I Only Work at the Speed of Dark
346 posts
Everyone has a dark side, even supposed golden heroes. Name's Dusk and I represent all those nasty things your Hero of Twilight tries to forget. I think I'll stay a while, maybe play around with all you hapless mortals. There's always something to do in the shadows. (Independent Dark Link RP blog. Good chance of being NSFW in the future and might get slightly scary. {Relationship Status: Single} {Current M!A: None})
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
darknessmaster · 12 years ago
Permanent Leave
Unfortunately, I was not able to play as Dusk as long as I would have liked. Tragic circumstances have made it so that I have to stop role playing completely, and though I will not delete this blog, I will no longer be able to hold onto this muse. I thank all of you who have made me feel so welcome and I did have a wonderful time while I was here.
A dear friend of mine has offered to adopt Dusk because it would be a shame if he were to disappear forever, and I will see about posting the new url she has for him if any of you are interested. If you see his information reblogged and on a new account, this is due to that reason and has been given full permission by me.
Thank you all for the time you have given me and I hope you all fair well. Goodbye.
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darknessmaster · 12 years ago
"Oh I got a lot questions you haven't gotten around to hearing yet." Dusk crossed his arms and leaned against the door a few feet away from Marus. the guy was obviously still ticked they had been interrupted. Dusk figured it must have been some kind of nightmare pride thing if that kind of stuff existed for them. This whole concept was new to him so he could not be sure what was even up or right anymore.
"I'll admit, you got me curious. Didn't think nightmares had bodies of their own, or people to control em for that matter. Thought they were just some bad thoughts haunting people at night. But here you are." And yeah okay Dusk was still disappointed that he had not gotten a full taste of what the guy could do. He would have to settle for imagining. "This pretty wants to know it all." He winked. "Care to give me a story since I didn't get my bad dream?"
The Nightmare
Marus closed his eyes for a moment. “And what questions were not answered?” He asked, shutting the door once more and leaning against it. His mood did die down though. He didn’t like not finishing a nightmare he was giving someone. But then again he also didn’t want to re do it. It took too much energy and he was tired but tried not to show it. 
His arms crossed over his chest as he tilted his head to the side a bit. “I did what you came here for. Not really anything we both planned… but you did get to know what I was. So what other questions are there? Isn’t the rest of it a bit obvious pretty boy?” 
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darknessmaster · 12 years ago
"Could do without white myself." Grey he could do if he had too as long as people didn't mix it up with silver. His hair was not grey thank people very much. "Don't know about delightful but they're a hell of a,lot better than those neon brights people wear all the time." Anyone who wore bright yellow was asking to be shot with something.
"But enough about colors. Didn't come here to talk about my wardrobe." He smirked. "Bliss, huh? Nice name. Think I might break some rules and start to like you." He would have to hear her when her mouth went off to know for sure. "Like I said, I come from a place called Hyrule. Was made over a hundred years ago to kill a golden hero. Didn't happen, but my 'dad' kicked the bucket before I got to see how he'd flip his lid. Now I go wherever I damn well please."
"Of course. Black, white, and a bit of grey are such delightful colors~" Bliss remember the bright, rich colors her sister wore yesterday and shivered. Light blue and cotton candy pink striped tank tops made her want to kill herself. Such wretched colors...  
"My name is Bliss, the Shadow. Back at ya," she said, still smiling, "So, may I know your origins and such?"
Never in her life has she been so fascinated by someone like him.
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darknessmaster · 12 years ago
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The Death Rose (Rosa calvaria) is a rare and mysterious plant species. Beautiful when blooming, the buds form skull like faces when wilting.
Biologists still don’t understand how the Death Rose forms these shocking designs as they are impossible to grow in lab experiments.
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darknessmaster · 12 years ago
Dusk winked back. "Apparently black's always in fashion." Not that he cared about what people said everyone should wear. It was just his luck that no one could ever say anything about black. Or white but whoever wore white all the time was insane because that shit was hard to keep clean.
