darkgoateetyphoon · 2 years
How expensive are dental implants?
How expensive are dental implants?
A good tooth is not only a matter of appetite but also the quality of life. However, whether it is oral treatment or dental restoration, the high price is prohibitive.
A survey showed that 40.16% of the respondents would give up seeing their teeth due to price. Taking the current best method for repairing missing teeth "implanted teeth" as an example, the price of a tooth can easily cost tens of thousands of yuan, which makes many missing teeth shout "can't afford to plant", why is a tooth so expensive?
What is the reason for the high dental implant price?
The clinical development of implant technology requires a higher equipment environment, such as large-scale X-ray diagnostic equipment, clinical surgical equipment, mechanic equipment, surgical support equipment, and some unique and more expensive dental implant restoration materials required for production.
Secondly: Implant dentures are jointly completed by a team composed of specially trained implant surgeons, implant restoration doctors, implant technicians, and corresponding assistants, which requires a relatively large personnel cost.
Finally: Implant Denture Materials are strictly limited. The processing of dental implants is complex and requires extreme precision. At present, the world's famous implant systems, such as the American 3i implant system, have a variety of implants and accessories, which are used to meet the needs of different restoration designs, so the cost is very high.
1. What is the secret of the material?
Implants (artificial tooth roots) are made of special materials (pure titanium or titanium alloys), which have the best biocompatibility, no rejection with the human body, and can be tightly combined with the alveolar bone tissue and are durable.
The shape of the implant, the design of the thread, and the matching of the abutment have gradually evolved through long-term scientific research and clinical testing, and because of its small size, the requirements for the production process are extremely precise and strict.
In addition, almost all implants of various brands currently used in clinical applications are imported from abroad and must be registered and registered with the State Food and Drug Administration, and the implant materials themselves must comply with relevant national regulations.
Therefore, the cost of comprehensive material production, processing, marketing, and administrative costs in the circulation process will inevitably have a great impact on the cost of dental implants.
Shanghai hai new century dental has a complete quality assurance system and has passed the high-standard quality inspection of all partners. In order to open up the market and achieve mutual benefit, we will serve our customers wholeheartedly based on the business philosophy of "price, quality" and win-win "integrity, service". In line with the principle of "not competing for the price, but seeking quality", our company wholeheartedly provides high-quality products and sincere services for domestic and foreign users. Glass ionomer cement and zinc oxide eugenol cement products are registered and licensed by CFDA. Technological products such as wax chips, wax plates, wax strips, and separating agents have been developed successively, and innovative products such as Temporary crown models and new separating agents have been put on the market one after another.
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darkgoateetyphoon · 2 years
What is a temporary crown? Why do a temporary crown?
What is a temporary crown? Why do a temporary crown?
When using porcelain teeth or all-ceramic crowns, it is necessary to grind the teeth 360 degrees out of the thickness of the crown. Therefore, before wearing a formal crown, there is a transition period when the patient needs to wear a temporary crown because the Three roles are very important.
Protective Crown - Dental supplies
Whether you have a tooth with or without nerves, a temporary crown is needed to protect the tooth after preparation. For teeth with dental nerves, since the enamel has been ground, the dentin is exposed in the oral cavity. If a temporary crown is not used, the external cold, hot, sour, and sweet stimuli can easily be transmitted to the pulp cavity, resulting in tooth sensitivity and severe Bacteria can also enter the pulp cavity through small holes in the dentin, causing damage to the tooth nerve. For teeth without dental nerves, temporary crowns are also required to protect the fragile remaining teeth and avoid tooth splitting and breaking due to careless eating.
maintenance gap
The temporary crown also has a very important function, which is to maintain the gap between the various tooth surfaces of the tooth grinding. This gap is also the thickness of each surface of the future crown. Our teeth seem to be fixed all the time, but they are in motion every day. As part of the teeth are removed, the original balance is disturbed. It needs to establish a new balance point, and the gap between the teeth is gradually removed. It shrinks until it comes into full contact with the surrounding teeth and the opposing teeth, and a new balance is established.
Now the crown sleeves we make are all precision casting. If it is a little bit worse, it will not fit. The doctor needs to adjust the grinding. If the gap is narrowed, the finished crown sleeve will not fit, the edge is squeezed, and the bite is high. However, the adjustment of crown sleeves is limited. For example, if the porcelain crown is not suitable, the porcelain surface needs to be adjusted. If the porcelain is thin, it is easy to break the porcelain; if the metal crown is not suitable, the metal needs to be adjusted. It will leak, and it is impossible to grind more, so you have to grind the good teeth of the opposite jaw. If you grind the opposite teeth without restrictions in order to make the restoration fit properly, it will inevitably cause too much surface protection of the opposite teeth to be ground. , the teeth will become sensitive.
maintain good looks
Teeth are the face of the face. We can stay silent for an hour without opening our mouths, but it is impossible to stay silent for a day or a week, and it is not very convenient to cover up with a mask. After the teeth are ground down, the aesthetics of each tooth and the whole mouth will be greatly reduced
Many people choose crown restoration to a certain extent for the sake of aesthetics, and there is usually a window period of one to two weeks before the official completion of the treatment. This time is not short, so wearing temporary teeth will maintain the aesthetics. is also very necessary.
New Century Dental Materials specializes in multi-color synthetic resin teeth, denture base resin, and Dental Wax Blocks. Taking "professionalism, integrity, gratitude, and earnestness" as the company's code of conduct, taking the development of the dental business and improving the industry level as the responsibility, and devoting to the cultivation of the core competitiveness of the company, while strengthening the old products, the new Added dental resin, glass ionomer cement, zinc oxide eugenol cement and dental auxiliary materials, such as separating agent, grinding wheel and other high-quality products.
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darkgoateetyphoon · 2 years
Will dental implants be as durable as real teeth?(2)
Will dental implants be as durable as real teeth?(2)
6. Is there any discomfort during dental implant surgery?
Modern anesthesia techniques and good postoperative care can minimize patient discomfort. Intraoral wounds heal in about 7 to 10 days. During the healing period, care needs to be taken to clean the wound area and avoid chewing hard objects. Many patients feel that the discomfort of implant placement is less than that of tooth extraction.
7. Will dental implants be as strong and durable as real teeth?
Research shows that many dental implants are actually stronger than real teeth. Compared to removable dentures, studies have shown that dental implants achieve a 100% recovery in chewing efficiency. With the advent of dental implants, patients with missing teeth can finally eat the food they were afraid to eat before and enjoy the joy of food life. However, it is worth mentioning that since the implants lack abundant nerve-ending receptors like natural teeth, they are more likely to be damaged when subjected to abnormal chewing force, which affects the service life of the implants to some extent.
