The unspoken words
19 posts
Just a girl with imagination! By- Daraksha Rehman
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daraksha2000 · 7 years ago
Day tripper- ISU
Day tripper
Question- What does passion means to bras?
this question keeps coming up each time in this story when bras is given a chance to handle the situations according to what his thinking of life are in particular.  The decision taken by him and the other characters shows how it affects them. For example; when the young boy shoots his uncle and then bras and then he starts to picture himself as his father as how he could have been there at his  fathers party and see how passionate his father had been for what he loves to do.
This piece is much connected to the other kinds of book I have read for example the book; 13 reasons why, Hannah loved writing and her passion was to be a writer. This is so much connected to that book because of Hannah’s sudden decision of suicide.  
The lines from FLIPSYDE “I'm gonna see you on the Flipsyde And it don't matter if it's right or it's wrong” shows that no matter if its good or bad, it is a chance to be able to see god and ask him the questions that were left forgotten.
Throughout the entire 10 stories I noticed the theme is always there is the death and how death affects the surroundings; the loved ones we well as future goals.
On the picture #24, the lines “Bras….. Shared with his father; the passion for written word and if it wasn’t for his sudden death…”  then he could have been just successful as his father. Though Bras didn’t think what would happen if he died for afterwards. For bras, his passion for writing was so deep that he forgot his life did revolved around other people in his family and that if he cared to be in their happiness as well. As far as it abo0ut being passionate about something about myself is working for the community just like my mom and somehow this does describes me in some ways because sometimes even I think of how well my mom does it so much better than me like just being able to connect to the people that well.
Entirely these stories come back to a question how the ending of a story affects the beginning of the story. For example the last story which talks about how when began the story, the stories aren’t always perfect and needs to end somehow, meaning in real life as well, the endings are always there just not predicted to be the best of all.
“FLIPSYDE”- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2bQG8v8kTGs
“Drowning- Banks”- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HzGHgQBPyV0
Theme – love and ignorance
“Thousand years” – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rtOvBOTyX00
Theme- love, sacrifice
“Chunar(hindi song)” – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=is8htdhRZv8
Theme- mother and son love
translation - http://www.bollymeaning.com/2015/05/maayi-teri-chunariya-chunar-lyrics-abcd2.html
“Fight song”- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xo1VInw-SKc
Theme fighting through is dreams and wishes but eventually dying because of an accident
“Hurts like hell”- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pUlX8ltm_JU
Theme- Losing a friend and end up dying himself in an accident
“History”- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yjmp8CoZBIo
Theme- Helping each other as friends and slowly losing them and more about friendship
“You said you’d grow old with me”- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f9Ht08fu8Cw
Theme- showing love between Ana and bras and how when he left, everything changed, he died due to a tumor leaving is family and this song reminds oh the relationship they had.
Dream on- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Wzic15m7YQ
theme- This lyrics talk of the dreams and choices an individual want to take but cant and if stuck in the present and not being able to look for the dream and its purpose. Just like Bras he doesn’t know what his dreams really mean to him and his existence in general
Bhoola dena(hindi song)-  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g8LEktKv9hs
Theme- this shows when the your dying and your other half is left alone, the support and love is still there but the presence of the person is not
Translation- http://www.bollymeaning.com/2013/04/tujhe-jeena-hai-mere-bina-lyrics.html
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daraksha2000 · 7 years ago
Describe the one thing that gives you the most comfort.
That one thing, gives me the most comfort is being able to spend time with my family. since they are super busy with work and other schedules that we don’t always get to be with others and therefore some road trips or local trips are always fun and very comforting not only for me but also for my family as well because it’s usually relaxing and talking about previous day or week and just be able to have fun and talk, etc. All this help us to get close and just feel blessed that we have the opportunity to be together. For me my family has been the top priority and always will be no matter what and I think this way we get show our love and care for each other.
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daraksha2000 · 7 years ago
:  What is something special/different about you? Why do you think it is special or different? 
