darkin-within · 5 years
//I hardly post on rhaast anymore and im thinking of making a new OC that i can just talk about lore as IC
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darkin-within · 5 years
''and you're ugly.''
"No you."
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darkin-within · 5 years
"Nah, i just wanted to remind you that you're a lil bitch."
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‘‘try looking somewhere ELSE for your wife.’‘
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darkin-within · 5 years
Inbox me (1) thing you want to know about me.
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darkin-within · 5 years
“Hmmm...yes I do suppose it makes me look a tad more imposing...” The darkin scratched at his chin, “Reminds me of flesh torn asunder. Truly miss Maggie you are wiser than you let on.”
“It’s strange though, in all my time here i’ve never once heard off these being used before as a sign of respect on a battlefield. Where did you hear of this from?”
Goes up to Maggie with the fleshlight she gave him tied to one of his horns. "Am i wearing this right?"
It takes all of her willpower to keep a straight face as she examines him.
“Yes. But might I offer another alternative?” She gets onto her tippie toes and slides the tube around one of his horns.
A slow squelch is heard as the clear siliconey device spreads to accomodate the width of the darkin’s horn.
“Yes… perfect.” She steps down and back to view the Darkin.
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darkin-within · 5 years
Imagine your icon eating a whole orange unpeeled in one bite
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darkin-within · 5 years
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by Dmitry “Tamplier Painter” Prozorov
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darkin-within · 5 years
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Ritterbrüder by Jakub Rozalski
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darkin-within · 5 years
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darkin-within · 5 years
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darkin-within · 5 years
The Earth is a very small stage in a vast cosmic arena. Think of the rivers of blood spilled by all those generals and emperors so that, in glory and triumph, they could become the momentary masters of a fraction of a dot.
Sagan (via antiquatedtimemachine)
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darkin-within · 5 years
New Luxanna rp account
Hi! Uh, I’m new to tumblr rp, like… BRAND new. I’m still finding things out, and hope to get a lot more comfortable here. I’ve been role playing for roughly 8 years now, and have recently found myself in the League universe.
I adore Luxanna more than anything, and really hope to do her justice ✨
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darkin-within · 5 years
"you say that as you bottom for your war god. damn."
“And how would you even know such a thing Kayn? Unless you simply find amusement meddling in my affairs like a child sticking his nose where it shouldn’t belong. I’ll have you know that nobody would ever find me in such a demeaning position, least of all with her.”
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darkin-within · 5 years
Rhaast rises with the morning sun, stretching with a yawn.
Its quite terrifying as his jaw dislocates much like a snakes before shifting back into place with a sickening crunch.
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darkin-within · 5 years
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The Twenty-ninth Spirit is Astaroth. He is a Mighty, Strong Duke, and appeareth in the Form of an hurtful Angel riding on an Infernal Beast like a Dragon, and carrying in his right hand a Viper. Thou must in no wise let him approach too near unto thee, lest he do thee damage.
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darkin-within · 5 years
Anger Headcanons
1. Does your muse have a short fuse, the patience of a saint, or somewhere in between?
2. Is there anything physical your muse does that indicates they are about to blow? ex: teeth grinding or clenching their hands into fists.
3. What is the quickest and best way to cool your muse down?
4. Has your muse ever gone into a blind rage and not remember the carnage that occurred?
5. What was the last thing your muse was angry about?
6. What is the easiest way to piss off your muse?
7. Any pet peeves?
8. How often does your muse get into fights because they lost it?
9. Would your muse hurt people they care about if they were angry?
10. Has your muse ever hurt themselves in anger?
11. Does your muse become impulsive or shut down when angry?
12. Write a drabble of one time your muse was angry.
13. Is there any time of the day they find themselves angrier then usual?
14. What are habits they have when they become angry?
15. Do they break their own things or others when they become angry?
16. Have they ever lost someone because they couldn’t control their temper?
17. Have they ever killed in anger?
18. Are they rational in their anger or get lost in the fury?
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darkin-within · 6 years
master and student dancing together …
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