dariasherm-blog · 7 years
Underworld, Sparta
“ somewhere warm like the bahamas or monaco. anywhere that is sunnier than maine; it’s depressing here. ”
“ i don’t really have a bucket list. if i want to do something, i do it. no need to wait when you have the world at your fingertips. ”
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dariasherm-blog · 7 years
11, 14, 15
umm i would think she’s fairly attractive ?? i mean, it’s madelaine petsch after all. i do think that daria’s overconfidence and bitchiness can tarnish some of her more attractive qualities like her intelligence and sense of humour, but physically she’s gorge.
daria hates the colour yellow. it was the colour of her playroom when she was a child, and she was never a fan because it was just too bright and it hurt her eyes. it’s also the one colour she doesn’t think she can pull off.
current pop, mostly. she likes anything that she can dance to and will get the party started, whether the party is her and marley dancing in her bedroom or a rager she’s throwing for two hundred people. some of her favourite artists are bulow, marshmello, and shawn mendes.
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dariasherm-blog · 7 years
20- How do they handle being alone?
“ i prefer being alone. i’m the best company a person could ask for. ”
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dariasherm-blog · 7 years
“ this seems intrusive. i’ve never liked answering questions about myself unless they’re about how amazing i am. ”
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dariasherm-blog · 7 years
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the  conversation  was  one  they  faced  all  too  often.  are  you  staying  ( ? )  he  never  had  an answer,  in  truth.  focusing  on  the  wall  before  him,  he  beings  to  weigh  his  options.  had  he  decided  to  stay  ?  who  knows  what  would  occur.  any  forms  of physical   attachment  (  or  attachment  in  general  )  was far  from  her  thing.  frankly,  daxton  had  assumed  that  she  would  be  the   one  forcing  him  out  of  the  door.  he  lived  to  get  the  other  riled  up.  calling  her  princess  ? it  did  the  trick.  ❝  did  you  want  me  to  stay,  princess  —-  ?  ❞  he  questions,  a  knowing  smirk  forming  on  his  lips.  she,  just  as  everyone  else,  had  her  moments  of  feeling  lonely.  most  of  the  time;  the  pair  was  strictly  no  lingering  stays.  yet,  they  had  their  moments.   ❝  i  don’t  have  much  going  on  tonight, so  —-  i  suppose  i  could  stay.  if  you  want. ❞
                --- if you asked her, daria sherman would adamantly insist that she didn’t need anyone. she was independent, refusing to get attached to anybody because it might dampen her spirit or kill her vibe. however, though she would never admit it, her bed got lonely sometimes. and one thing she hated was having to admit this. she knew how much daxton loved to push her buttons (“ he gets on my nerves more than he gets me off ” is what she would tell her friends when asked about him) and though it annoyed her to no end, there was something about him that kept her coming back. she grimaced at him, “ why would i ask if i didn’t ? ” she countered. she did not want to let the words ' i want you to stay ' pass her lips, because that gave him the power to hurt her if he left. “ if you aren’t busy then i don’t see a point in you leaving. ” she moved so that the rest of her body was on the bed, turning and laying on her side to face him, head propped up on her arm. “ plus, i’d be terribly bored if you decided to go. ” 
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dariasherm-blog · 7 years
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dariasherm-blog · 7 years
“I don’t actually remember anyone dying and putting you in charge.” He said with a small shrug.  “Honestly your plans a bit, lacking, but hey, I’m always down to watch things go down in flames.”
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               --- daria sneered, “ no one had to die. if i have to usurp, so be it. though i don’t remember asking for your opinion in the first place. ” her arms remained crossed, “ if you have a better idea then shoot. but if i remember correctly your plans don’t really surpass sex, drugs, and rock and roll so i’m not expecting anything overly intelligent. ”
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dariasherm-blog · 7 years
   marley smiled and they both hopped out of the car.  she walked around, locking the doors with a click of her key and locked her arm with daria’s as they made their way inside.  the honeycomb was one of their favorite places to go - makeovers, salon talk, the overall atmosphere was their perfect paradise.  today they were in for deep conditioning.  ( marley was also getting a bit of a trim to keep her ends fresh )  she was always careful to take care of her hair in order to keep her curls bouncy and shiny.  she had relaxed it before, worn it straight, but lately her natural curls were her jam.  
   they were seated next to each other, of course.  they had been in there so many times they practically new every stylist by name and vice versa.  “oh god, what did she do this time?”
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               --- it was almost too hard for daria to say. marley was no stranger to her mother’s crazy antics, and so it was easiest to talk to her about it. but the words still felt sour as they fell from her cherry red lips. “ she got ridiculously drunk and ended up throwing one of daddy’s expensive crystal wine decanters at me. not entirely sure why, i think it had something to do with her not liking my earrings. ” the red-head shrugged, “ but what can you do, right ? ” not right. her parental issues were a large contributor to her defiant attitude, not that she would tell anybody that. she often wished that she had marley’s family (she technically did, she was so close with all of them that she was practically a bonfamille herself) and the closeness they shared. “ i might sleep over tonight if that’s alright. they’re going to some medical conference in buffalo tomorrow, so i won’t have to deal with her for a few days thankfully. ”
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dariasherm-blog · 7 years
closed starter for @dashiellparrs
               --- “ call me princess again and i’ll cut off your arm and beat you with it, ” daria threatened, rolling over to face the blonde man laying opposite her. her brown eyes gleamed, a combination of mischief and seriousness. “ i’m not a princess. if anything, i’m a queen and your nickname is demeaning. ” sitting up quickly, soft legs swung over the side of the king sized bed, feet connecting silently with the floor. daria slid on a pair of fuzzy pink slippers (the only thing on her body at the moment) and walked over to her wardrobe to grab the red silk robe that hung off the handle. moonlight cascaded through her bedroom window, illuminating pale skin and supple curves. she pulled the robe on, but didn’t bother to tie the band around her waist. arms crossed over her chest, red hair falling in waves down the front of her body, she walked back over to the bed and sat on the side that daxton was laying on. 
