darklingdragon · 4 years
hit and fun
          either tension or her own realization brings the girl over, and keen comprehension beyond her years sets into a youthful face, gleaming in eyes like the heart of violet spinel from the southern mountains of the bloodstone belt back home. he doesn’t think much of it at the moment, but turns an equally severe look on the cheating vendor whose disdain grows as he looks from, it seems, one righteous child to another. ❝ return it to…? pff, kids thieving from honest folk now? you don’t like the prize, you ought to run along. first your friend here damaged my goods, then you cheat the rules and accuse me. ❞
          something goes red-blind inside him at the witness, almost unable to believe it. is this man just stupid enough to think he’s not in the wrong, or has he conned so many that he’s perfected his victim act? posture straightens; shoulders broaden as he takes another step forward; though the conman surpasses him in years, he stands shorter and slighter than the boy-king even without his armor. ❝ i saw how you run this game, sir, and it’s anything but honest. you should be ashamed. ❞
          but the man only scorns him with a laugh, showing no sign of remorse or even shame, and leif can’t imagine how someone who knowingly deceives children can look at him with such pitying contempt. ❝ you don’t like the game, don’t play. we adults have a business to run. now, it doesn’t look good to demand compensation from children; kids will be kids, after all. so i’ll let the property damage kindly slide. unless you want me to call the guards? ❞
The obstinate nature of the man causes the dragon to grind her teeth, hands balling up into fists, taking another frustrated step forward. She opens her mouth to say something, but it seemed as if her movement activated some form of fear within the conman. He takes a step back.
“No, wait, I-” Myrrh stumbles over her words, holding up the hand that wasn’t (still) gripping the stick as if to pacify. But there was a sharp call for the guards from him and she stumbled back in surprise. In her surprise, she bumped the other student who had come to try and help her. 
She looks up at him apologetically. “...Sorry... I got you into some trouble with my silliness...” 
Part of her wanted to say ‘I’ll cover for you, go and run away!’ but at this point it seemed that they had gotten themselves too deep into it to just simply leave. Maybe they could fight all the guard? (Myrrh was positive she could with the help of her dragonstone but that was opening a whole new can.) Perhaps a diplomatic approach of explaining might be best to not get them kicked out. 
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darklingdragon · 4 years
filling in the blanks of what was left behind
Sacred Stones takes place in the Magvel calendar year of 802. Myrrh is older than that, and Morva more than her. What are they exactly and where did they come from? What happened?
Thoughts on dragons, Fomortiis, and the ancient history of Magvel. 
for starters, I’d like to talk about the what and the why. Exactly what are the dragons in Magvel? We see that the term manakete certainly exists (Eirika uses it) and seems to be known but it’s never really used, and given Dara’s reaction to it being used, it could be assumed that Myrrh and Morva at least don’t really use it or care enough. If you’ve noticed while writing her, I don’t use the term manakete at all when describing Myrrh, only dragon. This is mostly semantics though, since that’s how she sees herself.
It also makes you wonder when Myrrh sealed herself in the dragonstone. She is really young - are they something inheritable? During the story it is also mentioned that there are only two dragonstones known to exist. Did Morva take it from one of the (multiple) dead manakete for her? Do they crumble when their owner dies? What happened to his? We know that he turned back into a dragon once zombified so perhaps he didn’t even have one since he was literally with the villains at the time. There’s also the issue of her dragonstone being a bit different from others but I’ll chalk that up to Magvel’s aesthetics just being like that since there isn’t any sort of canon connections for me to draw there.
One of the biggest why questions is: why are Morva and Myrrh so in tune with Fomortiis and the monsters, as well as each other? He not a dragon and is indeed a demon. As to this extent I want to talk about that Myrrh says:
We have the power of dragons; therefore, we cannot live together with humans... We have the hearts of humans; therefore, we do not belong with monsters. We are outcasts in this world, never a part of either community. And so we live our lives alone, never to be understood by anyone.
There are a lot of ways to talk about what this could mean. It very much could apply to manakete as a whole but given that she doesn’t really know about any others to draw this conclusion from, as well as the general discomforting nature of what magic connected to the Demon King can do (see: Monica) I think it’s more than that. 