8. How long does The lifespan of dental implants last?
How long the dental implant can last is the first concern of the patient and the concern of the implant doctor. Generally speaking, as long as you pay attention to the use of dental implants, you can use them for a long time. For the success of implants, retention time is an important indicator. In the past, it was considered that the implant survival rate of 5 years was 85%, and the survival rate of 10 years was 80%. The conditions for success are now higher. . The longest-standing dental implant is currently 48 years old.
9. Are dental implants expensive?
The cost of dental implants depends on the number of implants and the type of implants as well as the type of restoration above the implants. Of course, if a bone graft or other treatment is required, the cost will be more. As for the specific cost, different regions also have different prices, you can consult your local dental implant doctor for detailed pricing. In short, the cost of implant restoration is usually higher. However, the changes in your face, the improvement in chewing efficiency, and the improvement in self-confidence brought about by the implant restoration will undoubtedly be the result of all the people you have ever participated in. most meaningful investment.
10. Am I suitable for dental implant restoration?
Usually, a healthy person who can undergo routine tooth extraction and oral surgery can consider implant restoration. Patients with special chronic diseases, such as diabetes, uncontrolled heart disease, and high blood pressure, blood diseases, osteoporosis, and patients who require radiotherapy after oral cancer surgery, are not suitable for immediate implant restoration. In addition, it is not suitable for patients who cannot maintain good oral hygiene such as smoking and drinking. However, it should be pointed out that implant dentures are not limited by age. In this way, many elderly patients who suffer from missing teeth can finally share the benefits brought by the successful technology of implant dentures. In short, the dentist should make a comprehensive evaluation of your physical condition before making a treatment plan that suits you.
New Century Dental Materials has a complete quality assurance system and has passed the high-standard quality inspections of all partners. In order to open up the market and achieve mutual benefit, we will serve our customers wholeheartedly based on the business philosophy of "price, quality" and win-win "integrity, service". In line with the principle of "not competing for the price, but seeking quality", our company wholeheartedly provides high-quality products and sincere services for domestic and foreign users. Glass ionomer cement and zinc oxide eugenol cement products are registered and licensed by CFDA. It has successively developed technical products such as wax chips, wax plates, wax strips, and separating agents, and innovative products such as PMMA resin blocks and new separating agents have been put on the market one after another.
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darkgoateetyphoon · 2 years
Will dental implants be as durable as real teeth?
Will dental implants be as durable as real teeth?
It is well known that dental implants are the first choice for tooth loss and are known as the third tooth of human beings. So for those who want to do dental implants, there are many doubts, and then I will explain them carefully.
1. What is dental implant restoration?
Dental implants refer to surgically implanting tooth roots made of artificial materials into the jawbone and making dentures on them after they heal with the jawbone. Because dental implants (commonly known as dental implants) rely on implant retention and support and do not require adjacent teeth as abutments, it is the latest and most advanced method for treating tooth loss in the world. Thanks to artificial implant-supported dentures, there is less or even no need to wear dentures, patients are more comfortable, chewing efficiency is restored to a level close to real teeth, bringing the same look, feel, and function of real teeth, helping you get rid of the frustration and embarrassment of missing teeth, regain self-confidence and comfortable life.
2. What is the success rate of dental implants?
Since the application of implant technology in 1950, the success rate has also continuously improved due to the progress of medicine and materials science. At present, based on the clinical evaluation standard of a five-year success rate, the success rate of dental implants can reach 94% or even higher, and it is believed that it will be further improved in the future. Dental implants are the first choice for dental implants after missing teeth in foreign and domestic economically developed areas.
3. Is dental implant surgery painful or dangerous?
Under normal circumstances, dental implant surgery is a small alveolar surgery, similar to tooth extraction, using local anesthesia, less trauma, and minimally invasive surgery. You can eat after surgery with little pain. Generally, implant placement only takes tens of minutes to an hour to complete. Due to the selection of biomaterials with excellent compatibility with the human body, dental implants will not have any adverse reactions to the human body. Even if the osseointegration of the implant fails, it can be replanted after the wound has healed, or it can be changed to a common denture. Therefore, even if the implant denture fails, the consequences are not terrible.
4. What are Common materials for dental implants?
The commonly used implant material is mainly titanium, and the coating is also based on titanium or titanium alloy. The physical and chemical properties of titanium are known for its lightweight, low oxidation resistance, high strength, and good processing properties. Titanium metal is a kind of biological material, which is widely used in medical treatment such as artificial bones and joints, cardiac stents, cardiac pacemakers, dental implants, and other bone implants.
5. How long does the whole process of dental implants take?
The treatment and repair of artificial dental implants can be roughly divided into three stages.
A. First perform a preoperative examination and preoperative treatment. Such as pulling out particularly loose teeth, residual roots, and caries, treating periodontal disease and removing bad dentures, adjusting and correcting bad occlusal relationships, etc. The time required for this stage varies depending on the treatment situation of each individual, ranging from one or two days to two or three months.
B. Implant surgery stage. Your doctor will surgically place the implant into the bone according to a preoperative plan. The time to place an implant is approximately 30 minutes to an hour.
C. Four to six months after surgery, replace or install permanent crowns or dentures. Permanent crowns are generally made of porcelain materials, which have excellent texture, vivid color, comfort and beauty, satisfactory recovery function, and durability.
an artificial dental implant is at a new starting point, and the new century dental has developed into the most competitive dental material manufacturer and raw material resin supplier in China. We sincerely look forward to seeking extensive cooperation with manufacturers at home and abroad. In the field of dental raw resin production, New Century Dental has the most advanced production lines and polymerization processes in China, with a designed production capacity of 2,000 tons per year, and can customize "specialized resins" with special specifications for customers according to their specific requirements. In the application fields of special resins such as handicrafts, cosmetics, and adhesives, New Century Dental occupies a relatively high market share and maintains a leading position in China.
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darkgoateetyphoon · 2 years
Self-curing denture resin gets rave reviews
Self-curing denture resin gets rave reviews
A self-curing denture resin has been developed which has been met with approval from many in the dental profession. This resin is designed to make life easier for dentists and their patients, providing an efficient and cost-effective way of creating dentures. The resin cures quickly in the mouth with no need for a heat press or oven, meaning it can be used either in a chairside or laboratory setting. In this article, we’ll look at how this new material works, as well as its benefits and drawbacks.
The allure of self-curing denture resin
Self-curing denture resin is a type of resin that can be used to make dentures without the need for a dental lab or technician. This type of resin is available in a variety of colours and can be matched to the natural colour of your teeth. It is also available in a variety of sizes and shapes, so you can get the perfect fit for your mouth.
The allure of self-curing denture resin is that it is much cheaper than traditional dentures, and you can do it yourself at home. All you need is a mould of your teeth and some time to let the resin cure. You can also add any extras that you want, such as toothpaste or flavourings, to make your dentures even more personalized.
If you are considering getting dentures, self-curing denture resin is definitely worth considering. It is a great way to save money and get the perfect fit for your mouth.