Something special about me is the fact that I love painting and dancing. it’s something that I never get tired by doing as it helps me get relaxed and just let myself express better. Another special thing is I am very much into film production and etc, because that’s something I want to be able to do when I grow up. I go for production scenes as well because it’s very important for me personally. I try my best to keep up with school and this production I do so I can handle both of them at all times. I think its special because as my friends don’t seen interested into film production and I see it as in a way that its good be different and standout with what your liking are and I also do taekwondo with 1st degree black belt because I think it’s one of the ways you can stay fit and have fun at the same time. I have learned so much when I go for the tournaments and I have made so many friends that make me want to do so much better ad not be afraid at all to try out things and keep on getting new experiences.
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daraksha2000 · 7 years ago
Ex Machina
 Which character do you identify with/agree with or feel the most for: Ava, Caleb or Nathan?  500 words.
 The most I feel for is Ava because even though she is a robot, she still deserves to be free and have the freedom just any other human being does. if we as humans create them for our personal pleasures, ex. when Nathan can give the robot the sexuality and the freedom to have the feeling for anyone just like a human being then I think she should be given freedom of doing whatever she wants and wherever she would like to go rather than keeping her in a room where she is treated like an animal for a testing reason. She must be feeling like a cage where all she can do is sleep, draw, talk and stare but nothing.  Ava wanted to be free and get out without being held captive because she saw how beautiful the outer world was, therefore in order to gain her freedom, he had to kill Nathan because he wasn’t really a good guy and plus, I think we as humans shouldn’t be trusting a robot as much because they are dangerous but at the same time, they are innocent because they aren’t familiar to the outside world and therefore they won’t do anything bad as long as they know they aren’t being help in prison like. I felt very bad for Ava because she was being tested and just like Ava, there was another robot girl who Nathan used to get his stuff done and as well as for sexual pleasure purposes and I think that’s morally wrong because the robots don’t have any other option to do what people like Nathan say because he programed her the way he wanted and that was to make her do what he wants to. The time when Caleb came in and saw the other robot taking her clothes off because she was programed like that if someone comes close to her. At the end, Ava ends up killing Nathan and locking Caleb because she knew that Caleb would let the world know her truth and she couldn’t take that risk because she wanted to be able to be free without any fear of her truth.  Regardless, I think she get her freedom because she deserves to be free if she was even created like to be one like a human being. If she can give the right to feel loved and love back with being able to be sexual then she should be able to live they she wishes even though she is a robot.
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daraksha2000 · 7 years ago
Pick a character and tell me what each character represents or symbolizes.  Anton Chigurh, Ed Tom, Llewelyn Moss, Carson Wells, Carla Jean Moss,
The novel’s Antagonist, Anton Chigurh is a remorseless hit man who kills without hesitation.
Though he is ruthless in his killing, he is described to be a man with principles. He is the only who doesn’t care about the money in the briefcase and only cares about killing. , he believes only in choice, chance, and fate. He sometimes gives chances before killing his victims, leaving the ultimate decision of whether the individual lives or dies to a coin toss. He chooses weapon as bolt gun used for killing cattle because of how easy to use it is and the fact the people die. In the end, Anton disappears the way he entered the story, without letting the audience know anything.
  Explain the sheriff's dreams at the end of the film. How does this compare to the opening monologue of the sheriff?
In the first dream, he relates to him meeting his father and losing the money his father gave him, showing the simplicity of the childhood. he explains him as a young man, using the money to be happy without much care for remembering the past or saving for the future.
he knows that his old life won’t be as good as it was when he was young, but he trusts that his father, who passed away a long time ago, is waiting for him somewhere out there in the great unknown. He has come to the realization that he is living in “no country for old men,” and he is making his way into peace place.
  This film is supposed to be a western but isn't. Why not?  
Because usually the hero wins but in this story the villain gets away with what he has done as compared to the other 3 main characters.
The villain kills everyone using his weapon but he give a chance using a coin which he decides if the person going to live or die.