In her mind there are only two places to belong: with humans and with monsters. If they are somewhere between both human and monster, then that would mean there is a connection between the dragonfolk in Magvel and Fomortiis himself, which is encouraged by them being able to check his vibes from the other side of the continent. This is especially poignant when Myrrh starts crying when Morva is murdered. Most likely it is the magic rather than anything else, since they live where the body is.
While I’m not saying necessarily that they were created by him or were once part of him, but there is a connection there that seems unable to be severed - the source of their powers coming from the same place is the most likely explanation I can offer.. For all intents and purposes here, the dragons on Magvel are part monster and I don’t want use the term Dark Dragon, though the name fits fits, since that already exists and Medeus is a whole different league completely. Demon Dragon also exists and that is also something very specific that doesn’t match. 
Granted, I think that wherever the connection comes from, it can make the dragons incredibly quick to anger and Myrrh herself struggles with what is okay and what isn’t okay.
But where did he and the dragons come from exactly? There are three things that we know 1) humans existed and were almost wiped out, 2) there was a tribe of dragonfolk that Morva, and presumably Myrrh and her parents were part of, and 3) according to legend, the Sacred Stones did not exist prior to humanity’s plea for help.
We know that manakete seems to be at least a somewhat known term, and also that their involvement in the defeat of Fomortiis was scrubbed. We also know that Magvel seems to have multiple gods and Morva and Myrrh, as the Great Dragons, are worshipped as some sort of deified beings (to her chagrin). There is probably some sort of connection there, but I think it’s not really my place to make that one. However, being scrubbed from history might have been an active choice not out of malice, but Morva might even have asked the the five heroes not to mention it, or something similar to that. The folks in Caer Pelyn seemed pressed about it, but the two dragons do not. 
Now, where did they all go? We know that Myrrh’s parents were killed, so it is probably safe to guess that a lot of other dragons were as well. This is probably one of the reasons why Morva adopted her - a sense of guilt. She knows what happened and is acutely aware of that. Do I think that every single one of them was wiped out? No, the existence of draco zombies that aren’t Morva imply this. Does Myrrh think this? Yes, she believes she is the last remaining of them in Magvel and feels pressure due to this. 
There was probably only one kind of dragon on Magvel, and they all lived together. Probably not necessarily in a big society or kingdom, but close enough where they were easy enough to rally together against the monsters. Myrrh was young so her memory of the time is spotty, however, Morva taught her about some things and how he lived in general, and she keeps this information close to heart.
The Black Temple itself, while once being home to the corpse of Fomortiis’, also functions as a sort of historical reminder and note. It is inscribed with the tale of his sealing and the five heroes, as well as other information about magic, all written in the ancient language; she understands both ancient tongue and common speech.  
This all leads to several things about Myrrh that culminate in one very upset little dragon:
-She feels immense pressure to do good. Not only does she feel the weight of being alone as she perceives all her tribesmen as dead, she believes that, as the now only Great Dragon, she must protect humanity as her father did.
-She knows that there is a sort of connection between the Demon King and herself and feels guilty about that. She also feels guilty for killing her dad(’s corpse) and not being able to do anything about him and the other draco zombies.
-Dark magic terrifies her. She believes that by learning it anyone will end up down the same path of destruction and/or lose themselves. It is also the only kind of magic she can learn. 
-She makes careful notes of who she knows and what they did, so that tales of the war won’t ever forget anyone again. 
-Her wings are almost never out. There is no evidence that the dragonfolk in Magvel have pointed ears that reveal their heritage, so she always hides her wings so she can “blend in” due to being rightfully afraid. How she can do this I just chalk up to dragon magic bullshit and move on.
-Degeneration is not something she knows about nor what it is. It’s also probably for the best that anyone who does doesn’t tell her. Though personally, I like to believe that all the dragons in Magvel die by turning into draco zombies, Myrrh included. Dunno how it would happen, but it certainly seems fitting imo.
Now for some things that are not specific to Magvel and just sort of general “what does being a dragon mean for my physical wellbeing” stuff. She’s actually really strong, being a dragon and all, but doesn’t realize that due to her sort of small stature so sometimes things will break or get smashed accidentally without realization. 
