daritelsveta · 1 year
// — heyyy… how yall doin…….
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daritelsveta · 1 year
// — it definitely feels a little like my posts aren’t really being seen by my mutuals? or maybe i’ve just faded and i’m not very interesting to write with? ;; trying to contend with feelings of insecurity, so.. please be a lil patient.
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daritelsveta · 1 year
// — sorry i’ve been so inactive! i’ve been caught up in reading reading and more reading. and work and school. i’ll be back soon, i promise! i miss you all :(
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daritelsveta · 1 year
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starter call. give this post a little like if you'd like a short starter (with or without context)!
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daritelsveta · 1 year
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starter call. give this post a little like if you'd like a short starter (with or without context)!
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daritelsveta · 1 year
random (chaotic) dialogue starters.
* is that all you have to say?
* tell me you love me or something, don’t just stand there!
* are you out of your fucking mind?
* it’s truly a wonder that you’re still alive.
* that’s not my name.
* that’s not my name and you know it.
* how many fingers am i holding up?
* i swear, it’s my dog’s fault.
* are you really going in there?
* that’s how people get killed in horror movies, you know?
* if you die on me after everything i’ve done for you… i’ll never forgive you.
* how could i ever forgive you?
* sometimes, everything shifts in the snap of a finger.
* stop yelling at me or i’ll tell them!
* would it kill you to hold my hand every now and then?
* just squeeze my ass and tell me everything will be okay.
* you’re all i need right now.
* you’re finally here, so i can fucking sleep.
* i told you to turn your music down!
* you’re not my parent!
* i didn’t steal your boyfriend, he came with me willingly.
* it’s taking everything in me not to slap you in the face right now.
* you know, people can hear you.
* do you ever think before you speak? you should try it.
* i’ll change your life, if you let me.
* will you go buy me tampons or not?
* please, close the door on your way out.
* keep your hands to yourself.
* what do you think they were thinking about? you know, when they died?
* do you think they know?
* it’s not my fault, it’s 4am and you’re fucking yelling at me!
* you’re a shit friend.
* you’re my best friend.
* you’re my only friend.
* i hope hell is nice and warm when we get there.
* tell me the truth, at least once.
* did you really cheat?
* i don’t wanna know the details.
* can i have some?
* i would kill for a nice glass of wine right now.
* you brought a knife to a gun fight, baby.
* you’re so stupid it kinda turns me on.
* i want you to meet my parents.
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daritelsveta · 1 year
❛  are we actually doing the right thing?  ❜ ❛  are you bleeding?  ❜ ❛  are you even sorry?  ❜ ❛  are you still mad at me?  ❜ ❛  are you sure you’re gonna be okay on your own?  ❜ ❛  can’t we just be friends again?  ❜ ❛  can we pretend this never happened?  ❜ ❛  can you help me with this?  ❜ ❛  didn’t you listen to what i just said?  ❜ ❛  did you ever even love me?  ❜ ❛  don’t you believe me?  ❜ ❛  do you trust me?  ❜ ❛  do you understand what that means?  ❜ ❛  do you want to talk about it?  ❜ ❛  haven’t you heard the news?  ❜ ❛  have you ever cared about anyone other than yourself?  ❜ ❛  how did you do that?  ❜ ❛  how will i ever be able to repay you?  ❜ ❛  is it my fault?  ❜ ❛  is there anything i can do for you?  ❜ ❛  was all of this just a lie?  ❜ ❛  we’re gonna survive this, right?  ❜ ❛  what are you doing here?  ❜ ❛  what do you want from me?  ❜ ❛  what have you done to them?  ❜ ❛  what makes you think i’m going to help you?  ❜ ❛  when was the last time you ate something?  ❜ ❛  when will it stop?  ❜ ❛  when will you ever grow up?  ❜ ❛  where were you last night?  ❜ ❛  who did this to you?  ❜ ❛  who the hell are you?  ❜ ❛  why can’t you just let it go?  ❜ ❛  why didn’t you tell me sooner?  ❜ ❛  why did you leave me?  ❜ ❛  why don’t you come home with me?  ❜ ❛  why would you do something like that?  ❜ ❛  will you call me when you got there safely?  ❜ ❛  will you please tell me what happened?  ❜ ❛  will you stop doing that?  ❜
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daritelsveta · 1 year
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“May I present my esteemed travelling companion, former cartographer and sometimes Saint: Alina Starkov.”
