dark-n-kinky · 4 years
I see। I'm 21 right now and have Capricorn in the 8th house so I guess 2 more years to go huh
Astrology observations 📕 📕
Credit: Tumblr blog @astroismypassion
📕 Aries placements love head pieces, “head” accessories like hats, caps etc. Because Aries rules head.
📕 Gemini, Virgo and Leo placements love backs.
📕 Cancer males really like skirts.
📕 If you have Aries Sun, Moon or Rising, even Mercury, Venus or Mars, but to a lesser extent, you’ll be the first in your family to do something. Either start your own business. Or perhaps the first one in the family to finish college.
📕 Pluto in the 12th house and Scorpio in the 12th house are EXTREMELY private people. You can know them for years, but still don’t know anything about them. They don’t trust others and they don’t like to open up and show their vulnerabilities. Also, they might not open up that easily even when they are in therapy (12th house: institutions, therapy, self-discovery, psychoanalysis, hypnosis).
📕 Pluto/Scorpio in the 12th house can have intense emotional urges and passions when drunk or under the influence. They can find it very hard to control it at those times.
📕 They might also not acknowledge an emotional problem or addiction, alcohol/drug/other substance abuse, because they are scared of the unknown and being seen as weak or vulnerable.
📕 This might be TMI for some, just to preface it. But I noticed a lot of Saturn in the 8th house, Mars Saturn aspects, Chiron in the 8th house, Capricorn in the 8th in people’s chart that seem to really wait with physical intimacy and sex way past 23 and up.
Credit: Tumblr blog @astroismypassion
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dark-n-kinky · 4 years
8th house Heroines
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dark-n-kinky · 5 years
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dark-n-kinky · 5 years
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Anyway I stan one ally
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dark-n-kinky · 5 years
Reasons I don’t get involved in Greek myth discourse:
“In the original myth...” with no sources
“I took this one class on mythology and...” with no sources
“Before the patriarchy changed the story...”
Lack of understanding of the society it was written it. With no desire to learn about that society.
For some reason in order to prop up the reputation of a particular god the author must insult another god.
No matter what you say or what sources you bring to the table a person’s idea of a particular story is very unlikely to change.
Tumblr is extremely vicious with its Greek myth discourse.
The last one being the final nail in the coffin as to why I feel commenting on any myth discourse, especially Medusa and Persephone & Hades, is pointless. I’ll stick to making the occasional vague post and debunking ANE myth stuff.
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dark-n-kinky · 6 years
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dark-n-kinky · 6 years
I’m looking at a flower called ‘Apollo cinnamon’ and just internally screaming
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dark-n-kinky · 6 years
All of you at 1 AM simultaneously: I am so very horny AND fuck all life *reblogs something naked*
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dark-n-kinky · 6 years
I turned my abuse into art. I let the scars bloom into flowers. And that’s okay. So what if I romanticize my trauma? So what if I write poetic things about my triggers? Let me find beauty in the harshest of pains so I can keep living on. So that even my bad days are decorated by frilly words and pastel colours. I don’t want to live in regret of the past. It exists, so I will make it pretty. I’ll accept it and live. Happy.
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dark-n-kinky · 6 years
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Super Junior Music Videos Throughout the Years
D-2 to Super Junior’s 13th Debut Anniversary!
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dark-n-kinky · 6 years
We almost impeached a president for cheating on his fucking wife but we can’t even impeach Trump for putting children in fucking cages
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dark-n-kinky · 6 years
hera: zeus cheated on me again!
persephone while sipping a frappuccino and texting hades: sucks for you
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dark-n-kinky · 6 years
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oh my god
it’s because you’re evil
you can read this article here and it’s despicable and framed as a “declutter your life and get your kids to appreciate the moment~ by busting ~stuff addiction~ story
but the story goes that this mom was on a trip with her daughter and her daughter wanted a toy, and the parents said “no” and then the mom fixates on how her daughter couldn’t enjoy the ~amazing things~ they saw on their shitty family trip because she wanted to get that toy so bad.