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darklingdragon · 4 years
seas the day
“Aid in hand eye coordination? I suppose it would thought there’s likely better alternatives.” Morgan responded. The plank was big and likely not much of a help. If anything having a paddle, ball, and string would be more helpful in just balance and hand eye coordination. Not to mention strength control if she had to learn that. 
“Oh! My father used to give me tactical war scenarios when I was little to help distract me too! I’d take a few hours to devise a plan and bam he’d be able to do a lot more work than if I was bugging him. Honestly a very smart tactic. I completely understand!” Morgan responded with an understanding nod.
“Anyways, I wish you luck with that! I’m sure I’ll see you around the monastery. Oh, name’s Morgan by the by.” 
“Yeah, you get it! It’s so funny that that happens so often,” she laughed. 
“Okay, Morgan, names Myrrh. I hope to see you around, alright?”
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darklingdragon · 4 years
spice of life || myrrh&ewan
Ewan watched impatiently (albeit not without excitement and anticipation both) as Myrrh weighed their options. T’was a bold strategy she employed then, closing her eyes…!
Except… she’d gone for…
The mage blanched slightly at the sight. This particular spice, he recognized. Gulping, he observed with no small trepidation, wanting to cheer her on and yet half feeling guilty ahead of time, because he also really wanted to see the look on her face…
Her expression was at once both hilarious and yet a punch to the gut. If it were one of the boys from back home in Jehanna’s back alleys, he’d have burst into a fit of laughing, but on timid little Myrrh… It seemed… almost too much.
“Ah! Here,” he reached for the jug conveniently set on the spice table before them, pouring them both a glass - one he handed gently to Myrrh, and the other he kept for himself. Preemptive measures, n’ all. He patted her gently on the shoulder. “I won’t leave you to suffer alone, okay!” Fired up, he turned to face his fate, taking himself a heaping spoonful - he could do this, he could do this, he’d done this before, he could do this…! - and oop, in it went…
“…Gyahhhh!! It’s more terrible than I remember! Wahahaha!” Between his pained wheezes and laughter, it was hard to tell whether he was enjoying himself. Finally, unable to handle it anymore, he downed his own glass. Whew… “Definitely makes you feel alive, huh?” he gasped, catching his breath with a giggle or two. Not one to stay down for long though, he was back to grinning in no time. “Whatcha think so far? Wanna try any more? Or wanna learn about ‘em instead?”
Hands fumble for the glass, tears half blinding her vision. She takes a drink graciously, but seems disappointed that it doesn’t seem to do much. Instead Myrrh balls up her sleeve and wipes her eyes with it. Whoever decided that food could make someone cry like this deserved a disappointed finger wagging.
She cleared her eyes just in time to see her friend fall onto the same fate. She frowned at first, but her shoulders seemed to relax when she realized he was laughing through the pain. If she ate more would she be able to do that too....?
“Umm...” After a pause to take another sip, Myrrh lifted her fists eagerly. “Let’s do one more...! Can’t quit now! Oh, but... you should probably pick this one...”
Never again would she turn away something that didn’t look good (in fact, the tasteless gruel her father made sounded pretty good right about now). But...! She was a dragon that could breath fire of all things. If a bit of hot food sent her back to her room, what was she? She was up for the challenge. (Maybe. Probably.) 
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darklingdragon · 4 years
Battle Theme: aquarian age
Battle Intro: “An aerial battle is a bit of a frightening concept...”
Victory: “You’ve not done anything wrong, I’m sorry...”
Defeat: “...I’m really sorry.”
Taunt: “...Is this all there is to a bond between a rider and steed?”
Reacting to Taunt: “Well that’s not very princess-like of you, is it?”
Tie: “...Please don’t think any lesser of me.”
Perfect Victory: “You deserve so much more...”
Final Finisher: “It can’t be helped.”
Assist: “You have my full support, Tana!”
Your Muse Down During Assist: “...What a way to treat two ladies.”
Using Item on Your Muse: “I’m not sure if I’m doing this right...”
