(( Indie Shieda Kayn RP Blog. Muse and Mun are 18+, Multiple Universes are present; Mostly Mainline with a Blood Moon AU and an Odyssey AU. Pixel Kayn in the sidebar is by Odeko-Yma on dA. Pay no attention to the fangirl behind the curtain. ))
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Reblog if your 18+
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Kayn pondered this for a second. “But does that work on ones that are trying to kill you and drag your body back to the Shadow Isles?” Kayn asked, smirking.
“You seem to have idea what humor is...how odd. Has Zed been slacking on teaching you actual social skills?” Rhaast’s telepathic ‘voice’ easily conveyed a sadistic smile without any sort of face.
Kayn stayed silent at Rhaast’s comment, but flicked the eye on the scythe regardless.

“how do you make a skeleton laugh? you tickle his funny bone.”
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Kayn wasn’t quite sure how he had gotten to this strange, grey place. One moment, Rhaast had been going on about something particularly unsettling, and the next, he was here. He looked over himself for any wounds, noting that all of the corruption from Rhaast had disappeared...along with Rhaast.
“...Uhoh...” he muttered to himself quietly, before he felt the hairs on the back of his neck prickle, and he turned around suddenly. “Who goes there?!” he demanded, fully aware he wasn’t as imposing as he’d hoped he would be, at least without any weapon.
#handspoken#this is an au. there are many ones like it but this one is the one I'm writing#Not revealing what's going on publicly just yet though
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//Back in Black? Back in Shadows is more accurate.
“Ahem...the rumors of my...untimely demise were greatly exaggerated.”
“You’re still a little bitch. I hope you know that, Kayn.”
“Keep your wisecracks to yourself, you’re the one who chose a scythe as a weapon.”
“So did you.”
“Only because you’re a super-powerful Darkin weapon! Why didn’t you pick a Katana or something?”
“Because I’m not a fucking weeb, Kayn!”
//Hey, I’m returned from the void. Feel free to message me.
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Kayn blinked slowly. “...I could have sworn you were a lesbian. Is something going on between you and your partner...?”
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❤️ !!!
Kayn was already confused. This just made him even MORE confused...and for once, it seems Rhaast had nothing to quip either.
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Kayn blushed, blinking.
...It appears he has no idea how to react to this.
“Oh great, you have a fangirl.” Rhaast grumbled. Kayn didn’t respond, for once.
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Send a ❤️ to kiss my muse. Send a 💙 for my muse to kiss yours.
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#breaking news: local edgelord really just wants to be happy#and be liked
//This is probably the most accurate tbh. Kayn just wants people to be nice to him and appreciate him as a person, but he’s going about it by trying to impress Zed, rather than make friends.
toolbalance replied to your post:
I dunno, I think at least one of those two would strongly benefit from at least one of those paths
The one in which he gets to be not a scythe
I’m pretty sure, like most people, lee disregards rhaast as a possibly alive thing cause it’s kinda creepy and they want kayn to win because having a crazy strong assassin beats having a literal darkin running about any day
also unlocking the scythe’s power may be beneficial in the long run, but really it’s not what kayn truly desires (which I BELIEVE is also teased in swain’s comment)
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Kayn shook his head. “I just haven’t seen a Demacian in a very long time.” he answered, though he neglected to mention that the last time he’d seen a Demacian was when they were toting prisoners through the streets in Noxus when he was only six or so.
“For the record, I don’t have any negative feelings for you, or your people...you don’t have to be worried about me attacking you.” Kayn added, hoping to put Lux more at ease.
Rhaast just blinked at Lux, narrowing his eye. “Kayn, I think she might be a mage. I can sense magic on her, at least...” He added after a bit, though only Kayn could hear him speak.
“Please, Rhaast. Demacia doesn’t have magic.” Kayn sighed, flicking the eye of the scythe with his free hand.
“Your death will be slow and painful!” Rhaast said angrily, his eye shedding a single reddish tear, still unable to be heard by Lux.
