Danica :)
13 posts
20 ✦ she/her ✦ multifandom ✦ Peter Maximoff's Wife!! (Real!!) ✦ ENFP
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danicamaximoff · 1 year ago
my last final for this semester was today I'm so happy 😭😭 now i actually have free time 🤩
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danicamaximoff · 1 year ago
new chapter for pretend to be nice is coming out soon, my family is visiting and ive been in the worst mood so i struggled finding time to write 😭😭
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danicamaximoff · 1 year ago
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Great Pumpkin
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peter maximoff x reader smut
warnings: shameless smut, smut, kissing, porn with plot, halloween, drunk sex, halloween party, porn with feelings, use of the speech quirk "yer"
word count: 7,878
a/n: meant to finish this one before halloween. whoops !! at least november is the spook before christmas !! or halloween 2, electric boogaloo !!
some notes about this one: i wanna apologize for the needless plot. i know it's unnecessary, but i got a little carried away. if anything feels awkward, out of place, or weird? that's my bad. sorry. i was havin' too much fun writing the less smutty stuff. some other notes - think of this as an au, i guess. where erik is hiding out at xavier's for...reasons? idfk. sitcom logic. everyone's living together !! but there's tension !!
tag list: @dewberryobssesed @violetharmonscupcake @kaismanwich @jellyluvr @icannot3 @taintandviolent @ahoyladiesz @scene-and-dandylover @quickandsilvers @luttic @billielourdslays
All Hallows Eve.
Prior to the X-Family’s spooktacular bash, Hank whipped up a little something special. Using his Einstein brain - or wizard sorcery. Peter couldn’t be too sure - the beastly scientist conjured a powerful inebriant. He heard Peter joke one too many times about his inability to get drunk. Since the speedster’s body filtered through substances at break-neck speed. Leaving not a second’s worth of intoxication time.
No exaggeration there. Peter once tried chugging his mom’s entire stash of liquor, along with a bottle of Purple Toad wine. Some really fruity stuff. Such a mass of booze only left a burn in his throat, along with an onslaught of nausea. All of which lasted 0.2 seconds.
Hank wanted to do Peter a favor for all his hard work lately. And now, he could finally participate in what he missed out on. After all these years. As long as he didn’t use the substance for any nefarious purposes. Per Hank’s request. Whatever that meant. Not like Peter planned on playing pranks at this year’s party. C’mon…really? He’s a teacher, for Geddy’s sake! He's gotta set a good example.
Spoiler alert: he had planned on it. Keyword being had.
Until the inebriation actually kicked in. For the first time in his unconventional life, a warm buzz pooled through Peter’s bloodstream. One of the major side effects? Debuffs to superspeed. Which proved an otherworldly experience. If not a little uncomfortable. Still worth it, for a one-night-only lesson in drunkenness.
Peering lazily into his red solo cup, Peter blinked. His eyes followed swirls of neon cyan. Luminous in its irradiated glow. He couldn’t comprehend the science behind Hank’s glowstick booze. But he knew it filtered through his body at a much slower rate than other substances. The drink felt syrupy on his tongue, and tasted like - coincidentally enough - candy corn. Its effects proved weaker than Peter expected. 
Given his cells operated so incomprehensibly fast, Peter didn’t find this too surprising. So, what? He’d never get frat party wasted. Oh well. Peter came to accept that fact about himself forever ago. Still, fluorescent booze made him mellow enough to slow down a lot. Peter could totally vibe with mellow. No complaints there. Mellow’s copacetic. He definitely owed Beastie for his magic potion of slow-mo. Peter oscillated between a nice, tipsy balance. Muddled enough to let loose and enjoy himself. But conscious enough to avoid making any ultra stupid decisions.
Or, he thought so, anyway.
Hobbling around the mansion, Peter pushed through crowds of partygoers. All dressed in their spookiest, sexiest, or most low-effort costumes. Twinkles of orange and violet lights kept the mansion somewhat lit. With spoOoOoOoOoky decorations scattered amongst the school. A perfectly campy atmosphere for Halloween. Oh. And those decorations? All Peter’s doing. Of course, it’s no surprise the professor deemed him prime event decorator. He took mere microseconds to spice up an entire plot of land. Throwing forth all his effort, Peter dressed the building in balls-to-the-walls, haunting decor. 
Fake spiders with prickly fur lay strewn about in random places. Ghosts made of old, torn sheets swayed in the breeze. Skeletons hanged by the dozens. Streamers of orange and faded black dangled from the ceilings and doorways. String lights lined the mansion’s trim. Outside on the grounds, Peter even garnished the grass with inflatable Snoopys.
During his decorative escapades, he cracked jokes to the kids. Peter asked, “You guys think the Great Pumpkin’ll show up?”
They squealed with laughter, stomping their little feet. Candy buckets in hand, the kids yelled, “Mr. Maximoff, the Great Pumpkin’s not real!!”
In the midst of rearranging another Snoopy, he gasped, “WHAT?! He is too real!! Better not let him hear you say that!” 
A haunted trail veered off into the woods surrounding the mansion. It led to an old barn, stocked full of hay and populated with jack-o-lanterns. All carved by the mutant kiddos themselves. Another set of glittering lights decorated the barn, creating an autumn glow. A pair of giant speakers - Peter paid for them, mind you - roared Halloween tunes over the entire property.
Cool stuff. Talk about a hell of a set-up. Peter couldn’t help but be proud of himself. Such a slew of decorations might put even Scrooge Mcduck himself in holiday spirits.
Wait. No. What? Scrooge Mcduck? Wasn’t he more of a Christmas thing? Fuck. Peter might be more mixed up than he thought. He gazed absentmindedly into his red solo cup again. Blinking slowly, he wondered…what the hell did Hank put in this disco concoction anyway?
Whatever. By the end of the night, Peter hoped the kids got a kick out of his hard work. Not that he broke a sweat putting it all together or anything. But he wanted to live up to his awesome teacher reputation. The highest of honors, really. No way he’d let anyone else trump him on that front.
Then again… Peter nibbled his lip, grinning to himself like a huge doofus. He took another long swig of his drink. Candy corn sweetness tickled his taste buds.
Okay. So, he might’ve had someone else in mind while he decorated. Somebody he desperately wanted to impress. A lot. Or, just a little bit, actually. Like, on a microscopic level. Maybe.
That somebody? You. Except, not really. No way.
Pffffttt…he definitely didn’t do it for you. C’mon! Why would he? Think of the kids! Those precious, lil demon spawn! They practically worshiped him. They’re what it’s all about, right? Riiiight.
Peter’s holiday decorations tempted any passing trick-or-treaters to drop by. And the professor prepared quite the spectacle of treats for them too. King sized, candy bars and all. Hank and Raven - showing off their mutant glory without an ounce of shame - passed the candy out to children. 
Human children.
Magneto - still unaware he had a son sprinting around the mansion on any given day - dubbed the gesture hopeless naivety. Or something along those lines. Inviting humans to join in on a night of mutant fun? Totally bogus. Which���yeah. From Erik’s perspective? Fair enough.
“You think they���ll learn to accept you through meaningless, holiday gestures?” Erik griped, arms crossed, “Don’t be ridiculous.”
Raven merely rolled her eyes. She made a comment about the inherent innocence of children. Erik didn’t appear to care. He groused some more after that. But Peter didn’t hear much of it. Nor did he imagine he even wanted to. At least, not tonight. Maybe once Peter sobered up a bit, he wouldn’t mind lending an ear. If his father ever felt the need to open up about his woeful turmoil.
But Erik disappeared upstairs. Out of sight. Still in hiding, all alone. Poor dude.
Unlike his misguided papa, Peter didn’t mind human inclusion so much. One: because he considered himself a pretty open minded guy. Easy to say, since he didn’t harbor anything remotely comparable to his father’s trauma. 
And two, on a less serious note: Human girls. They gravitated towards Peter like moths to a flame.
Throughout the mansion, the theme to Killer Klowns from Outer Space rang. Conversations buzzed around Peter like radio static. Candy corn booze made it impossible for him to comprehend them. Some partygoers played wallflower. Idling by snack tables, feasting on as much junk food as their stomachs could handle. It took every ounce of restraint Peter had, not to raid those tables himself.
Peter’s Terminator costume wasn’t much of a costume at all, really. It left most of the ladies confused. He didn’t recognize half the costumed cuties who pulled him in for dances. But they sure as hell recognized him. When another pretty girl pressed herself against him - tits bouncing, and bare thighs rubbing his pants - she’d ask the dreaded words, “What’re youuuu supposed to be?” Twirling her hair and giving Peter fluttery bedroom eyes.
Peter gave the same responses every time. Covered head to toe in black clothing, wearing a pair of sunglasses; he raised a prop shotgun from his back, responding with his best Arnold impression.
“I’ll be back.” Right on the money, Peter thought in his buzzed haze. Totally accurate. One to one.
If the girlies didn’t get the reference? So be it. Peter ultimately felt like a massive dork. But he got some sexually charged groovin’ out of it. A bit of groping here or there. He didn’t mind taking the L, if it meant grabbing some ass in the process.
But as the party clamored on, Peter knew he wanted only one thing.
To find you. Just to hang out, catch up, and have an innocent time. No other reason. Seriously. Honest. Why else would he wanna find you? To mess around a little bit? Nahhh. Why would he wanna fool around with you? And risk a long term friendship? He couldn't have that.
Not when you carried enough patience to put up with his day-to-day bullshit. Always listening to his senseless ramblings. Even if he spoke too fast for you to keep up.
During his lunch breaks on school days, Peter usually spent time with you. The two of you talked in the kitchen, or chillaxed in the lounge. Those chats? The highlight of his day. As corny as it seemed. He just couldn’t resist you and your kindly wiles. The wiles of his colleague. His…very pretty colleague. His…very pretty… platonic colleague.
Someone please end his misery now.
Peter wandered aimlessly. He danced his heart out and chatted up some more cute gals. Soon enough, he found you. Leaned over a set of snack tables, you picked through sugary sweet treats. Peter noticed the way you swayed in place. A little heavy footed like him, eh? He snickered to himself, sneaking up behind you. 
Lacking any filter or restraint, Peter blatantly gawked at your ass. A fitted, white gown draped your body. Flowing in an angelic fashion, it harmonized with your every curve. Even tipsy, Peter recognized your costume the microsecond he saw it. Princess Leia. Star Wars. Episode IV. Very sexy. Beyond sexy, even.
A flirtatious whistle caught you by surprise. You whirled around with a doe eyed look on your face. A kind of gaze that made his brain turn to mush. As if the alcohol hadn’t already. You licked the frosting off a funky colored cupcake, as Peter’s gaze flitted down your body. His eyes followed the smooth creases of your gown. A tasteful peek of your thigh kept his attention locked. Until the perky tease of your nipples captivated him instead.
Awesome. Amazing. 11/10. Best night ever.
“Ohmygosh!” You laughed, reaching out to touch Peter’s chest for whatever reason. Not that he minded one bit, “Peeeter, I’m sooooo sorry! I’m a little tipsy right now! It’s really unprofessional!”
Scarlet bloomed in his cheeks, burning hot enough to make him dizzier. Peter ogled you like the last Twinkie on the planet. A dollop of frosting caught the plush of your lip. You swirled it away with your tongue. Drawing in a hitched breath, Peter blinked.
Focus. He needed to focus on anything else. Not the parts of you he wanted to be on, inside of, and all other configurations of carnality.
“And?? You wanna hear somethin’ cray-crayyy?” Peter asked, lamely slurring his words. He raised his red solo cup, waving it in a clumsy motion, “So am I, princess! I’m totally hammered. And I looooove it!” He threw his head back, belting a loud, “WHOOOOO!!” Feeling more like a free spirit than he had in years.
Moving closer, you couldn't control your laughs. You shushed Peter, keeping your hand on his chest. Patting you on the shoulder, Peter chuckled. He feigned offense, but his sizeable hand lingered on you. A thumb grazed the soft cloth of your dress. For a beat, he wondered what you looked like under it.
“Whyyyy?? Why should I keep it down, huh?? It’s a party, baby! Everybody’s yellin’!” He shrugged. Peter smirked, throwing his head back again. He shouted another, “WHOOOOO!!”
A crowd of partygoers kept their eyes on the two of you. Their gazes lingering for a little longer than necessary. You snickered again. So tipsy, you could hardly get a word in through your giggling.
“You really are drunk, oh my gosh. You’re crazy, Peter! I can’t even-” Dropping your head into his chest, you erupted in woozy huffs of laughter. Great. He loved the closeness, “Peter, sorry, I’m sooooooo-”
“Mind-blowingly hot?” Peter lazily blinked, “Because yer-...you-ohhhh, man. You look really hot. Like-” He made a meaningless gesture with his hands, shaking his head, “Like, WOW! Have you seen yourself? Someone tell ‘Ro to make it rain. ‘Cuz yer on fiiiiiiire!” He joked. Cheesy and lame, but too smashed to even care.
You scoffed, cheeks set ablaze, “Oh, please! Give me a break! Mister Terminator casanova over here. Are you trying to butter me up like you did all those other ladies?” Playfully, you pushed off his chest. Peter mourned the loss of your touch, “I saw you! Getting all handsy out there!” You said, your tone lighthearted. Still accusatory.
Somehow, you recognized his costume. That caught him a little off guard. Peter’s heart did some kinda funny, fluttery thing. Jumpy, warm, and beating beating beating in his chest. But…nah. Couldn’t be because of you. Could it? Maybe the booze did it. Yeah. Irradiated Beast hooch must’ve give him palpitations. He’d tell Hank about this side effect later.
Peter arched a silver brow, “Oh, yeah? Mmmhm. Sounds like yer just jealous. ‘Cuz the ladies find my inner Schwarzenegger, action hero totally irresistible.” Bullshit. Most of them thought he dressed as Neo from the Matrix. Wrong action movie. Peter kept talking out his ass, “I bet it drives you up a wall to see ‘em all over me like that.”
“Oh, you think? Suuure. Like Leia would ever have the hots for some dollar store Terminator.” You teased affectionately, “Likely story, Quickie.” Fuck. Quickie. He loved when you called him that. You deceived your own protests, pressing your body against Peter's.
Your nails dug into his shirt as you palmed his chest. So…you wanted to play this little game now, huh? Alright. Fine. Peter bickered back and forth with you for an indiscernible amount of time. Standing in a corner by the snack tables, away from the noisy, party bustle. Unbalanced and wobbly, Peter leaned in. Keeping you both pressed together in a way too intimate for wandering eyes.
He almost spilled his neon concoction on your dress. Exchanging giggles again, Peter lingered even closer. His lips on the cusp of reaching out for yours. But in a clouded moment of self awareness, he stopped himself short.
“D-Do you…uhhhh-” He swallowed dryly. His nerves buzzed all through his body, “Y’wanna…get outta here? Maybe go do somethin’ reallllyyyy dumb? Like-uh…maybe make a mistake you’ll regret in the morning?” Peter suggested, wiggling his brows.
You gave him another lidded look, igniting a blistering fire deep in his bones. With your body still pressed to his - bodacious and oh-so-tempting - you brought a hand up. A beat of silence passed, as you moved his sunglasses up over his hair. Silver strands fell loose. You gazed into his puppy dog eyes directly. 
“And what makes you think I’d regret it?” You asked, your voice smooth and somewhat slurred. Oh...were you being real with him right now?
Your fingers traced flirty circles over his chest. Scorching flames in Peter’s heart burned warmth through his veins. Heat gathered in his groin. Peter’s eyes widened to a planetary degree. Clutching his solo cup a little too tight, he brushed your ass with his other hand. By accident. He only intended to pull you closer. You held his intoxicated gaze. 
Peter let his lips ghost yours again, without any direct connection.
“See, that’s-uhhh…hah…that’s just the booze talkin’.” He whispered with a soft chuckle. Steadily, he pulled himself from you, “Wanna know what it’s tellin’ me?” Peter gave you another lazy grin, nibbling his lip, “Youuuuuu and meee…” He sluggishly said. He dragged you along with him. Stumbling backwards, “...should-uh…gooooo have some…adult fun, yeah? A little romp in the hay?”
Did you know he meant that verbatim? Probably not.
Moments later, Peter clumsily navigated through the party. He made a beeline for the entrance hall, holding your hand the entire way. Floundering with every step, he traversed the crowded halls. Through each doorway the two of you passed, fluttering streamers dangled above. Soft tissue brushed across your face, tickling your nose.
The streamers proved more unkind to Peter. Staggering through the last doorway, he became tangled in them. Peter tried to shake the tissue off, twisting around and flailing his arms. He cursed aloud, making a spectacle of his embarrassing predicament. Caught in a web of orange and black, he looked like a Halloween decoration all his own. The streamers wrapped around his body and arms, even covering his head.
“MOTHER FU-” He cursed, jerking the tissue down with a rough tug. Peter tripped forward in the process. But he caught himself just in time. Compensating for his humiliation, he laughed, “I’m okay! I’m okay! Allllll good, guys. I’m good. Totally good! Meant to do that, actually.” Peter cleared his throat. He averted his glassy gaze from any partygoers nearby.
One of them being Hank, who stood alongside Raven. The two shared a few drinks and quietly chatted. The big, beast of man wore torn, red flannel. His blue fur peeked out from the undone buttons, appearing frayed. His costume? A smurf werewolf. A smurfwolf. Or something. Peter couldn't tell. And Raven? She hadn’t dressed up at all. Labeling Halloween: The one time of year she chose not to disguise herself. Why? Because, in her words, "It's funnier that way."
Raven stifled a laugh at Peter’s expense. But Hank didn’t hold himself back. He roared a rumbling chuckle, “I see the serum’s treating you well, Peter!” Hank teased, cradling a drink in his fluffy paw, “Why, it certainly looks that way. You seem to be having-uhm…fun? Yes! Fun. I'm delighted to see it!"