   An explanation of the confusing ending:
 the character of Bell is identified as one of the “Old Men” of the title, and we get a glimpse into why there’s “no country” for them anymore. his character seem to be displaced as he struggles to face the actual world of chaos and randomness, and so he’s lost. 
As from the movie analysis from a website, its shown that “The Coens’ ending is both pessimistic and opaque. On the one hand, Moss’ end tells us   that our past sins catch up with us.” this means that whatever we do, we say and etc, including our actions has a greater role in our future. “ Bell says that he’s now twenty years older than his father was in the dream”. This line shows how time has been inverted, because Bell is now older than his father -- he, instead of his father, is the “old man.”
Sheriff Bell’s dreams show that not all problems can be solved by our inner selves and that sometimes the subconscious tells you what you truly want, but with that is the problem; it’s a wish that’s impossible to fulfill.
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daraksha2000 · 7 years ago
Day 5
This poem is much more than a sad dying love story and not that much to explain about because it’s literally a sad love note for someone they misses and loves and knows that they fucked up at first place by losing her. 
they are also aware of that they lost her.
it talks about a guy who is writing a poem for a girl who I am pretty sure she has lost her. it talks about how he can pretend to write the saddest poem but deep down he misses her and loves her.
the lines-
“I no longer love her, true, but perhaps I love her. Love is so short and oblivion so long.” this means that he loves her but saying the word love in connection with her 
it is sad when the author uses all kinds of sad words like “she is someone else’s and etc” gives more sense that he actually cares and is feeling empty without any support or care.
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daraksha2000 · 7 years ago
Day 2
relentless as the tarantula-Charles Bukowski
This poem is itself seems to be very unique with the usage of words and i think the most important theme in this poem is making time for yourself and doing something productive.
The lines-
“all you can do is maybe grab ten lucky minutes here or maybe an hour there”
-This line above weighs so much as it tells you to get some time as “maybe” you will ask for some later on.   
“something is working toward you right now, and I mean you and nobody but you”
This line has so much meaning like the words coming out as its pointing you and speaking about the reality about this world because nothing can help but you yourself..
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daraksha2000 · 7 years ago
This looks more about an after life as if someone who is reuniting with their partner that they were dying to see. the line “ A strange door opened.between us, and someone with no face as yet, waited for us there” makes more sense as if the god is waiting for the couple and they reunited again. it could be related to love or death.
The most Favorite line for me was “This day, the storm-driven ocean lifted us up in a kiss”
this poem looks more of a love story which its portraying the true meaning of what love feels like when someone you love dearly leaves you and you wait to see them in the other side of  world you can say.
i definitely can relate it the poem in terms of  love because it has such big connection to the word love and the each wording in the poem.
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daraksha2000 · 7 years ago
Article #1- teachers committing sexual assault should get their license taken away.
Recently the issue of whether a teacher should be allowed to keep their license or not. from the source i  found out that the  teacher was Richard S. Buckley, and he taught the girl in Ontario’s Bluewater District School Board, south of Owen Sound but when her vice-principal  began to investigate what was going on,  Buckley contacted the girl in a panic.He was going to kill himself, he told her, according to an agreed statement of facts in his case. He pleaded with her not to tell administrators what happened between them. but i think people like these shouldn't get their license at all because he didn’t think about it before attempting to do something like this and now there no point of his getting scared because he did it wrong anyways. Sadly he was found guilty for abusing a teen girl but was allowed to keep the license when clearly he should have gotten it taken away. it is a serious issue that needs to be dealt more strictly even though it’s Toronto issue.
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daraksha2000 · 7 years ago
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daraksha2000 · 7 years ago
Advises to my 7 year old sister!
Dear Samaira,
I know your age you really have nothing to worry of but as you grow you will realize much more than what is actually happening and remember one thing in life that no matter what or how hard the situation gets, never lose hope.
Hope is what keeps us alive and that’s what gives us strength throughout. Hey never give up, you know why because you have all the courage you need to achieve something you wish for and I know you have all the power u need in order to do that.