Why self-curing denture resin is so easy to use
Self-curing denture resin gets rave reviews because it is so easy to use. It doesn't require any special equipment or training, and it can be used at home or in a dental office. The resin cures quickly and evenly, so there is no need to worry about creating a perfect fit. And because the resin is flexible, it conforms to the shape of your teeth and gums, making it more comfortable to wear.
Self-curing denture resin is so widely used in dentistry
Self-curing denture resin is so widely used in dentistry because it is an effective way to create a durable and lifelike dental prosthesis. This type of resin is typically made from a mixture of acrylic and plastic, which makes it strong and enduring. In addition, self-curing denture resin can be easily moulded and shaped to create a natural-looking smile.
SND is a professional self-curing denture resin manufacturer
SND Dental is a professional self-curing denture resin manufacturer. They have been in business for over 40 years and are based in China. Their products are FDA approved and they offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee.
Their denture resins are made from high quality materials and their products are backed by a team of experts. SND Dental offers a wide range of self-curing denture resins, which are available in different colours and shades. You can choose the right product for your needs and budget.
Their products are easy to use and they provide step-by-step instructions on how to use them. You can also find helpful tips and advice on their website. SND Dental’s customer service team is always available to answer any questions you may have.
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darkgoateetyphoon · 2 years
New Century Dental Materials wishes everyone a Merry Christmas
New Century Dental Materials wishes everyone a Merry Christmas
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The holidays are upon us, and there’s no better way to celebrate than by giving a gift of dental health! At New Century Dental Materials, we believe that everyone should be able to benefit from quality dental care, which is why we take such pride in our products. We strive to provide the highest quality materials for dentists and other dental professionals so they can do their jobs efficiently and professionally. And this Christmas season, we want to extend our sincere wishes to you and your loved ones. We hope you have a joyful holiday season filled with smiles of good health!
Merry Christmas 2022
As we enter the new year, we reflect on all that has happened in the past twelve months. We are so grateful for the support of our patients and families. Without you, we would not be able to continue providing top-quality dental care.
We wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
To enjoy a wonderful Christmas, you need a good tooth to taste the deliciousness of the world
A good tooth is essential to enjoying all the deliciousness that Christmas has to offer. From gingerbread cookies and candy canes to festive cakes and pies, there are so many sweet treats to enjoy this time of year. But if you don't have a good tooth, you may not be able to fully appreciate the flavour of these holiday favourites.
That's why it's important to take care of your teeth and make sure they're in tip-top shape before the Christmas season. Schedule a visit with your dentist to get a cleaning and checkup, and be sure to brush and floss regularly at home. If you have any concerns about your dental health, don't hesitate to ask your dentist for advice.
Once your teeth are ready for Christmas, you can enjoy all the wonderful flavours the season has to offer! Merry Christmas from New Century Dental Materials!
New Century Dental Materials is a company specializing in all kinds of dental products so that you can enjoy gourmet food without worrying about your teeth
New Century Dental Materials is a company that specializes in all kinds of dental products. We want you to be able to enjoy gourmet food without worrying about your teeth. We have a wide range of products that can help you with your dental needs, and we're always here to answer any questions you may have.
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darkgoateetyphoon · 2 years
The origin of self-curing denture resin
The origin of self-curing denture resin
Today’s denture materials are far more advanced and sophisticated than those used in the past. But it wasn’t always this way. In fact, the earliest self-curing denture resins were developed in the late 1940s – a time when dentistry was still relatively primitive. In this blog article, we take a look at the origin of self-curing denture resin and explore how it has revolutionized dentistry over the decades. We also discuss some of the newest innovations in dental material technology that are making it easier for patients to have strong and comfortable prosthetics. So read on to learn all about self-curing resins and their impact on modern dentistry.
What is self-curing denture resin?
Self-curing denture resin is a type of denture material that hardens on its own without the need for UV light or other external curing methods. This material was first developed in the 1970s and has since become a popular choice for dentists and patients alike. Self-curing resins offer many benefits over traditional denture materials, including increased strength, improved esthetics, and easier fabrication.
The origin of self-curing denture resin
Self-curing denture resin was first developed in the early 1990s. It is a type of dental adhesive that is used to bond dentures to the gums. This resin is made from a variety of different materials, including glass, acrylic, and silicone.
This resin is applied to the dentures and then cured with a special light that activates the chemicals in the resin. This curing process makes the resin hard and durable, so it can withstand the chewing forces of the teeth.
Self-curing denture resins are very popular because they are easy to use and they provide a strong bond between the dentures and the gums. They are also less likely to cause irritation to the gums than other types of dental adhesives.
The role of self-curing denture resin
Self-curing denture resin is a relatively new product on the market that offers some major advantages over traditional denture adhesives. This resin is designed to cure quickly and easily without the need for a separate curing light or other special equipment. Additionally, self-curing resins tend to be more durable and provide a stronger bond than traditional adhesives.
One of the primary advantages of self-curing denture resin is its ease of use. Unlike traditional adhesives, which require a curing light or other special equipment, self-curing resins can simply be applied and will cure on their own. This makes them much easier to use, especially for patients who are not comfortable with using dental appliances. Additionally, self-curing resins typically provide a stronger bond than traditional adhesives, making them ideal for patients who need a more secure fit.
There are some potential drawbacks to self-curing denture resin, however. One is that it can be more expensive than traditional adhesives. Additionally, some patients may find that the quick-drying nature of self-curing resins makes them difficult to apply evenly. Overall, though, self-curing denture resin provides an easy and convenient way to get a strong bond without having to use special equipment or spend extra money.
SND promises to you, provide you with wholesale self-curing denture resin at a good price and good quality
In the ever-changing world of dentistry, one thing remains constant: the need for high-quality, affordable dental products. That's why we at SND are proud to offer our wholesale self-curing denture resin at a great price without sacrificing quality. We know that our products can make a difference in the lives of those who use them, and we're committed to providing the best possible experience for our customers.
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darkgoateetyphoon · 2 years
Precautions for using self-curing denture resin
Precautions for using self-curing denture resin
Self-curing denture resin is a popular choice among dentists and denture wearers alike. It’s strong, durable and relatively easy to use. However, it must be handled with care to ensure that the user is not exposed to any harmful chemicals or particles. In this blog post, we will discuss the various precautions for using self-curing dental resin including safety information, proper usage and storage guidelines. By learning about these precautions, you can help ensure that your self-curing dental resin is used safely and effectively.
Advantages of self-curing denture resin
There are many advantages of using self-curing denture resin, including:
1. It is much easier to use than traditional denture resins, which require heating and cooling in order to cure.
2. Self-curing resins provide a stronger bond between the denture and the gum tissue, making for a more comfortable and secure fit.
3. They can be used to repair minor cracks and chips in dentures, and can also be used to make adjustments to the fit of an existing denture.