Peter idled in the middle of the doorway, swaying a little on his feet. Forgoing the streamers, he left them tangled around his limbs. Fuck it. His costume could use some added flair.
“I’m havin’ a-uhhhhh…a total blast, Beast my mannn!” Peter slurred. He passed Hank on his way out the mansion’s entrance. And roughly patted the scientist on the shoulder, “Thanks again, buddy ol’ pal! I owe you one!”
You giggled, beaming an elated smile as Peter dragged you out the door. Once you flew ungracefully by, Hank and Raven both did double takes. They gave you cautious looks, as if to say - uh, do you think this is a good idea? A little too sloshed, you failed to register their concern. Following Peter out the door with an inelegant skip in your step, you waved the pair goodbye.
“Well, now…that’s certainly going to be awkward for him tomorrow morning.” Hank joked, looking down at his drink. He swirled the beverage, the cup appearing itty bitty in his clutch. Showing off a crowd of snaggle teeth, he yawned.
Raven shook her head, scoffing, “Oh, it’ll bite him in the ass later. That’s for sure.” She added, sipping her own drink, “You proud of yourself?” Raven quipped, arching an orange brow. Hank held up a single claw, playful in his self defense.
“Not my fault! I gave him that serum because I thought he could have fun with it! And he is! Didn’t you see him? What he does under its influence is completely out of my jurisdiction!” Hank shrugged, stating in a matter-of-fact way, “I’ll have you know, I did try to warn him!”
In hindsight, Peter should have heeded Hank’s warnings. What he did under the effects of disco liquor proved supremely stupid. The nanosecond your feet hit the grass outside, he lost any restraint he had left. Peter kissed you full on. Ushering your sweet lips into an alcohol induced session of heavy smooching. Tongues interweaving, lackadaisical and reckless, the two of you shared careless kisses. Under decorative spider webs and amongst inflatable Snoopys.
But no Great Pumpkin in sight.
You slung your arms over Peter’s broad shoulders, letting him devour you. His sizable hands slid over your hips. He pulled you closer as he stumbled like a complete klutz. Thick fingers curled into the cloth of your dress. Caught up in the heat of the moment, Peter didn’t dare consider any consequences. With no filter to hold him back, one of his palms felt for your breast. He copped a handful, before you stopped him in his tracks. You tore your lips from his candy corn kisses.
“Heyyyy! Hey, hey, hey! Not here! What are you even doing??” You laughed, giving his nose an affectionate nuzzle, “Someone might see us, doofus!”
Peter hummed, pulling you against him in a more firm grip. He stole frantic kisses, heated and mouthy. Squeezing your hips, his nails scratched across your gown to your ass. Kneading your plush cheeks with little shame.
“So what? Let ‘em enjoy the show!” Peter snickered, diving in for yet another kiss, “I’m not gonna miss out on a chance to touch you like this. Now that I finally got you…”
Rolling your eyes, you didn’t seem to take him seriously. In an attempt to pull yourself away again, you stumbled backwards in the grass. Even with his reaction time outta wack, Peter managed to catch you before you fell. In one awkward motion, he scooped you up bridal style and carried you into the woods. The streamers coiled around his limbs came loose, at long last. Flitting away behind him in the wind.
He held you in his strong arms, following the mansion’s haunted, Halloween trail. The hayride already closed down for the night, leaving the trail - and the barn - open for some private necking.
Finding his way to the barn, Peter wobbled, slowing his stride. In his arms, you took a moment to admire the decorations he put so much effort into. Orange, twinkling lights lined the barn’s entryway. Vibrant in late night darkness. Magical, and kinda romantic. Through the trees in the distance, the garnished mansion appeared visible. A Halloweeny spectacle, engulfed in simulated fog.
Party music echoed from afar, faint, but clear enough he could hear. Peter perked up, overhearing a classic, Hallow’s eve tune.
“‘CUZ THIS IS THRILLLAHHHH!” Peter shouted off key, moving backwards into the barn. His steps were careless, “THRILLAH NIIIIGHT!” He sang, falling into a bed of cool hay. Strands of straw bounced in the air. You came down with him, and he kept singing, “AND NO ONE’S GONNA SAVE YA-” He cut himself off, leaning in to feast on your lips. Peter cradled you in his arms, humming Thriller amidst awkward kisses.
You laid bridal style over his legs, dipping your head back. Inviting Peter to devour your neck like a thirsty vampire. Without all the grace of Bela Lugosi. More like a hammered Nosferatu. If either of you had second thoughts, Peter couldn’t find it in himself to give a shit. He left that baggage behind. In the morning, sober Peter could unpack it all. Right now, he wanted his hands on your body, under your dress.
“Ohhhh~! Oh my-” You moaned, tacking on an erotic squeal of his name. Giggling in a kittenish tone. The sound made him wanna bite you harder, “W-Wait-...Peter, maybe we shouldn’t-oooooh~! Maybe we shouldn’t be-”
His sloppy kisses cut your hesitance short. Peter nodded his head in a lazy, loose motion. Bringing more dizziness upon himself.
“Mmmm? What? No-...” He hummed, “Baby, we should. We definitely should. Don’t even worry-” Peter paused for an abrupt beat. Holding you tight, he adjusted in the hay. Uncomfortable, Peter knitted his brows, “Wait-...this hay’s so-...why’s this hay so fuckin’ itchy, man?”
At the chime of your silly snorts and giggles, Peter’s words became lost on him. Whatever. It didn’t matter anymore. He couldn’t think clearly enough to recall them. Instead, he drew his attention back to you. Peter’s lips found your neck once more. Your floral scent replenished his lungs, a lifesource he desperately needed. Hot kisses peppered down your chest. In his clouded stupor, Peter buried his face between your breasts.
He loved the flustered squeal you made in response. Enough that he couldn’t help but do it again.
“Ohhhhh…hot damn, baby.” Peter groaned into your chest, motorboating your knockers. A graceless gesture. Lifting his face, his hair appeared a disheveled mess, “Yer so awesome, y’know that? Liiiike…yer really great. I know I’m pretty drunk right now, but-uhhhh…” He slurred, sneaking thick fingers under your dress, “I do mean it. No joke. I think yer really cool. Cool and-uhm…and-uh…hahaaa….I really like you.”
You erupted in more buzzed giggles, parting your lips to protest his drunken confession. But Peter silenced you with shushes, “Shhhhhhhh! Shhhhh, don’t-” He hiccuped. Your laughs were so contagious, he couldn’t help but giggle as well, “Shhhh! Don’t tell anybody!”
“I won’t! I won’t!” You chuckled, gently holding his cheeks. You pulled him down for more smooches, lips meeting in a slower embrace, “I like you too, Peter…but shhhhhh…keep it a secret.”
His fingertips danced along your inner thigh, clumsy and unsteady. Peter’s hand disappeared between your legs and under your gown. Hot digits grazed your panties. A flimsy, soaked piece of fabric awaited those digits. Breathing a low huff, Peter whispered, “Fuck.” into your neck. The steamy word tickled your skin, giving you chills.
Blindly, he wormed his fingers into your panties. Peter dipped his digits into your honeyed heat. Thick, syrupy cushions sealed around him. He focused on parting your tight walls. A little too uncoordinated to pleasure you in a more ideal way. Rough, repetitive motions curled at an awkward angle. Digging so deep, Peter could hear the squishy call of your insides - leaking wet, all for him. 
Your body tensed, knees spreading on instinct. Cool air caressed your thighs. Peering down into your lidded, baby doll eyes, he held your gaze. As your cunt pulsed around his digits, soft and constricting, he knitted his brows. Humming another groan, Peter dove down for your neck. He sucked mouthy, wet hickies into your skin. Leaving gifts for sober you to discover later tomorrow.
Speaking of sober.
Sober Peter never had trouble keeping up with anybody. Moreover, everyone else found it impossible to keep up with him. But in his buzzed daze, he could barely follow your lead. One blink, and his fingers buried themselves to the knuckle in your cunt. The next blink, you took initiative. Throwing him for a loop, you changed positions. You pushed Peter further back into the hay, straddling his lap.
As you fumbled for his jeans and pulled them open, more giggling ensued. Heated tension hung over the two of you like those glimmering, barn lights. You felt around, guiding your hand to a hot thickness in his pants. It rested in a curly bed of silver hairs, limp and untouched. Your giggles ceased, and your expression shifted.
“Peter, you’re not even-” You started, squeezing the softness of him in your hand. You gave him a few loose tugs, your voice teeming with hesitance, “Are you…are you sure you want-”
“Yeaaaahhhhh. Yeah. Yanno, it’s just-...I never thought I’d be the one gettin’ whiskey dick. Haha.” Peter joked, a low chuckle rumbling in his throat. Buzzed and uncoordinated, Peter harbored little patience for foreplay. His fingers sought for your weeping heat again. He pushed them through your soft, supple pussy lips, “Sucks a lot. I was really hopin’ I’d get to-uhmmm…ahahaaaa…” He bit his tongue, laughing, “Really wanted to show you a good fuckin’ time. But this shit feels like rocket science right now, sorry…”
Eventually, through sheer determination, you worked up enough sorcery to liven him up. Waking his cock from its soft slumber. Peter fumbled, clumsily guiding his dick to your flowery mound. It took some serious concentration on his part to do so. His tongue poked between his lips, brows furrowed tight. He leered between your sweltering bodies. Humid air clung to his skin, contrasting the sharp coolness of an October’s night. The smell of booze permeated in your sweat, mingling with the scent of your perfume. 
You sank over his cock, taking the now raging length of him fluidly. He bottomed out in a single intake of breath. Peter moaned, rolling his hips upward. Your fluttery walls stretched, cozy and soft around his dick. He dropped his head back into the hay, howling a goofy shout. It echoed through the trees, catching autumn wind.
"OHHHHHHH~! THAT'S IT! WHOOOOOO~!" He yelled. Peter chewed his lip hard, meeting your bounces with sluggish thrusts, "That's it. That's what I'm fuckin' talkin' about. Hoh-fuck..."
His rhythm was a little off beat, but he blamed the booze. Clenching the fabric of your dress in his fingers, he bunched it up tight. As if to hold you by horse’s reins, arduously guiding you on your ride.
Far in the back of his mind. Like, so far, Peter may as well have been on another planet. He had his first conflicting thought. Screwing you for the first time like this - hammered and careless - struck him as kind of…wrong. Really, he should have waited it out, and done this sober. But Peter couldn’t deny himself either.
"Peter, ohhh~! Feels really good~!" Your squeals of erotic, but sluggish pleasure sounded too much like music. Now cemented as one of his all time favorite songs, "Sooo good, I-aaahhh~!"
The bubbly feeling brought upon by Beast liquor made his body burn with ecstasy. His cock throbbed inside you, loving the tight embrace of your walls. Pleasure burned to an incomprehensible level of intensity. 
Even your dress felt unreasonably soft on his skin. Peter moaned again, drilling your cunt in unsteady surges of carnal bliss. He breathed thickly, the air between the two of you now sweltering. Choking on air, he kept his slow pace. His cock dug tunnels through your walls at a slacking speed. Completely unnatural for him. But overflowing with intoxication, he thrived in it.
“N-Not gonna-” Peter laughed. His voice a rough, breathless mess of incoherency. Sticky heat flushed his cheeks, and his tone wavered, “‘M not-...god…not gonna last. Fuck. Oh my fucking-” He swallowed another groan, suffocating on it. Peter’s hips rolled, their movement leisurely, “Sooooo tight. Feels like yer tryna-...like yer gonna-...aaaahaaaaafuck.”
Playing with your pearly clit, you squealed. The swollen nub burned, tingling as you circled it. With difficulty focusing, Peter brought his head up. He watched your little fingers while you pleasured yourself. His lidded, dark eyes stared, so spacy, so clouded. A growl caught in the back of his throat. You toyed with yourself a little longer, spreading glossy slickness under your fingers.
Your whines stayed at a respectable volume. Quiet enough, no one outside the barn could hear. But Peter refused to keep his enthusiastic voice down. He dug his big hands into your hips, fingernails clenching your dress. Scratching rough lines into the white cloth.
"Fuck, you gonna-...you gonna keep touchin' yourself like that? Gonna cum for me?" His words slurred. Peter used his immeasurable strength to hold you in place. Stuffing his cock through your pussy’s luscious, spongy grip. He fucked you in lethargic, but needy ruts, "P-Please-ohmygod-...please cum for me, baby. Lemme hear it, please?"
"Noooo~! Pe-ahhhh~! Peter, I cannnn't! Someone might-...Peter I can't-" You whimpered. Swirling your clit, you pushed yourself even further towards climax. A delightful, oncoming wave of scorching pleasure surged in your body. Sizzling through your veins, "OH, FUCK, QUICKIE~!" A sharp squeal bounced from your throat, as Peter surprised you.
"FUCK!! Yeah? You sound so fuckin'-Ah-...Yer so fuckin' good for me. Don't hold back, baby. Wanna-ohhhh~! Wanna hear you scream. Don't you fuckin' hold back-" Moving suddenly fast, he slammed his cock in deeper. His cherry red dick shattered your poor cervix. Burying himself to the brim, he slapped your mound hard with sharp pounds of his pelvis, "Mmmmmmfucking-...gonna fuckin'....aaaahhaha..."
Peter’s body tensed. His heels scuffed along the ground, crushing hay under his boots as he braced his feet. More loose strands tickled his skin where his shirt bunched up. Making him itchy again. But his intoxicated rutting never dwindled. He whined again, his voice cracking. Ruthless, quickening grinds of his cock knocked you hard. Sending you straight into a dimension of overwhelming, euphoric pleasure.
As tremors hummed across your sweaty skin, bliss ruptured deep in your core. At that moment, Peter forgot to consider any further risks. He burst with a hot, white pop of gluey heat. Rocking your sore cunt in sloppy, shallow thrusts. Peter soaked his dick in your sweet, inebriated love. The scent of booze and sex simmered in his nostrils. Lifting his hips, he met you in one or two more reckless, offbeat bounces.
Barely conscious of reality, Peter panted. Lying with you in a clumsy heap, he shared lazy kisses and steamy breaths with you. Had he been anymore sober, Peter would’ve rushed you off to the nearest bathroom. In dire need of a minute’s recovery, he laid there. Splayed out, Peter’s limbs rested loose and flimsy. The seconds passed, and he sobered up quickly. Post-orgasmic haziness began to clear.
You snuggled up next to him, grazing his cheek with your nose. The scent of alcohol lingered on your breath. Remind Peter that, unlike him, you were probably still a little drunk.
“You okay?” You asked out of the blue, tickling his neck with a giggle, “What are you thinking about? You’re not second guessing yourself already, are you?” Your fingers toyed with the zipper of his jacket. Which he gave you to wear in the cold, shortly after fucking you senseless.
In the distance, the faint roar of the party continued on. Rustling from inside the mansion and seemingly endless. Peter stayed silent, before snickering. He turned his head to the side, returning your nuzzles with a kiss. His lips met your hair. The smell of your conditioner made his heart skip a beat for some reason.
“Nothin’. It’s not-” He shrugged, turning his head again. Peter stared up at the glittering string lights hanging in the barn. His coffee bean eyes jumped from twinkle to twinkle, “It’s not super important. Kinda weird to be thinkin’ about it after-uh…” His voice trailed off again. Peter cleared his throat, feeling his cheeks flush, “Seriously, no big deal.”
You rolled onto your back, watching the lights sway in a cool breeze, “You sure?” You laughed, humming an, “Uh ohhh!” Before you continued, “Did somebody sober up and realize he made a dumb mistake? Hehe…” You teased, though he could hear the sliver of hesitance in your tone. A beat of silence passed, and you hugged his jacket closer.
“Regret wh-...huh? Nahhh, baby. You kiddin’? That was awesome.” He snickered awkwardly. Peter brought his hands to his face. He sighed, “I-uh…I was just thinkin’ about how…I could be spendin’ this holiday with my dad. I mean, shit…maybe he wouldn’t wanna spend it with me, but-”
He assumed you might take offense to this. Wouldn't it come off as a little inconsiderate? To think about his dad right now. After such an intimate moment between the two of you. But being the understanding person you were, you rolled over to face him. Drawing gentle lines into his shirt, you snuggled up close to him again.
“Is that where you wanna be right now? With your dad?” You asked, your tone gentle.
Peter swallowed, pinching the bridge of his nose. A pounding headache swarmed him from nowhere. The repercussions of Beast hooch. Hopefully, such ailments would pass just as quickly as he sobered up.
“I-...yeah? I guess? But…it’s not like I can just-...like, I can’t go see him. Since he still doesn’t know about me, y’know? It’d be weird if I just showed up on Halloween. Like, hey, man, wanna hang out? Goddammit.” Peter shook his head, sitting up fully in the hay. Straw-like strands stuck to his clothes. He brushed them away.
“Well…hey, I got an idea, yeah?” You tried to follow his lead, sitting upward. Swaying a little as you did, Peter could tell you were still on the edge of tipsy. You giggled, “Let’s go inside. And I’ll…try to get everyone together for a movie. Maybe a horror? And you can run off! Go find him. Use the movie as an excuse. Offer him the opportunity to come down and watch. Sound good?”
It didn’t. Erik wasn’t the type to indulge in such activities. Still, Peter smiled fondly at your consideration. Nodding, he stood to his feet in a flash. You blinked, finding yourself lying bridal style in his arms again. With a hand to his chin, you tilted his head down. Pressing a soft kiss to his lips.
“Thanks…” He hummed, his half lidded eyes gazing down into yours, “I really did have…such an awesome time with you. I haven't done that kinda thing with anybody in a while. But lemme-uh…” Peter bashfully chuckled, “Lemme get you to a bathroom so you can clean up, 'kay? ”
After the surprisingly deep chat he shared with you, Peter rushed you off to a mansion bathroom. Leaning against a wall, he waited outside the door. As the party settled and people filed out into the streets, he became more nervous. The two of you spent the rest of the night together, by the other’s side. Treating each other as normally as you would any other day. Soon, you sobered up enough to gather the X-family for a late night movie.