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daritelsveta · 1 year
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— Sankta Neyar & The Disciple and Mal & Alina: Parallels or Foreshadowing? // insp.
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daritelsveta · 1 year
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SHE SCOFFS IN REPLY. ❝ forget i said anything, ❞ she says, her voice amused, her lips tugging up into a lopsided grin. ❝ i can see your massive ego already inflating several sizes. i need to find a pin to deflate you with or you'll fly away. ❞
a sideways glance sent his way. ❝ i do not think you're pretty. i think you're annoying, nikolai lanstov. ❞ despite this, the air shimmers with humour still. she thinks he's funny, at least, and is that not a far cry from when she'd first punched him?
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HE KNOWS she is referencing her background as an orphan , a light joke to his commentary about family . but instead of laughing , he looks at her instead .
❝ family is more than just blood , ❞ he remarks without his usual teasing tone . he squeezes her arm . ❝ i think we both know that . ❞ and with that piece of wisdom over , he is all smiles once again . ❝ oh i have no doubt of that . my jaw still smarts from time to time . ❞ then , a grin that IS indeed cocky . ❝ you think i'm pretty ? ❞
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daritelsveta · 1 year
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HER HANDS SHAKE, as he kneels in front of her. she will not - can not - look at him right now. not when the fear was so evident and curling around her, not when she was not an inch the sun saint that everyone prayed to for salvation ( but a monster ).
❝ i killed her, ❞ she gasps out. the revelation settles into her bones. she has stained her hands with her first blood. she shakes her head - it is only through sheer will that she lifts her eyes, aghast, to his own. to look at him properly. ❝ she's dead because of me. ❞
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HE REALIZES probably later than he should have that her shock is settling in , and instead of sitting beside her , he moves to kneel in front of her instead .
❝ alina . ALINA , ❞ he coaxes softly . ❝ it's alright . it's done now . we will learn what we can in time . ❞ he oh so delicately touches her chin . ❝ can you look at me ? ❞ he asks gently .
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daritelsveta · 1 year
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THE WOMAN IS BURNED AT THE STAKE. the fjerdans have no cause to be afraid of her; after all, she is not actually a witch nor grisha. no; the woman was otkazat'sya, who had stood in their witch-hunters' way as they tried to steal away two grisha children, homeless and nameless.
SANKTA NADJA, they call her, devoted, after the city is in ruins and burning to the ground. THE PATRON SAINT OF ORPHANS AND THE ABANDONED.
ind. portrayal of nadina morozova, an original character tailored for leigh bardugo's grishaverse. loved by lyusha.
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daritelsveta · 1 year
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ALINA DOES NOT HAVE REASON TO LIE. for what does she have? no standing, no power, nothing gained or lost. instead she simply gazes back at him, her face carefully blank. she always did wear her heart too accidentally on her sleeve.
"no." she hums, her hands folding behind her back. "i think it'd take me a while yet to accept it. what i have accepted is that there is no other like you and me."
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SHE PRESENTS HIM WITH AN INTERESTING CHOICE IN WORDS - a careful eyebrow raises for a moment , looking for any sign of deception. TRUST DOES NOT COME EASILY TO ALEKSANDER MOROZOVA , nor would it after it had been instilled in him as a child that trust was something that would lead to his death. "Does this mean you have accepted your immortality?"
