lot about myself and how much deeper and creative I can think if I just push myself hard enough. It’s not as easy as people may think to think “outside the box”. We are all taught to think practical and logical, but when thinking outside the box, you have to throw practical and logic out the window.
Once I graduate, I plan on looking for a job at a design firm in my area. I may consider looking in Philadelphia or New York City, but the job would have to be perfect for me to do the commute. I live in Princeton, NJ and in Princeton alone, there are dozens of design firms. I prefer to work at a design firm, but if nothing positive pans out, I will start looking for work at companies such as Johnson & Johnson which has their own advertising/ design department for all the products they make.
Graduating with a Master’s degree will be a nice birthday gift to myself. I will be turning 50 in June and never did I think I would go to school for a Master’s degree. It’s a dream come true for me.
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darlinedishmon-blog · 6 years ago
Rocky Hill, NJ Media Assets
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This is the logo that I created for my town’s re-branding.
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This is the billboard that I created for Rocky Hill.
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This is one of the pole banners that I created for Rocky Hill.
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This is an SUV with my logo as a car decal.
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This is my logo on a man’s t-shirt.
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This is my logo on a coffee mug.
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darlinedishmon-blog · 6 years ago
Multi-Platform Delivery
Connecting/Synthesizing/Transforming — What research did you conduct and utilize to arrive at the design decisions you present. How did you connect the research to your design work? What information did you synthesize and pull from the research and how did you transform the information into what you've presented this month?
During this month, I did additional research on Rocky Hill, NJ to learn more about their residents and lifestyle, I did research on creating logos for towns and logos relating to the American Revolutionary War and I referred back to the information that I wrote in my design brief to get a full understanding of Rocky Hill as a town.
I combined all the information that I already knew and the information that I learned this month and turned it into a comprehensive and unique abstract logo that I felt would promote positive and acceptable results for the re-branding of Rocky Hill.
Problem Solving — What design problem were you solving? What design problem does the medium you designed for solve according to the industry? How did you solve the problem? Restate your design problem to help explain this section. Remember: A design problem is not the same as a technical problem.
The design problem that I had to solve was to figure out how to incorporate the town’s problem, which was that their community had become severed and disconnected from one another with the history that the town had experienced centuries ago. Airey (2014) would say to keep it simple and relevant.
At first, I was having difficulties coming up with a logo that was simple, yet combined the two elements; the problem and the town’s history, but after trial and error, I started to think outside the box and came up with a solution for a logo that not only followed Airey’s rules, but incorporated both elements as well.
Innovative Thinking — How does your work compare to others in the industry? How did you approach the subject of innovation? How is your work innovative?
I came up with a logo that is unusual, unique, abstract and whimsical all in one. My logo is original because there is no other logo in the industry that compares to it (that I know about).
When researching logos and trying to solve my design problem, I started to think about the issue at hand in an unpractical way. Most people think of solutions through common sense and logic. I threw both of those out the window and started to think “off the wall”, boldly and a bit wild. Thinking this way put the idea in my head for a logo that I feel perfectly fits the branding of Rocky Hill.
My innovative or crazy way of thinking allowed me to take a simple heart and modify it to be unique and abstract; then by deciding to add stars to the inside of the heart, I was able to solve my design problem by incorporating both elements, the problem statement and the town’s history.
Acquiring Competencies — What did you learn overall throughout this process? Any new software? Techniques? Skills? Explain.
I believe that my level of thinking innovatively increased tremendously during this month while trying to solve a design problem and coming up with the best logo for my town’s re-branding.
I started to think deeper as a designer, not just as an average person. I tried to think the way a professional artist would solve a design problem or try to create a masterpiece of artwork.
In other words, I put myself in someone else’s shoes to be more creative and eclectic.
Airey, D. (2014). Logo Design Love, Annotated and Expanded Edition, Second Edition: Creative Edge Classic. Retrieved from https://ce.safaribooksonline.com/book/branding/9780133812589
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darlinedishmon-blog · 6 years ago
Design Integration
Connecting/Synthesizing/Transforming –
After extensive research, I came to the conclusion that the problem in Rocky Hill is that it has become a severed and distant town. Many residents keep to themselves and only interact with their families and close friends. Many residents want their community to be closer and tight-knit, they just don’t know how or where to begin the process of trying to become reunited with one another.
