daphneblakexo · 2 years
continued from here. @northwestgirl​
Daphne wholeheartedly agreed with Pacifica. This was why she asked the blonde to hang around her during Fashion Week. It was supposed to be inspirational but all it has really been is a big miss with a few hits hidden in the cracks between. “I am so bummed by all of this. As much as social media has like, helped things, it’s also totally destroyed it. That’s so sad to think about...” It just meant Daphne had to work even harder to show that she was more than what these people saw in fashion. That she needed to appeal to all of the masses while staying true to herself. “Should I make leggings?” she joked, scrunching her nose a bit. “I do like wearing them, but I don’t think they scream high-end fashion. I guess I might have to completely restart my brand and cater to a different crowd. What do you think, Paz?”
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daphneblakexo · 2 years
"Yeah, sounds like fun." -Max
“Really? You don’t think it’s stupid or too scary or fake?” Daphne wasn’t the type to ask many people outside of Mystery Inc. to help her check out an apparent haunting, but Max seemed like he was pretty curious about what she was doing. She wanted to check out that Sanderson Museum, which had hauntings and all kinds of spooky reporting's. Paintings with eyes that followed, candles blowing out, creepy books...it sounded like a paradise to Daph! And Max was from New Salem so it made sense to ask someone who knew the town fairly good. She was going to get the gang involved after she had the chance to scope it out first. She wasn’t worried about getting kidnapped or anything, but just in case a witness was key. “I mean, we can go check it out right now if you want. I always come prepared for an impromptu mystery!” @mdennison
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daphneblakexo · 2 years
Cozy was one way to describe the Duckling. Rapunzel would probably consider it more of a sensory overload than somewhere that could be considered a relaxation. “I thought I’ve seen you before! I knew it,” she confirmed with a grin. The girl was so much taller than she was that it was kind of intimidating as Rapunzel looked up at her. She was as beautiful as someone who could be in a magazine, too. “Are you having a good night so far? I’ve never been here, but it’s beautiful. Have you?” she asked, looking from her new friend to the scene around them. How anyone could afford to go here, she wasn’t sure, but the girl looked like she might be one of them.
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Daphne thought this girl was so cute. All small and sunshine and adorable. She just wanted to wrap her up and protect her from the world. Was that being too much? Daphne didn’t try to be too much but she had been told that she could be. “I’m having an amazing night! I love any night that gives me an excuse to dress up and look cute.” It was also a nice break from her job, but she wasn’t really ready to go into the details of all that. Maybe after a few drinks. “Oh, yeah! I’ve been here like, hundreds of times! I love it here.” She wasn’t sure if that sounded a little too snooty and she tried to laugh it off a little bit. “I mean, umm, it is a really cool place though. I hope you can have a really good time here. Did you want a drink?”
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daphneblakexo · 2 years
closed starter @lavndrkisses​ location: club banana
Daphne was looking for some models. She knew it was probably a little weird of her to scout them out at her favorite places to shop, but hey, most of her greatest moments came from her shopping trips. At first she had entered the place with a clear head but it didn’t take long before she got caught up in all of the shopping. She had her arms full of things to try on when she paused at the woman in front of her. She was gorgeous and Daphne recognized her as one the Tremaine sisters from Instagram! She just had to get her to model her designs. It would be such a great move for her budding fashion career. She carefully set down all of the outfits she had in her hands and made her way over to the redhead, smiling brightly at her. “Hello! Are you Anastasia Tremaine by any chance? I am a huge fan of your channel!”
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daphneblakexo · 2 years
Daphne never missed a good party, and she loved going to Lava Springs as is. She was particularly happy about this look and couldn’t wait to show it off. She didn’t know if Flynn was going to be there, but she had such a great time with him that she wasn’t against seeing him. And if she didn’t she was going to be fine with that too. She at least had convinced Shaggy to go and he was her favorite wingman. So far the party was a hit and she was about to order her favorite drink when she was approached by a blonde she had seen around before but never spoken to. She was happy to change that though! “I do go to the Snuggly Duckling sometimes! It’s super cozy there.” She grinned at the girl. “I’m Daphne! So nice to meet you! And please, wait away. I’m alone for the moment, but I’m never against talking to someone new.”
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event starter for @daphneblakexo​
Rapunzel didn’t really like knowing about Flynn’s relationship endeavors, since part of her kind of died inside every time she heard about it. Instead, she just let him do his thing, didn’t ask questions, and tried to pretend like it wasn’t happening. She couldn’t help but notice his interest in one girl, though, since they were at the party, and she was pretty sure she’d seen her around the Duckling enough times to recognize her. She couldn’t look like she knew who Daphne was, though, beyond just knowing that she was one of the people who could’ve taken Marie’s place. Though she didn’t want to drink too much at this, given how Flynn had had to take care of her the last time she drank, she did want to have an excuse to talk to Daphne. “Hey! You, um, I’ve seen you before, right? You come by the Duckling sometimes. I’m Rapunzel, You don’t mind if I stand with you while we wait, do you? I mean, if you’re waiting alone. I don’t want to impose or anything.”