Life can at times be very cruel with all the things happening, and at a point you might even feel like giving up. Give life another chance… give keeping yourself another chance until you learn your ways. Don’t be hard on yourself and most importantly don’t you dare lose yourself in order to love someone else.
Your just 7 right now and by the time you will be my age you will be much smarter than me and I know for sure that you will always make us proud.  I also know for the fact that you don’t always feel confident enough in what you do but I want you to know that you have always done your best and sometimes the best we do isn’t always enough for the world, but that doesn’t mean you’re not good enough.
It just means you have your ways of learning and doing things and don’t make this your weakness but rather make it your strength. After all everyone wants to be like others… But you! My girl you’re different and that’s what makes you unique.
I know these advises might not work well for you but this is just a piece to tell you one thing “Life isn’t always about winning; it’s about how you win. It is about all the hard work and dedication you show in your work and how well you portray yourself in front of people”
Now comes the most interesting part of your life… teenage life and yes I know a lot will happen. But stay away from the toxic people my darling! Those aren’t worth it and won’t have any good influence on you anyway. I know it could be hard.
Well it was hard for me as well but trust, the sooner you let them go, the better your life will get. Ah now comes love friendship and most importantly heartbreaks. Girl you will love again, you will meet new people and be friends with them again so don’t ever think your life will stop because they leave you; their lose not yours.
Always be kind and love yourself and your loved ones, be positive, think of all the good things you have received from us and that will always give strength and peace…
With lots of love,
Your sister!  
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daraksha2000 · 7 years ago
3 stories into one
A tall, fair-skin, old guy, maybe in his mid-30s’ approaching the crowd, he seemed to be worried and stressed. He looked like he was on a hunt, maybe looking for someone who was so close to him those if he didn’t find them he would seriously go crazy. I saw him walking in and out of the shop every 30 secs trying to looking for that “someone” in the crowd. Few minutes later as I started to walk out of the shop, the same man snuck out of the back window of the coffee shop. For a minute I froze by the way he gave me a look. That look started to make me look confused because clearly I didn’t do anything and neither did I know him. For me it was a stranger looking for something or someone. I also thought of walking up to him and asking what was wrong but then my mom stopped me saying it’s none of my business. He was carrying a small box which was wrapped into a gift wrap, so maybe I thought to myself, he was waiting for someone I guessed it to be his wife. I decided to wait a little more and see if anything new pop up. After for some I planned to walk up and ask if he needed something and finally I did asking “sir, I was wondering if everything was fine, I mean I have been sitting here for a while now and are you looking for someone?” to which he replies “uhh…” maybe he wasn’t going to tell me I thought. “ I always come here… for my long gone lover…” he said in a crying voice.  And continued “back in my days, I met her here for the first time… first date you know!” she was the most beautiful thing I had in my life, the only one.” “How did she die” I said. “I killed her…” he whispered. And at that moment I suddenly felt the silence across the table where we were sitting.  I had no words to say, I was blank but the only question I had in my mind was how can you kill someone you say you love?
He started off “I know, I know..  What you’re thinking, but I didn’t mean it. it was my fault, I guess you can say I fucked up. I always used think she didn’t love me. I doubted her every second... and one day while having an argument I did something I didn’t mean it….” he cried “I didn’t mean to kill you Julie, I loved you….” as he was saying all that; all of his words started to sink in, like there was no sound just his lips moving. I got up. I left. I couldn’t stay there. I was close to tearing up but managed to control myself. I didn’t know what to say. I just left that guy sitting alone at the table whipping and talking to himself and saying “Julie… Come back… I love you…”
As I started to walk through the park as it was a beautiful weather outside in the afternoon while birds were chirping and traffic sound making me feel energetic. Not too cold, not too hot like the perfect time for a walk.  I heard a voice and as I got close to it, it started to get louder and louder each time. By the time I got close to the voice I saw an elderly man crying. Sitting on bench alone near the pond. I thought of approaching him, few minutes later still debating whether I should be minding my own business or being a good citizen and help out the poor old man. I screamed, pretending as if I lost something. “hey… I was wondering have you seen my dog!” the old man didn’t look at me at all. so I tried to changed the topic and asked if he was okay “Sir, are you fine? because you don’t seem to be.” he said in his crying voice “I lost someone today that I wished I hadn’t”  My mouth dropped “oh shit… sir who? is there anything I can help?” “can you bring me back my Maria?” he said in some different accent. “ oh I wish sir, but I would love to hear about her. I mean how did she died… who was she to you?”