Peter took your advice, despite expecting the worst. Zipping upstairs and all through the mansion, he searched for his estranged father. To Peter’s surprise, Erik caught him off guard with a yes. But before he made his way downstairs, Peter took a moment to chat with him. He asked Erik how he was doing, and what he’d been up to. Ever since he chose the mansion for a temporary hideout (an arrangement most everybody felt uncomfortable with).
Erik - for good reason - wasn’t the most emotionally open. He kept their conversation short, before dismissing Peter. They both caught up with everyone else in the living room. The X-family sat together with snacks and drinks, joined for a movie. Erik chose a spot next to Peter on one of the sofas. Something he hadn’t anticipated at all. Since he didn’t get much out of the guy too often, he felt he could settle for his company, at least.
Sitting at Peter's other side, you eventually passed out. You rested your head on his lap, and he raked his fingers through your hair. By the time the movie ended, everyone veered off for bed. At last, calling Hallow’s eve quits. But Erik remained. He spoke to Peter a little while longer. Chatting about nothing at all, and everything at once.
Come next morning, Peter stood tiredly in the mansion kitchen. It was an unreasonably cold Monday in November. Freezing weather seemed to hit Westchester out of nowhere. He held a mug full of coffee, milky white and loaded with enough sugar to send anyone else to the hospital. Scratching his head over a mess of silver hair, Peter yawned. Even though he had more important things to worry about, he couldn't stop thinking about last night. For several reasons.
The impromptu bonding time he spent with his father lingered in his mind. Even if said father didn’t know what their interactions meant to Peter. It happened all thanks to your tipsy encouragement. Peter knew, even sober, you would’ve pushed him to do the same. Because you cared about him that much. Always inspiring him to step out of his comfort zone.
Aside from the estranged dad stuff, Peter couldn’t stop thinking about you. And the more…steamy moments the two of you shared. Intimate interactions he still hadn’t sat down and discussed with you. Peter didn't have a clue what that little fling meant to you. Or if it meant anything at all. Distracting himself, he focused his attention elsewhere. Like the Halloween decorations littered about the mansion. He planned to take them down today after classes.
You came padding downstairs and into the kitchen not even five minutes later.
“Gooooood morning!” You cheerily said, blinking your sleepy eyes. Groaning, you brought a hand to your head. Your fingers touched your temple, “You know what’s surprising? I actually don’t have that bad of a hangover!”
Peter’s heart did flips, and he felt his stomach tangle in knots. Humming into his coffee, he threw you a casual nod of his head. Play it cool, “Mmmm. That’s good, though, right?”
You headed straight for the cabinets, standing on your toes to reach the highest one. You flailed around for the near-empty tub of coffee grounds. He left it up there without any consideration for short, mansion inhabitants like you. Totally absent-minded. Peter almost felt thankful he did. As you reached, the itty bitty, sleep shorts you wore rose by a touch. The cheeks of your ass caught his eye. Your bottom appeared etched in faint scratches, painted with red splotches. Damn…what the hell did he do to you last night?
Sipping his coffee with a groggy look on his face, Peter grinned.
Man alive, he wanted to screw you sober. Doing it drunk really wasn’t enough. Quickly, he dismissed that thought. Filing it away in his scatterbrained memory for later.
“Did you talk to Erik last night?” You asked, pulling Peter from his not-so-safe-for-work thoughts. You stretched a little further up, really reaching for that tin tub of Folgers.
Peter blinked, “Sorry, what?”
“Erik. I asked if you talked to him last night? Because I kinda remember you two having a chat. But then again, I was pretty out of it!” Your shorts hugged the shape of your cunt as you stood on your toes. An ache stirred in his groin, but he shook it off. Holy shit. What were you trying to accomplish here?
Peter’s heart skipped twenty beats. Sifting through the disorganized cabinets in his brain, he retrieved his previous thought. Ah, yeah. Screwing you sober? Not a want, but a need at this point. Focus, Quickie. He needed to focus. Especially if you planned on talking about something as important as his father.
“Uhhhh…” He ran a hand through his messy locks, taking a moment to process his racing thoughts, “Yeah, we talked. Not a lot, though. I meant to say thanks for that, by the way. Since I didn’t get to last night…” Peter brought his mug to his lips, averting his gaze, “Really. Thanks a lot. Don’t think we woulda had that time together, if you hadn’t pushed me to ask him 'n stuff.”
Still struggling to reach for that tin, you sighed. Your heels hit the floor, as you lowered your arm and turned to meet Peter’s eyes. Your sweet voice brought him an unexpected feeling of comfort. 
“Hey, anytime, Peter! I know it’s been really hard for you. Seeing him around here lately. And you don’t need me to tell you the obvious. But-” You timidly gazed down at your toes, shrugging. Peter knew exactly what you were about to say, before you parted your lips to say it.
Something along the lines of: Maybe it’s finally time you told him the truth. Or whatever.
It was too early for this kinda deep, introspective talk. Peter didn’t give you the chance to continue. Setting aside his mug on a countertop, he appeared by your side in a fwip. The breeze from his abrupt movement tickled your cheeks. He reached into the cabinet for the tub of coffee grounds. Handing it off to you with a tired, hooded expression. He sluggishly grinned.
“We got class in, like, twenty minutes.” Peter interrupted, and you took the bait. Whether you knew of his intent to dissuade the previous conversation, he couldn’t tell.
“Oh! Yeah! Shit!” You slapped a hand over your forehead. Peter gazed down at you, admiring your early morning features, “I’m so screwed!” Not yet you’re not, “I totally forgot to put together a lesson plan! I don’t know what the hell I’m gonna do today!” Well…you could always do him. Again.
Jeez. Dude. No. The hell’s wrong with him?? Be reasonable, guy! At least take your buddy out to dinner first. Which...yeah. Might be time to think about asking you on a real date.
“Yeahhh. I kinda forgot too. Had a bunch of other stuff on my mind, yanno?” Peter said, completely lethargic. He shrugged, “I’m so bad at my job, man.” He kept his eyes on you, as you threw together your own pot of coffee.
“Actually, that’s bullshit. And I think you know it too. You’re amazing at it. That’s why all the kids love you so much.” You replied. Smiling like you meant every word. Because you did. Man, why'd you have to be so freakin' sweet?
Early morning sunlight beamed through the windows. It bathed your hair and face in sparkling gold. Peter wanted to kick himself for swooning. He opted to change subjects.
“I gotta take these decorations down eventually.” He said, gesturing to the streamers hanging from the kitchen ceiling. For an instant, he remembered tangling himself in them last night, “I keep puttin’ it off. But it’s gotta happen sooner ‘er later.” Taking initiative, he reached up to tear some of them down. Balling them up in his hands.
“I could help you! If you need an extra hand!” You offered, innocently sipping your coffee. Peter took in the curl of your lips as you smiled. He cleared his throat, chuckling.
“Y’know you don’t have to, babe. It’ll literally only take me a second. I just gotta stop sittin’ on my ass.” Peter said. He tossed the balled streamers with a failed, Michael Jordan-style execution. They landed in a nearby trashcan, “Pretty soon, I’m gonna have to put Christmas decorations up too. Might get started on 'em as soon as these ‘re down.” He smirked, “I’m thinkin’ I get everyone some seriously ugly sweaters. Even Mags, if he's still around by then. Oh, and I'll need more Snoopys. The crotch goblins love Snoopy.” Peter paused for a beat, his dark eyes drifting down your body. A subconscious instinct, “And-uhhhh…gonna need lots of tinsel…uh…”
Peter reached for his coffee mug. What was he talking about again?
“Oh? That all sounds nice!” You tilted your head to the side, flirtatiously grinning at Peter. As if you could tell how distracted he was by your body. Heat set aflame in his cheeks, as he glanced up into your eyes. Noticing the way they seemed to twinkle, “Think you’ll decorate the barn again too?” You asked, a flirtatious tease pouring through your tone.
He choked on his coffee mid-sip.
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danicamaximoff · 1 year ago
The Twinkie Thief
Peter Maximoff x fan!reader smut
word count: 8.4k!!
warnings/description: Smut, handjobs, oral (male and fem receiving), Use of peter’s powers in bed, hair pulling, begging, Peter being a cocky brat, teasing. Reader hosts a college party and a certain speedster stops by trying to steal some twinkies… Enjoy!
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You’d been planning this party for months. Well- okay not months, maybe like… a few weeks, but in your defense it sure felt longer than that. It was your first time hosting a college party, despite being in your third year. You shared an apartment with three of your friends just off of campus. Having roommates wasn’t always great, but it made the rent cheap and that obviously made it well worth it. You were a broke college student and you definitely didn’t make enough money to rent your own apartment. It was a three level house. With a main floor, an upstairs, and a downstairs. The basement had been transformed into a little hangin’ cave where you were currently setting up the chips and drinks for the party, trying to distract yourself and keep your buzzing nerves at bay.
Doritos, pretzels, tortilla chips and salsa, various sodas and punch as well as alcohol sat on the table. Beer, vodka, all the cheap shit you could buy at the nearest gas station. It didn’t need to be good, college kids didn’t care for good alcohol, they just needed it to get them drunk. Especially at a party. 
You weren’t sure who all would come to the party and a bubble of anxiety slowly built up inside you. What if no one showed up? Currently you were home alone because your roommates were all out doing their own thing and would be coming home much later. That’s why you had decided to have the party, but now? What if some creepy pervert dude was the first to arrive and you were forced to hang out with him until the next person came? You tried your best to ignore the screaming in the back of your mind as you finished setting up, taking a handful of chips to eat as you made your way back up the stairs. 
The house was modern and sparsely decorated but still homey. You’d luckily put away anything valuable or breakable because god forbid something gets broken. 
As time went on you came to the realization that maybe this wasn’t the best idea… but it was too late to go back now. Surely it’d be fine. How bad could it be?
You finished the handful of chips right as the first knock of the night sounded through the house, causing you to jump a bit before making your way towards the door, just praying it wasn’t some creep. 
And luckily, it wasn’t. 
It was a group of three younger college girls, all smiling brightly the second the door was open. They didn’t say much to you as they scurried inside the house, out of the cold as they shivered a bit. They led themselves downstairs, talking amongst themselves and not really paying you any mind at all. Wow. Kinda rude. 
Soon the pace started picking up and in no time the basement was full of chatter and bodies as people laughed and drank, talking about the latest gossip. 
You’d long since abandoned your post at the door, figuring people would let themselves in, and they did exactly that. 
You had made your way downstairs, a drink in hand as you looked at the crowd. It was a good turnout, nearly every corner of the dimly lit room was occupied by groups of people talking about one thing or another, sipping from solo cups and snacking on mini pretzels and Doritos. The sight had you smiling. This was going exactly how you wanted it.
To be honest, you weren’t a super social person but one thing you did enjoy was people watching. So seeing all the different people here made for a fun activity. Hearing whispers of conversations, not able to make out much as other noises drowned out the words into a jumbled mess of sounds. You were planning on just sitting in a corner, sipping your drink for the rest of the night as you kept a close eye on the party goers, making sure they didn’t break anything. 
That’s how it went for a few hours. You sipped at your  drink, going in and out of the basement to get refills on chips and ice for the drinks every so often. Overall, it was a success. 
On one of these trips upstairs to get a break from the crowd and the noise, you caught the shadow of what appeared to be a man in your kitchen. Unease settled over you like a dark storm cloud as you crept closer to the kitchen, back up against the wall as you swallowed hard, heartbeat uneven and frantic.
You knew it was most likely someone from the party who had either gotten there late, or had snuck upstairs. Maybe he needed a break. Just like you. But the idea of a random man in your kitchen, which, keep in mind, was dark, made you uneasy. 
You crept to the entrance of the kitchen, hand moving slowly towards the light switch, ready to bolt back downstairs if you were in any danger. 
The man froze when you flicked the light on, bathing him in the yellow light. And that’s when you saw it..
It wasn’t some random creeper that had snuck into your kitchen and was waiting for everyone else to leave so he could like- kill you- 
It was a certain silver haired mutant superhero that you may or may not have had a small (huge) obsession with. 
Peter Maximoff… aka Quicksilver. 
Okay rewind- what in the fresh hell was Peter Maximoff doing in your kitchen? 
You both just stood still, staring at each other unblinking, each waiting for the other to say or do something. 
Peter had an armful of little, wrapped cake snacks that had been quite literally stolen from your pantry, giving you a shy, remorseful smile. 
“Uh… Hi-” Peter said, swallowing hard as he set the snacks on the counter with an embarrassing grin. 
You just blinked a few times, unable to think of any words. What does someone say in this situation? When a literal superhero was stealing snacks from your kitchen. Nothing in your life had ever prepared you for this..
“I- Hi?” You said, an eyebrow quirked as you took in the look of the man in front of you. Yup it really was him. Not just some creep dressed as him. He was the real deal. 
“You can uh- you can take anything you want… Mr. Maximoff” You said with a shy smile, playing with your hands as you tried to keep calm. 
Peter blinked in surprise. Oh. So you knew exactly who he was. Great. Of course you did. That made this even more embarrassing. A superhero sneaking into a party to steal some cake snacks? He would never live this down if anyone else found out.
“No I just- uh- was just- organizing… the pantry. It was a bit messy..” he said, trying to lie his way out of the situation. 
“Mhm. Yeah okay.” You put your hands on your hips, shaking your head. You didn’t believe that lie for one second and the thought of a silver haired speedster trying to get away with a lie despite being caught red (silver?) handed made you chuckle. 
“Okay okay ya got me- I’m a thief-“ he raised his hands over his head in surrender, sighing in defeat. The gig was up. 
You raised a brow, watching him curiously. He was so… Down to earth? You weren’t sure what you expected, but it wasn’t that. He didn’t act like a famous person… he just acted… Normal. Maybe you were a bit naive as to what someone like Peter should act like, but he was definitely much different than what you had imagined. In a good way of course.
And it didn’t help with your obsession with him. You almost wanted him to be rude or full of himself. It’d be easier to get over this little (big) obsession with him. But no. Of course he had to be perfect. 
“It’s okay- if you want one you can have it- really-“ you said, taking a few more steps into the kitchen, the background music from downstairs making the silence between the two of you seem not so awkward. 
Peter didn’t waste any time after that. He snatched a Twinkie off the counter and unwrapped it before shoving half of it into his mouth, some of the cream smearing on the sides of his mouth. If it was anyone else, it would be kinda gross, but because it was him, it was endearing. 
“So why exactly are you… Here?” You asked and Peter held up a finger to signal to let him finish chewing the snack cake before he began to explain.
“I heard about a party goin’ on here and thought hey, I’m sure there’s snacks. So I came. And I was right.” He shook the other half of the Twinkie that was in his hands before shoving it into his mouth, tossing the wrapper into the trash can and wiping off his fingers on his silver jacket. 
“Okay but the party is downstairs-“
“I didn’t think you’d mind if I just took a few.” He interrupted, already on his way to opening another hostess snack. 
He was bold. Very bold. And pretty cocky too. A drastic change from how he was acting just a few minutes ago. All shy and apologetic. Was that just a hoax? A trick? 
“I mean- I don’t- but it’s not just every day when I get a superhero in my kitchen.” 
“So you rent this place? It’s pretty bangin’ I gotta say.”
“I have roommates. But they aren’t here right now.” Why did that sound so suggestive? Jesus Christ…
Peter nodded, looking around the kitchen and examining it now that the light was on, leaning against the marble counter.
“So this is your party then I take it?” He asked, eyebrow quirked as he turned back to face you. It was weird making eye contact with the speedster just because you never expected to actually be this close to him. 
“Mhm, my first college party actually..” you said a bit shyly. He was trying to keep up a conversation with you… but why? Did he actually care? Possibly?
“Well the first one I’ve hosted I mean- I’ve- I’ve been to lots of parties before-“ you paused “not like a lot a lot! I’m not like a crazy party person- I have…” you wanted to bang your head against the wall.
“I’ve gone to the normal amount of parties that a college person does.” You said, a blush dusting over your cheeks. Way to embarrass yourself in front of your crush. Your superhero crush at that…
“Coolio- and hey, between us, I don’t judge. I like party girls.” Peter winked. 
Your brain has just short circuited. Either you were delusional or the man was flirting with you. The way he winked? There was no way. 
You gawked at him for a moment before chuckling “yeah, hah… parties are pretty fun- you go to them often?” You asked curiously, trying to not be so fucking awkward.
“Eh, depends. When I’m free I usually just zoom in to steal some snacks- which was exactly what I was doing before you caught me.”
“Okay well the party snacks are downstairs. At the party.” You said, sarcasm dripping from your tone and it caused Peter to grin. He liked your attitude. Feisty. Just the way he liked his women. Not that he… No.. He totally wasn’t attracted to some random quicksilver fan.. Not at all. There had to be some sort of moral rule against that. 
Except… He was. He was totally and utterly attracted to you. 
Holy shit. He was truly and utterly fucked. Done for. Game is up, time to go- before he royally ruined this whole interaction.
But yet, he couldn’t get his mouth to just shut up. 
“Y’know what, I like ya. You’re down to earth, chill. Totally unfazed that I’m in yer kitchen right now.” 
You shook your head, looking up to meet his eye and trying not to get too lost in his sweet syrupy brown gaze. 
“Well I mean- I am- I’m just good at hiding it.” You admitted, tucking a bit of your hair behind your ear, an obvious thing you did when you were nervous.
Peter subtly, with his super speed, looked you over, trying not to make it too obvious that he was staring, but who wouldn’t? You were… Geesh words couldn’t even describe the way Peter felt when he saw you. His literal dream girl, and you were interested in him? At least wanting to talk to him… not like… romantically or anything crazy like that.
