20 | I’m just your local bisexual, who can’t find enough Jonathan Crane x readers. Requests are currently: OPEN! Hope y’all enjoy the wild ride.
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I'm a Halloween ends defender for life. It was good and I stand by it 🙏

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He Hurt You! Wyatt Langmore x GN!Reader
“Wyatt. Wyatt! Wyatt, can you ever hear me?!”
The brunette they were trying to talk to just kept walking away, with a determined and slightly angry look on his face. By the time the h/c person caught up to him, they were a little out of breath. They grabbed him by the wrist, which caused him to stop and face them.
“What the fuck do you want?!”
They froze in their tracks. That wasn’t the Wyatt they once knew.
“Where- what- I-“
“C’mon, spit it out. I’ve got shit to do.”
“Sorry that I can’t process the fact that my boyfriend is acting like his father right now. Weren’t we supposed to show him that we were better than the way he was, even if he’s dead?”
“I’ve changed.”
“Clearly! The look on your face you just gave me clearly shows that.”
“Look Y/N, I’ve gotta do something.”
“Uh huh. Is that something going after the guy who hurt me last night? Because that’s what I literally just finished explaining to you, and now here we are. His last known location, and you have a knife in your pocket,” Y/N grabbed the small red pocket knife out of Wyatt’s back pocket, “you might wanna conceal this better.”
“Gimme that!”
“Not until you explain to me something! Why are you so bent on getting this guy?”
“He hurt you!”
“Many people have hurt me! But this is the first time you’ve actually decided to do something about it.”
Y/N dropped the knife on the ground, and tried to gather their boyfriend in their arms. He put up little resistance, and his rough exterior started to crack.
“What happened to the soft-hearted, science fiction-loving goofball I once knew?”
���College and reality hit him in the face like a truck.”
“So college taught you to irrationally go after people who are double your size, and come at them with a tiny pocket knife?”
“I was just so mad that he hurt you, and something finally snapped.”
“I know you’re mad, but I’m okay. The most I have are a few bruises.”
Wyatt pulled back and put his hand on the side of their face. They winced as his thumb hit their skin that was already turning purple from the night before.
“Yeah. A few bruises. Your eye is almost swollen shut!”
“It’s nothing.”
“Love, that’s not ‘nothing’. ‘Nothing’ is having a small bruise on your knee or somethin’. That is a black eye. And I really think you should put some ice or somethin’ on it, hold on…”
And with that, he ran off to a nearby store desperately trying to find a way to make Y/N’s eye hurt less and for it to open back up. Y/N patiently waited for him because they trusted him to not run off to find that guy that hurt them. When he came back, he was waving things around and frantically mumbling various things.
“They said to put this on you, but it looks hella sketchy. And I got some ice! Hopefully it will dull any pain and- mmph!”
They cut him off with a light yet meaningful kiss. When they pulled away, the frazzled man looked at his significant other and was extremely confused. Wyatt then went back to trying to help Y/N with their black eye.
“Wha- what was that for again?”
“You’re back to normal. And I’m extremely grateful you’re not on a murdering rampage anymore.”
“Hey, I wasn’t gonna murder him! Just cut him a lil’.”
“‘A little’ is not what you wanted to do was it?”
As he finished with their eye, he stuffed the rest of the things he got into his pockets along with his own hands. He hung his head in shame, before speaking again:
“Hey,” Y/N put their hands on either side of his face and forced him to look at them, “I was worried you were gonna get hurt yourself. He wasn’t exactly someone you could take head on.”
“Yeah. I guess you were right…” He wrapped them in a giant hug. He was super comfortable to hug because of the large, warm hoodie he had on. Plus, they fit into his arms like a piece in a puzzle, “just don’t scare me like that again. I don’t wanna see you hurt.”
“I’ll try my best, love.”
They held each other for a few moments, just basking in the comfortable silence and the warmth that they collectively shared.
“Wanna head back to your place? I don’t think Ruth would mind.”
“I’d love that, Wyatt. As long as you supply me with chips?”
“Heh, works for me. But wait- why do I have to be the one to pay for them?”
“Because you stole all of mine last time!”