Healing/Buffing Your Muse: “Please, do your best!”
Tag-Team Special: “There is much more than damsels here...!”
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darklingdragon · 4 years
hit and fun
          this is what the cities and towns of a thriving continent should be. it seems like regardless of history, every place he’s traveled had its own way of celebrating new beginnings. the start of the year here with the fresh winds of spring brought crowds and their bright energy to the streets of garreg mach, color in motion and optimism. this is what things could begin to look like back home, given some time and some hope, as people dared to brave beyond their doorsteps again and bring their smiles under the sunlight. the atmosphere is infectious, enough to make any disturbance to the vivacity seem particularly offensive.
          in hindsight, he might hope to blame the intensity of his reaction on that, and not the struck nerve upon witnessing the exploitation of someone so young.
          festival chaos conceals his approach enough that the conman doesn’t hear, though in his fiery stride, leif hadn’t intended stealth. as the man prepares to yank the pinata out of reach again, without warning the twine snaps and the pinata drops even lower than before, an easy target for the girl’s next swing.
          ❝ you’d sink so low as to prey on a child? ❞
          the startled swindler looks from accusatory stare to the sword in hand that had severed the string, taking an instinctive step back. ❝ are you crazy? that’s damaged property, you know. i’d have you reported for that! ❞
Ears and eyes had grown accustomed to shutting out the world. They do so here, the noises of celebration a whimpering buzz in the background of focus. It isn’t until a stray swing in which her hand grazes past the pinata. It was an inclination that something wasn’t right and she lifts the blindfold in nervous curiosity. 
Realization sets in slow and her grip tightens on the stick in frustration - how could she let herself be so foolish? She’s supposed to know. Myrrh takes takes a few steps towards the other student and the conman, but the moment a sound leaves her mouth he gives her a nasty look and it immediately snaps shut, causing her to take a step back. 
If only Ephraim were here... he would know what to do. But... he wasn’t here. He’d want her to be able to be okay without him (because he wouldn’t be around forever, she knew). 
With another sidelong glance at the other student, Myrrh frowns. He must be so nice to stand up for someone he didn’t even know for no reason.And over a silly game too... Mustering up whatever remained of her confidence, she marched back up to the conman, nervous grip white-knuckled on the stick; any more and it might break.
“My gold... return it to me.”
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darklingdragon · 4 years
⚔ aaaaaaaaaa
battle quotes || still accepting \o/
Battle Theme: the man who made a monster
Battle Intro: “Um... I don’t really want to have to do this but I can’t run away now!”
Victory: “Sorry, I can’t be nice to you just ‘cause we’re friends...”
Defeat: “...I’m sorry..”
Taunt: “Heheh... I get it now, this is kinda fun, after all.”
Reacting to Taunt: “...! No hard feelings in combat...”
Tie: “If nobody wins, then...”
Perfect Victory: “...I’m sorry, Ewan. The magic you’re learning is too frightening, I had to do something about it.”
Final Finisher: “...I cannot ask for forgiveness anymore.”
Assist: “...The Great Dragon is here to help!”
Your Muse Down During Assist: “Eugh... This is unfair...”
Using Item on Your Muse: “I hope this is useful to you!”
Healing/Buffing Your Muse: “Aaaah, you can do it, Ewan!”
Tag-Team Special: “If Saleh puts faith in you, then so can I! Let’s go...!”
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darklingdragon · 4 years
seal of approval
          Myrrh’s awe and curiosity was difficult not to grin at. Sumia hoped she didn’t come off patronizing, but the girl was just so… cute! Given that, it went without saying how listening to her speak of a home in the woods all alone was a touch concerning. It would explain why she seemed so sheltered, but… still. She had parents with her, right? Someone to watch out for her? Companionship, at least. Sumia wanted to ask, but the question didn’t seem appropriate. Many of the students had interesting home lives, along with a right to privacy.
          “Mermaid,” Sumia said. Goodness… If only teaching was always this easy. How many times did she freeze in front of her students, the words escaping from her head like dust in the wind? On the other hand, Myrrh was easy to talk to. Sumia must’ve read hundreds of picture books, and if smarts were measured in how much fantasy lore one could recall, she would be a genius. 