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daphneblakexo · 2 years
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Daphne Blake || NYE
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daphneblakexo · 2 years
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daphneblakexo · 2 years
Hans needed time to be alone, or at least blend into the background of a crowd. He had so much on his mind lately that he just needed to have a drink and reflect. The last person he expected to see at the random bar he chose that night was Daphne. He didn’t dislike the girl but her parents were pushy. “My fiancée?” Hans repeated. “Oh, she’s as wonderful as always.” He placed a smile on his face. Truthfully, his mind had been on Sabrina since the shared a kiss. His mind and his heart were telling him to do two different things, and he wasn’t sure which was the right decision. Daphne had been an unexpected run-in that evening. Hans was distracted but he had always been able to hold up a façade. “Thank you. How have you been? Life’s been treating you well I hope.”
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Daphne gave him a slightly confused look at his reaction to his fiancée. He didn’t seem super into it, but maybe he was just nervous! She knows she would be nervous if she was getting married to the love of her life. “Aw, that’s so cute! I’m super happy for you both!” She shrugged. Her life was....her life. Nothing too crazy, nothing too special at the moment. Mysteries seemed to be coming harder and harder these days. “I guess it’s all good. I mean, a little boring if I’m being honest, but that is what it is. I’ve been super busy with my fashion line anyways. I just wish I could get a really good mystery to, like,. show off my skills? I dunno, I’m starting to ramble! Can I get you a drink?”
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daphneblakexo · 2 years
Daphne was so excited to put herself out there and go on a date for once. Flynn seemed super sweet and he was really cute and it gave Daph the perfect chance to get all dressed up for a nice night out. Sure, her heart ached for Fred; it was always going to ache for him, but she owed it to herself to not wait for someone who will never see her as more than a friend. She deserved to glam it up and get excited for a first date and she deserved to keep her head clear and heart open. So that’s what she intended to do. She dressed up in her favorite sparkly mini dress and made sure her makeup was on point before she headed off to the restaurant she suggested for them. She knew it was a little pricey, but she was planning on paying for it anyways! She had a habit of spending on those she liked. 
She got to the restaurant before Flynn and that was totally fine because she was okay with waiting for a little bit. She couldn’t help but think about how her parents would make such a fuss if they were there, but she shrugged that thought away. It didn’t even take long before Flynn got there and when he did she leaped up and gave him a quick hug. When he proposed going downtown she smiled sweetly at him. She couldn’t help but feel touched that he wanted to show her off downtown. “That’s totally cool with me! I haven’t been downtown at night since we busted the Night Ghoul. Yet another creep in a mask, totally not worth getting into much!” She clapped her hands together excitedly. “Oh my gosh, yes! I am so up for a ride! Let’s hit it!”
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//closed starter @daphneblakexo​
Flynn had been contemplating whether he’d push through his date with the beautiful Daphne Blake. She was…. by all means, out of his league. However, from their conversation at the bar, Flynn could tell that she was more than her glamorous looks and high-end fashion. She was genuinely interested in getting to know him and advising him on life in general. He knew that she was no Rapunzel, but for some reason, Flynn thought he could at least try. Try to meet someone else; try to feel for someone else. He’d been there for Rapunzel for a long time as she struggled to find herself, and perhaps now was the time for him to find himself as well. 
Opening the doors to the luxurious restaurant Daphne had particularly chosen, he saw her sitting there with her legs crossed, waiting for him to come. Flynn could tell she was genuinely pleased to see him when she saw him. “Hey.” He grinned, slightly unsettled by the grandeur of the setting. “I know you like this place, but I’m just thinking…” He wanted to reclaim the game, and impress her in his area of expertise. “Since you’ve already been here. Why not give it a shot on the other side of town? It’s a lot more exotic there. I think you’ll like it.” He suggested, hoping she’d say yes. He took his motor keys out and showed it. “Up for a ride?”
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daphneblakexo · 2 years
closed starter location: the poison apple tavern @thirteenthwestergaard​
Daphne had not seen or heard Hans in months. She wasn’t really mad about it since whenever she did have to see him it was because her parents were trying to set her up with him, but it was still so weird running into him at a bar of all things. She thought he was all happy in engagement land or something like that. That was how it was with Kit these days or at least that was how it seemed. She was starting to feel a little...lonely since most of her flirtations were down the drain, aside from this new guy, Flynn. She was hoping he would call her soon but since he hadn’t she figured she could go dancing somewhere different for a little while. And now she was chatting up a guy she used to hate seeing. “How is your fiancé?” Daphne asked curiously. “I never got to say congrats. Congrats!”