"Name's Dusk, resident shadow of Hyrule. Who do I have the extreme pleasure of talking to?"
A strip of light pink appeared across her cheeks and the bridge of her nose, unexpectedly. "Why thank you."
She rested her chin on top of her folded hands. "So, tell me about yourself. Also, I like your taste in fashion." she purred, giving him a playful wink. 
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darknessmaster · 12 years ago
"Been known to enjoy a good bloody mary. Especially when the weather's terrible." Rain always brought the idiots out into the open. Dusk did not know what made these morons think they were Zeus enough to control the weather but whatever. That meant there was more food for him.
"Nice to be welcomed." Dusk said with a smirk. "Like those fangs, by the way."
darknessmaster heart beats~
Bliss blinked at the Dark Link. “So, you’re as bloodthirsty as demons, huh? Interesting.” she purred.
Smiling, she leaned forward and bared her sharp teeth, grinning. “Well, I welcome you anytime.” 
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darknessmaster · 12 years ago
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darknessmaster · 12 years ago
Dirges changed depending on what you played them on. Dusk guessed that was true for every song but not how he meant it. Playing on the bones of a dead something made dirges sound sadder. His ocarina was different and he guessed a lot more morbid than usual but he liked it. Yeah it was made of the bones of something that was long gone but that meant it knew life and loss. What more perfect way to play a dirge?
Not that anyone in the old cemetery could even hear him. The dead did not make a good audience let him tell you. Not even a single clap for his troubles when he had come to visit. Granted he only came to make sure that latest accident was buried twenty feet underground but no one had to know that anyway. Far as people were concerned he was doing a good Samaritan type deal. They could mind their own business anyway because who even asked for their opinion?
"I'm not too bad at this." Dusk said from his spot on the tombstone after he had finished his sad song. "I mean, I knew I wouldn't be, but it's good to know I was right, eh," He looked down to the name on the stone. "Wendy?" He went back to playing.
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darknessmaster · 12 years ago
Dusk nipped at her ear just to be a brat. Hey people already thought he was acting like a kid right? "Whatever."
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darknessmaster · 12 years ago
Dusk waited until he was sure she was gone. He wiped at his cheek as though it had caught some kind of weird disease and scowled. "Girls are so freaking weird!"
darknessmaster said: Your ‘little shadow’? The hell are you even on right now?
Nikki skipped after him.  ”Quit being such a downer.”  She caught up to him, placing a quick peck on his cheek.  ”Just let me be nice to you for once.”
*poof.  anon’s magic has worn off*
She stopped dead in her tracks, scowling.  ”Stupid grey face.”  She mumbled.  She turned to Dusk, still scowling.  ”This never happened, and if you tell anyone I will deny it until the end of time.”
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darknessmaster · 12 years ago
This was gonna be a long night. Dusk still had not gotten to see every inch of the place like he wanted to and now he was gonna have to sleep a bit to get these guys to think he was nothing to worry about. If he made too big a deal outta napping they would kick him out before he could figure the place out. Least the kid was finally looking at him in the eye. Still wouldn't stop fidgeting but Dusk would take what he could get. He could not get another guide without looking weird and now he had to play things cool if he wanted to get anywhere.
So he smiled easily. The kid would take it as comforting he guessed. Maybe it would just make him think Dusk was not angry with him. Whatever. It would show some kind of friendliness to get him to drop some more of his guard. "S' not annoying. I get it. Hey, it's a smart way to be. Plenty of creeps and weirdos out there you gotta watch out for." He would know considering he was one of them. "I'll tell you all about shadows once I get some sleep. We're kind of pretty cool once you get over the fact that some of us have bodies of our own." He went over to the bed and plopped down on it. Dusk kicked off his boots. "Night!"