          “They’re half human, half fish. The bottom half is the fish part.” She looked out at the seal again. Hm… wasn’t there another story like that? “You know, there’s a legend about seals, too. It has to do with magical beings who live in the ocean named selkie. They take the form of seals, but can shed their skin and come to land…” A dreamy look clouded over Sumia’s eyes. “They say that they’re very beautiful… but once they find their skin again, they return to the ocean, leaving the humans who loved them yearning forever.”
          A glance in Myrrh’s direction. Sumia’s voice lowered and took on the wispy quality of a story-teller speaking of tragic tales and beautiful heartbreak. She could only keep the act up for so long, though. Sumia finally giggled then patted Myrrh on the shoulder.
          “What do you think? Are we in the presence of a selkie right now?”
“Mermaid...” She confirmed, nodding. Myrrh had liked the name quite a bit when she first came across it. When said outloud - it sounded just like her own name! That was cool. She continued listening, eyes sparkling with interest at the stories. She liked listening to Sumia talk... she was so nice!
A selkie... that story struck particularly close. Maybe she would look it if they ever were able to return home. She glanced at Sumia’s hand and then back out to the seal. “Perhaps... maybe our new friend misses the friend they made while on the land. If it were me, I think I would, even if I was in a place I belonged.”
Her hand went up to her cheek as she thought. She herself was a sort of mystical creature of legend, but even then Myrrh couldn’t help but wonder what was based on fact and what was the imaginations of the creators of stories. She liked to recount her own tales in story form but how much of the truth was actually there, she wondered.
“Hey Miss Sumia? If people like to put coins into fountains for their wishes to come true, if I put one in the ocean, would it be like a super wish? That would be r-really cool, I think. Even if it sounds silly” She laughed slightly.
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darklingdragon · 4 years
Send ⚔ for Battle Quotes VS. Your Muse
Battle Theme:
Battle Intro:
Reacting to Taunt:
Perfect Victory:
Final Finisher:
Your Muse Down During Assist:
Using Item on Your Muse:
Healing/Buffing Your Muse:
Tag-Team Special:
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darklingdragon · 4 years
hit and fun
“Hey there kiddo, wanna give it a try?”
The voice surprised Myrrh a bit - she wasn’t really used to being addressed as a child still, and her wariness of strangers had yet to wane. And still yet, her curiosity got the better of her. The bright colours of the pinata were enticing to her and she hesitated for a moment.
After listening to the explanation - she’d have to break a certain amount in a set time to get a special prize! - she fished around in her pouch for a coin. The man took it with an empty smile and helped her to tie the blindfold and the stick in her hands felt just as powerful as any sword now that she couldn’t see it. 
But in her withdrawn innocence, she didn’t really understand that not everyone would be doing things out of the goodness of her heart. The man who was running the game pulled the string so the pinata was just out of her reach and she ran around in circles violently and excitedly swinging the stick, waiting for it find impact with the bright colored streamers so she could move on to the next one and win a grand prize.
Of course, that didn’t seem like it was going to happen, as the first obstacle was firmly above her head in a place just out of reach.  
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darklingdragon · 4 years
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darklingdragon · 4 years
seas the day
“Is that so?” Morgan asked looking at the board. Was this hockey? No…. volley ball? No…. probably ball surfing? Or did you surf and play volley ball? That would be wild! She couldn’t quite figure out what the dragon woman was practicing in terms of these sports thought. In all honest Morgan barely knew what a sport was, until her father challenged her to use them as strategy practice. Then she selectively remembered.
“Exactly! I should also learn about this board ball sport that you are practicing. I can’t say I know much about sports in general, but I’ve never heard of a ball sport with boards.” Morgan responded curiously.
“Are you playing volley ball while surfing?”
“Oh! Um, it’s nothing like that, really....” She frowned slightly. She didn’t even know what half of those things were, really. Later on, Myrrh would have to find Ewan and ask about it, she was certain he would know. It wasn’t even something that had a point system, she figured.