“my darling, my baby…” he exclaimed.  kindest of all, my sona was the best. she was as beautiful as a rose.” your wife?” I thought “NOOO, my daughter. I angel” as he started to talk about her, I felt the presence of her as well, as if she was right there behind me standing and listening to us. “She was raped…” as these words came out of his mouth, he was numb. No more of tears but that lost look as clear on his face. I tripped and sat back on the bench beside him.
“What the fuck… wait what? Sir how. I mean how old was she? When did this happened” I was so stoned I wanted to ask everything about it I wanted to know all of it. He started to tell me what happened and ended with “No one came forward… I LOST MY SONA! I lost her…” my baby”.
By the time he finishes his story. He was crying anymore. He got up and started to walk away. I yelled “sir where are you going?”
“On a search”
“Sir, but where?”
 “To find my Maria” he cries.
In that moment I couldn’t believe to what actually happened. still in tears, I took my phone out from my right pocket and started to dial a number.
“hello” I said from the line.
“hi, hows my baby doing?” my mom replied
“I love you mom”
“Awhh honey! Are you okay? I love you too my baby”
“Yes mom, I just realized how much I love you…”
 I was angry. I barged out of the school’s front door. Mia yelling from the behind “Maya, wait. I didn’t mean it. I am sorry. it all just happened.”
right you didn’t mean to kiss my boyfriend in front of the whole school and say you didn’t mean it.” I said as I stopped to answer back. I turned around and yelled that even the juniors could hear me crying. “Why did you do this to me? What did I ever do to you?”  
“I… I am... I am sorry Maya”
I felt like a douche bag, something that could be used for their benefit. I was angry, I was in pain. I just couldn’t believe that my best friends who told her a secret which was that she kissed my boyfriend. I didn’t know what to do anymore. In that moment I wanted to just die. My mom was right Mia was a bitch after all.
“I shouldn’t have trusted you t first place Mia”
“I hate you, go away from my life”
Later that same night I went up to my mom and sat with her. I asked her how come dad and her was so much in love even after so many years. I felt disturbed with the incident.  
“Not everyone we think love are in love”
She paused and continued
“It’s just the difference of trust honey. Just because you and henry didn’t work out, doesn’t mean you won’t have anyone in your life again”
“But mom, I love him… I want him!” I cried
“Maybe, you are in love but think of it Maya, Is this love helping you to be a better person and this doesn’t mean you won’t fall in love again.”
I felt blank. I wanted to scream and keep screaming until I lose my voice. Cry and cry until I don’t feel my face anymore.
I didn’t want to fall in love again. I didn’t want to move on.  I couldn’t imagine the fact that my boyfriend cheated on my for someone I expected it the least.
I knew my mom was right but I didn’t want to believe her. I wanted to run away from everyone, I really wished.
Tears rolled down my cheeks as my mom got up and left the counter table to wash the dishes.  
I didn’t know what to do to or say.
I just got up and left.
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daraksha2000 · 7 years ago
From darkness to light… light/dark imagery and use of color.
Darkness cannot erase darkness ... only light can erase it.
And evil cannot be erased easily but only light can.
In the end we all look for the light, as it’s said the tunnel is dark but only for a while,
There awaits the light that brings the color.
The color that drives away the darkness, bringing peace and happiness.
Brings hope, which gives you inner relief.
Light and dark are the two sides of the tunnel,
Whichever way you choose, you end up at some point.
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daraksha2000 · 7 years ago
when look into the crystal ball what would you like to see?