Problem Solving –
By giving Rocky Hill a brand identity focusing on community interaction, learning how to communicate with one another, learning how to be kind, how to care and show concern for others and re-establishing pride for their historic town, Rocky Hill will become known for its unity, its sense of community spirit and its pride for living in a historic district.
Once the town becomes a close-knit community and after giving it a brand identity makeover, many more people will probably hear a lot more about Rocky Hill and it won’t be as unknown as it is today. Many people might also consider moving to town.
Innovative Thinking –
I will be giving Rocky Hill a brand identity that will promote community involvement, reunite residents, help them to communicate and boost their pride in a town that has a vast historical past using a media plan that I learned about during this last week. I would like to create a logo that can be put on a 4gb flash drive that can be given out to people as a free item at the local supermarket and other various types of businesses in the area. Flash drives are used by practically everyone that owns a computer or tablet and they are vital for saving data. It is a promotional item that can be purchased with little expense and will not be thrown away like other promotional items; it will be used and every time it’s used, the owner will view the logo/brand identity on it.
Acquired Competencies –
After doing this assignment, I have made major improvements in creating videos. I also have made improvements in my work in general, such as giving peer reviews and learning how to think a little more outside the box in regards to identifying problems and coming up with solutions.
References –
2018/United States Census Bureau. (2010). American FactFinder - Community Facts. Retrieved from https://factfinder.census.gov/faces/nav/jsf/pages/community_factsxhtml?src=bkmk
Dilts, S. (2008). Millstone Valley Scenic Byway Corridor Management Plan - mvsbcmp.pdf. Retrieved from https://www.state.nj.us/transportation/community/scenic/pdf/mvsbcmp.pdf
Devos, J. (2010). How to Frame Design Problem Statements | Toptal. Retrieved from https://www.toptal.com/designers/product-design/design-problem-statement
Google Maps. (2019). Distance from Rocky Hill New Jersey to PHL Airport - Google Search. Retrieved from https://www.google.com/search?num=30&ei=WYFQXLPzCq_IjgSc_ LLQAg&q=Distance+from+ Rocky+Hill+New+Jersey+to+PHL+Airport&oq
Heald, E. (2018). 5 Steps to Find Your Brand Voice. Retrieved from https://contentmarketingInstitute.com/author/erika-heald/
Kenny, J. (2017). Know the Difference between Tone and Voice to Set Your Brand Apart. Mojo Marketing - Cloud, IT, & Telecom Marketing. Retrieved from https://gimmemojo.com/2017/11/01/tone-voice-set-your-brand-apart/
Lake, R. (2019). SWOT Analysis: What Is It and How Does It Help Your Business
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darlinedishmon-blog · 6 years ago
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This is another abstract image that I created. I love all genres of art, but I’m good at creating abstract images. I actually create almost one image every day. This one took me less than an hour to create. I call this one “Abstract Feathers”. It reminds me of a peacock’s feathers. Every time I create a new image, it reassures me that I do have talent and it also inspires me to do well in school and that I know as a designer, I will do well in the future.
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darlinedishmon-blog · 6 years ago
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I’m a designer handbag junkie! I just found out that Kate Spade committed suicide last June. I created this bag in her honor. This was one of the 1st KS bags that I owned. Her Dot Noel Signature Design is what put her on the map.
One day in the future, I may try my hand at designing handbags as well. I won’t only design them, but sew them as well. This may sound odd, but certain handbags would inspire me in regards to graphic designing. RIP Kate :(
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darlinedishmon-blog · 6 years ago
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This is my newest piece of artwork. The title says it all!
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darlinedishmon-blog · 6 years ago
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darlinedishmon-blog · 6 years ago
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darlinedishmon-blog · 6 years ago
Mastery Journal Process and Reflection - Design Strategies and Motivations
Connecting/Synthesizing/Transforming –
To determine the primary problem that was affecting Rocky Hill, I conducted interviews, I made observations which I noted by watching residents in town going about their business and I also did additional research by speaking with one of Rocky Hill’s Council Members, Irene Battaglia. After speaking with Irene, the problem at hand was not only determined but confirmed.