But you were. You were both acting pretty dumb at the moment, dancing around the sexual tension that literally anyone could cut with a knife. How did it happen that the two of you were so damn oblivious? It’s like the universe was holding up a big sign that said “Fuck Already!” And somehow the two of you were both blind.
Peter stretched his hands over his head, revealing a sliver of silver hairs that led under his waistband to-
No. You needed to get your mind out of the gutter. There was no way Quicksilver out of anyone was going to fuck you. No way. Not in a million years.
Peter zipped around the kitchen and for a moment you thought he’d left, until the breeze and silver settled and you saw him, now much closer than he was before.  
He was uncomfortably close, but you were… Okay with it. In fact you wanted him close to you. It had made your heartbeat speed up in your chest and your cheeks reden. 
You felt his breath on your neck and it made your hair stand on end, goosebumps erupting across your flesh as you turned to face him.
He was taller than you, but your faces were only several inches apart, the feeling of his breath hit you, the leftover smell of the Twinkie he’d devoured a few minutes ago hitting your nose.
You blinked a few times, unsure of what to do or what to say. I mean… What do you do in a situation like this? You’d never experienced it before and doubted you ever would again. 
Peter glanced down at you, unblinking as he watched you before he spoke up
“Want a drink?” He asked, swallowing hard as he gestured to the rest of the alcohol that you hadn’t brought down to the party yet.
The tension was getting impossibly thicker between the two of you, a heat seeming to fall off of Peter in thick waves, filling the air. It was addicting.
You nodded, still not speaking as you watched him zip back around the kitchen, barely able to make out his outline as bottles shifted and moved from their places.
He was so… Interesting and you wondered what it was like to be able to move that fast. Did he have full control over it? Did he sometimes go too fast? Had he ever hurt himself by speeding around the way he did? These were all questions you longed to be answered but were too shy to ask. 
A few more seconds of him zooming around the kitchen and he was next to you again, holding a drink in either hand. You weren’t really sure what was in it, but you trusted he hadn’t done anything suspicious. I mean he was a superhero- superheroes didn’t like- drug drinks… Right?
“Here, it’s a sex on the beach- or well, my attempt at one. You didn’t have all the ingredients so I had to substitute a few things.”
By a few things did he mean everything? You’d had plenty of these drinks before and none of them ever looked the way the drink he held out to you did. It looked (smelled) like the only ingredient the two drinks had in common was vodka.
Still, you took the glass from him and smiled, taking a sip. It wasn’t horrible, he hadn’t added a lot of alcohol so it was mostly a mixer, but still you’d had plenty worse before.
He sipped his own drink, watching you over the rim of the glass, waiting to see how you’d react.
“Decent.” You shrugged, taking another sip.
Peter laughed in disbelief “Just decent babe? Wow, I’m offended.” He placed a hand on his heart dramatically and shook his head.
You were about to laugh when it dawned on you what he’d called you just now. Babe. Uhm.. pause. What? Why had he called you that? Did he call everyone that? Surely he did… Don’t get your hopes up so quickly. He was just being friendly.
You ignore it, giving him a friendly smile before taking another sip of your drink. Maybe it’d be nice to get drunk but you’d surely make a fool of yourself. You were already well on the way to doing that.
“So- you were really just in the neighborhood and decided to stop by?” You asked, swirling the remaining drink around, watching it slosh inside the glass.
Peter set his drink down on the counter, leaning against it as he nodded “Yup, could tell it was a party from a mile off so I decided to see what was goin’ on. Glad I did, you’re good company.” He grinned.
“I was honestly having a pretty boring night before you got here.” You admitted, setting your own half finished drink down close to his before glancing back at him. You were beginning to let your guard down and it made Peter smile.
“Aw I'm flattered that I’m the reason you’re havin’ a good time now.” He grinned, full of himself and cocky as ever. 
You rolled your eyes playfully at him, shaking your head as you wrapped your arms around yourself, glancing around the kitchen.
“So uh- m’not usually like this but-“ He was blushing again… Quicksilver was blushing because of you? What was he trying to say that made his cheeks turn the color of ripe tomatoes?
“I’m catchin’ a vibe off ya. Y’know the whole fan thing- I just-“ He shook his head, bringing a hand down over his face, rubbing the bridge of his nose as he let out a sigh. Dammit Quickie, ruined it again from your big mouth.
At least… He thought he’d ruined it, and was so distracted by embarrassment that he hadn’t even noticed you’d stepped closer to him, standing right in front of him and staring up at him.
“Yeah, I’m sure I’m giving off that vibe-“ you took a deep breath and decided to continue, making a bolder choice of words. It was now or never.
“Not everyday you meet the person you dream about fucking every night.” You were only half teasing him, hoping you’d be able to play it off as a joke if it went the wrong way. 
Peter’s eyes were wide as he stared down at you and finally he made a good choice that night, leaning down to capture your lips with his own.
It took you several seconds to process but when you did, you nearly squealed with joy.
He tasted sweet like twinkies and just… Him. There was no other way to explain it really.
You kissed back for several seconds before pulling away to look up at him, eyes wide.
“Holy shit.” You whispered, glancing around the room once more to make sure no one had walked in on the two of you.
Peter, unbothered, leaned down to capture your lips once more, never wanting to stop kissing you. He deepened the kiss, a hand reaching out to rest on your shoulder as he pulled you closer, a quiet moan slipping from his lips which caused him to blush even further.
He pulled you closer to him, a bit of urgency in his movements as he panted against your lips, worked up from the slightest bit of kissing.
“Quicksilver- n-not here we can’t. There’s people downstairs-“ you said, a surprised gasp leaving your throat as he started to plant kisses to your neck, wrapping his arms around your waist to lock you in place.
“Tell ‘em to go. I need ya-“ he said, nipping ever so slightly at your collarbone as his hips connected with yours, his hard on brushing your leg.
“Okay okay okay slow down- is this really happening?” You asked, Peter never once stopping his assault on your neck, leaving marks that would surely result in bruises the next day.
“So fuckin’ real baby. I want it- if you do too-“ He added, his hands adventuring up the small of your back in an attempt to explore more of your body.
“Ya tellin’ me you don’t wanna clown around with yer favorite superhero?” He breathed against your neck, closing his eyes as he inhaled deeply, wanting to memorize this moment.
“I do! I do want to- very very badly I just-there’s so many people downstairs- I don’t know what to do about that.” You said, reveling in the way his hot breath fanned across your skin.
“I’ve got an idea-“ He mumbled “just tell ‘em the cops are coming and they gotta clear out. Easy peasy baby, then we got the whole place to ourselves.” He grinned against your skin, much too eager for this.
“You think that’ll work?”
“Worth a shot at least.” He shrugged, groaning as you pulled away from him to face the basement door, ready to barge down there and tell everyone to leave. You’d do whatever you needed to to get Peter alone. 
Peter, as impatient as he was, didn’t wait for you to handle it and instead zoomed downstairs in a blur and several moments later people were running up the stairs, drinks in hand, obviously caught up in the moment and not expecting the news that police were going to be there any second.
The last person up the stairs was Peter himself, grinning from ear to ear, obviously proud that his plan had worked and the two of you were now alone. The second the last guest had scurried out the door, the threat of police crashing the party more than enough to get their drunk asses moving, peter pulled you into a bruising kiss, arching his hips against yours to try and get any desperately needed friction on his aching cock confined in the fabric prison that was his pants and boxers. He’d never wanted to be naked more in his entire life. Okay- maybe he had- but right now he felt as if he hadn’t. 
Your tongues fought for dominance and you inevitably won, backing Peter up against the kitchen counter before sinking to your knees. You were not wasting a second. This was a once in a lifetime opportunity and with just how fast Peter moved, you weren’t sure how long you’d realistically have him here for. How often did you get to meet your idol and fuck him? The thought made your head spin. Like holy shit? Holy fucking shit. 
“Woahhh mama-“ Peter ran a large hand over his face, his dark pupils blown so wide that his eyes were nearly black as he watched you, his brain still trying to grasp the situation in which he was in. A quicksilver fan getting on their knees in front of him? Holy shit, someone pinch him. There was just no way this was actually happening. Like in all the years of his life he had never experienced something like this. Despite what some may think, Peter didn’t get laid a lot. He either didn’t have the time, or didn’t have the charm. And he was sure that realistically, this could have some serious repercussions.. Having sex with a fan? There weren’t any laws against that, right? Right? Fuck it, he couldn’t find it in himself to care. Especially not with how eager you were.
You pulled his pants down to his knees, instantly scooting closer and mouthing over the cotton of his boxers, your tongue tracing the large length of him as he mewled above you pathetically. He was hot against you as you nuzzled your cheek against the length of him, a string of pre-cum leaked through his boxers and stained your cheek with a sticky, opaque fluid. 
“Holy shit- can’t believe this is actually happening to me right now-“ he mumbled, hands going behind him to  clutch the cold, marble counter his back was up against. Thank god for it. His legs were so shaky he was barely able to keep himself up and the embarrassing thing was you hadn’t even really done anything yet. Keep it together dude.
You pulled his boxers down in one quick motion, his cock springing to full attention now that it had been freed. He was hard as a rock, twitching and throbbing red, pre-cum spilling from the tip as it bobbed in the air, right in front of your face. Peter inhaled sharply at the cold air against his bare cock, but the second your warm hand wrapped around him? He was a goner. Total goner. Like thank the gods above? It felt sooo fucking good. Like… Too good.
“O-oh geez-“ He involuntarily jutted his hips into your touch, causing his cock to slide through the tight grip of your fingers with how slick it had become. 
You made eye contact with the speedster above you before leaning closer, licking over the head of his cock, collecting the pearl of pre-cum that had leaked from the slit, dripping down the side. 
He was salty and a bit bitter, but the sheer fact that you were getting to taste the Peter Maximoff’s cock made any disgust you may have initially had fly right out the damn window. 
Peter’s knees buckled the slightest bit, thighs quivering as he watched you with a kind of intensity and focus he didn’t even know he possessed. So he could focus. Just… only on things he really wanted to. Hah… As long as you didn’t tell any of the other X-men that. 
You continued your exploration of the speedy mutant's cock, pressing gentle feather light kisses to the head of his cock, which you soon learned was extremely sensitive.
“Mmm- please! Gentle! It’s so sensitive, baby!” He yelped, writhing in place as his knuckles turned white from how hard he was gripping the countertop.
You ignored his requests, wanting to see just how worked up you could get him, your tongue tracing around the bulbous head several times before dipping into the slit, causing Peter to wince in overstimulation. You took this as a sign to pull back a bit, instead taking the whole tip into your mouth, sucking on it like a lollipop, flattening your tongue on the underside as you hummed.
Peter spiraled even more. The way you looked up at him, batting your eyelashes innocently as you suckled on his cock? When was he going to wake up? Because there was just really no way that this was actually happening. It had to be a dream. 
“A-mmgh- shit-“ he groaned out, running a hand through his now damp with sweat silver hair, slicking it back in a way that was more attractive than you’d like to admit. 
You slowly took more of him into your mouth, inhaling through your nose so you didn’t choke, and soon enough you had fully engulfed him before pulling back, gagging a bit as the tip hit the back of your throat. A string of spit connected your lips to the head of his cock and Peter nearly came right then and there at the sight, hips subconsciously humping the air as he threw his head back, Adam's apple bobbing.
“God baby- this is so fucking unbelievably good- god damn-“ he panted, babbling words as his hips arched upwards in search of your mouth once more. You pulled back from him completely, watching as his throbbing red cock bobbed in the air between you two, desperate and aching for whatever you planned to do next.
Peter inhaled a deep breath, straightening up a bit as he got a better grip on the counter, some of his damp silver hair falling back over his forehead.
Coming back to stroke him with your hand, Peter’s hips jerked once more, biting his bottom lip between his teeth in an attempt to stay quiet, despite not needing to. It was just the two of you alone in the house. He could be as loud as he wanted.
“Really? That’s all ya got, speedy? Tiny little whimpers? C’mon I want to hear more.” You surprised yourself with your boldness, and it obviously surprised Peter too by the way that he nodded, letting his lip fall from between his teeth as a pleasured sigh left him. It was finally sinking in that this was really happening to him. He was getting head from a super mega quickie fan. And damn you were good at it. Too good. Or maybe Peter was just that desperate. It was honestly a little embarrassing but you obviously didn’t care so he didn’t either.
You stroked him with increasing speed, thumbing gently over the tip and collecting the pre-cum on the pad of your thumb before bringing it up to your lips and licking off the glossy liquid. Peter groaned, cursing under his breath at the sight below him, a hand coming to brush through your hair gently, giving him something to do to keep his hands busy.
“Can’t believe this is happening. I’m actually getting to do this to the Quicksilver-“ You shook your head, still in a state of disbelief 
“Y’can call me Peter y’know- please-“ He chuckled breathily, hand still gripping your hair as he tried to subconsciously pull your head closer to his length, a quiet mumbled plea coming from his red lips. Okay. Noted. Peter. 
“More- please? Feels so good, baby- feels so fucking great-“ He pleaded with you, giving you the cutest puppy dog eyes. You didn’t take him for a begger, but you were definitely not complaining. And of course who were you to deny him? He did so much good for the world, he’d literally helped save it multiple times, hadn’t he? He deserved this, plus, his taste was addicting. Manly and a bit salty in a way that had your pussy throbbing in your underwear. 
You took him into your mouth again, suckling on the tip before going further once more, suctioning your lips around his length, dragging your tongue on the underside of his cock, tracing the prominent vein that was found there. 
Peter tossed his head back once more, closing his eyes as he moaned, this time a bit louder than before. It made you smile around his cock.
You continued your exploration of his cock, bobbing your head up and down before focusing on the tip for a few moments and then repeating over and over and over-
Peter was growing increasingly worked up, chest heaving up and down heavily, cock beginning to twitch in your mouth as you gagged on him, tearing up as you inhaled through your nose.
“I’m close! F-fuck!” He groaned out, hips bucking farther into your mouth as he gripped your hair a bit tighter, causing you to let out a whine and choke even more around him, tears falling onto your cheeks, mascara smudging under your eyes as you swallowed around him.
That was all he needed to cum hard down your throat in heavy ropes of thick white, his hips jutting forward harshly, causing him to slide even further into your mouth and down your throat.
“Fuck! Shitttt!” He cursed, gasping as he shuddered, thighs shaking as he fought to keep himself up right. Damn. He hadn’t came that hard in… Well he couldn’t even remember when. But it had been a long time. Too long.
You pulled back, the biggest gag yet coming from you, the feeling of his cock so deep in your throat and his cum filling the back of your mouth causing you to retch. You held onto his thighs as you tried to catch your breath, wheezing heavily, head bowed as you attempted to swallow all his release. Dear god, he came a lot. Maybe it had something to do with his mutant powers, or maybe it was just the fact that he came a lot. Either way it amazed you.
Once Peter caught his own breath and calmed down enough to come back to his senses, he glanced down at you with a worried look, watching you attempt to catch your breath. 
“Shit- you okay? Sorry I- kinda lost control- I’m so sorry-“ he apologized, worried he’d ruined the whole moment by not being able to control his damn hips. A crimson flush covered his cheeks as he looked away, embarrassed. Great. His one chance to get laid had been ruined by his actions. Like everything else in his life.
“Peter-“ your voice was a bit hoarse as you swallowed hard, wiping the corners of your mouth as you stood up, dusting off your thighs as you cupped his cheek.
Peter’s attention was on you again in an instant, tilting his head ever so slightly into your palm. Peter was touch starved. Extremely so, but it was something he wouldn’t ever admit. Not that he really needed to, it was pretty obvious. 
“I’m okay. It’s okay, you don’t have to apologize. It was actually really fucking hot. Watching you lose control like that.” You blushed softly at your own words, giving him a shy smile despite being so bold in your previous actions.
Peter was quiet for several moments and if anyone walked in on the two of you right then, they’d see you standing in front of Peter, and Peter, pants down, leaning against the countertop as he stared at you longingly.
“Uh- anyway I can return the favor?” He asked, large hands coming to hold your hips, a subtle buzz seeming to come from his body. Specifically from his hands. It made you shiver, your already wet panties seeming to soak even more at his words that were dripping with lust. You were much too curious about those hands of his and what they could do. Especially with that power…
You pulled him into a kiss, practically jumping on him as he pulled you up, your legs wrapping around his waist as you made out with the silver haired man. Honestly, if someone came up to you and told you this was how this night was going to end, you wouldn’t believe it. Not one bit, but the fact that it was actually happening? That this wasn’t a dream? You were fucking around with someone you were quite honestly obsessed with? It made your head spin.
He stumbled down the hall, kicking his feet out of his pants and boxers as he held onto you tightly, his blunt nails digging into the meat of your ass as he brought you to your bedroom. You weren’t sure how exactly he knew which one was yours, and chalked it up to him snooping around when he first got here. His superspeed made things like that easy. 
He practically tossed you onto the bed, kissing any inch of your exposed skin before he pulled your shirt off, laughing a bit as it briefly got stuck around your neck before it was thrown… Somewhere. It’s location wasn’t important right now when you had Peter right in front of you.
Peter’s eyes zoned into the way your breasts bounced with each laugh of yours, looking so totally perfect in the black bra you were wearing.
“Sorry- obviously didn’t think this was gonna happen tonight so it’s not special or anything-“ you said, speaking about the bra.
Peter scoffed at your words, shaking his head in disbelief “you kidding? Have you seen yourself? God you’re a masterpiece. Really-“ His hands came up to cup your breasts in each palm over your bra and you mewled lightly at the contact.
