darlash · 10 years
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darlash · 11 years
uno de los mejores beat' em up de 16 bits!!!  
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darlash · 11 years
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the Complete Bubblegum Crisis VHS Collection: the 2 Music Video Collections, Bubblegum Crisis, Bubblegum Crash and the reboot Bubblegum Crisis: Tokyo 2040. gonna rewatch them all starting tonite for the upcoming Bubblegum Crisis RPG parties.
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darlash · 11 years
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darlash · 11 years
HE-MAN AND THE MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE pelicula LIVE ACTION  completa! tremendo clasico!
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darlash · 11 years
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darlash · 11 years
Make up la banda que compuso pegasus fantasy haciendola en vivo!!
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darlash · 11 years
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darlash · 11 years
Aburrimiento, profundo aburrimiento
No hay nada que hacer, todo se vuelve profundamente repetitivo, completamente rutinario... que embole ...
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darlash · 11 years
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darlash · 11 years
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darlash · 11 years
Don’t you worry about their kind They’ll be gone long after time We’ll be here, yes we’ll be fine, we’ll be fine All the treasure that they sought Has led them, bled them, just fear not All their souls, their souls were bought, ours were not When they think your scene All they think, the green Don’t you know just what I mean, just what I mean All the treasure that they sought Has led them, bled them, just fear not All their souls, their souls were bought, ours were not Revelation machine Revelation machine --- move Revelation machine Revelation machine --- get up and move We are bringing what is raw We are bringing tooth and claw Oh your show, yes that I saw, yes that I saw But after two times it got old Yes the story it got cold After two times it got old, bought and sold Join me now in saying fuck Join me now in saying you Join me know in saying fuck you, fuck you All the treasure that they sought Has led them, bled them, just fear not All their souls, their souls were bought, ours were not [revelation machine] Revelation machine --- move Revelation machine Revelation machine --- get up and move Revelation machine Revelation, revelation, revelation, revelation Come, here, with, me, now, it’s, the trip, it’s so good Come, here, with, me, now, it’s, the trip, it’s so good Come here with me now Come here with me now Revelation, revelation, revelation Revelation, revelation, revelation Revelation machine Revelation machine --- move Revelation machine Revelation machine --- get up and move Revelation, revelation, revelation, revelation Revelation, revelation, revelation, revelation
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darlash · 11 years
El diario negro
 Corro por la fabrica, los militares se aíslan en la parte superior, y quedamos en el primer piso, en un espacio grande y vacío rodeado de ventanas cubiertas por maderas clavadas de manera desordenada... y los escucho corro hacia una de las ventanas, sé que están forzando las viejas y podridas tablas, no hay escape nos abandonaron... nos dejaron completamente solos…
 De todas formas ellos también están perdidos.
Tomo una vieja barra y me acerco a la tabla ya casi partida y sin titubear empiezo a matar una por una de esas criaturas, veo como sus cráneos se parten como melones podridos, ella trata desesperadamente de ayudarme y ellos tratan de alejarla de mi, pero sigo partiendo cráneos hasta mi ultimo aliento...
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darlash · 11 years
La mejor serie que se pudo ver este año American horror story Asylum
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darlash · 11 years
Bubblegum Crisis Tokyo 2040 - Opening - Y' know
Q buena serie, y que buena musica que tenia!!!
What a great anime, and great music!!!
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darlash · 11 years
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darlash · 11 years
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