“My dad taught me to do it so I could get better at concentration and balance...” She took the ball and bounced it a few times before it fell again. “Like that but... less bad. He said it would help with, um.... what was the term... ‘hand and eye coordination’. I guess it’s like training, in a way.”
She frowned at the ball as if it were some sort of challenge to be overcome before simply shaking her head. “...I think he might have just asked me to do it to distract me when I was really little though... It’s still fun anyways! I try to get it to go longer each time by trying to time each bounce.”
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darklingdragon · 4 years
🍒 : how much does my muse value companionship? do they constantly keep people around them, or do they prefer to be alone often? do they have or desire to have many friends? do they see every meeting as an opportunity to make a new friend?
fruit hcs!
Companionship is the main drive in Myrrh’s life at this stage. But it also is something she is afraid of. Her constant companion was her father for such a long time, so she feels uncomfortable if there isn’t always someone by her side (she will not admit this, you didn’t hear this from me). She’s generally a bit nervous around folks, but it’s because she fears coming off as annoying.
This is why she is so quick to attach herself to people like Ephraim and even Dozla. They expressed interest in talking to and helping her for who she is as a person and clings to that sense of companionship since she fears that she won’t be able to find it elsewhere ever since Morva was murdered. (The trauma of having to kill his corpse has also affected her, and she fears that she may have to do that to someone else she cares about.)
While her aging is a result of being a dragon, I think both things weigh differently on how she seeks friendship from others. Though it isn’t something that has happened, being isolated for a long time, she is very well aware that even the closest of her friends will pass away in something that is only a blink in her lifespan, and it absolutely terrifies her of having to experience more loss than necessary. 
I don’t want to get into the Magvel dragon meta I’ve been cooking up on this too much, but Myrrh mentioning that she is neither fully human nor fully dragon and thus feels as if she doesn’t belong also weighs heavily on her mind while (trying to) befriend others. She isn’t necessarily worried that someone might attack her if they knew, but rather the other person she’s friends with. There isn’t a place she feels she can turn to for what she’s looking for (since the only person she knew she could rely on is dead).
It’s not really a case of whether or not she desires companionship, because she absolutely does, but Myrrh feels as if she doesn’t deserve it and will hurt someone if she does, or that she’ll just let them down because she isn’t what they thought. 
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darklingdragon · 4 years
🍏 : how stable is my muse’s physical health? do they go for regular or semi-regular checkups by a physician? do they have any diagnosed illnesses and / or take any medication? how often do they get sick?
fruit hcs!
She probably could be... a little bit healthier. Her lifestyle was a bit sedentary for a long time, and I have trouble imagining she really ran around and did exercise. So her physical build and care would probably less sturdy or resilient than most of any of her peers, since she didn’t travel a lot or train.
That would be if not for her dragon genes making her stronger and sturdier than she should be (and she doesn’t really realize that either, to her detriment). That helps prevent her from getting sick and keeps her energy and spirits up when doing things. There’s also the fact that she could simply just fly somewhere instead of walking.
Having said that, she is also the type to completely neglect her physical health unwillingly. Like, the kind of person to stand out in a freezing day with snow and then the next day not completely understand why she got sick. It doesn’t happen too often though, thankfully because nobody wants to be on the other end of a dragons sneeze.
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darklingdragon · 4 years
fruit hcs!
what kind of diet does my muse have?  do they eat regularly,  or the standard 2-3 meals a day?  do they have to be reminded to eat,  or are they likely to remind others?  do they cook,  or have others cook for them?  do they eat healthily,  or not so much?  
An important thing about Myrrh is that she looks quite slender, but it is not really from a fault of her own. She doesn’t know better that with being a dragon, she should eat more than a normal person, but her perspective of that is warped to what she sees around her. In the woods, she would just eat whenever and whatever Morva told her to, which wasn’t always super often and without a lot of variety.
Upon leaving, that only changed slightly. She would only eat what was in front of her, not having any idea of things like preferences. And she would eat when other people around her would eat. if Eirika and Ephraim were okay with it, why wouldn’t she be? 
If she spent more time in her dragon form she would probably realize something was off, but it otherwise doesn’t affect her human form so she doesn’t really think twice that she should be inhaling things at the speed of a vacuum to grow up big and strong. (Even if she already is very big. And quite strong.)