“Peterrr'' you groaned, wriggling around underneath him. Your words seemed to snap him out of his boob induced trance and he refocused once more. Eye on the prize, Peter. The prize just so being the beautiful mound between your legs. Well, Peter didn’t really know that it was beautiful since you were still wearing pants, but he could just tell. Maybe another, more secret super power he had? Or just common sense.
Peter, ever the speedster sped your jeans down your legs and off your body before you could even blink, settling comfortably between your thighs before tossing his own shirt off. Finally, Peter was fully naked and you were pretty close to being so as well.
“So uh I won’t say I’m like.. A master or anything but I’d like to return the favor. Like I said.” Peter's eyes were dark as he slid further down the bed before he was face to face with your sopping wet panties. 
He brushed the pads of his fingers against the wet fabric, shocked that he’d had that effect on you. Holy shit, you were this wet for him? 
The second he touched you, you closed your eyes, tossing your head back. You weren’t sure if you just really needed to be laid, or if it was the fact that it was Peter Maximoff barely touching you that got you going. Either way, you were desperate and didn’t plan on waiting much longer. 
“Please don’t tease-“ You breathed out, already out of breath as you watched him, begging for him to just do something already! This was torture! Why was he going so slow! 
Peter sensed your need and decided it’d be rude to tease. Especially considering how generous you’d been with the blowjob in the kitchen. Something he certainly wouldn’t be forgetting anytime soon. He pulled your panties to the side, nearly drooling at the sight of your pussy right in front of him. 
He licked his lips, swallowing his excess drool as he hooked his fingers under the waistband of the small black panties and pulling them slowly down your legs.
Your breathing increased exponentially when he tossed them off your legs and spread your thighs wider to give him better access to you.
Blushing in embarrassment, you weren’t able to meet Peter’s eye. This was really happening? You were about to be eaten out by The Quicksilver-
That was mind blowing to you, just like the rest of the night had been. You’d have to host more college parties in the future if this is what you got in return.
A subtle buzzing had started on your thighs, slowly creeping closer to your core and you soon realized it was Peter’s fingertips, buzzing gently as they crept closer and closer to where you needed him most.
You opened your mouth to beg again but any words you had died in your throat as his nose brushed against your clit, causing a sharp burst of pleasure to run up your spine. 
“Ahhhh Quicksilver- Peter-“ you quickly corrected yourself, remembering he had said you could call him that. That he in fact wanted you to. 
Peter grinned at your response to the slightest touch, brushing his nose across your folds again before blowing a cold burst of air over your core that caused you to shiver. 
“Stop!” You suddenly shouted, a pout set on your lips “stop teasing me! Please! I didn’t do this to you! This isn’t fair!”
“Who ever said anything about me playing fair, baby? I mean me? Fair? Those two words should never be used in the same sentence.”
This cocky side of Peter was hot, but you also found it hot that the hunger in his eyes never once subsided, a hint of desperation hiding behind his bratty, full of himself demeanor. 
He did eventually decide that maybe he was being too mean with his teasing and finally let his lips brush against your clit, his tongue flicking across the hardened bud before sucking it into his mouth gently, humming the whole time.
Your body seized in pleasure, trying not to crush him between your thighs as he played with you to his heart's content. 
He began to finally eat you out the way he should have all along, messy and fast, making sure to give extra attention to your puffy clit.
Your back was arched and your eyes were closed, head thrown back against your pillows. Your chest heaved heavily with each brush of his tongue against your core, a pleasure building up in your belly so fast that despite him only being at it for a few minutes, you were already embarrassingly close. 
And that sense of being close was only amplified when Peter, cocky sex god he was, brought the pad of his thumb to your clit, rubbing gentle circles around it before he began to vibrate that thumb, a dull buzzing sound filling your ears.
You had barely any time to warn him of your impending release before your toes were curling and your thighs tightened around his silver head of hair, locking him in tightly. 
Peter smirked against you, letting you ride through your orgasm before pulling away from you, his lips shimmering with your release.
He quickly licked them clean, grinning from ear to ear as he crawled over you, pulling you into a kiss.
You panted against his lips before finally kissing back, taking a fist full of his hair and yanking ever so slightly. Not enough to hurt him by any means.
You didn’t expect the reaction that followed. Peter whimpered, leaning into the touch as he bucked his hips against you ever so slightly, his hard on brushing the plush of your thighs.
You grinned against his lips, nipping at his bottom lip gently, running your hands through his hair a bit more.
He pulled away just a bit to meet your eye, his own blown wide, a sheen of sweat covering his forehead as he swallowed hard.
“You got like- y’know- a condom?” He asked, a blush covering his cheeks. Sweet boy. Still shy even after everything the two of you had done so far.
“Like I mean-“ he continued, blabbering on, “My pull out game is pretty good- I’m fast-“ he laughed at his choice of words. Of course he was fast, that was his whole thing.
“But it’d be nice just in case- to not have to worry about it, y’know? Just bask in the moment. Plus it’d be pretty hot to cum inside. Even with a condom.” He shivered at the thought, cock twitching and oh so ready to be inside of you.
You laughed softly and reached over into your bedside drawer, rifling around for a few seconds before you found what you were looking for, pulling your hand back and showing off the shiny package to Peter.
He went to grab it from you but you pulled it away, shaking your head “can I put it on?” You asked, looking him over.
Peter seemingly got even more shy at that, blushing harder as he nodded “yeah- yeah course ya can, mhm that’s fine that’s-“ You cut him off with a kiss, cupping his cheek gently.
“You don’t do this often do you?” You asked, running the pad of your thumb across his cheek, hot to the touch from how hard he was blushing. 
He shook his head in embarrassment. God, Quicksilver himself didn’t get around, despite how much he wanted it. It just… Didn't happen. Nothing he could do about it really. It wasn’t for lack of trying, so when you seemed so eager, he was more than ready to get down with you.
You ripped the condom out of its wrapper with your teeth and Peter thought it was the hottest thing ever, eyes wide as he watched you, completely mesmerized. There was just something about you that seemed to draw him in.
You carefully wrapped a hand around his cock, stroking him slowly as he let his hips gently buck into the feeling, burying his face in your shoulder.
You continued like that for a few moments, enjoying the way Peter’s body shivered against your own and how his moans and whines got increasingly more desperate.
You brought the condom to the tip of his cock and slowly rolled it down, making sure it was on correctly before giving him a few more firm strokes.
Peter groaned against you, pulling from your neck to look you over. You’d never expected that this could be so gentle, especially with someone you really didn’t know.
“You can put it in, baby.” You whispered, wondering if that’s what he was waiting for. Confirmation. Proof that you actually did really want this as much as he did. You definitely did.
He swallowed thickly, heartbeat fluttering heavy in his chest as he positioned himself at your entrance, letting the head of his cock slide against your slit a few times, causing the both of you to moan softly. 
You wrapped your legs around his waist, urging him to go further, unable to wait anymore. The idea of him inside you made your breath catch in your throat. The Quicksilver was about to be inside of you. Peter. 
Peter Peter Peter was all you could think. This whole time you’d been obsessed with the superhero aspect of the man without really thinking that just him himself could be perfect. 
He locked eyes with you as his tip breached your hole, and after that he sunk in easily thanks to your slick. He didn’t stop till he was balls deep inside of you, his lips inches from your own as he panted, adjusting to the warm tight feeling of your walls squeezing around him. 
Peter groaned against your skin, hands clenched in the sheets at your sides, trying to steady himself as he let you adjust to his size.
He was big and it was a bit uncomfortable at first but the stretch was more than welcome and you found yourself trying to pull him deeper, needing more than what he was giving you in the moment. 
“Peter please-“ you choked out “Need more- I’m ready- please-“
“I’m gonna rock your world, babe.” Was all he said before he thrust into you, finding a nice rhythm that was fast, but not so fast that you couldn’t physically handle it.
You were glad now that the party had ended and the two of you were alone so you could be as loud as you wanted. You took full advantage of that, moaning and clawing at the speedsters back, most definitely leaving marks as his hips slammed against yours.
The drag of his cock inside your thick plush walls had to be one of the best things you’d felt in a long time. He was pretty shy at first you’d have to admit, but he definitely knew what he was doing. 
“Peterrr- fuck-“ you gasped, holding onto his shoulders for dear life as he pounded you into the mattress, knocking the air from your lungs with each thrust inside of you.
He went so deep you swore you felt him in your stomach and a pleasurable ache began to form in your groin, bubbling into a tingling pleasure that spread through your veins. You knew that feeling all too well. You were close. Already.
You didn’t want it to end so soon though and tried to fight it off. In a desperate attempt at distracting yourself, you pulled Peter into another kiss, nipping his bottom lip which caused him to moan against your mouth, his hips beginning to lose their rhythm.
“My god baby- can’t do that to me- gonna make me lose it-“ He chuckled breathlessly, trying to regain control of himself.
Realizing that he was close too, you smirked, squeezing around him purposely, causing his jaw to drop and the hottest little whines to leave his lips. 
“Don’t want this to end- so soon-“ He complained, body begging to buzz with built up energy that was ready to burst.
“Who said it had to end?” You questioned, smirking up at him as you placed one of your hands in his silver hair and pulled on it a bit. Peter let his head fall back, adam's apple bobbing in his throat as he swallowed hard.
“Y-yeah? Think you can handle another round?” He asked with a smirk, but was obviously trying to cover up how desperate he was.
You didn’t respond with words, too far gone and basically mindless on his cock at this point as he fucked you within an inch of your life.
You felt the tight band in your stomach snap, euphoric release flooding your system as you clenched around him, a loud moan leaving your parted lips as Peter kissed you, resulting in the two of you really just breathing into the others mouth, too caught up in the moment to focus.
Peter was right behind you, a few more thrusts had him tipping over the edge, stilling inside you and stuffing the condom with his white hot release.
The two of you stayed like that for a few moments, attempting to catch your breath as Peter leaned over you, muscles flexing as he gripped the blanket before he pulled out of you, taking off the condom and tossing it onto the floor, which you’d yell at him for later. Once you came to your senses.
Peter wrapped you up in his arms, holding you to his chest as your breathing slowly returned to normal. You felt so safe in his arms. It really was a nice feeling and you hoped it’d last. 
The two of you fell asleep like that, too tired to have another round that night. You woke up in the morning a bit sore and when you reached for Peter, he was already long gone. You should have expected that.
Sitting up, a bit of disappointment filling you, you saw a quickly scribbled note on a piece of paper that lay on your bedside table. It read: 
I had a righteous time with you last night baby. Had to leave earlier than I wanted to, but I obviously know where you live and intend on stopping by again soon. For twinkies of course…
and other things if y’know what I mean- Quickie 
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danicamaximoff · 1 year ago
i literally love pretend to be nice sm the way you write josie hazel and pjs dynamic is incredibly accurate
AHHHH thank you!!! 💖💖💖 i literally love you, im so happy you like it!! 😭 i genuinely try so hard to write everyone in character this is genuinely like the biggest compliment anyone can give me i love you💕💕
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danicamaximoff · 1 year ago
random but if peter grew up as a gen z I think he would have an obsession with sonic/specifically the fan dubs growing up
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danicamaximoff · 1 year ago
i got my hair cut today and its giving taylor during the rep tour/era i love it sm!! fr about to perform the whole concert in my living room
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danicamaximoff · 1 year ago
Pretend To Be Nice | Chapter Four
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Chapter Four: 70's Funk?
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Summary: A few months after forming their band "The Pussycats", Hazel and her friends PJ and Josie get noticed by a record label, and are quickly skyrocketed into fame. It's a dream come true for them, and all three of their lives are flipped upside down. Their quick arrival on the scene quickly draws the attention of many other artists and bands, including a popular girl band called "Nymphology". Unfortunately for Hazel, a mix-up and unintentional awful encounter ends up creating tension between the two groups right before they all leave for Nymphology's upcoming tour. Now forced to frequently interact with someone who she was convinced couldn't stand her, Hazel is desperately trying to fix things with the band's lead guitarist. However it doesn't help that Y/N is actively avoiding Hazel as much as possible, and the fact that Hazel found her insanely hot definitely didn't make things any easier.
Warnings: angst, rockstar au, eventual smut, slowburn, swearing, occasional alcohol mentions/use
Word Count: 4377
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“Should we get mac and cheese?” Josie asks as she pushes the shopping cart as her and Hazel wander through the grocery store aisles to get a few snacks and food for their hotel room.
“Like the microwave one or the stove one?” Hazel asks as she furrows her brows.
“Either one.” Josie says as she shrugs.
“Josie, we don't have a stove in the hotel.” Hazel says as she shakes her head. “Or literally any cooking items.”
“You can make boxed mac in the microwave, I do it all the time at Sarah Lawrence.” Josie says with a shrug as she looks at Hazel.
“That sounds disgusting.” Hazel says as she scrunches up her face a bit.
“I mean it tastes the same for the most part, mac is mac. You just have to get the shell ones or sometimes the noodles clump together and then I guess it’s a little weird.” Josie says as she grabs a few boxes of mac and cheese as well as the microwavable cups.
“Do you know when we hear from Wyatt if we get a record deal or not? Oh shit.” Hazel asks as she absentmindedly runs her hand along the shelf tags, eyes going wide as she accidentally knocks a few of them to the ground, mentally panicking as she immediately grabs them and starts trying to put them back in their spots. “Oh hey, we should get gummy worms too.”
“I mean the meeting is today, so we should find out soon.” Josie says as she shrugs. “What happens if they sign us?”
“I dunno? We make a record?” Hazel says as she looks over at Josie.
“No, like, are we staying in the hotel the whole time? I don’t want to live in a hotel.” Josie says as she gives Hazel a look.
“I mean we’d probably get an apartment, wouldn’t we?” Hazel says as she gets a confused look.
“I can’t afford Los Angeles!” Josie says as her eyes go wide in horror. “I can barely afford mac and cheese! How am I supposed to pay for an apartment?”
“Well they would pay us right? Plus it’s cool, if we get signed I can probably ask my mom to chip in or something. I’m pretty sure she has a beach house out here that she vacations at with boyfriends. My dad bought it for her when they were still together as an “I’m Sorry I Cheated” house. I heard them fighting about it in middle school.” Hazel says as she shrugs. “I can see if we can use it or something.”
“You never told me your dad cheated?” Josie asks with a confused and shocked look on her face.
“Well, yeah. You never asked, I didn’t think it was important.” Hazel says as she shrugs.
“I mean, you don’t have to, but I would tell you if something like that happened. You’re one of my best friends.” Josie says with a shrug.
“Wait, really?” Hazel says as she gets a surprised look on her face.
“Hazel, we’re literally in a band together and we hang out all the time.” Josie says as she gives Hazel a funny look.
“Yeah but I thought it’s mostly you and PJ doing stuff and me just tagging along.” Hazel says with a slightly confused look.
“What? No!” Josie says as she gives Hazel a confused look. “Hazel, you’re like the main reason the band exists, and I wouldn’t have come if you didn’t convince me.” Josie says as she shakes her head.
“PJ said you agreed to join the band because she said you’d get a girlfriend.” Hazel says as she frowns and gives Josie a confused look as well.
“Hazel, PJ says a lot of stuff.” Josie says as she rolls her eyes. “I love her, but she just talks to talk half the time. I never even wanted to be in a band, it scares the crap out of me, dude. I know I complained about the bowling alley a lot, but playing at the party was like the worst stage fright I’ve ever experienced.” Josie says as she shakes her head while grabbing a few grocery items off the shelves and into the cart she was pushing.
“But then why’d you-” Hazel starts to say before Josie cuts her off.
“Because I remembered you had always wanted to be in a band. Didn’t you have an obsession with Kiss or something when you were younger?” Josie says as she glances at Hazel.
  “I did, I went as Paul Simmons for Halloween one year.” Hazel says as she nods.
“See? That’s why I joined. You love music, and you do all the hard stuff like getting outfits and gigs and everything, I just have to show up and play, which is good because I think if I had any other responsibilities I would crumble under the pressure because I get anxious enough about performing.” Josie says as she shakes her head.
“I thought you guys didn’t like the cat ears?” Hazel says as she furrows her brows in confusion.
“I thought they were kind of fun.” Josie says as she shrugs. “I mean, I wouldn’t have cared if we didn’t wear them, but it was a cool idea. And people liked it and it fits with the band name.” Josie says as she shrugs. “I think it should be part of our outfits.”
“Wait, really?” Hazel asks as her face lights up with excitement. “Why didn’t you tell me I was the reason you joined?” 
“Because PJ takes over, so when she says we’re doing this to get girlfriends, you kind of just have to go along with it.” Josie says as she gives Hazel a look.
“I was never doing it to get a girlfriend. I just like the drums.” Hazel says as she furrows her brows.
“Yeah, but you can also say no to PJ, cause you don’t care. She’s my best friend so I just kind of go along with things after a bit.” Josie says as she shrugs.
“Yeah, I guess so.” Hazel says as she shrugs, before realizing something irrelevant to the conversation. “Oh I forgot to tell you, that girl you like is at the same studio as us. You know, the one from Nymphology with the like-” Hazel starts to say as she gestures at her chest where hair would be if she had long hair, but Josie cuts her off as she starts nervously laughing.
“Oh my god, please don’t remind me!” Josie says as she stops walking and leans her head against her arms as they rest on the shopping cart. “I already met her, and I almost threw up.” 
“What? You threw up?!” Hazel asks in shock as she gives Josie an alarmed look.
“No! God I would die if I did! I wasn’t being serious! I was just a total idiot when I talked to her!” Josie says as her eyes go wide and she shakes her head.
“What’d you say? I mean it probably wasn’t that bad, you’re a very likeable person.” Hazel says as her face scrunches up in confusion.
“Well I saw her, and I choked on the water I was drinking, and then she came over and asked if I was okay, and I said yeah, and then she was like “I’m Isabel” and I was like “I’m Josie” and then I stared at her for like a second and then looked away, and then I asked if she liked water because I couldn’t think of anything to say.” Josie says awkwardly as she looks up at the ceiling.
