darcyberling-blog · 9 years
“They are meant to.” Darcy smirked. “Only two? You are slacking.”
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“You know, you words can be really hurtful.” He grinned. “It’s too bad you’re horribly, horribly wrong. I bet I could pick up at least two of these girls.”
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darcyberling-blog · 9 years
“You better get your own drink though. I’ve already finished this one.” She told him as she set the glass down on the bar.
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I thought you’d never ask.
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darcyberling-blog · 9 years
“You are missing out on a lot of fun.” She said before taking her drink back from the other. “Thank you. Nothing like 21. Legal to drink basically everywhere.”
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“I mean, yeah, but since I don’t really don’t drink it would be a waste for me to get my own drink.” Dominic took the drink, taking a couple sips before handing it back. “Happy Birthday!” 
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darcyberling-blog · 9 years
“Well, I plan on getting drunk tonight and then let whatever happens happens.” She said. “You should join me tonight. it’s been a long time.”
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Blake fidgeted nervously for a second, unsure where they stood with each other. “So you having a good time so far? Or like, do you have any exciting plans for the day?” 
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darcyberling-blog · 9 years
“Amazing. No like my age has ever stopped me, but it is a new year and a new day.” She grinned at the other as she followed her to the bar. Darcy ordered them some shots to start it off followed by a pina colada. She grabbed the shots and held it up. “Cheers.” she said before downing it.
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“I still have to use a fake ID, you lucky ass. 21 it is, gorgeous. How does it feel to be free to do all the fun things?” Braelin tugged gently on Darcy’s hand, leading them over to the bartender. “Order whatever you’d like.”
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darcyberling-blog · 9 years
“You should have let her. It’s going to be a long time before anyone shows interest in you again.” She joked.
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“What do you think?”
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darcyberling-blog · 9 years
“Well, are you going to let her?”
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“Interesting experience here so far. Some Brazilian babe just told me she’d like to use me as her lollipop.”
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darcyberling-blog · 9 years
Text || Fiona & Darcy
Fiona: The family has been formulating this for weeks. I'm so glad you love it, we put a lot of thought into it and I know I don't tell you enough how strong you are and how much I love and appreciate you, but I do.
Fiona: Ride or die, baby. I love you so much.
Darcy: Your family is so precious. No joke.
Darcy: I love you so much too, Fiona. Trust you with my life.
Darcy: That ride or die life.
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darcyberling-blog · 9 years
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darcyberling-blog · 9 years
Text || Fiona & Darcy
Darcy: Wow
Darcy: Thank you so much that is honestly the sweetest thing anyone has said to me since this whole thing started. I don't think anyone will understand how much this means to me.
Darcy: I may have cried.
Darcy: Fi, just thank you for everything because I know this year is shit for you too but I got through this and you will too because we are too strong.
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darcyberling-blog · 9 years
Happy Birthday!
This entire year has been hard for everyone, but you have been taking blows from life left and right and you’ve been so courageous through it all and I don’t think I could be more proud to have you as a friend. We’ve known each other for far too long for me to not tell you that this birthday may be the most important because it’s a celebration of you leaving your hardships behind and taking another step into adulthood. I also want to thank you for never throwing what happened to Amanda in our faces, you’ve been with us every step of the way and I will protect you and love you like I do Cory, Lou, and Del. You are my family, you’ve always been. 
With that said, I feel compelled to tell you that The Laurent Family has also contributed to your birthday. 
You’ve earned it. We love you. x
- Fiona 
From Fiona and Cory: 
From Louis: 
Diana and Lucien: 
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darcyberling-blog · 9 years
“No longer need to use a fake id when I visit America. Yes!” Darcy grinned. “1-10? let’s go 21. Tis the age after all. You are going to become my favorite person if you give me free drinks.”
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Congrats on exiting the womb and being old enough to do all the fun stuff in America. On a scale of one to ten, how trashed do you plan on getting tonight? Oh, by the way, the first round’s on me. And the second one is, too.
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darcyberling-blog · 9 years
“Couldn’t have been timed any better. Bless the fact that I was born in the winter. I can get drunk and be tan”
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“Yas bitch, Happy Birthday! And you’re in a tropical place for your birthday, you lucky girl!”
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darcyberling-blog · 9 years
Darcy turned around, hearing a familiar voice. “Blake. Hi. Thank you.” She said with a smile before setting her empty glass down. It had been a long time since she had talked to the other.
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Hey… um, happy birthday.
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darcyberling-blog · 9 years
“Margarita. Gotta stay tropical in a tropical place.” She said with a grin. “Present? What is it. Hand it over.”
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Happy birthday, Darc! What’s your drink, I’ll get the next round while you open your present. 
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darcyberling-blog · 9 years
“Yes please. It’s been too long.” She said before she grabbed Caroline’s wrist to drag her towards the docks.
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“Then what are we still doing on the boat, let’s get you filled up with booze for days and a hottie to take home.”
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darcyberling-blog · 9 years
Darcy guarded the cup. “Shouldn’t the birthday girl get to keep her cup?” She asked with an eyebrow raised before she handed the cup to him with a laugh.
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“Let’s! Pass the cup here,” Dominic extended his hand out. 
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