4. Self-curing resins are less likely to cause allergic reactions than traditional denture resins.
Disadvantages of self-curing denture resin
While self-curing denture resin has many advantages, there are some disadvantages to consider as well. One of the biggest disadvantages is that if the resin is not mixed properly, it can cause the denture to become distorted. Additionally, self-curing resins can be more expensive than traditional denture resins. Finally, if the denture is not cured properly, it can lead to a weaker bond between the teeth and the gum tissue.
Precautions for using self-curing denture resin
When using self-curing denture resin, it is important to take precautions to ensure that the product is used correctly. Self-curing denture resin can be dangerous if not used properly, so it is important to follow the instructions on the package and take the time to understand how to use the product correctly.
Here are some important precautions to take when using self-curing denture resin:
1. Read the instructions on the package carefully before using the product.
2. Follow the directions for mixing the ingredients correctly.
3. Do not use more of the product than what is recommended in the package.
4. Apply the product evenly and avoid getting it on your skin or in your eyes.
5. Allow the product to cure completely before using your dentures or eating and drinking.
SND is a strong self-curing denture resin supplier
Self-curing denture resin is a reliable and strong material for making dentures. It is available in different colours, so you can choose the one that best suits your needs. The material is also affordable and easy to use. You can find it in most dental supply stores.
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darkgoateetyphoon · 2 years
A good helper for dentists-Self Curing Artificial Teeth Resin
A good helper for dentists-Self Curing Artificial Teeth Resin
Dental care is a specialized field, and dentists need to be able to stay ahead of the latest trends and products. One product that is becoming increasingly popular among dentists is self-curing artificial teeth resin. This revolutionary material has made it easier for dentists to perform dental procedures with higher precision and accuracy than ever before. In this blog post, we will explore the benefits of self-curing artificial teeth resin, how it works, and why it’s a good helper for dentists.
Missing teeth need fillings, how do dentists make temporary crowns, why do you need Self Curing Artificial Teeth Resin
Dental fillings are used to restore teeth that have been damaged by decay or injury. The most common type of filling is made of a material called amalgam, which is a mixture of metals including mercury, silver, tin and copper. Amalgam fillings are strong and durable, but they can be noticeable because of their silver colour.
Another type of filling is made from a material called composite resin. Composite resin fillings are tooth-coloured and can be matched to the colour of your natural teeth. They are less visible than amalgam fillings but may not last as long.
When a tooth is damaged or has decay, the dentist will remove the damaged tissue and clean the area before placing the filling. Once the filling is in place, it will be polished so it blends in with the rest of the tooth.
If you have a missing tooth, you may need a dental crown. A dental crown is an artificial tooth that is made to look like your natural teeth. Crowns can be made from different materials, including porcelain, metal or ceramic. They are usually placed over a tooth that has been damaged by decay or injury and helps to restore the tooth to its normal shape and size.
If you need an artificial tooth, your dentist may recommend self-curing artificial teeth resin. This type of artificial tooth is made from acrylic resin and hardens when exposed to ultraviolet light. Self-curing artificial teeth resin is less expensive than
What are the advantages of Self Curing Artificial Teeth Resin in dental applications?
Self-Curing Artificial Teeth Resin, also known as SCA TR, is a type of dental resin that is used in a variety of dental applications. This type of resin is known for its ability to harden or cure without the need for a separate curing agent. This makes it an ideal choice for many dental procedures, such as fillings, Crowns, bridges, and veneers.
SCA TR is made from a variety of different materials, including acrylics, silicones, and urethanes. These materials are combined to create a strong and durable resin that can withstand the rigours of dental procedures. SCA TR is available in a variety of colours and can be matched to the specific shade of your teeth.
SCA TR is safe for use in both adults and children. It is also biocompatible, meaning it will not cause an allergic reaction in patients who are allergic to other types of dental materials.
A good helper for dentists-Self Curing Artificial Teeth Resin
As a dentist, you are always looking for new ways to make your job easier and more efficient. One great way to do this is by using self-curing artificial teeth resin. This type of resin is specially formulated to harden quickly and evenly, so you can get the perfect fit for your patient's teeth every time.
Not only does self-curing artificial teeth resin save you time, but it also offers a number of other benefits. For example, it is much easier to work with than traditional dental materials, so you can get a better result in less time. Additionally, it is much more durable and long-lasting, so your patients will be able to enjoy their new teeth for many years to come.
If you are looking for a new dental material that can help you save time and provide better results for your patients, self-curing artificial teeth resin is the perfect option for you.
SND Wholesale Self-Curing Artificial Teeth Resin to individuals or merchants
Self-curing artificial teeth resin is a product that can be used by dentists to help with the creation of artificial teeth. This product can be purchased in bulk from SND Wholesale and then sold to either individuals or merchants. The self-curing process of this artificial teeth resin makes it a good helper for dentists because it eliminates the need for a curing light.
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darkgoateetyphoon · 2 years
Do you know what a pit and fissure seal is? Come and see
Nowadays, more and more children are concerned about dental problems. With the improvement of people's living standards, parents always hope to help their children make up for their unsightly teeth. Sealing the pits and fissures for children is a good dental coping material. Pit and fissure sealing can effectively prevent tooth decay. So, what is pit and fissure sealing? How about a pit and fissure seal for a child?
What are the "pits and fissures" of teeth?
More than 90% of dental caries (cavities, cavities) in adolescents occur on the occlusal surface of the molars (posterior molars) chewing food. There are many uneven spots and fissures on this tooth surface, which are the fusion of cusps during tooth development. Formed, we call it "pit and fissure". It is complex in shape, with different depths, and it is difficult to completely clean the pits and fissures by brushing and gargling. It is the most prone to dental caries.
What is pit and fissure sealing?
Pit and fissure sealing is recognized as the most effective, economical, and feasible anti-caries intervention strategy in the world. Doctors recommend that children under the age of 16 should undergo pit and fissure sealing to reduce the incidence of caries.
Pit and fissure sealing is to use a synthetic organic polymer resin material (harmless to the human body), which is applied to the pit and fissure of the teeth. Erosion of food and bacteria is an effective method of preventing caries.
Why do pit and fissure sealing?
The occlusal surface of the newly grown permanent molars of children is uneven, and there are many pits and fissures on it. The bacteria and food residues that cause dental caries are easy to accumulate in these parts, and brushing the teeth cannot be cleaned. After a long time, the pits and fissures become Dental caries are prone to occur, known as "pit and fissure caries". If the pit and fissure caries are not treated in time, the caries will gradually progress, and serious symptoms such as toothache will occur. The teeth with larger lesions may even need to be extracted, which will seriously affect the health and growth of children. According to statistics, more than 90% of children's permanent tooth caries are pit and fissure caries. Therefore, the prevention of pit and fissure caries will greatly reduce the chance of children's permanent tooth caries.
In addition, because children are young, they generally like to eat sweets, soft foods, and sticky foods. These foods are easy to stick to the teeth. In addition, the calcification of newly erupted teeth is not complete enough, and it is more likely to be damaged by bacterial erosion. For these reasons, pit and fissure sealing should be done promptly after the eruption of the first permanent molars.