“Hey! It’s not like you haven’t stolen tons of mine when we’re at my place!”
And with that, the pair strolled down the calm streets of the Ozarks laughing the entire way.
A/N: Heyo! So I wrote this up in my spare time randomly, and I oddly really enjoy it. So I hope you guys do too! Part 2 of the A Perfect Life series should be up by the end of the month, folks💕
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A Perfect Day
Heyo! This is Dani here! Finally posting one of my insert reader fanfics on here, and what could be a better way than to start with the first of 4 parts in my Jonathan Crane series! I’ll hopefully post up another random fanfic later on, but here’s part 1 of my A Perfect Life series. Hope you guys enjoy❤️
“Johnny, c’mon! I’m sure your dad won’t mind.”
“I-I’m not sure, Y/N...”
She stopped running. She then turned to face him and grabbed his hands. She looked almost nervous. Her small problem was that she did this without thinking too much, and she never considered if Jonathan would be okay with this. She looked up into his eyes, and he could see her e/c eyes as clear as day. They were mesmerizing.
“Hey. If he gets you in trouble, I’ll be there to take the blame.”
“I-I don’t want you to do that. That doesn’t seem right.”
“I don’t care if it’s right; I’m not letting you be at fault for this. But if you don’t want to go...”
“N-No! No, I-I want to go. I really do, Y/N. Let’s just go.” If he was being honest, he really just wanted to spend more time with her. With her holding his hands, he felt safe. He wanted to be in a relationship with her so bad, but with his dad’s research picking up, he knew he couldn’t dare be with her. His father was already so hesitant about him going to school, so what would happen if he got a girlfriend?! But at this moment, he just wanted to be with Y/N. So that’s what he did; he stuck with Y/N.
“Really? O-Okay! Yeah! C’mon, it’s this way!” Y/N still held onto one of his hands as the pair raced from the front of the school towards the small town closest to the school. It wasn’t quite considered as being “in Gotham”, but it was a peaceful little town with a low crime rate, considering how heavy the crime was in the large neighbouring city. For a good bit, the teens were running. But Y/N eventually slowed down, because neither teen could successfully run very far. The entire time, Jonathan held her hand tightly. He was afraid that if he let go, then he’d lose her forever. They strolled through the small town just outside of Gotham, just enjoying each other’s company. She led him towards a pier, where there was a safety railing so people didn’t fall into the water. What she did next left Jonathan in awe...
She let go of his hand and ran up to the railing. She stood there holding onto it, and looking at the water and the sky with so much hope in her eyes. The wind blew lightly, and it softly lifted her h/l, h/c hair. Her skirt was blowing behind her in the wind, and her body language showed that she was at peace. The water in front of her was a deep, sparkling blue. The sky was filled with cotton candy shaped clouds, and was coloured a pale blue like the shirt he wore that day.
The breeze became a bit cold for her, so she shivered slightly. In an instant, Jonathan calmly took off his hoodie, walked towards her, and wrapped it around her. She was so grateful for the gesture. She even wrapped an arm around him, as she hoped he would stay beside her. He did indeed.
The pair started towards the open water ahead of them. It was such a calm time in both of their lives; it felt so weird, but in a good way. But the gears in Jonathan’s head were turning rapidly, just trying to figure out how to tell the sweet angelic girl beside him how he truly felt. To hell with what his dad thought; he wanted to be with her. And if that was the last thing that he would do, he’d be glad he did. Y/N on the other hand was in pure bliss. The boy she had fallen for all those years ago was in such close proximity to her, to the point where she could almost hear his heartbeat. She decided to lay her head on his shoulder, which startled the nervous boy.
“I’m sorry, Johnny! I didn’t mean to do anything wrong.”
“N-No! You’re good. Um, if you want to, you can put your head back there. I really liked it...”
“Oh, okay. I really liked it too.”
Once her head landed back on his shoulder, Jonathan pulled her slightly closer to him. His confidence had disappeared in an instant. But Y/N needed to say one more thing before they fell back to their comfortable silence:
“I’m so glad you’re here with me, Jonathan. I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
“M-Me too, Y/N. I think I’d be pretty lost.”