Kayn looked at Lux curiously, not saying anything, but "hmm"-ing pensively after a bit. Rhaast rolled his eye, but being a scythe, was unable to say anything aloud.
The mage rose a brow in return, looking down at herself then back up. Was there something wrong? “Has something caught your eye?” Lux asked, placing a hand on her hip. She didn’t seem phased by him staring, it wasn’t like she hasn’t had to tell people that staring was impolite.
She didn’t say anything else, hoping not to make a wrong decision and end up on the opposite end of the scythe.
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//Oops got tagged!! Not tagging anyone specifically but everyone is free to do this!
Name: Shieda Kayn
Nickname(s): The Shadow Reaper, Zed’s Prodigy, Asshole (by Rhaast), Twink (by Rhaast)
Age: 25
Morality: lawful / neutral / chaotic / good / grey / evil
Species: (Partially Darkin-Corrupted) Human
Sins: lust / greed / gluttony / sloth / pride / envy / wrath
Virtues: chastity / charity / diligence / humility / kindness / patience / justice
Primary goals in life: To Defeat Rhaast. To Inherit Leadership of the Order of Shadows and eventually surpass Zed. Eventually, find someone to surpass him, be they his own children or an unrelated prodigy.
Build: slender / scrawny / bony / fit / athletic / curvy / herculean / babyfat / pudgy / obese
Height: 5′9″
Weight: ~170 lbs. Don’t bother to ask though, he’ll never tell.
Scars/Birthmarks: A massive patch of Darkin Corruption... And an old scar on his lip, courtesy of the Noxian commander he was under when he was a child soldier. All of his other wounds were treated quickly enough not to scar.
Abilities/powers: Shadow Phasing / Intangibility (Inborn Talent, honed by training with Zed), General Weapon Mastery, Order of Shadows style Shadow Magic.
Favorite food: Anything Cold. Ice cream, if it exists, would be his favorite.
Favorite drink: Cool Water. He’s boring.
Favorite color(s): Blue
Favorite music genre: Modern Ionian takes on Old Ionian Favorites. He also likes Yasuo’s flute playing for some reason...
Favorite book genre: Spellbook
Favorite movie genre: Assuming modern AU, Horror, though only for figuring out how to trap and kill the monster in the movie.
Favorite season: The “pause” where everything is defrosting between winter and spring.
Favorite curse word(s): Fuck, Asshole (To Rhaast)
Favorite scent: Currently Cherry Blossoms, but he’s not terribly sure. Spoiler: It’ll change to his Love Interest if he gets one
Bottom or Top: Vers. More of a bottom than a top though.
Sings in the shower: No singing, but songs get stuck in his head a lot, and does hum nearly anywhere when he’s not being stealthy. And sometimes when he’s being stealthy, and about to pop out of a wall.
Likes bad puns: Maybe, if he’s in a good mood or it’s a particularly good or bad pun. Don’t half ass that shit, full ass it.
Reveal a Spoiler: My Kayn and his universe’s Yasuo are half siblings—Yasuo’s Biological Father traveled to Noxus before the war broke out, got with a local woman who he fancied, and left before he realized she was pregnant. This is why Kayn looks incredibly Ionian and has an Ionian Family Name—as his mother told Kayn his father’s last name before she died so he could hopefully find him.
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//Finally got back the email I use for this blog. Wassup peeps.
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//I’m back.
//I hate myself. I hate how addicting Maplestory 2 is more.
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//Update: Notepad++ is not working, the files are heavily encrypted.
//The world has been spared the Jhin Undertale mod...for now.
skydarkin replied to your post: //Does anyone know how to mod Jhin’s ultimate…
find him in the game files, there should be a script in his ultimate that plays a audio from another file in there
//sick, TY.
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skydarkin replied to your post: //Does anyone know how to mod Jhin’s ultimate...
find him in the game files, there should be a script in his ultimate that plays a audio from another file in there
//sick, TY.
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//Does anyone know how to mod Jhin’s ultimate music in League?
//I’m trying to do something stupid.
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