Do you know the best age for pit and fissure sealing?
Dental resin manufacturers remind you that 6-8 years old is the most suitable age for pit and fissure sealing. Because the first permanent molars (that is, the sixth-year-old teeth) begin to erupt at around the age of 6, they are the earliest permanent molars in the oral cavity. They are the most important for chewing function, maintaining the orderly arrangement of the teeth and normal development of the maxillofacial region. The tooth with the highest chance. Therefore, it is necessary to seal the pit and fissure of the sixth-year-old teeth in time to protect them soon after eruption, which will benefit your child for life.
In addition, with the cooperation of your child, the deciduous teeth (usually after the age of 3) can also be sealed. Healthy deciduous teeth are the basis for inheriting the normal eruption of permanent teeth.
Shanghai New Century Dental Materials Co., Ltd. has a complete quality assurance system and has passed the high-standard quality inspections of all partners. In order to open up the market and achieve mutual benefit, we will serve our customers wholeheartedly based on the business philosophy of "price, quality" and win-win "integrity, service". In line with the principle of "not competing for price, but seeking quality", our company wholeheartedly provides high-quality products and sincere services for domestic and foreign users. Glass ionomer cement and zinc oxide eugenol cement products are registered and licensed by CFDA. It has successively developed technical products such as wax chips, wax plates, wax strips and separating agents, and innovative products such as PMMA Block and new separating agents have been put on the market one after another.
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darkgoateetyphoon · 2 years
Teeth Cleaning Problems During Orthodontics
Oral hygiene cannot be ignored, especially during the orthodontic period. Brush your teeth carefully after each meal to ensure oral hygiene. For the sake of beauty and health, modern people are gradually paying more attention to oral hygiene. Orthodontics will use orthodontic protection wax, commonly known as Dental Wax. People who don’t have much contact with it don’t like the smell, so let’s talk about it. Toothbrush used.
Everyone has a toothbrush, but not every one is suitable. From the day I put my braces on, I changed a toothbrush almost a month (I didn't use an electric toothbrush, the doctor didn't recommend me to use an electric toothbrush, and I was worried about losing the brackets), so it's very important to choose a toothbrush that suits me.
From personal experience, I think those so-called U-shaped brushes are not suitable for orthodontic people. Don't waste money. An ordinary and applicable toothbrush can be completely satisfied.
2. Gap brush
When wearing braces, you must use a gap brush, otherwise it is easy to have calculus around the brackets. From my personal experience, the handle of the gap brush is better than the short handle, and the wire that wraps the bristles is harder than the soft one. The yellow one in the middle of the first picture at the beginning of the article is the second gap brush I used, which is not recommended. What strikes me is a durable, hard wire, and the handle is the right length to use. This is also a condition that a good clearance brush should meet.
3. Tongue brush
Dental resin manufacturers said that few people talk about tongue brushes, but they should be used frequently after orthodontic treatment, and cultivate a small habit of brushing tongues. It is uncomfortable to not clean the tongue.
4. Dental floss
Dental floss is especially expensive during orthodontics, and I do not recommend that you use dental floss picks during orthodontics, as you may accidentally hit the arch wire. It is especially important to master how to use dental floss. Just use dental floss to remove food debris from the gap between your teeth, no need to pull hard.
In addition, there are also water flossers recommended by many people. The water flossers are indeed powerful, and it is not a problem to wash food residues. However, I recommend that you experience the first or second gear for the first time. Some are divided into comfortable gear and normal gear. In short, use the low gear first to let the gums get used to it, otherwise the impact force will be very sour when it hits the gums. I hope you are all kind to your teeth. The method of use emphasizes one point: put the irrigator into the mouth and aim at the gap between the teeth, close your mouth, be sure to close your mouth or you will splash your face.
5. Mouthwash
Every time I open my mouth for a long time, my mouth will be dry. I am worried about having bad breath. I will use something to refresh my breath.
In addition, it is also necessary to clean the teeth once a year. Girls should try to avoid the menstrual period.
Shanghai New Century Dental Materials Co., Ltd. has a complete quality assurance system and has passed the high-standard quality inspections of all partners. In order to open up the market and achieve mutual benefit, we will serve our customers wholeheartedly based on the business philosophy of "price, quality" and win-win "integrity, service". In line with the principle of "not competing for price, but seeking quality", our company wholeheartedly provides high-quality products and sincere services for domestic and foreign users. Glass ionomer cement and zinc oxide eugenol cement products are registered and licensed by CFDA. It has successively developed technical products such as wax chips, wax plates, wax strips and separating agents, and innovative products such as PMMA resin blocks and new denture separating agent have been put on the market one after another.
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darkgoateetyphoon · 2 years
Don't be sloppy with dental implants! come and learn
Artificial Teeth Resin is favored by the majority of edentulous patients because of their beauty, comfort and durability, and are called "the third set of human teeth". However, although dental implants are very popular, it is not as easy as we think, thinking that it can be done casually.
"Blacksmith need its own hardware"  
From the patient's point of view, first of all, if the patient's gum bone is suitable for implantation, it must have a certain width and height, and the implant bed bone shape and quality must be good. The reason is that if the patient's gum bone is not wide and high enough, artificial implant nails cannot "take root"; if the shape and quality of the implant bed bone is not good, it is like barren land where it is difficult for plants to survive, and dental implants naturally Impossible to succeed. Secondly, implants also require that the patient's physique must be healthy. If you have diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, blood disease, etc., surgery should be postponed. If you have periodontal disease, you must get good treatment before dental implants can be performed. Therefore, early restoration of dental implants is not only to reduce the problems caused by missing teeth, but also to ensure good dental implant conditions.
"What the experts say, you have to listen"
Most ideal teeth are arranged neatly in the mouth, "drawing the ground as a prison" and "performing their own duties", but there is always a gap between the ideal and the reality. Many times, when we come to the dental hospital because of a single missing tooth, when the doctor talks to us about the dangers of missing teeth, we always disapprove. When the adjacent teeth were affected and the quality of life was greatly reduced, I regretted it too much, and I couldn't help feeling: "If you don't listen to the old man, you will suffer in front of you."
In fact, this is like a tree in a dense forest. It seems that it does not matter when a tree falls, but the roots of the tree are complex and intertwined. It will have an impact, the roots of the tree will not be as healthy as before, and the trees next to nature will no longer be as tall and straight as they used to be. Therefore, if you need dental implants, you should go to the hospital for an examination and listen to the diagnosis of a professional dentist.
"After everything is ready, safety insurance is the most important"
"Safety"! The Artificial teeth resin supplier said that although dental implants seem to be a small surgical operation, it has particularly high requirements on the qualifications of doctors, the environment for consultation, and the disinfection and sterilization of instruments. Therefore, if you have dental implant needs, you should choose a regular dental hospital with professional qualifications for oral implantation and strict disinfection and sterilization, and make an appointment with a professional dentist to do dental implants for you.