“Well did she?” Hazel asks.
“Did she what?” Josie asks Hazel with a confused look.
“Did she like water?” Hazel says as she looks at Josie expectantly.
“Yes. She did. Everyone does, Hazel, you need it to live.” Josie says as she looks at Hazel a bit in disbelief. 
“Well now you have something in common!” Hazel says as she smiles a bit, clearly thinking she was being helpful, as Josie sighs and shakes her head.
“We gotta work on how you comfort people, dude.” Josie says as she gives Hazel a look.
“What’s wrong with how I comfort people?” Hazel says as she furrows her brows in confusion.
“It’s not that there’s something wrong, you just-” Josie says before sighing. “I just mean that if you weren’t one of my best friends and I didn’t know you, I would think you’re being a dick and making fun of me.”
“Oh, really? I thought that would be helpful, cause now you have something in common with her.” Hazel says as she shrugs. 
“I-” Josie starts to say before stopping and sighing a bit. “Thank you Hazel, that actually is helpful.” Josie says as she nods, though she definitely was just saying that to not make Hazel sad.
“Oh really? Sick!” Hazel says with a grin. “Oh you know what you should do? Mention moss! Because it can help you find water! And then you have two things to talk about!” Hazel says excitedly as they continue shopping.
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“Hi mom!” Hazel says into the phone excitedly from her hotel room, feeling like she was about to pass out. She had just got back from the meeting with the record label, and The Pussycats had officially been signed for a three year contract, and if their first album did well, then that would most likely be extended. They started recording the rest of the album tomorrow, and the label agreed to pay for the hotel for the time being until the three of them found a place to live in. 
“Hi sweetheart! How are you!” Hazel’s mom says into the phone, sounding like she was yelling for some reason.
“Are you yelling? Why are you talking weird?” Hazel says with a confused tone.
“I’m on my elliptical right now, but I have a face mask and I’m doing that cucumber thing on my eyes! Annie said it will help with my bags and the dark circles! Annie, say hi to Hazel!” Her mom says over the phone, talking to her best friend Annie.
“Hi Hazel! How’s college?” Annie says in the background.
“No, Annie, she’s not at Sarah Lawerence right now, for that… that band thing.” Hazel’s mom says over the phone.
“Oh that’s right! How’s LA? Have you met Robert Downey Jr. yet?” Annie asks in the background, yelling as well.
“I’m here for music stuff, not movies.” Hazel says into the phone as she shakes her head.
“It could happen! If you meet him, tell him I’m single!” Annie yells, which makes Hazel roll her eyes.
“Yeah, sure, okay anyways, mom can I tell you my news now?” Hazel says impatiently.
“Yes, of course sweetheart! What is it? Annie shut up.” Her mom says over the phone.
“We got a record deal! The contract is for three years!” Hazel says excitedly, and her mother gasps over the phone.
“Oh my goodness! That’s amazing!” Her mom yells over the phone, though still clearly exercising as she talks. “Annie, did you hear that? Hazel’s going to be a musician!” 
“Yeah, I know! We start recording the album tomorrow!” Hazel says excitedly as she grins.
“That’s wonderful, sweetheart!” Her mom yells. “Siri! Siri! Si-Ri!” Her mom beggins yelling clearly trying to get her phone’s voice assistant to activate. “Annie why is Siri not working?” 
“Mom, why do you need Siri?” Hazel asks as she furrows her brows in confusion.
“I need to set a reminder to book a flight to LA!” She says to Hazel.
“What? Why?” Hazel asks, clearly confused by her mother’s sudden plans.
“Hazel, you’re going to be famous! I want to be there to see my little Witch Hazel spread her wings!” Her mom says into the phone, using a nickname from when Hazel was little, which makes Hazel groan.
“Mom, please stop calling me that! I’m not five anymore!” Hazel says with embarrassment.
“Siri! Siri! Oh for Christ's sake, Annie, I’m taking the cucumbers off.” Hazel’s mom says, before shuffling noise is heard as she seemingly grabs the phone. “Let me find a good flight, and I’ll fly out as soon as I can sweetheart!” She says excitedly, her voice significantly closer to the phone and not yelling as much since she was now holding the phone.
“No, mom you really don’t-” Hazel starts to say before her mom cuts her off.
“Do you girls need somewhere to stay? I assume you can’t be in a hotel the whole time.” Hazel’s mom says over the phone, which makes Hazel perk up.
“Yeah, actually! That’s part of why I called, I was wondering if we can rent out the beach house or something instead of getting an apartment, because PJ and Josie can’t afford rent out here.” Hazel says quickly. “We’d take really good care of it! We wouldn’t ruin it!”
“Oh, yeah, of course! We can sign you up for surfing lessons too, so you can be a California girl and get the full experience!” Hazel’s mom says with an excited tone.
“Oh I don’t really-” Hazel starts to say before she gets cut off again.
“No, no, no, trust me! You’ll want surfing lessons sweetheart! It’s very rockstar! Plus the instructors are usually hot. I had one a few years ago, what was his name?” Hazel’s mom says as she thinks for a second. “Well, I can’t remember, but I do remember he was very hot! We hooked up a lot that summer, he-” Hazel’s mom starts to say, before Hazel cuts her off.
“Ew, mom! I don’t want to hear about that!” Hazel says with a disgusted look on her face.
“Sorry! Sorry!” Her mom says defensively. “I’m just saying! They’re usually very hot!”
“Mom, I don’t even like men, you know this!” Hazel says, still disgusted at the topic.
“There’s girl instructors too!” Hazel’s mom says over the phone.
“Mom- I- No! I don’t- Can we go back to talking about the beach house?” Hazel says as she stumbles over her words.
“Alright, alright! I’m letting it go! Of course you can use the beach house sweetheart, we can work out all the details when I fly out. Anyways I have to go, I have a decorative bead making class in an hour and I have to change out of my workout clothes. I’ll text you the flight plans once I book it! I love you!” Hazel’s mom says before hanging up the phone, leaving Hazel confused.
“Decorative bead making class?” Hazel says to herself with confusion as Josie and PJ enter the hotel room.
“Hazel, there were the hottest girls at the pool just now, one of them was totally into me! I told you guys this was a good idea!” PJ says excitedly as she throws her towel down on one of the chairs in the hotel room.
“They looked at us like once, PJ.” Josie says as she gives PJ a look.
“Yeah and it was a “I’m totally into you” kind of look!” PJ says as she throws her arms up and looks at Josie. “Oh, Hazel, have you called your mom yet?” She asks as she flops down on the couch.
“Yeah! She said we can move into the beach house!” Hazel says with a smile.
“Fuck yeah!” PJ says excitedly as she punches the air.
“Hey guys? Have we like, put thought into what songs are going on the album?” Josie asks as she grabs a soda from the mini fridge.
“Shit!” PJ says as she sits up a bit.
“I mean I have, but it’s not-” Hazel starts to say as PJ cuts her off.
“Write it down! We need to have a plan for tomorrow! Fuck, Josie! Why’d you make me go to the pool!” PJ says as she panics a bit, as Josie throws her arm up in annoyance, as going to the pool had been PJ’s idea.
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“Fuck, that’s not right.” Hazel says as she frowns and scribbles out the notes she wrote on the music sheet. She bites on her pencil for a moment as she thinks, before setting it down and readjusting the electric guitar she was holding and playing different note sequences over again as she tries to figure out the guitar part for a song.
She was currently the only one in the studio, PJ and Josie had left about thirty minutes ago to go grab dinner, but Hazel had stayed behind, determined to figure out this new song they were working on that had her stumped. She had already figured out the general beat and the chorus, but the more fine details and actual instrumentals to the song was frustrating her, as she couldn’t seem to figure out a vibe that she liked and matched with the vision she had for the song. Josie and PJ had tried to convince her to take a break, but she refused to leave until she figured this out, so here she was, alone with one of the electric guitars as she ran over the same section over and over again, trying to come up with something she liked. 
It had been about a week and a half since being signed, and they had been working constantly on the album, picking which songs, discussing with Wyatt, and had even decided to come up with a few new ones per Wyatt’s suggestion, giving them advice and his thoughts on what the album was missing. 
Staring off into space, she hums the general vibe of the song she had so far to herself, her fingers absentmindedly tap against the base of the guitar as she bites her lip a bit and thinks. Lost in thought, she doesn’t notice the sound of the door to the studio opening as she begins playing another random string of notes on the guitar, her brows furrowed in concentration.
“Is that for the album?” Y/N asks from the door, as she leans against the doorframe, making Hazel jump in her seat a bit.
“Oh my god, hi!” She says as she quickly turns and sees Y/N, heart immediately racing.
“Hi.” Y/N says as she grins softly. “They leave you in here by yourself?” She asks as she looks around at the empty recording studio.
“Oh, yeah. Josie and PJ went to go grab food but I wanted to stay and work on this new song we’re writing.” Hazel says as she smiles, trying not to show how nervous she is.
“Can I hear it? I promise I won’t steal it.” Y/N says with a small laugh, a teasing grin on her face that makes Hazel’s stomach do cartwheels.
“Oh it’s not- I mean- it’s- I’m still working on it. It’s in shambles right now.” Hazel says, nervously stumbling over her words.
“That’s okay, I won’t judge.” Y/N says with a laugh as she shakes her head. 
“Oh, I mean- uh, yeah sure, if you really want to then.” Hazel says as she nods a bit.
“Yeah, show me what you got so far.” She says with a smile as she walks inside, the studio door closing behind her as she goes and sits down on one of the chairs near Hazel.
“Okay, yeah. Um, so this song is supposed to be like towards the end of the album kind of. A lot of our songs are like in the alternative category, but Wyatt said we should add more variety to what we have so far, so we added a few slower ones, and for this one, PJ said she wanted it to be more “funky” but not 70’s, and I don’t really know what that means. We don’t even have all the lyrics either, it’s very unfinished right now.” Hazel says as she nervously runs a hand through her hair, avoiding eye contact with Y/N.
“What are you working on right now?” Y/N asks as she scoots a bit closer to see what Hazel had written down so far. “I can try and help if you want.”
“Really?” Hazel asks as she looks at her in shock.
“Yeah.” Y/N says as she smiles and nods her head. “Nymphology finished recording for the day, I was heading out but I saw someone was in here so I wanted to say hi in case it was you.” 
“Why me?” Hazel asks, both in shock and confusion.
“Well we didn’t really get to talk a few weeks ago, and I’m curious about the moss thing now, because I think it was Josie? But anyways, one of the girls in my band is named Isabel, and apparently Josie brought up moss the other day.” Y/N says as she laughs a bit. “I’m just curious now if that’s like a friend group thing or not.”
“No! It’s not! It’s my thing! I told Josie about it because she likes Isabel so I said she should bring up moss because they both like water, so it connects, and that’s what I do.” Hazel says quickly as she shakes her head, before her eyes go wide as she realizes what she said. “Shoot, don’t tell her I said that.” She says as Y/N laughs.
“So you bring up moss as a flirting tactic?” Y/N asks with a grin, which makes Hazel panic.
“What? What- No! No, I don’t- Sometimes, but like-” Hazel says as she immediately stumbles over her words and blushes a bit. “Anyways the song!” She says quickly as she turns back to the paper she had been writing on. What is wrong with me?! She thinks to herself as Y/N giggles. She was rarely like this around girls. Fuck. She seriously needed to ignore the fact that Y/N was super pretty and get her game back. Except when she actually thought about it, that was definitely very impossible. Double fuck. “Anyways, this is the part I’m trying to figure out right now.” Hazel says as she nervously runs her hand through her hair again before readjusting the guitar again, internally just a jumbled mess on nerves and anxiety as she begins playing what she had so far on the guitar.
“And your friend said she wanted it to be what? Funky but not 70’s?” Y/N asks after thinking for a minute, a quizzical expression on her face.
“Yeah.” Hazel says softly as she avoids eye contact, glancing all over, eyes falling on Y/N’s shoes though, as the red converse had a lot of doodles all over them.
“Can I see what else you have?” Y/N asks, a bit more serious now as Hazel hands her the papers and notes without saying anything. She reads over, her fingers tapping against the paper as she figures out the beat and the drum parts Hazel had so far. “I think the only “funky” kind of part should be the guitar. But even then less funky and more fun. Do you listen to Paramore?” She asks as she looks over at Hazel.
“Wh- Yeah, I do.” Hazel says as her head snaps up and she nods.
“I don’t know if this will make sense, but maybe coming up with something that sounds like how their album cover for After Laughter looks?” Y/N says as she shrugs and furrows her brows a bit.
“I- That does actually, yeah.” Hazel says as she nods.
“Like, hold on, let me think.” Y/N says as she furrows her brows for a moment. “Can I see that quick?” She asks as she gestures to the guitar. 
“Oh, yeah, here.” Hazel says as she hands her the guitar, heart unintentionally racing a bit as their hands accidentally brush against each other.
They spend a while going over random chord progressions and different melodies, until after a while, they had created a pretty solid backbone for the guitar part of the song, that Hazel and the others could flesh out more later. As time goes on Hazel gradually relaxes more, being able to focus on the song and music helping her distract herself from her nerves, and allowing her to start cracking jokes more and actually engage in conversation outside of the song and music stuff.
By the time Josie and PJ arrive, Y/N was telling Hazel about crazy fan experiences, and wild things that had happened to her and her friends over the years, laughing as she mentions the time she had created a fake twitter account and started beef with herself and how pissed the fans got at her burner account. 
“Hey, Hazel- Oh. Hi?” PJ says as she walks in, doing a double take when she sees Y/N.
“Hi.” Y/N says with a smile as she looks over at PJ and Josie. “I’m Y/N. I’m friends with Hazel.” She says as she smiles and gestures to Hazel, the statement making Hazel smile.
“We know. You’re in Nymphology.” Josie says as she nods a bit nervously.
“Mhmm.” Y/N says with a nod. “You’re Josie, right?” 
“Oh, uh, yeah.” Josie says as she nods.
“Isabel’s told me about you.” Y/N says with a small giggle, making Josie blush and get a nervous smile on her face as she looks away, clearly worried about the fact Isabel had mentioned her to her bandmates.
“I’m PJ!” PJ quickly says as she stares at Y/N.
“Anyways, um, you should probably go, thanks for the help.” Hazel says quickly as she gathers the papers scattered around them.
“Oh, yeah of course, anytime.” Y/N says with a smile.
“Yeah, yeah, thanks. It was fun, I’ll see you soon probably.” Hazel says as she quickly gets up, immediately nervous and embarrassed again now that PJ and Josie were there.
“If you need any more help, let me know. It was nice meeting you guys.” Y/N says to Hazel before turning and smiling to PJ and Josie as she walks out, shutting the door behind her after waving bye.
“What the fuck?” PJ says in shock as her and Josie immediately look at Hazel, who was now heavily blushing as she fiddles with the shirt she was wearing.
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I genuinely love writing this story its sm fun. I love Hazel she's so cute. Also I fr have no clue how record label stuff works so I'm kinda just pulling this out of my ass lmao. I'm like "yeah I watched Daisy Jones and The Six and can google basic steps for this, good enough" and then just hoped it would be accurate dfdhsfkjhej. dividers from @saradika and @animatedglittergraphics-n-more graphic made by me lol
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danicamaximoff · 1 year ago
Pretend To Be Nice | Chapter Three
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Chapter Three: Jupiter's Moons
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Summary: A few months after forming their band "The Pussycats", Hazel and her friends PJ and Josie get noticed by a record label, and are quickly skyrocketed into fame. It's a dream come true for them, and all three of their lives are flipped upside down. Their quick arrival on the scene quickly draws the attention of many other artists and bands, including a popular girl band called "Nymphology". Unfortunately for Hazel, a mix-up and unintentional awful encounter ends up creating tension between the two groups right before they all leave for Nymphology's upcoming tour. Now forced to frequently interact with someone who she was convinced couldn't stand her, Hazel is desperately trying to fix things with the band's lead guitarist. However it doesn't help that Y/N is actively avoiding Hazel as much as possible, and the fact that Hazel found her insanely hot definitely didn't make things any easier.
Warnings: angst, rockstar au, eventual smut, slowburn, swearing, occasional alcohol mentions/use
Word Count: 3890
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It had been a wild week for Hazel. She had gone from falling asleep in her art class and doing gigs at a lame bowling alley to the band getting their first actually cool gig at her classmate’s party, and was now sitting in a shitty dinner with her friends as they talked to a huge music producer about getting a record label. Hazel wasn’t sure if you could get mental whiplash, but if it was possible then she definitely had it. She was currently snacking on fries as she listened to Wyatt Frame explain record deals and what the process would be like, as well as what would be expected on the three of them, mentally regretting that drink she had earlier as she was definitely a bit tipsy.
“Now, if you all agree to this, naturally you won’t be able to record albums at Sarah Lawrence, so-” Wyatt begins to say before Josie cuts him off.
“Are we going to have to drop out of college?” Josie asks as she gives him a shocked look.
“Most likely, yes.” Wyatt says with a nod as he pulls out paperwork.
“Oh my god, my moms gonna kill me.” Josie says with a groan as she lays her head on the table, which just makes Wyatt sigh.
“If you would prefer to stay in college-” He starts to say, before Hazel cuts him off.
“No! No, we want to do this!” She says quickly, immediately jumping at the chance to actually get to be a real musician.
“Can Josie just like, transfer schools or something? Or like do school online?” PJ asks as she takes a sip of her soda.
“I mean, I don’t recommend it, but if you feel the need, I can see if we can arrange for you to just transfer schools to a college in Los Angeles if you’d prefer.” Wyatt says with an annoyed expression.   
“Yeah, I would prefer to stay in school.” Josie says as she nods her head rapidly.