“You’d still be in the corner, alone at lunch,” the smaller one replied with a chuckle.
“That I would be. That I would be...” and with that, the pair fell back to their peaceful silence. But Jonathan’s head was still trying to figure out how on Earth he was gonna tell her that he felt all these feelings for her.
Bit by bit, his confidence came back. After a while, he did something that even took him by surprise: he lightly kissed Y/N’s forehead and muttered that he loves her. As soon as he did, his face turned an even darker shade of red (if it even could). Where did this come from?! He wasn’t even thinking straight. He started to panic, and wished he hadn’t said that out loud nor done anything at all. During his panic, the small girl looked up at him with large doe eyes.
“I-I’m sorry, Y/N. I-I don’t k-know what-“
“Shut up.”
“I- what?” That got his attention for sure.
“Shut up! You’re so nervous! Don’t be,” she lightly grabbed his chin so that he would look at her, and looked deep into his eyes. Her smile was huge, “because I love you too.”
His mind went blank. Absolutely blank. She loved him?! Oh god, his heart was soaring. He was on cloud 9. All his setbacks in this whole endeavour today had been because he was so nervous and stuck in his head. But all the things that led to something good were when he just shut off his mind, and followed his heart. So that’s what he did.
The lovestruck boy pulled the equally lovestruck girl closer to him, and repeatedly planted sweet kisses to her forehead. The pair were a smiling, blushing mess. But they didn’t care; they had each other. After the many kisses to her forehead, Jonathan mustered up the courage to plant a gentle kiss onto the beautiful girl’s lips. It was sweet and simple, that left the two of them wanting a little bit more. When the two teens pulled away, they instantly wrapped each other in a tight hug.
For Jonathan, he finally found someone to love him and not have the urge to use him for studying purposes. But for Y/N, she now had someone to call her own. She had always wanted someone who loves her unconditionally, and now she finally has that person: her best friend and now boyfriend, Jonathan Crane. And as they watched the cotton candy clouds shift and the sparkling water ripple, their souls intertwined. That single thing caused a symphony of endless love and adoration that rang through the air around them. No matter what would happen in the future, they’d face it together.
But that was all just a pleasant memory now. Now Jonathan sat in a cell in Arkham Asylum, with his back pressed against the wall and a photo in hand. He managed to sneak the photo in, and hide it any time someone came nearby. It was a photo that Y/N had taken that day: she held the camera in a selfie-like fashion, and it showed her with a giant smile. Jonathan was behind her, with his arms wrapped around her waist and his head on her shoulder. He looked so lovestruck in the photo. He still was to this day. The poor boy still twitched with fear as he sat, but that photo- no, the sight of Y/N kept him calm.
She never visited. It was as though he didn’t exist anymore. He would never know if she just didn’t want to come, or if there was something blocking her path. But as long as he had the photo in his hand, he believed he’d be alright. Maybe not today, but maybe tomorrow. Or the next day, even.
“If I could just take us back to those days. If I had one wish, then I could just do that. You used to brighten every empty space, and the words ‘I love you’ replaced any doubt I had. Maybe time wouldn’t try to erase you from my mind. If you could only know that I’d never let you go, Y/N.”
The guard heard Jonathan’s ramblings, and went to check on him. The scared boy saw the infamous scarecrow figure instead, looming over top of him. As soon as the guard got close, he saw the photo. He grabbed it out of Jonathan’s hand, and marched back outside. In Jonathan’s eyes, he saw the scarecrow figure that he hated wrenching his hand open. Then he finally saw the guard, who proceeded to take the photo from the helpless boy. And with that, all his hope disappeared, and he was left completely alone.
“A-And the words ‘I promise, I’ll be back. I’m not leaving you’ r-ring through my head. I-I m-miss y-you Y/N…”
The broken shell of a hopeless boy was all that was left in that cell. And from that point on, there were few words he actually said. All that came from him now were screams.
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Me: *procrastinates writing any requests* *forgets to respond to messages* *does literally anything other than update my blog*
Also Me: why the fuCK hasn't this tumblr posted anything today? ? ? ?
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God, i have like 3 that’s aren’t done, and I have an idea for a fourth.

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