New Century Dental Materials Co., Ltd. specializes in the production of multi-color synthetic resin teeth, denture base resin and dental wax and other products. Taking "professionalism, integrity, gratitude, and earnestness" as the company's code of conduct, taking the development of the dental business and improving the industry level as the responsibility, and devoting to the cultivation of the core competitiveness of the company, while strengthening the old products, the new Added dental resin, glass ionomer cement, Zinc Oxide Eugenol Cement (Liquid) and dental auxiliary materials, such as separating agent, grinding wheel and other high-quality products.
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darkgoateetyphoon · 2 years
Analysis of the suitable population for dental implants
With the progress of society, not only children pay attention to dental health, but also many elderly people also choose orthodontics, dental implants, and fillings. Oral experts tell the truth that the traditional method of dental implants requires a certain tolerance, because the doctor needs to open the gums, expose the alveolar bone, avoid damaging the important anatomical structures such as the dental nerve and the mandibular sinus, and then implement the implant. Who are dental implants suitable for? Can the elderly really adapt to Synthetic Resin Teeth?
A person with missing teeth
Dental implants are suitable for cases where a single tooth is missing, multiple teeth are missing, or all teeth are missing. In patients with a single missing tooth, dental implants can be used to restore tooth function without harming healthy adjacent teeth. For patients with multiple missing teeth and missing teeth in their entire mouth, they can choose multiple implants, fix several points, and then do auxiliary dentures.
2. People who have been missing teeth for a long time
People who have been missing teeth for a long time are prone to different degrees of alveolar bone resorption. The alveolar bone resorption makes it difficult to wear traditional dentures with clasps and bases. Patients who wear traditional dentures have poor retention force and cannot play the chewing function of dentures. , need to restore normal chewing function through dental implants.
3. People who do not have healthy adjacent teeth around missing teeth
Traditional dentures have bases and snap rings, which need to be fixed and repaired by the surrounding healthy adjacent teeth. Therefore, if there are no healthy adjacent teeth around the missing teeth, traditional dentures cannot be installed, and dental implants are required to restore the function of the teeth. In addition, the base and retaining ring of traditional dentures are fixed on the healthy adjacent teeth, which share part of the bearing capacity of the restored dentures. Over time, it will also have a certain impact on healthy teeth. Therefore, it is recommended to choose implants with independent roots as far as possible for missing teeth. Tooth protects healthy adjacent teeth.
4. People with missing front teeth
Like real teeth, digital dental implants include root and crown. Successful dental implants have no traces at all in appearance. Because they have roots, they are functionally stronger, so they are especially suitable for people with missing front teeth. Traditional dentures must rely on the missing teeth to retain the healthy adjacent teeth. Therefore, if patients with missing front teeth are repaired by traditional dentures, there will be two obvious leakage of the retaining ring, which seriously affects the aesthetic effect of denture restoration.
At present, it takes an average of half an hour to implant a tooth. For those who are young and only need to implant a few teeth, the traditional implant method is still very applicable and convenient.
The Artificial teeth resin supplier said that if it is an elderly person with a low immune system, or a person who needs a full-mouth dental implant and has a more complicated oral situation, there are indeed some shortcomings in traditional surgery: the entire row of gums may have to be opened, and the exposed surface is very large. , the wound will also become larger, and the risk of infection will increase afterwards; multiple teeth are implanted, and the cumulative time is very long, which is unbearable for the elderly; temporary incision is required to see the internal conditions of the alveolar bone, or there are unexpected situations such as no bones. cause inoperability, etc.
No matter which method you choose, whether it is suitable for dental implants should first check the patient's oral conditions. If the condition of the alveolar bone is very bad and has been resorbed a lot, a bone graft is needed before the tooth is implanted. In addition, it is recommended to eat liquid food for a period of time after the dental implant is completed, and do not perform intense confrontational exercise for a few months, so as to avoid tooth damage and even lead to the failure of the dental implant.
New Century Dental Materials Co., Ltd. specializes in the production of multi-color synthetic resin teeth, denture separating agent and dental wax and other products. Taking "professionalism, integrity, gratitude, and earnestness" as the company's code of conduct, taking the development of the dental business and improving the industry level as the responsibility, and devoting to the cultivation of the core competitiveness of the company, while strengthening the old products, the new Added dental resin, glass ionomer cement, zinc oxide eugenol cement and dental auxiliary materials, such as separating agent, grinding wheel and other high-quality products.
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darkgoateetyphoon · 2 years
Introduce how teeth are classified and named
Different teeth have different functions, but the functions they have in common are: chewing, pronunciation, and aesthetics. There is an old saying that a toothache is not a disease, it hurts really badly. So what do you really know about your teeth? Dental fillings, implants, how much do you know? Like Artificial Teeth Resin, do you understand?
Chewing: Humans have a variety of foods, including fiber-rich foods and starchy foods, and these foods are divided into softness, hardness and size, so highly differentiated teeth are required to adapt to human beings for diverse foods. needs. For example, the incisors can cut whole pieces of food such as steamed bread, pancakes, and fruits in stages to facilitate chewing in the mouth. The fangs have sharp cusps that can tear apart fibrous and tough foods such as pig trotters and beef tendons. Bicuspid and molars, which can crush and grind all kinds of food. Teeth of various shapes are combined very harmoniously, with both division of labor and cooperation to complete the function of chewing.
Pronunciation: Humans can make a variety of sounds to express thoughts or communicate feelings. Teeth play an extremely important role in helping pronunciation. It can help to make dental sounds. If the front teeth are missing, the voice is not clear, the air leaks, the pronunciation of the teeth is inaccurate, and the natural language is not clear.
Aesthetics: The upper and lower teeth are neatly arranged, which can support the lips and cheeks and make the face plump. If the upper and lower teeth are abnormally occluded, such as cross-bite, the chin will protrude forward, and the lower teeth will cover the upper teeth, which will change the face shape and affect the appearance. If the mouth is completely toothless, the soft tissues of the lips and cheeks lack support, collapse inward, appear wrinkled, and appear old.
Artificial teeth resin supplier point out that the teeth are classified by their functional form:
Taking the corner of the mouth as the boundary, the incisors and canines are located in the front of the mouth, and the premolars and molars are located in the back of the mouth. Therefore, the incisors and canines are called front teeth, and the premolars and molars are called back teeth.
The incisors are located in the front of the mouth. Both the deciduous dentition and the permanent dentition are left, right, upper and lower, 2 each, for a total of 8. The main functions cut off food, aesthetics and assist pronunciation.
Canine teeth, commonly known as canine teeth or tiger teeth, are located at the corners of the mouth. Both the deciduous dentition and the permanent dentition are one on the left, one on the right, one on the top and one on the bottom, 4 in total. The main function is to penetrate, tear food, and support the corner of the mouth.