so in retribution the mom on a cleaning spree took away not one, but every single toy her daughter had
and then began crowing about the amazing benefits that on the next trip the daughter didn’t ask for a single thing! and was quiet and manageable and shut up and “enjoyed” the moment and everything her parents wanted her to! amazing a child’s “addiction” to toys was cured!
toys are the only thing a kid owns. they are the only thing they have control over. When your kid goes to disney world or whatever with you, they are not in control even if they wanted to go. They did not choose to go to disney world. they can’t leave if they wanted to. they can’t pick how they get there, or where they go when they arrive.what may seem like “enjoying the moment” to an adult is actually “made to be a prop as a kid and dragged around when they didn’t choose to be, or to even go in the first place.”
this is not to say you can’t go someplace with your kid without it being miserable. I loved, and still love, going to museums with my family, for example. But when I was a kid, I didn’t pick to go or not. I was fortunate I had parents that listened to me and brought me places I enjoyed, rather than just brought me wherever and demanded I “enjoy the moment.” And usually, I got to buy one small thing when we went out, especially if my parents also bought things. It helped me feel like I was part of the trip.
God. I want to bring this lady’s poor kid out to that build-a-dino place and buy them their dino toy. It’s clear they tossed out what the kid actually likes and is interested in for the sake of this “declutter your life~bargain bin nameste~” horsecrap. Now the kid has nothing that’s their own and has been taught that asking for their interests is punished by everything they enjoy being taken away.
And who cares if the kid “forgets” about the toy after the trip? that doesn’t mean they never wanted it or could have done with out it. A kid is a kid, their memories don’t stretch back more than 10 years, a week or a month is a long time to them and an afternoon can change their mind. Disrespecting your kid’s wishes and taking every toy they have (and you gave them!) so they can pay attention to you and your horrible ego trips
like this may be what she says
Had I not experienced it with my own eyes, I would’ve never believed that an addiction to stuff could be broken that quickly.  The truth is that when I took all their stuff away, I was terrified at what would happen.  I worried that I was scarring them for life, depriving them of some essential developmental need, taking away their ability to self-entertain.
In reality, the opposite has happened.  Instead of being bored, they seem to have no shortage of things to do.  Their attention span is much longer and they are able to mindfully focus on their task at hand.  They color or read for hours at a time and happily spend the entire afternoon playing hide & seek or pretend.
They are far more content, able to appreciate the blessings that they do have, and able to truly enjoy the moment they are in without always having to move on to the next thing.  They are more creative and patient, more willing to share, far more empathetic towards the plight of others, and, with little to fight over, they hardly fight at all.
but what happened was that now that she’s romanticizing that her kids now have fewer boundaries, fewer things to do, ask less of her (and don’t kids always have to ask less and less and less!) and don’t get to enjoy the things their peers might like + talk about.
Your kids have no concept about being more “creative and patient,” lady. Kids just do what they do and don’t have any of this romanticization of their behaviors. Your kids have to be more empathetic, because without catering to their mother or to their peers who might have toys, they don’t have their own lives to retreat to now. And sure, they can play pretend. But like, so did I. And I had toys. And just because I was still playing as a kid didn’t mean I wasn’t miserable or was ~cured~ of having no friends and being bullied. Kids do not play because they are happy or healthy. kids play because that’s all their lives contain and if you take away their toys they HAVE to find a new alternative somehow. Sad kids still play.
 I wonder if she’s purposefully omitting the times that her kids being forced to play entirely in their mother’s territory with no personal boundaries have resulted in destruction of her home. But then again, these are her little angels~ who have become good kids~ when they were corrupted by the horrors of materialism~ are even capable of being miserable anymore.
I loathe this woman. Rescue her kids.
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dark-n-kinky · 6 years
Did I save this or did it save me?
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Luhan lockscreens
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dark-n-kinky · 6 years
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Luhan lockscreens
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dark-n-kinky · 6 years
When people give importance to religion more than human lives, won’t the God they worship be disappointed in them?
-Humanity should be it’s own religion since other religions seem to not embody this virtue themselves.
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dark-n-kinky · 6 years
ok firstly I’m traumatized, not crazy, so jot that down
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