Problem Solving –
The problem is that Rocky Hill is a beautiful, quaint community, but though the residents are friendly, they are not close to another and they’re not a tight-knit community as many people in the area have always believed. Most residents keep to themselves and only talk with and help out their families and close friends.
For a town such as Rocky Hill which has less than 700 residents, the residents should be close with one another, they should be friends with their neighbors, and they should be proud to live in a town that is a Historic District. They should also become closer to each other also for the simple fact that many of Rocky Hill residents will be living next door to one another for the next several years and possibly for even decades to come.
Innovative Thinking –
I will be working will Irene Battaglia and other Town Council Members in planning events and activities that will be hopefully bring a positive outcome by bring residents closers together such as community picnics, yard sales, arts and crafts festivals, a farmer’s markets, a carnival for the children and a street/block party for the adults.
Acquired Competencies –
After doing this assignment, I learned how to use iMovie for my Video Pitch and make modifications to it to add additional information to my video.
References –
2018/United States Census Bureau. (2010). American FactFinder - Community Facts. Retrieved from https://factfinder.census.gov/faces/nav/jsf/pages/community_facts. xhtml?src=bkmk
Cohen, M. (2018). 300-year-old New Jersey home that once hosted George Washington asks $795K, Retrieved from https://www.6sqft.com/300-year-old-newjersey-home-that-once-hosted-george-washington-asks-795k/
Dellitt, J. (2016). Why Getting to Know Your Neighbors Is More Important Than You Realize. The Everygirl. Retrieved from http://theeverygirl.com/why-getting-to-know-your-neighbors-is-more-important-than-you-realize/
Dilts, S. (2008). Millstone Valley Scenic Byway Corridor Management Plan - mvsbcmp.pdf. Retrieved from https://www.state.nj.us/transportation/community/scenic/pdf/mvsbcmp.pdf
Google Maps. (2019). Distance from Rocky Hill New Jersey to PHL Airport - Google Search. Retrieved from https://www.google.com/search?num=30&ei=WYFQXLPzCq_IjgSc_LLQAg& q=Distance+from+Rocky+Hill+          New+Jersey+PHL+Airport&oq
Lake, R. (2019). SWOT Analysis: What Is It and How Does It Help Your Business? Retrieved from https://quickbooks.intuit.com/r/business-planning/swot-analysis-what-is-it-and-how-does-it-help-your-business/
Movoto. (2019). 60 Princeton Ave, Rocky Hill, NJ (25 Photos) MLS# NJSO100042. Movoto. Retrieved from https://www.movoto.com/home/60-princeton-ave-rockhill-nj-08553-pid_e0t1yx50ih
NEIGHBORHOOD SCOUT. (2019). Rocky Hill, NJ – 08553. NeighborhoodScout. Retrieved from https://www.neighborhoodscout.com/nj/rocky-hill
Psychology Today. (2019.) What is Empathy? | Psychology Today. Retrieved from https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/basics/empathy
Ratner, J. (2017) Millennials Seek Small Towns, Affordable Markets | Professional Builder. Retrieved from https://www.probuilder.com/millennials-seek-small-towns-affordable-markets
Realtor.com. (2019). Rocky Hill, NJ Real Estate - Rocky Hill Homes for Sale - realtor.com. Retrieved from https://www.realtor.com/realestateandhomes-search/Rocky-Hill NJ
Rocky Hill, NJ. (2019). Rocky Hill Construction Department. Retrieved from http://www.rockyhill-nj.gov/borough-services/construction-department
Rocky Hill, NJ. (2019). Rocky Hill Council Members. Retrieved from http://www.rockyhill-nj.gov/borough-government/council-members
Schlager, K. (2018). The Top New Jersey Public High Schools 2018. Retrieved from https://njmonthly.com/articles/towns-schools/the-top-new-jersey-public-high-schools-
Sherman, N. (2012). The Dunlap Broadside - Fonts In Use. Retrieved from https://fontsinuse.com/uses/1666/the-dunlap-broadside
Zillow, Inc. (2019). Rocky Hill Real Estate - Rocky Hill NJ Homes For Sale. Zillow.com. Retrieved from https://www.zillow.com/homes/for_sale/Rocky-Hill-NJ_rb
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