Premolars, also known as bicuspids, are located behind the canines. Only the permanent dentition has premolars, 2 left, 2 right, upper and lower, total 8. Premolars have the function of assisting the canines to tear and the molars to mash food.
The molars are located behind the premolars. There are 2 in the left, right, upper and lower deciduous dentition, a total of 8, and 3 in the left, right, upper, and lower in the permanent dentition, a total of 12. The main function of molars is to grind food.
Teeth can be divided into deciduous and permanent teeth by age
The deciduous teeth are the first set of teeth, which usually erupt about six months after birth, and emerge at about two and a half years old. There are a total of 20 teeth, 10 in each of the upper and lower jaws, forming a deciduous dentition. From 6-7 years old to 12-13 years old, the roots of deciduous teeth gradually fall off due to physiological absorption and are replaced by permanent teeth.
Permanent teeth are the second set of human teeth, with a total of 32 teeth, 16 in each of the upper and lower jaws. When a child is about 6 years old, the deciduous teeth begin to fall out, and the permanent teeth erupt one after another. At the age of 12, all the deciduous teeth except the third molars are replaced by the corresponding permanent teeth, and the second molars also basically erupt in place, forming the permanent dentition. After the age of 17, the third molars erupted one after another, and all the permanent teeth came out. The third molars of modern people have a tendency to degenerate, so the number of normal adult permanent teeth can be between 28-32.
Shanghai New Century Dental Materials Co., Ltd. has a complete quality assurance system and has passed the high-standard quality inspections of all partners. In order to open up the market and achieve mutual benefit, we will serve our customers wholeheartedly based on the business philosophy of "price, quality" and win-win "integrity, service". In line with the principle of "not competing for price, but seeking quality", our company wholeheartedly provides high-quality products and sincere services for domestic and foreign users. Glass Ionomer Cement and zinc oxide eugenol cement products are registered and licensed by CFDA. It has successively developed technical products such as wax chips, wax plates, wax strips and separating agents, and innovative products such as PMMA resin blocks and new separating agents have been put on the market one after another.
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darkgoateetyphoon · 2 years
Orthodontics hurt? You must know these things before correcting
In the process of orthodontics, we orthodontists often need space to solve the main problem of the patient. For example, gaps are needed to align the teeth, gaps are needed to adduct anterior teeth to improve the condition of the mouth, gaps are needed to distract the impacted teeth, gaps are needed to adjust the midline, and so on. Like PMMA Block.
The clinical methods for obtaining space include interproximal deglazing, arch expansion, pushing molars backward, tooth extraction, etc. The first three methods can obtain limited space, so according to your dental situation, I usually solve dental problems when a large amount of space is needed. when the tooth extraction is considered.
1. Does it hurt to straighten teeth?
By choosing the right orthodontist and the correct treatment plan, as well as the cooperation with the doctor during the treatment, the orthodontic treatment itself is not too painful, on the contrary, other diseases caused by dental problems can be reduced after orthodontic treatment.
It is often said that orthodontic treatment is very painful, and the friends who advise you not to do it are: they have not experienced orthodontic treatment themselves. Instead, it is "heard and heard", which is based on false rumors and exaggerates the feeling of correcting pain. The second category is the informal doctor you find, and the treatment plan is not right.
2. How to deal with discomfort in orthodontics?
1. Toothache
Usually the orthodontic force that pushes the teeth is very slight, you will feel a little "tight" in the teeth after the initial bonding of the brackets and after each visit, and discomfort for 2-3 days (about a week for adults) after the root feels pressure It is normal to have a feeling of chewing, which gradually decreases, and it is normal to take no special treatment or analgesics. Communicate with your orthodontist in a timely manner, and do not adjust the wires or move the brackets by yourself to prevent damage to the teeth.
2. The steel wire hurts the mouth
During the process of orthodontic treatment, the steel wire will gradually not match the length of the dental arch, and the end of the wire will "stretch" and tie back to the mucous membrane, which sometimes affects speech or chewing, induces ulcers, and is slightly painful.
3. Oral ulcers
Ulcer is a local mucosal inflammation with the size of rice grains and a slight concave in the middle of the mucosal surface, usually caused by systemic immunity and vitamin deficiency.
Although the bracket is a kind of foreign body, the self-locking bracket is relatively small in size, has a well-polished surface, and has rounded corners, which usually does not cause ulcers. If the ulcer occurs repeatedly in the position corresponding to the bracket, it is recommended to communicate with the orthodontist in time. Generally, we will wrap the bracket with mucosal protective wax to isolate the irritation.
4, occlusal joint pain
In orthodontics, the occlusal relationship changes every day with the movement of the teeth, and your joints may experience tension, snapping and other symptoms. At this time, you need to communicate with the orthodontist as soon as possible.
Tips for Artificial teeth resin supplier:
At the end of the correction, the teeth are arranged neatly and the bite is normal, which will not only not affect the eating, but will improve the chewing efficiency.
However, during the correction process, orthodontists usually tell patients to avoid eating too hard food, this is to avoid falling brackets and affect our correction process. Sticky food should also be eaten as little as possible because it is not easy to clean. While others such as meat, vegetables, rice, noodles, etc. are no problem.
Shanghai New Century Dental Materials Co., Ltd. has a complete quality assurance system and has passed the high-standard quality inspections of all partners. In order to open up the market and achieve mutual benefit, we will serve our customers wholeheartedly based on the business philosophy of "price, quality" and win-win "integrity, service". In line with the principle of "not competing for price, but seeking quality", our company wholeheartedly provides high-quality products and sincere services for domestic and foreign users. Glass ionomer cement and zinc oxide eugenol cement products are registered and licensed by CFDA. It has successively developed technical products such as Sheet Wax, wax plates, wax strips and separating agents, and innovative products such as PMMA resin blocks and new separating agents have been put on the market one after another.
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darkgoateetyphoon · 2 years
Introduce you to what is a complete denture
Complete dentures are Denture Base Material made for patients with missing dentition. It consists of a base and an artificial tooth. It is a mucosal support denture. Development history: Early complete dentures can be traced back to the 17th century. People used animal bones, wood, and ivory to make dentures.
The anatomical landmarks of the edentulous jaw
1.Concept: Distinguish missing dentition No natural teeth exist in the upper and lower dentition.
Defective dentition: There are different numbers of teeth missing in different parts of the upper and lower dentition, and there are different numbers of natural teeth in the dentition at the same time.
Tooth defect: various degrees of damage or abnormality of the texture and anatomical shape of various tooth hard tissues, which often manifests as the destruction of normal tooth shape, occlusion and adjacency.
2. Anatomical landmarks
(1) The alveolar ridge is the basis for the survival of natural dentition. After the dentition is missing, the alveolar process gradually absorbs to form the alveolar ridge. The alveolar ridge of the upper and lower jaw divides the entire oral cavity into two parts: the oral vestibule and the oral cavity.