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daphneblakexo · 2 years
continued from this. @smolderholder​
Honestly, Daphne wasn’t mad that he wasn’t a social media guy. It kind of made the entire thing more precious. It made him an undiscovered gem and there was just so much Daphne could do with that. His proposal made her giggle, really. If he wanted to ask her out, all he had to do was just that. She didn’t think she was unapproachable but Velma has always told her otherwise. She didn’t know what she could do to come off more friendly when she already felt super friendly in the first place. It was her life, she guessed. “Sure, I’m fine with that. But I would still like to pay you for your help! I don’t want you to think I’m using you or something. I mean, I kind of am, but not that way! I just...feel very inspired right now.” She smiled at him again. As much as her heart would like her to think that someday Fred was going to realize she was meant for him, she wasn’t going to wait around forever. A date was just what she needed. “Do you have a phone at least? So I can give you my number!”
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daphneblakexo · 2 years
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daphneblakexo · 2 years
"I was taken by the view." - Flynn
Daphne let out a giggle, waving him off playfully. This guy was too much of a flirt for his own good and Daphne was totally feeling lonely enough to give him a decent shot despite the lame comment. It wasn’t the first time she came across him so she might as well take that as a sign to get to know him. “You’re not too bad looking yourself. Actually, hold on.” She pulled out her phone, a new idea already buzzing in her head. She pulled out her instagram and showed it to him. “You should add me on here! I would like, love for you to model my clothes for me sometime. I design! And I think my guy friends are super sick of me asking them to be my muses.” @smolderholder
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daphneblakexo · 2 years
"I don't remember." -Max
“Oh...well, that’s okay! Forget I even asked and stuff!” Daphne knew this guy was close with Fred, so she really thought she could get some insight on Fred when he wasn’t around her or the rest of the gang. They had started talking about stuff in general and Daphne had tried to ask a question about Fred. Even though the results were disappointing, she wasn’t going to let that show on her face. “We can talk about literally anything else! I insisit. I do want to get to know you better!” @mdennison
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daphneblakexo · 2 years
"I have this thing where I get older, but just never wiser." - Shaggy
Daphne scoffed. “Now, don’t be so silly! You are like, the wisest person I know, Shag.” She hated that he felt that way. She was so sure that he was probably one of the smartest guys in the group sometimes. He had an insight most of them couldn’t get their heads around and he was the glue that held them together. “You are the smartest guy I know. Don’t tell Fred I said that, but it’s true! Your knowledge on food alone is like, so cool! So don’t beat yourself up, okay?” @zoinkshag
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daphneblakexo · 2 years
Daphne didn’t mind Dusk popping up out of the blue. She liked her, and all the Hex Girls. Being able to be so close to the band was honestly a dream come true and she felt like she was the lucky one in this situation by far. “Both! It’s always a bit of both,” she repiled with a gigle. “I am acutally looking for like....little accesories to go into a home. For Shag! I want to get him some nice retro decorations that totally fit his vibe. Wanna join me?”
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Dusk knew the girl anywhere, in any crowd. Most of the mystery gang she could pull out of a crowd, but Daph always had an extra sparkle to her that made her almost the easiest to be seen. When she wanted to be at least. Dusk never doubted her wits for a second. “Shopping or coffee run?” She asked as she made her way beside her. “Hi.. also sorry.” It was kinda creepy to just be popping up where she pleased sometimes. Her feet were light, and she was already a rather quite person when she wasn’t behind her drum set. || @daphneblakexo​
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daphneblakexo · 2 years
Daphne was not in it for the food. She was doing this because she loved Shaggy with every fiber of her being and she loved redecorating with every fiber of her being. She really couldn’t lose here! When she had first gotten a proper look at hwat his apartment has become she was a little sad. Of course, he was a stoner and a foodie, but there were a lot better ways to show that. She had taken her notepad out and began writing things down immediatley upon entering. She took this so seriously and she wanted this place to be perfect to Shaggy and his needs. It was a good thing she brought her credit card because she could start ordering things right away. “I’m good, but thanks Shag!” she finally said before looking up from her notepad properly. “Alright. How new do we want this place to look? Because I already have three new paint ideas and furniture you would adore.”
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“Like, thanks for coming over,” he spoke through a mouthful of cheese, sliding his new curtains onto the rod. “I’m the worst at this stuff.” It wasn’t an emergency, but Shaggy had been trying to rearrange his apartment for awhile, and no matter where he moved the furniture it just… didn’t look right, or it wasn’t functional… or both. When his parents visited, he wanted them to impressed with what he’d done with the place, but he couldn’t figure it out. Daphne had an eye for design, though, she always seemed so put together, and he’d rather pay a friend — if she’d accept the money — than a stranger, so he finally decided to throw in the towel and ask for help. “You want some pizza? Help yourself, I got spinach with the garlic parmesan sauce. It’s wicked good.”
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