darksideoftheplanet · 2 years
“steddie fanfic is just robin explaining in great detail what bisexuality is to steve; and then eddie takes steve to the rocky horror picture show” AND YOU KNOW WHAT? I EAT IT UP EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.
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darksideoftheplanet · 2 years
mike thinks that eddie is like the coolest person ever and is absolutely devastated that he's dating the guy mike thinks is the absolute lamest, steve.
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darksideoftheplanet · 2 years
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Dumb kiribaku comic
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darksideoftheplanet · 2 years
Hello. I'm sorry but this give me such Kiribaku vibes.
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darksideoftheplanet · 2 years
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it has been Too Long since my last kiribaku
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darksideoftheplanet · 2 years
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gente quir
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darksideoftheplanet · 2 years
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I present to you the ultimate BAKUSQUAD
These dorks sure are my favs XD
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darksideoftheplanet · 2 years
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Ready to be hunted down for sport for headcanoning a popular character as aro-ace 😎✨
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darksideoftheplanet · 2 years
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Art by Gabriel Picolo
Gabe just draws all the best ships!!!
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darksideoftheplanet · 2 years
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darksideoftheplanet · 3 years
I just thought about Ellie taking JJ to the museum she went to with Joel. And JJ being mystified by all off it just like Ellie was. And as they go up to the second floor and see the head of the Brachiosaurus and the cowboy hat Joel threw on the head is still there. JJ laughs and Ellie is all misty eyed.
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darksideoftheplanet · 3 years
JJ: I want toast!
Joel: Okay buddy, here’s some toast.
JJ: I don’t like butter on my toast!
Joel: (Flips toast over to dry side and hands it back) There ya go.
JJ: Thanks!
Ellie & Dina: (stares)
Joel: What? 
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darksideoftheplanet · 3 years
Tommy: So how’s motherhood treating you?
Dina: Good. I didn’t expect this much crying, though.
Tommy: Don’t worry, that’s normal for babies.
Dina: What? The baby is fine. I was talking about Ellie.
Ellie, sobbing from JJ’s nursery: I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!
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darksideoftheplanet · 3 years
when the girls fight
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idea by @darkmaster1117​
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darksideoftheplanet · 3 years
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(wip) this has been open in clip for a week and probably will for another (when the semester FINALLY ENDS >:U) but here’s a lil sumn 
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darksideoftheplanet · 3 years
can you imagine ellie doing the magic thumb illusion where she pretends to remove her thumb only for a five year old JJ to ask her if she was really bad at magic cause she couldn’t find her other fingers and he’s so honest and innocent about it ellie can’t help but laugh and laugh and laugh. she can’t undo what happened but she can find a new perspective on it. there’s still wonder and magic in her world, even if she lost it for a moment.
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darksideoftheplanet · 3 years
Just thinking about how yawns are contagious and every time JJ yawned it probably makes Ellie yawn, which in turn makes Dina yawn, and then they all take a nap together.
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