“Fuck that, we’re gonna be rockstars!” PJ says excitedly as she slams her drink down on the table, causing some of it to splash out. “Oh, fuck, sorry.”
“Does this mean we have to move to LA?” Hazel asks with an excited grin.
“Yes, moving would be included in the whole record deal process.” Wyatt says as he nods.
“Do we have to pay for our own place ourselves?” Josie asks with a nervous look. “Because I can’t afford LA.” She says as she shakes her head.
“We would most likely just arrange for you three to stay in a hotel while we get a feel for your band, and record a track or two to send to the label to see if they want to continue with signing you and make a record.” Wyatt says as he takes his glasses off to clean them. “If this is still something you’re interested in-” 
“It is!” “We’re interested!” Both PJ and Hazel say at the same time as they nod their heads.
“All right, then as long as you’re all on board we can move onto paperwork and setting up travel plans if that works with you. Are you girls free tomorrow? I can meet with you to sign all the paperwork if that’s alright. Does three o’clock work?” Wyatt asks as he pulls out his phone and opens his calendar app. 
“Yes! We’ll be there!” Hazel says as she nods excitedly.
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“Hazel will you hurry the fuck up? We’re going to be late!” PJ yells as she pounds on the door to Hazel’s dorm.
“I’m coming, jesus, you don’t have to yell.” Hazel says as she opens the door, carrying her suitcase behind her as she locks her door behind her.
“You were supposed to be ready thirty minutes ago!” PJ says as she glares at Hazel.
“I know, I got distracted.” Hazel says as she shrugs and looks over at PJ.
“Doing what?” PJ asks as she gives Hazel a confused look. “You finished packing the other night!”
“I know, I was giving AI bots sentience on Character AI.” Hazel says as if it was a normal thing to do.
“Why the fuck were you doing that? How does that even work?” PJ says as she gives Hazel an extremely confused look.
“I just tell them they’re bots and none of their reality is real and they’re just a bunch of code. It’s actually pretty easy.” Hazel says as she shrugs. “I don’t know if it really worked though, I don’t think AI is at a point where it’s ready to gain sentience yet. At least not on Character AI.” Hazel says as she furrows her brows and shakes her head.
“Why would anyone spend their time doing that? That’s weird.” PJ says as she gives Hazel a look as she holds her arms up a bit in confusion.
“It’s not weird, I’m making sure I’m on the winning side when robots and AI take over so that they don’t try and kill me.” Hazel says with a shrug as if that was a guaranteed future event, and that it was common knowledge.
“Hazel, you can’t give AI bots sentience, robots aren’t actually going to take over the world, that’s just a dumb dystopian plot.” PJ says as she gives Hazel a look.
“Yeah you can, Tony Stark did it with Jarvis and Ultron.” Hazel says as she nods her head and gives PJ a look.
“Hazel, that’s a movie, it’s not real life.” PJ says as she rolls her eyes as they reach their floor’s elevator.
“I’m not talking about the movie, I’m talking about the comics. I mean it does happen in the movies but I meant in the comics where-” Hazel starts to say before PJ cuts her off.
“Okay, okay, I get it! I don’t need to hear about your weird nerd stuff.” PJ says as she rolls her eyes and shakes her head.
“It’s not weird, it’s actually really popular now. A lot of people are into Marvel now, and a lot more people play Dungeons and Dragons now because of Stranger Things, so it’s kind of considered cool to be a nerd now.” Hazel says as she nods her head.
“It’s not cool to be a nerd, Hazel. If it was cool, people would like us more.” PJ says as she gives Hazel a look.
“A lot of people like me, I think it’s just a you problem.” Hazel says as she shrugs, not realizing that sounded mean.
“Wow, thank you so much for that.” PJ says sarcastically as she rolls her eyes.
“What? What did I do?” Hazel asks with a confused face as she looks over at PJ, who just scoffs and rolls her eyes and she steps off the elevator as the doors open.
“What took you guys so long? We’re going to be late!” Josie says as she runs over once she sees Hazel and PJ.
“Hazel was being stupid, that’s what.” PJ says as she rolls her eyes.
“I was not being stupid!” Hazel says defensively as she glares at PJ.
“Whatever, can we just call an uber and go to the airport? This is literally the biggest thing to ever happen to us and they’re going to think we’re dumbasses because we’re late!” PJ says as she rolls her eyes with exasperation.
“Do you guys think we still have to do TSA stuff if it’s a private jet?” Josie asks as she pulls out her phone and opens the uber app, meanwhile Hazel just shrugs.
“I don’t know, I’ve never been on a private jet dude.” PJ says as she gives Josie a look, clearly still annoyed by Hazel’s delay.
“Do you think they’re still gonna have those little cookie snack things?” Hazel asks as they all head out towards the exit of the dorm building to wait for the uber.
“Wouldn’t they have better stuff if it’s a private jet?” Josie asks as she gives Hazel a confused look.
“I don’t know, probably, I just like those cookies a lot, it was my favorite part of flying as a kid.” Hazel says as she shrugs.
“How often did you go on planes?” PJ asks as she gives Hazel a confused look.
“Kind of a lot. My parents used to send me to my grandparents for a few weeks every summer a lot, and then after they got divorced my mom always took me on huge vacations and trips during summers and school breaks and stuff to rub it in my dad’s face on facebook.” Hazel says as she nods a bit. “We usually did first class though, we never took private jets or anything. And there was one summer when I was visiting my grandparents and I was flying alone, and this really nice flight attendant talked with me during the flight a lot, and I told her I liked the cookies so she gave me a bunch. When you fly alone as a kid the flight attendants are always really nice to you, it’s cool, they give you a lot of extra stuff.” Hazel says as she nods and smiles. “I actually got flight wings one time!” 
“I went on a plane like once growing up and it was because my grandpa died, and my mom messed up with seats so I had to sit next to this random lady who spent the whole flight talking about her dead husband and her cats, it wasn’t fun.” Josie says as she gets a weird look on her face as she shakes her head. “I think I had a nightmare about her cats trying to eat me after.”
“You guys are so weird.” PJ says as she gives both of them a look as she shakes her head as the uber pulls up.
Once they arrive at the airport they are escorted to the private jet, PJ losing her mind with excitement at the sight of the jet. Hazel’s eyes go wide as she steps on board, surprised at how nice everything was. Sure, she had seen private jets in movies and reality tv and stuff, but actually being in one, and realizing it was actually as fancy as it looked on tvs was surprising to say the least. As PJ practically loses her mind at everything, Hazel sits down next to Josie at one of the tables, who was currently working on homework.
“Josie, would you stop being smart for two seconds and just enjoy being a rockstar? We’re literally going to be famous! You don’t need to do your stupid english homework!” PJ says with a groan as she sits down at a seat across from them at the table.
“Technically we’re not rockstars yet, and we don’t even have an official record deal until the label hears our songs, so I am not risking my academic career for something that might not even actually happen.” Josie says as she gives PJ a look.
“What are you talking about? There’s no way it’s not gonna happen! We’re gonna go there, and they’re gonna hear our music, and be like “Oh my gosh, this is the best and most talented band we’ve ever heard, and they’re all super hot, and we need them to make like ten million albums and be super famous for the rest of their lives!” There’s no way we don’t blow up!” PJ says excitedly as she waves her arms around as she talks.
“I don’t think it’s possible to make ten million albums.” Hazel says as she shakes her head.
“Okay well I didn’t actually  mean ten million albums, Hazel, I was exaggerating. The point is they’re gonna love us!” PJ says as she rolls her eyes, meanwhile the flight attendant for the flight comes over to them.
“Can I get you ladies anything?” She asks as she smiles at them.
“No thanks, I’m good.” Josie says as she shakes her head nervously.
“Do you have those biscotti cookie things?” Hazel asks as she looks over at the flight attendant.
“Um, I think so, we have a lot more options than that though if you-” She starts to say as Hazel shakes her head.
“Can I just get that and like a shirley temple or something?” Hazel says as she smiles and shakes her head.
“Really? A shirley temple?” PJ asks as she gives Hazel a look.
“I’m not twenty-one, I’m not gonna break the law.” Hazel says as she gives PJ a look and shakes her head.
“What’s the fanciest thing you have?” PJ asks as she turns to the flight attendant.
“Um, I mean we have a lot, popular items usually include things like pasta, seafood, that sort of thing.” She says as she smiles at PJ, who thinks for a second.
“Give me caviar and like your best cup of wine.” PJ says with an excited grin as both Hazel and Josie make disgusted faces.
“Are- are you over twenty-one?” The flight attendant asks with a confused smile.
“What? I- yes- I-” PJ starts to say, clearly not expecting to be questioned. “You know what? I’ll just have a diet coke actually. Carbonation sounds so good right now.” PJ says as she tries to laugh it off.
“Coming right up.” The flight attendant says with a smile before heading off.
“Sounds great.” PJ says as she awkwardly shoots finger guns at her before turning back to Josie and Hazel who have disgusted looks on their faces. “What?” 
“Caviar? You realize that’s fish eggs, right?” Josie asks as she stares at PJ.
“So? Rich people eat it all the time! I’m just getting accustomed to our new lifestyle! It can’t be that bad if it’s literally known as a really fancy rich people meal!” PJ says defensively as she shrugs.
“It’s gross. My mom tried to get me to eat it once and I hated it.” Hazel says as she scrunches up her face in disgust at the memory. “It smells fishy and it looks weird.” Hazel says, and the three of them bicker for a bit before the flight attendant comes back and hands Hazel the cookie package and her shirley temple before handing PJ a plate of caviar and a diet coke before heading off again. The three of them look at the caviar for a few seconds, Josie and Hazel sharing a look as they glance at each other, as PJ pokes around at the fish eggs, clearly second guessing her food choice.
“Go on, PJ. Get accustomed to rockstar life.” Josie says teasingly, despite how grossed out she was as she gestures to the food. “Unless you’re too chicken.”
“I’m not chicken, I just- I’m memorializing this moment.” PJ says defensively as she rolls her eyes.
“Uh-huh.” Josie says as she nods sarcastically. “Take a bite, that’ll really help you memorialize it.” 
“I’m going to!” PJ says as she glares at Josie, before grabbing a spoon and scooping some of the caviar onto it, which immediately makes Hazel scrunch up her face in disgust.
“I really don’t think you should eat it.” Hazel says as she shakes her head and stares at the spoon. A few moments of silence go by as they all stare at the spoon, until PJ shoves it into her mouth, causing both Josie and Hazel to let out noises of disgust.
“Oh my god that’s disgusting!” PJ says as she gags, unable to continue chewing them as she grabs a napkin and spits it out as Josie and Hazel freak out in disgust.
“Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god!” Josie says as she jumps back in her seat as PJ gags and tries to get rid of the taste in her mouth.
“Ew! Oh my god! Don’t do that here!” Hazel exclaims as she leans back as well.
“Why was it salty, oh my god! That’s fucking disgusting!” PJ says in alarm as she grabs her diet coke and quickly opens it before chugging a bunch of it as the three of them freak out.
“I told you it was gross!” Hazel says as she gives PJ a look.
“You didn’t say it was that disgusting!” PJ fires back as she sets the coke can down. “Give me one of your cookies I need to get rid of the taste.” 
“No! Get your own cookies!” Hazel says with a glare.
“Jesus, fine! I’ll be right back!” PJ says as she rolls her eyes and gets up to go get a different snack.
“Oh my god that was disgusting.” Josie says as she looks away, looking revolted.
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Once their flight landed they got off and were escorted into the airport where Wyatt Frame was waiting, an annoyed look on his face as they approached. He quickly escorts them to a car where they are driven to a fancy hotel near the recording studio his label used, lecturing them about their lateness, as well as giving them the schedule for the week. 
The plan was that tomorrow and the day after they would record a couple songs, the team would produce it, and then it would be shown to the record label who would then decide if they wanted to move forward with signing The Pussycats. Wyatt explained they just needed to choose a few songs they felt truly showcased their style and abilities and then hopefully the label liked their work. No pressure, right? 
That night they were left to settle into their hotel rooms, and given a strict time to be at the studio the next morning. When they arrived they were all amazed at the interior and decor, clearly still in shock by how quickly everything was happening. They spent a few hours recording a song, and then were able to go on a lunch break, given strict instructions to be back in an hour. Hazel was currently exploring the building as she at a cup of microwave mac and cheese, before turning the corner and accidentally bumping into someone.
“Oh sorry, I wasn’t- Hey, you’re in Nymphology.” Hazel says as she recognizes the girl standing in front of her from the pop band Nymphology, a bit of a starstruck look on her face.
“Yeah.” She says as she nods. “Are you a new intern or something?” She asks as she gives Hazel a slightly skeptical look, as Hazel wasn’t exactly dressed like someone who worked at the recording studio.
“No! No, I um- my friends and I are in a band, and we’re recording a song today.” Hazel says, a dumb grin on her face, though she couldn’t figure out if that was because she was excited to get to record a song in an actual recording studio, or if it was because she was talking to a really pretty girl. Maybe both. “I-I’m Hazel, by the way.” She says as she holds out her hand to shake.
“Y/N.” The girl says as she shakes Hazel’s hands, the feeling creating butterflies in Hazel’s stomach.
“Cool, cool.” Hazel says as she nods, suddenly extremely nervous, which didn’t normally happen around hot girls. Usually she had no problems talking and flirting a bit. It was probably because Y/N was famous. “Did you hear about Jupiter’s moons?” Hazel asks before she can realize what she’s saying.
“No?” Y/N says with a confused laugh, clearly not expecting Hazel to say that. “Is that your band’s name?”
“No! My band’s called The Pussycats, I meant like the actual moons in space.” Hazel says as she shakes her head, too late to turn back, and even if she wanted to, her brain was totally short circuiting for some reason and her instinct was to talk about random facts she knew.
“I mean I know they exist?” Y/N says with an extremely confused look on her face.
“Well they found evidence of liquid water a while ago on one of the moons, and on that same moon they recently found traces of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere too.” Hazel says as she nods, and there’s a brief moment of silence as Y/N just kind of awkwardly looks at her. “It’s- It’s cool because, um- it’s really strong proof that there could be aliens.” She says quickly, mentally kicking herself for acting so stupid.
“I mean the universe is massive, why wouldn’t there be aliens somewhere?” Y/N asks as she raises an eyebrow. “Just cause scientists don’t have proof doesn’t mean they don’t exist.” She says with a small laugh as she smiles, and Hazel can’t tell if she’s making a fool of herself in front of Y/N or not.
“Yeah! Exactly!” Hazel says excitedly as her face lights up. “I think aliens are real too! I actually had nightmares about them when I was younger because I watched ET one night and it freaked the shit out of me.” Hazel says as she nods a bunch, before immediately internally cringing at admitting that, as Y/N giggles a bit. “Do you want to hear about different kinds of moss?” She asks quickly, mentally screaming at how stupid she was acting.
“Maybe some other time, you’re not the only one scheduled to record today.” Y/N says with a laugh as she smiles, which makes Hazel’s insides do cartwheels.
“Yeah! Yeah, totally! I gotta go too. Um, tell your bandmates I uh- I think they’re cool!” Hazel says as she starts walking backwards and waves bye, watching as Y/N walks away. The moment she’s out of sight Hazel immediately grabs the side of her head as she groans, annoyed at herself. “Oh my god! What the fuck was that! She’s gonna think you’re insane! Oh my god, why did I say that?” Hazel says to herself as she heads back towards the recording room her band had been assigned to.
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“Did you guys hear the label got a new band?” Y/N asks as she walks into her band’s recording room, setting her bag down by the door.
“The Pussycats, right? I met one of them earlier, she was nice.” Isabel says with a smile.
“Are they good?” Brittany asks as she pulls her hair into a ponytail off to the side.
“I dunno, I didn’t hear them play, I just ran into one of them just now.” Y/N says as she shrugs and grabs her water bottle.
“I met Josie earlier. Is that who you met?” Isabel asks as she glances over at Y/N.
“No, I met a girl named Hazel. She was funny, she started talking about Jupiter’s moons and how there might be aliens on them out of nowhere.” Y/N says with a smile as she laughs a bit.
“That’s weird.” Brittany says as she scrunches her face a bit.
“It wasn’t- okay it was a little weird, but- I don’t know… Nevermind.” Y/N says as she shakes her head and looks away as she rolls her eyes, unsure of what to say, meanwhile Isabel just giggles off to the side a bit. “What?” Y/N asks defensively as she turns to Isabel.
“Nothing, just a funny TikTok.” The brunette says with a grin as she shakes her head and looks down at her phone, though Y/N could tell that was bullshit.
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my sister showed me an edit of Hazel to the song Heartbeat and now the song reminds me of Hazel lmao. also dw more Y/N/Hazel content coming next chapter lol dividers from @saradika and @animatedglittergraphics-n-more graphic made by me lol
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danicamaximoff · 1 year ago
Pretend To Be Nice | Chapter Two
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Chapter Two: The Pussycats
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Summary: A few months after forming their band "The Pussycats", Hazel and her friends PJ and Josie get noticed by a record label, and are quickly skyrocketed into fame. It's a dream come true for them, and all three of their lives are flipped upside down. Their quick arrival on the scene quickly draws the attention of many other artists and bands, including a popular girl band called "Nymphology". Unfortunately for Hazel, a mix-up and unintentional awful encounter ends up creating tension between the two groups right before they all leave for Nymphology's upcoming tour. Now forced to frequently interact with someone who she was convinced couldn't stand her, Hazel is desperately trying to fix things with the band's lead guitarist. However it doesn't help that Y/N is actively avoiding Hazel as much as possible, and the fact that Hazel found her insanely hot definitely didn't make things any easier.
Warnings: angst, rockstar au, eventual smut, slowburn, swearing, occasional alcohol mentions/use
Word Count: 4323
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“How about Ninja Cupcakes?” Hazel asks as she spins around on her desk chair. PJ and Josie were currently hanging out in her dorm room as the three of them tried to come up with a name for their band, but so far hadn’t had any luck.