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daritelsveta · 1 year
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THE EUPHORIA DOES NOT LAST LONG. once the adrenaline has worn off, alina finds herself balking. finds her eyes rapidly blinking, horror etching itself into her veins; for a second, her vision of nikolai blurs, and in his wake is him. him, dark and taunting, his hand outstretched. i have seen what you are, and i've never turned away. bile rises up her throat.
shaking hands rise - she tugs her gloves off first. her nails dig into her palms, the sharp sting making her eyes water. ❝ i know - i know just as much as you do, ❞ she croaks. can they say the same? her heart shatters at the same time she does, tears rolling unbidden and heavy down her cheeks. who was she - and what had she done?
@daritelsveta liked for a season 2 starter
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❝ AS FAR as coronations go , i think it'll be remembered as the most interesting in the lantsov line . ❞ it's said dryly , almost uncaring . but there's an unease under his skin . it shook him , deeply , and he's only moderately succeeding at pretending it didn't . he circles around , to sit down beside alina . he doesn't know how to broach the subject with HER , either . that woman had been severed in half , which nikolai was grateful for , don't get him wrong . but at the same tIime - - - - well . one wonders .
❝ i wish i could go back ; everything happened so fast . i feel like i don't know enough , and we know how much i do hate that feeling . ❞
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daritelsveta · 1 year
;; — made a morozova sibling oc and im so tempted to make a sideblog to rp her… 🥹
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daritelsveta · 1 year
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❝ what is family if not complicated? ❞ she teases back, her arm looped with his. like this, they feel like genuine friends and less like two pieces on the chessboard, with their hands curled over each other's pawns. she thinks she could get used to it. she thinks she's tired of awaiting betrayal from him. her head slants, considering his words as they walk, a smile playing at her lips. ❝ not that i would know. ❞
a snort. ❝ cockiness is a winner's bragging rights, i'd say. don't worry - if your pretty head gets too big, i'll knock you down a few pegs, hm? ❞ she laughs then. it is a clear, distinctive sound borne of joy, of the lightness that he inspires inside her. she is unused to it.
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SHE WATCHES him , and when she bends to smell the flowers , eyes closed and a quiet delight on her face , he watches her back . there is a joy in her , he thinks . a kindness . he wants to say innocence , but that feels too patronizing . like she's looked at all the terrible things , and chose gentleness instead . he can appreciate it . a lot of his own bravado is a farce , but she brings more of his joy to the surface in return .
her words leave a feeling in his chest that he can't quite place . he wonders if she would think the same , if she knew him . truly knew him , as only HE knows himself . ❝ they do know . well they know somewhat. mostly they just think i'm cocky . ❞ he takes her arm when she offers it and continues their leisurely circuit around the garden . ❝ but i think that's part of the problem . vasily resents me for it , among other things . and my father and mother take little interest . ❞ not to mention the question of his true parentage , a rumour he thinks his father believes more than doesn't . ❝ suffice it to say , one could generously describe the lantsov family dynamic as COMPLICATED , ❞ he concludes with a playful smile .
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daritelsveta · 1 year
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she's turning to him, her scowl pronounced. she had thought he'd leave her be, and somehow, perhaps she'd find a way to wriggle her way out if she was feeling so inclined. hopes dashed now, she leans against the wall and glares at him.
"i was thinking of going into hiding," she admits instead. a streak of honesty. "living a simple life. a farmer, maybe, or on a ship. i don't think i have that choice now, do i?" she paces around, and finally picks up a book that she sees lying down and abandoned, hands dusting off the cover. "this thing is practically ancient."
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her mouth works as she tries to suppress a scowl at kaz. it wasn’t saintlike to curse, and she clasped her hands behind her back, her head drooping slightly as her eyes flashed in gratitude. “they’ll work,” she sniffs, raising her chin again. “i grew up in an orphanage, you know. to the me from those days, these are practically a lord’s robes.”
still, she crosses over to the bed, picks them up and arches an eyebrow at him. only when he’s gone does she begin to dress again: her movements stilted and pained, before she finally wrangles her appearance into a semi-disguise. she reopens the door and steps out and eyes him. “i’m assuming i can’t leave until you’re back.”
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