(2) The oral vestibule is a potential gap.
A. The frenulum is located in the vestibule of the oral cavity, which is equivalent to the extension of the mesial junction of the original central incisors, and its terminal segment is usually about 4-5mm away from the alveolar ridge.
B. The buccal frenulum is located at the root of the bicuspid tooth and is the attachment of the levator angiori oris muscle. The buccal frenulum divides the oral vestibule into an anterior arch area and a posterior arch area. The anterior arch area is between the lip and cheek frenulum, and the posterior area is behind the buccal frenulum
C. Zygomatic process: The bony process located in the posterior arch area corresponding to the roots of the left and right maxillary first molars. The zygomatic process distributes masticatory pressure to two parts, the lateral orbital rim and the zygomatic arch. If the base is extended in this area - the support range is expanded - stable, and it is hoped to arrange the maxillary first molars in this area, this area should be used as a buffer.
D. Important area of maxillary tubercle retention. The buccal flange area of the maxillary denture should fill this area. The maxillary tubercle base should completely cover this area.
E. The buccal flange area is also called the buccal shed area. The outside is the outer edge of the mandible, and the inside is the buccal clivus of the alveolar ridge. Anterior edge is buccal frenulum, posterior edge is retromolar pad
F. The distal buccal angle region is located posterior to the buccal limbal region of the anterior border of the mandibular masseter muscle.
(3) Oral Department
G. Incisor papillae are important, stable landmarks of the maxilla. The most visible and constant mark that has been preserved since humans had teeth. The junction line of the two maxillary central incisors should be based on the incisor mastoid; the labial surface of the maxillary central incisor should be placed 8-10mm before the line connecting the midpoint of the incisor mastoid; the line connecting the cusps of the canines on both sides of the maxilla should pass 1mm before and after the midpoint of the incisor mastoid.
H. The pterygomaxillary notch is formed by the union of the maxillary tubercle and the pterygoid process of the sphenoid. It is the junction of the maxillary oral vestibule and the oral cavity.
I. Tongue-tie avoidance
J. The sublingual gland can rise and fall with the movement of the mandibular muscle. This area should not be too long, otherwise it is easy to push up the mandibular complete denture when the tongue moves.
K. The mandibular carina is located on the lingual side of the bicuspid roots on both sides of the mandible.
L. Mandibular ridge on the lingual surface behind the mandible
M. The lingual margin region includes the lingual frenulum, the sublingual gland, the mandibular hyoid muscle, and the glossopalatine muscle. pterygoid, superior pharyngeal constrictor. This area can have enough stretch.
N. Postmolar pads Manufacturers of the Heat Curing Artificial Teeth Resin manufacturer indicate that mandibular complete dentures should stop at the anterior 1/3-1/2 of the postmolar pads. After grinding, the pad is stable and can guide the teeth.
Vertical: The retromolar pad can determine the mandibular occlusal plane The occlusal surface of the mandibular first molar should be the same height as 1/2 of the retromolar pad
Anterior-posterior: Mandibular second molars should be located on the front edge of the posterior molar pad
Buccolingual: Pad the buccal surface after molars. The anterior surface of the tongue and the mesial surface of the mandibular canines form a triangle. In general, the tongue tip of the mandibular posterior teeth should be located within this triangle.
After more than 20 years of development, Shanghai New Century Dental Materials Co., Ltd. has grown into a world-renowned manufacturer of dental materials, and our products have been sold to more than 60 countries around the world. Our product line is continuously optimized and expanded, and a series of new products such as Zinc Oxide Eugenol Cement, light-curing composite resin, general adhesive and composite ceramic block have been developed successively. "New Century Dental Materials" will be committed to providing consumers with high-quality products and professional services. Create our future with quality and technology.
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darkgoateetyphoon · 2 years
How to prevent and treat orthodontic rebound
There are many kinds of Denture base resins, and today we will explain the knowledge of orthodontics. Many people have gone through the process of straightening their teeth for three years, and finally took off the braces, only to find that they quickly rebounded. So how can we prevent it?
1.Removal of bad oral habits: bad oral habits such as lip biting and tongue sticking must be completely eliminated before the retainer is removed.
2. Early treatment: By correcting in the vigorous period of jaw growth and development, a relatively stable effect can be obtained. Early treatment is recommended for conditions such as twisted teeth.
3. Cases of over-orthodontic treatment such as deep overbite or open bite should be corrected to exceed the over-orthodontic treatment of normal overbite. The same treatment is necessary for twisted teeth, and over-correction of teeth can often prevent recurrence after treatment.
4. Sometimes after severe torsion of the tooth, if the natural retention cannot be obtained only by mechanical retention, the fiber around the neck of the tooth should be cut to obtain a stable result, which can reduce the retention time.
5. In orthognathic surgery, some malocclusions cannot be improved by mechanical correction alone, and surgical treatment is often required, such as jaw reshaping for mandibular protrusion deformities and open and close deformities.
6. Permanent retention: In some cases, the time of wearing the retainer is prolonged, and recurrence cannot be prevented, such as deformed pin-shaped lateral incisors, upper central incisor gaps, severely twisted teeth and missing permanent teeth, etc. Clinically, crowns and bridges are usually used. Fixed restorations or removable partial dentures as permanent retention.
Restoring orthodontic rebound
Dental resin manufacturers say that if you are not satisfied with the above condition, then re-correction may be considered. Correction requires a certain amount of perseverance and caution, and a professional doctor must be selected. Originally, a complete correction plan should include the evaluation of the stability after correction, and also include regular follow-up visits in the retainer stage to help patients wear retainers. , to maintain the correction effect. It is important to note that after orthodontic treatment, you must wear a retainer to ensure the correct effect.
1.Find an attending physician
After tooth rebound is found, there is often a period of gradual change. In this case, timely treatment can delay and stop the tooth rebound and allow the tooth to return to its normal state again.
2. Persistently wear the retainer
The retainer should be worn throughout the day as much as possible in the early stage. Take it off when eating, and make sure to clean your mouth before wearing it. It is recommended that the non-wearing time should not exceed two days and one night. Because the retainer is often worn, it is an effective way to prevent deformation and rebound after orthodontic treatment.
3. Correct some bad daily habits
There are some bad habits, which are also the reasons for the rebound after orthodontic treatment. If you brush your teeth incorrectly, an unsuitable toothbrush can also cause your teeth to rebound;
New Century Dental Materials Co., Ltd. specializes in the production of multi-color synthetic resin teeth, Denture Base Material and dental wax and other products. Taking "professionalism, integrity, gratitude, and earnestness" as the company's code of conduct, taking the development of the dental business and improving the industry level as the responsibility, and devoting to the cultivation of the core competitiveness of the company, while strengthening the old products, the new Added dental resin, glass ionomer cement, zinc oxide eugenol cement and dental auxiliary materials, such as separating agent, grinding wheel and other high-quality products.
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