               --- “ are you planning on staying over ? or are you running off on one of your little late night marathons again like last time ? ”
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dariasherm-blog · 7 years
   his name out of her mouth felt like nails on a chalkboard.  it had been too long but not long enough.  he had grown up with daria, they were practically together in their diaper days, their families had been close long before they came along.  he had never cared for her too much, she was spoiled and greedy - but when he got older his father had encouraged him to hang out with people that were more his style, and that’s where she came into play.  
   “the devil herself, it’s always a pleasure dar,” he said with a small grin as she sat down across from him.  “oh please, make yourself comfortable, i wasn’t doing anything,” he commented, keeping his book open in front of his chest.  “ah yes, you know sometimes i have to get out and charge my battery, though i’m sure to get back inside as quickly as possible, it prevents me from running into people like you.”
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               --- the seemingly harsh nickname didn’t bother her. the devil got shit done, and wasn’t afraid of breaking hearts and taking names. if anything, daria took it as a compliment, and smiled as she brushed a strand of flaming red hair behind her ear. she looked down at the book in front of him, and then reached over and closed it. “ well, now you’re talking to me. it’s been a while, why won’t we catch up ? daddy will be so pleased when he hears i bumped into you. ”
               --- “ you’re afraid of encountering beautiful, charming women ? figures. that explains why you’re here alone. ” she replied, nose slightly raised into the air. she sipped her drink quietly, fingers tapping against the paper surface of the cup, before placing it on the table betwee them. “ admit it, you missed me and all the exciting banter i bring into your dull life. ”
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dariasherm-blog · 7 years
            —Zora stifled as laugh as Daria called herself a pleasure, she took a sip of her water to hide her amusement. Zora’s eyes scanned the menu, but she always ordered the seafood alfredo, her and Daria came here a lot so they basically always knew what they were going to order. “I’ve had some events happen” she laid the menu down slowly “I may have slept with my ex, i’m not really sure how it all happened, we were yelling and then he kissed me” she sighed “I don’t know why, but I have a lot of emotions about it right now”.
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               --- daria’s eyebrows shot up, her eyes not leaving zora as she handed her menu to the waiter. “ you mean the greasy pyromaniac with the creepy facial hair ? zo, you could do so much better. ” she sipped the cup of water she had been brought, being careful not to mess up her lipstick, “ why were you even near him ? isn’t he on the list ? ” the list being a collection of names that daria kept on a piece of paper in her bedroom. anyone who wronged one of the girls was on there. if your name was put on the list it was next to impossible to be taken off of it, because daria was unforgiving towards anyone who hurt her friends. “ i only have one emotion about it, and that emotion is disgust. i’d rather you hook up with mar again than that freak. ”
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dariasherm-blog · 7 years
true or false: you actually have a heart
“ everyone has a heart. did you learn anything about basic anatomy ? ”
“ true ... somewhere. ”
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dariasherm-blog · 7 years
TEXT MEME: scarred text
ROXANNE: He... he just was being really gross and when I asked him to stop he got mad.
ROXANNE: Just talk? Or rip him a new one?
ROXANNE: Either way I will send you his number. Thanks, D.
DARIA: ew. this is why boys are a no-go. they all suck.
DARIA: how does "come near her again and i'll chop off your hands so she and i can wear them as matching necklaces" sound?
DARIA: no sweat. you're my girl.
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dariasherm-blog · 7 years
27, 28, 35
27: what's your favorite bubblegum flavor?
“ i don’t chew gum, it’s bad for my teeth. ”
28: sunrise or sunset?
“ sunset. sunrise is way too early to be enjoyable most of the year. ”
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dariasherm-blog · 7 years
47, 81
47: what food do you think should be banned from the universe?
“ most of them. do you know how processed everything is ? it’s so gross. i’m going to go with processed cheese though. the only ingredient separating that from plastic is cheese flavouring. ”
81: describe one of your friend's eyes using the most abstract imagery you can think of.
“ do you think i’m some sort of writer or something ? rox’s eyes are like, blue-green, mar’s are brown, and zo’s are blue. you should be impressed i can even recall that. ”
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dariasherm-blog · 7 years
26, 78
26: what are the shoes you've had for forever and wear with every single outfit?
“ why would i wear the same pair of shoes with everything ? nothing stays in my closet for over a year. ”
78: are you in the minion hateclub or fanclub?
“ those disgusting little yellow things ? hate. ”
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dariasherm-blog · 7 years
TEXT MEME: scarred text
Roxanne: Yeah yeah
Roxanne: I'm in front of that crappy burger place that always serves old onion rings.
Roxanne: I'm just scared
DARIA: i'm on my way babe
DARIA: what happened?? did he literally just leave you on the side of the road?
DARIA: because if he did then you're going to have to give me his number
DARIA: promise i just wanna talk...lol
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