When looked into the crystal ball I would like to see myself achieving all I want to do in my life. More specifically I want to see myself with the love of my life, having my own kids and a beautiful house with 2 dogs and being able to travel the world. I love traveling and trying new things and I think that’s what I wold want to do in future. Being able to be the good person. I want to have a stable life and have good income so that I can get whatever I can for myself and my family.  I want to see myself at the best thing possible.  I want to fulfil all my dreams of participating into pageants and work for the community and for a better cause. I want to travel the world representing my country and standing up for what I believe in. I love making new friends and trying out new different things weather it’s for fun or something related to career wise, therefore I wish to try out everything possible for example; try out singing, having my own production company, and my own brand and what not.
Even though I know it’s difficult to have so many dreams at once but I believe in doing different things before I die after all. One of things I really wish to see in this world to change is the women empowerment like I wish to see women coming out more than men do and try out new different things. This is one of the reasons why I wish to go to every possible pageantry and stand up for this one issue that really needs to be dealt with.  I think this will honestly give me pleasure to do one thing in the coming years and I can’t wait for it either.
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daraksha2000 · 7 years ago
What does courage means to you?
Courage is “having strength in the face of pain or grief.” it is the ability to act on one's beliefs despite of any danger and act according to it.  Other terms like daring, audacity, boldness, heroism etc. refers to the term “courage”, for me courage is something that comes from inside rather than always trying to put it on yourself. From the very beginning we are asked to be courageous and fight back but in reality it’s something that you learn eventually. It’s not that easy. Personally “being courageous” means to believe in yourself no matter what even if you don’t feel like believing your own guts, you still have to trust yourself and move forward. No matter how scared you feel, to never give up. Eventually you will feel like giving but courage means, holding onto that one last piece of hope and work towards it until you actually accomplish it. Courage means to fight back when you think you cannot. To change “Impossible” to “I am possible”.
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daraksha2000 · 7 years ago
Do you still miss me, the way I miss you because you are the best I had.
But then I feel like give up trying,
Even if it means me letting you go,
I don't mind
because I'm not what u need anymore
leaving someone is easy, but lovin' that's hard, no one better than me knows,
Especially when you know it's not your fault...
You failed,
I win.
I always said I love you more than you could love me,
I'm glad I was able to keep my words and too bad you couldn't keep yours.
Don't run after the love; they always screamed, yet I did because you were my need.
We couldn't keep the promises we made,
How sad to know that I don't mean anything to you anymore..
I won't stop you from anything, I promised
Tho there isn't a day without me thinking of you ,
So now here I am waiting for you all alone, in cold...
Wishing you to come back.
I know you moved on, yet I cry every night
Thinking of all the good times,
The time when you wouldn't hesitate to call me yours
And now that you're gone, it's cold again
I wish you were here but then I remember that
You are gone...
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daraksha2000 · 7 years ago
A walk to the park
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The strange sense of peace and a feeling of freedom,
Something that i had always craved.
The sound of the birds chirping, from the traffic rushing by.
to the noises of kids playing on the monkey bar.
The childhood memories coming back 
to the fun times flashed by.
The efforts of dad of making me smile
 to the warmth of his touch guiding me through.
 From telling me to slow down as i run up and down the hill
 to mocking weird cartoon characters to make me laugh. 
The essence of wet grass and tress as pure as a newly bloomed daffodils.
As i looked up to catch a glimpses of the sky as clear as the fresh water nearby.
As i lay down on the wet slippery grass and thinking all kinds of things.
I spy from my tiny brown eyes the sky full of clouds as if reminding me of hopes ahead of me. 
First time in a while i visited the park,
The same old park that holds a beautiful memories of dad and me
the hope that once i used to walk with everyday 
Now realized when he said “ A walk to the park” can change alot... 
perhaps Me he meant i guess.
And now that he wasn’t there, i knew at that moment what he always wanted me to know 
“sometimes life isn’t hard, we just make it more bad”.
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