She doesn’t really know much about cooking properly, besides things like cooking meat to the point that its edible and what she enjoys and doesn’t enjoy. Other than that, it’s mostly a big question mark for her. Although, she really would like to try her hand at it. 
Myrrh isn’t really the type to be picky either, mostly due to not really caring. She’ll always be on time to eat, and usually not eat more than what she deems as her fair share. Even if she finds its something detestable there won’t be a noise of complaint raised. That being said. a plate of cookies will of course always be more welcomed than a plate of olives.
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darklingdragon · 4 years
🍇 : how would my muse describe their childhood? how much has it impacted the person they are now, or will become as an adult? around what age did they or will they start to mature, and why? do they wish to go back to their days as a child, or have they embraced adulthood?
fruit hcs!
I think an important thing to consider about Myrrh is that while she may be more grown as a human, but as a dragon she still is a child. I think that seriously colours how she perceives her childhood, and how other people might see it as well. She would tell someone that it was spent happily with her father while the two of them were practicing their duty to humanity. Internally, she knows just how lonely and sad it felt.
This, I think had instilled a certain mature understanding about the world in her. She still has a sort of childish lack of knowing when it comes to social things, how to read emotions (including her own) and general things about daily life. That awkward balance between the two coupled with the pressure of inheriting Morva’s position, she is stuck at a sort of crossroads.
In a way, she is a bit afraid of embracing the idea of being an adult because her childhood was basically the same thing for 800 years regardless. Similarly, she feels as if she moves on to a new stage in life, it would be like leaving everyone behind.
She just wants to learn how to have fun and enjoy herself before she doesn’t have that option anymore.
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darklingdragon · 4 years
seal of approval
          “It’s very adorable,” Sumia agreed. “Especially the eyes.” She smiled as she watched the seal float in the water. It was a rare treat to see one so close to the shore. And it wasn’t swimming away or anything! The animals here, wherever “here” was, must’ve been used to people. Her attention was pulled away when Myrrh spoke again. Sumia turned and examined the spiral seashell she held up. 
          “It probably did have something living in it, at one point. The creatures inside use the shells until they get too big for them… Then they move out.” Sumia took the shell and squinted into it with one eye. She couldn’t find any traces of anything inside it now. “Don’t worry, though. Someday something else might find it and make it its new home. It’s not going to waste.” Handing it back to Myrrh, Sumia regarded her thoughtfully. “There are lots of interesting things… Is this your first time at the beach?” 
          It would make a lot of sense. Sumia might’ve not visited the ocean often, but she had vacationed by the seaside once or twice. Plus, there were all those books she read! She wasn’t sure where to begin with showing her around, though she supposed the animals and fish were the most magical parts… As if to debate against being ignored, a loud splash sounded. Sumia glanced back at the water and saw the seal swim closer. It watched them for a moment… then made another splash with its flipper. 
          “…I think it wants attention!” Sumia said with a laugh.
“Whoaaa....” Myrrh clutched the shell once it was given back to her and rattled it slightly, also peeking inside of it, as if something would have appeared in the few seconds between when it left her hands. It was like a backpack, then... But hard. And only available sometimes when needed. So not really like a backpack at all.
“Um...” She tipped her head slightly at the question, frowning slightly. “I lived in the woods for a really, really long time but... one time I g-got to ride on these big ships because my friends and I couldn’t find a way around. Oh, but that isn’t quite the beach is it? ...It’s the ocean.”
There was a small pond in the woods she would sometimes go to, but it didn’t have much in the way for a beach. And nothing worth seeing could actually manage to survive there anyways besides some bugs. There were some seagulls that bothered them when they were on the ship, but they were everywhere, weren’t they? Seemed like it.
“Oh...!” She lifted her head from her very deep thoughts to look back at the seal and couldn’t help but grin at its antics. How cute. Myrrh lifted a hand and waved to it. 
“I saw this... this really cool picture book about the beach a long time ago, though! It was about... about, um... mer... It’s about a fish lady...? Um, the beach in it was just like this one though!” 
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