The Bakeneko
Blair nodded. “Alright.” He stated softly, about to leave until the other asked the next question. He looked at him for a moment. He looked to the ground, letting Dusk finish speaking. He lifted his head up once more and finally, for the first time made eye contact with him. 
“It’s not you, Dusk.” He replied, shifting to put his weight on his other foot. “I’m just like this around people I just met. I’m wary of them and stuff. It’s nothing personal or anything. I just haven’t had that great of a past.” Well when he was still a regular house cat he did until he turned to be a Bakeneko and that’s where all of it began and he was traumatized since. “I’m sorry if it’s annoying….” He paused for a moment, Dusk’s words sinking in. “A shadow? I don’t think that has really anything to do with it.. It’s just.. what happened back then I never really fully gotten over it…” He shrugged. “I’ll try and do better. You should get some sleep… And then.. you can tell me what.. A Shadow is.. I mean you look solid.. and you were solid when I landed on you.. so… yeah..” He wasn’t that good at knowing what some creature are. He didn’t even know what a Hellhound was until Blaze explained it to him. 
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darknessmaster · 12 years ago
Dusk stared after the girl for a while. "She's weird as hell." Dusk walked on home. All this over a stupid nickname.
Siya giggled, getting off of him and helping him up. “Nothing~ I’m sorry~” Her cheeky smile didn’t.leave. She helped brushing the dirt off him. “Well, have a good night, Dusk~!” She said cheerfully, skipping back to her home.
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darknessmaster · 12 years ago
"I prefer to think of myself as not stuffy. And reasonably curious thank you very much.
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darknessmaster · 12 years ago
Dusk grunted when he felt someone practically tackle him from behind. The girl had some strength to her. Why she was using it for a hug was a big old mystery he did not have time for. Like he had said a million times before girls were just plain weird. "Sorry for what? Trying to get me down into the dirt? What's with the body hurling?"
She blinked a couple of times before rubbing her forehead. Her smile of happiness returned to her, she thought he didn't hate her. "Dusk!" She called out to him before tackling him from behind, giving him a hug. "I'm sorry, Duskie!".She whined.
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darknessmaster · 12 years ago
"Still kinda creepy. People can be just minding their own business, doing whatever they want in private, and here comes Mr. Oak being a peeping Tom. Then you gotta worry about them telling the head honcho what you've been up to." Dusk shivered at the idea. "No thank you. Glad to hear we'll be leaving soon...we'll be leaving soon, right? This won't take long, yeah?"
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darknessmaster · 12 years ago
Girls were so weird. "Thanks?" She wanted to get the door for him? How stupid did she think he was? Well this was going to get awkward fast. What did she expect him to do? He was not saying sorry for anything. He was not the consoling type either. Frankly he thought she was acting dumb. "Oi." He picked up her chin and then flicked her on the forehead. "Stop being stupid." He did not get what she was so sad about. So he was walking away. Big deal. The way she looked you would have thought he was dying. "I'm going home, not to jump off a bridge. Now move." He moved her out of his way.
She was internally screaming on the inside, she didn't know what to do. She hated this guilty feeling inside her, even though she didn't hurt him. She quickly got infront of him and opened the door for him, hanging her head low. "Just wanted to get the door for you...~" She smiled a bit, hiding her sadness and regret. "Have a nice trip~" She tried to say in a cheerful voice but it was a bit scratchy.
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darknessmaster · 12 years ago
"I don't care if you wanna be around me. Point is I want you to stay far away from me." This grey guy was going to pay for this. It was all too weird for him. "I can tell you right now that you ain't gonna have any fun at my expense." Dusk began walking away. "Go find some other boy toy to play with. Preferably one that doesn't live within my space."
darknessmaster said: Your ‘little shadow’? The hell are you even on right now?
“Fine.”  Nikki huffed and crossed her arms.  ”You don’t have to be so mean the one time I actually want to be around you.”  She looked the boy up and down, knowing he probably did get a decent amount of attention.  ”You just can’t let me have any fun can you?”
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