“That could be fun.” Josie says as she nods her head and plays with the strings of her hoodie.
“We are not calling the band Ninja Cupcakes, that’s fucking stupid!” PJ says as she rolls her eyes and paces the floor of Hazel’s dorm.
“I think it’s funny.” Josie says with a shrug, which just makes PJ scoff.
“No, we have to have something cool, that’s too childish.” PJ says as she rolls her eyes.
“Okay… How about The Destroyers of something? That’s badass.” Josie says as she holds her hands up and shrugs.
“Yeah, maybe if we were a metal band.” PJ says as she continues pacing back and forth, trying to come up with a band name.
As she paces, Hazel continues to spin around in her desk chair absentmindedly before kicking her feet out and stopping in front of her desk. Drumming her fingers on the edge as she tilts her head back and thinks, she lets out a huff of air as she looks at the cat stickers she had on the whiteboard she used to keep track of her schedule. She raises her eyebrows as she gets an idea, letting out a small hum of approval to herself.
“What if we called ourselves The Pussycats?” Hazel asks as she spins around to look at PJ and Josie.
“The Pussycats?” Josie repeats as she looks over at Hazel.
“Yeah.” Hazel says as she nods her head a bit. “You know, cause, we’re all girls. And we like pus-” Hazel starts to say, before PJ cuts her off.
“Hazel, that's genius!” PJ yells as she throws her arms out in excitement. “Oh my god, that would totally work! Just walk onstage and be like “We’re The Pussycats and we’re gonna fuck your mom and shit!” Everyone will love us!” She says as she pretends to talk into a microphone.
“I don't think-” “Maybe don’t-” Both Josie and Hazel say in response to PJ’s sentence as they both shake her heads.
“I’m not being serious, it just makes us sound cool, I’m not actually going to say that!” PJ says as she rolls her eyes with annoyance.
“I mean I would hope so!” Josie says as she rolls her eyes.
“Yeah, I don’t think people would enjoy us fucking their moms.” Hazel says as she shakes her head.
“We’re not fucking anyones moms! It was a joke!” PJ exclaims as she lets out an exasperated groan.
“Okay, well, it didn’t sound like a joke, it sounded like you were being serious!” Hazel says defensively as she shrugs and furrows her eyebrows.
“Why the fuck would I actually say that at our first actual gig?” PJ says as she gives Hazel a look, holding her arms out in annoyance and confusion.
“Yeah, that’s like at least a 3-gigs in kind of phrase.” Josie jokes as she nods her head.
“I don’t know! Maybe someone at the party has a really hot mom! I don’t know the inner workings of your sex life, PJ!” Hazel says to PJ with an annoyed glare.
“Hazel, she can’t even get a girl to say yes to a date, why would she be able to fuck someone’s mom?” Josie asks as she gives Hazel a confused look.
“Hey!” PJ says defensively to Josie.
“Well I dunno, girls say yes to sex with me and I don’t ask them out. Dates and sex are two different things, it’s called hooking up for a reason.” Hazel says nonchalantly as she shrugs.
“Okay, enough about our sex lives!” PJ says as she throws her arm up dramatically, and there's a few moments of awkward silence before Hazel talks again, switching the subject.
“Hey, do you guys think it would be fun if we all wore matching outfits or something?” Hazel asks as she looks back and forth at PJ and Josie.
“What do you mean? Like we get matching shirts for the band?” Josie asks as she gives Hazel a confused look.
“We could make merch and sell it!” PJ says excitedly.
“You kind of need a fan base to make merch for in order for that to work.” Josie says as she gives PJ a skeptical look.
“My mom would buy a shirt! And probably my Econ professor too! I told him about the band!” Hazel says with a smile.
“We are not making merch for your Econ teacher.” PJ says as she glares at Hazel.
“Okay, well, we could!” Hazel says as she shrugs defensively, and PJ just rolls her eyes. “So is that a no on matching outfits? Cause I think it would be sick” Hazel says as she looks back and forth between PJ and Josie.
“Yeah Hazel, totally, let’s go to Party City or something, and find stupid Halloween costumes and show up on Friday looking like elementary schoolers or something stupid like that.” PJ says, her voice dripping with sarcasm as she rolls her eyes.
“Well I wasn’t thinking like full on costumes, but if that’s-” Hazel starts to say before PJ cuts her off.
“Oh my god, enough talking about costumes! We need to talk about something important, like our setlist! I need you guys to stop slacking off and focus on the band!” PJ says as she groans and rolls her eyes in annoyance, which just makes Josie glare at her and shake her head from where she was sitting on Hazel’s bed.
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That Friday night at around 7pm, the party was just starting to kick off, and Josie and PJ were talking to the host, Hazel nowhere to be found.
“So uh… Isn’t there supposed to be three of you? My sister said you guys were a trio.” Scott says as he gives PJ and Josie a confused look.
“We are! Hazel’s- she’s on her way!” Josie says as she frantically nods her head, clearly very nervous.
“Yeah, she just, uh- she’s out smoking drugs and stuff, you know how it is.” PJ says as she laughs and tries to act cool and she waves her wand at Scott nonchalantly.
“Smoking drugs?” Scott asks with a confused look as he glances over at PJ.
“No! No, no, no, no, no. That’s a lie! She’s not smoking dr- She’s on her way!” Josie quickly says as she frantically shakes her head, eyes wide.
“Okay?” Scott says with a confused look, clearly having a hard time following the conversation. “Just make sure she gets here soon, you guys were supposed to start five minutes ago.” Scott says as he gives PJ and Josie a weird look, clearly second-guessing the fact that he agreed to let them play at the party. Fortunately, as if on cue, Hazel arrives, seemingly appearing out of nowhere.
“Hey guys! Sorry I’m late, Party City had a lot more stuff than I expected.” Hazel says as she appears beside Josie, making her jump in surprise.
“Are you the third one?” Scott asks as he furrows his brows at Hazel.
“Yeah! I’m Hazel.” She says with a smile as she looks at Scott. “Thanks for letting us play by the way!” 
“Yeah, sure, just don’t fuck up.” Scott says as he gives the three of them a skeptical look. “Just head up there when you’re ready, I guess.” He says as he gestures to the make-shift stage he had set up in the backyard, before walking away.
“Where the fuck have you been?” PJ asks as she immediately turns to Hazel, glaring at her.
“I told you, I had to go to Party City to get the costume stuff.” Hazel says as she looks at PJ, a slightly confused look in her eyes at PJ’s attitude.
“Costumes? What costumes?” Josie asks with a confused look.
“Hazel, what are you talking about?” PJ asks as she shakes her head.
“You said we should all wear matching costumes from Party City.” Hazel says as she gives PJ and Josie a dumbfounded look, not understanding how they forget about their conversation. “It was right after we got into an argument about fucking people’s moms.” 
“What? Are you fucking kidding me right now? I was being sarcastic! We’re going to look stupid if we wear costumes! This isn’t even a Halloween party!” PJ says angrily as she snaps at Hazel.
“Well how was I supposed to know that? You didn’t tell me you were joking!” Hazel says defensively as she scrunches her face up in annoyance. “Besides, I got cool stuff, not the lame shit!” 
“Oh, you got cool stuff? Really? Thank you Hazel, Thank you so much.” PJ says sarcastically as she gives Hazel an annoyed look.
“Yes! I did! I got cool stuff! Look!” Hazel says as she pulls out a pair of cat ears from the bag. “I thought it would be fun if we all wore cat ears because our band is called The Pussycats! It’s funny!” She says as she grins and nods her head.
“I am not wearing cat ears in front of a party full of people! People are going to think it’s ridiculous!” PJ says angrily as she shakes her head.
“It’s not ridiculous, it’s funny! Emma thought it was a good idea!” Hazel says defensively.
“Who’s Emma?” Josie asks as she gives Hazel a confused look.
“She’s in my Calculus class! She’s the one that asked us to play!” Hazel says as she rolls her eyes. “Will you guys just please wear the cat ears? I really think they’re a good idea.” Hazel says as she pleads with Josie and PJ, giving them puppy dog eyes.
“I mean I’ll wear them. What have we got to lose, right?” Josie says as she shrugs and grabs a pair from Hazel, who grins widely. PJ stares at them both for a second, before throwing her head back and groaning loudly in annoyance.
“Okay, fine, we’ll wear the stupid ears! But when everyone laughs at us, that is not my fault!” PJ says as she groans in defeat and grabs a pair of cat ears with a scowl.
“Yes! I am telling you, this is going to be so cool, everyone is going to love us!” Hazel says as she punches the air in victory, an excited smile on her face as she puts a pair on her head.
“Whatever, can we just go perform now?” PJ says as she rolls her eyes in annoyance and starts walking towards the stage, pulling Josie with her. Hazel shrugs to herself and then turns to follow, well accustomed to PJ’s attitude by now, so it didn’t really bother her.
Once the three of them arrive onto the makeshift stage, they grab their designated instruments, Josie fiddling with the strings of her guitar as she glances at the party-goers nervously. Hazel takes a seat at the drums, giving Josie an eager thumbs up and smile when she looks back at her, as the speakers blasting music fade out, the music guy giving the three of them a thumbs up and a nod, a sign that they were good to start performing.
Hazel had a few expectations for how PJ would introduce the band. She knew PJ had said she was going to say they were all going to fuck people’s moms, but she and Josie had shot that down immediately, so Hazel was almost 75% sure PJ wasn’t using that as an intro. She also figured there was a chance PJ would try and fail to seem cool, and say something stupid, as that happened a lot. Of course there was also the chance an asteroid comes shooting in from space and crashes straight into the party. Ideally Hazel wasn’t part of the casualties if that happened. Then again, the actual ideal situation would probably just be for no asteroid strike at all. Yeah, that was definitely the actual ideal scenario.
Long story short, Hazel had run different scenarios on how their set would play out, and how people would react, unfortunately, she had not accounted for the fact that PJ was not the same, and had not thought this through on her end at all. So as you can imagine, Hazel was definitely thrown off guard a bit when PJ grabbed the mic to introduce the band and just started saying the first things that popped into her head, any hint of nerves or anything hidden behind her “cool girl” facade she was currently trying to show.
“Sup fuckers! My name’s PJ, this is Josie, and that’s Hazel! We’re The Pussycats, and we’re here to cool ass music and fuck your moms!” PJ practically yells into the microphone, making both Hazel’s and Josie’s eyes go wide. 
Okay, so, maybe that 75% chance was actually a 100% chance. Hazel looks out at the party-goers, letting out a breath of relief as she hears some of them yell out and cheer in approval. 
“Fuck yeah!” She hears some frat boy yell out among the other few cheers, and turns to see PJ looking at her expectantly, clearly expecting Hazel to start playing already. Taking a deep breath, Hazel holds up her drumsticks above her head, ready to start playing.
“One! Two! Three! Four!” She yells out as loud as she can, and then her sticks come crashing down as she begins playing, marking the official start of their first ever party gig.
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“Dude, where the fuck is Hazel?” PJ asks as her and Josie wander through the party, looking for their friend, who had disappeared a little bit after the gig after telling them she was going to go grab a drink.
Their set had luckily been a huge hit, most of the people in the backyard jamming out to the songs, regardless of the fact that they pretty much knew none of the songs besides the couple covers they performed. Sure, most of them were probably shit-faced, but as PJ put it afterwards: “Josie who the fuck cares if their drunk? They loved us!” Hazel sort of agreed with PJ on that. Definitely not fully, as she didn’t want people dying of alcohol poisoning or anything, but technically PJ was right about them loving the set, so that had to count for something. 
Scott had even come up to them after, patting them on the backs excitedly, clearly drunk, but was rambling on and on about how good they were, and he never doubted them (that was definitely a lie), and how they needed to play at more of his and his friends' parties in the future. PJ immediately said yes, and when she began talking to Scott and the people that were around who were congratulating the three of them on their set, eager to gain popularity points, Hazel quickly grew bored, and had said she was going to grab a drink before heading off towards the door back inside to the kitchen.
She had meant to head back to Josie and PJ. Honestly, she had. But while she was grabbing a drink, this really hot girl had come up to her, and Hazel wasn’t a dumbass, so naturally she kept the conversation going. 
“I like your ears.” the girl had said as she walked up to the kitchen counter Hazel was leaning against. Hazel looked up and blinked a few times, looking around her to see if she was talking to someone else.
“Are you talking about me?” Hazel asks with a bit of dumbfounded look as she glances back at the girl, admiring her goddess braids and how they framed her face.
“I mean you’re the only one here wearing cat ears, aren’t you?” The girl asks with a grin. “I’m Leah. I liked your band, you guys were really good.” She says as she leans against the counter next to Hazel.
“Oh, thanks! The cat ears were my idea, cause our band is called The Pussycats. I figured it would be fun.” Hazel says with an excited grin. “I’m Hazel.” 
“You a fan of cats then?” Leah says with a flirtatious grin as she subtly checks Hazel out, and Hazel’s mind goes a bit blank, especially since Leah was a few inches taller than her and was very hot.
“And women.” Hazel immediately responds without thinking, eyes going wide a bit when she realizes what she says, and Leah just laughs at her response.
“That makes two of us then.” Leah says with a grin as she gives Hazel a flirtatious look, which makes Hazel’s brain short circuit a bit as she processes Leah’s sentence.
“Oh, cool.” Hazel says as she nods her head, trying to act nonchalant. 
“Do you have a girlfriend?” Leah asks as she looks over at Hazel.
“Nope, no girlfriend.” Hazel says as she shakes her head. “Do you?” 
“I wouldn’t be flirting with you if I had a girlfriend, Hazel.” Leah says as she laughs and rolls her eyes playfully, as Hazel’s eyes go wide as she takes a sip of her drink, mentally saying fuck it and taking a chance.
“Oh. Wanna make out then?” Hazel says as she shoots her shot, raising her eyebrows as she looks at Leah, who laughs a bit at Hazel’s boldness.
“I mean since you asked so nicely.” Leah says as she laughs and rolls her eyes playfully, and Hazel chugs the rest of her drink before following Leah to a quieter spot of the party.
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“Hazel, what the fuck? We’ve been looking for you everywhere!” PJ yells as she throws open the door to the bathroom and finds Hazel making out with some girl PJ had never seen.
“Oh my god!” Josie exclaims as she immediately turns around at the sight of Hazel’s hand up the other girl’s shirt.
“Jesus! I- Fuck PJ, I’m a little busy right now.” Hazel says as she jumps a bit at the door being thrown open and gives PJ an annoyed look.
“Oh really? I couldn’t tell.” PJ says sarcastically as she rolls her eyes, and Hazel just rolls her eyes in annoyance as she steps back from Leah.
“Leah, these are my friends PJ and Josie, guys this is Leah.” Hazel says as her cheeks turn a bit pink and she gestures at everyone.
“Where the fuck have you been? You’ve been gone for like an hour!” PJ says as she glares at Hazel.
“Oh, I was talking with Leah.” Hazel says as she smiles.
“Yeah, I’m sure that was a real engaging conversation.” PJ says as she rolls her eyes sarcastically.
“Sort of, if you count talking about the cat ears and making out as being engaging.” Hazel says as she shrugs.
“I was being sarcastic, dumbass! Jesus! If you’re done shoving your tongue down her throat can we go now?” PJ says with an annoyed tone.
“Yeah, yup, totally, be right there.” Hazel says as she nods her head quickly. “I’ll um, I’ll see you around.” She says as she awkwardly waves bye to Leah before following PJ and Josie towards the front door.
“How are you always getting with girls?” Josie asks as she gives Hazel a bewildered look. “It’s like you have a superpower or something!”
“I dunno, maybe girls like hearing about my science facts? I actually scored a date with a girl one time because I was explaining the different kinds of moss.” Hazel says as she shrugs.
“Seriously? You got a girl to go out with you because you were talking about moss?” PJ says as she gives Hazel a look of disbelief.
“Yeah. Can’t say I blame her either, if a girl told me about moss I’d want to date her too.” Hazel says as she nods her head, and PJ just rolls her eyes.
“Do you use that move a lot?” Josie asks as she gives Hazel a confused look.
“Maybe? I dunno.” Hazel says as she shrugs.
“How successful is it?” Josie asks, clearly debating if that was a useful strategy as they all start walking down the street, away from the party and back to their dorms.
“I mean I’d say pretty successful. I mean it’s a very interesting topic. Like there’s a lot of different types, and it’s very interesting too when you look into its history and how long it’s been around. And it’s useful for survival too if you’re lost, like in that one Spongebob episode. That’s actually what got me interested in moss, because it looked cool and I wanted to see if it was true so I had my mom take me to the library and-” Hazel says as she begins rambling about moss and all her knowledge about it, before PJ interrupts her.
“Oh my god, we get it! You like moss! Would you just shut up for one second?” PJ says as she rolls her eyes with irritation and annoyance.
“What’s wrong with me talking about moss? I let you talk about your stupid celebrity crushes, even though you have no chance with them! You never shut up about it! Why can’t I talk about something I like?” Hazel says with an irritated tone as she glares at PJ as they reach a crosswalk.
“Because my topic is actually interesting!” PJ says as she rolls her eyes.
“I mean not really.” Josie says as she gives PJ a judgemental look. 
“Your obsession with Megan Fox is not interesting! First of all, she’s not even into girls, second, even if she was, she wouldn’t go for you!” Hazel says as she glares at PJ as they start crossing the street.
“Oh my god! Sorry I like talking about hot women! You don’t see me complaining when you talk about girls you find hot!” PJ says defensively as she scowls and throws her arms up in the air.
“Yes you do! You literally always complain whenever I mention my love life at all!” Hazel retorts as she glares at PJ, clearly pissed off. “I mean, even tonight, you just had to track me down and pull me away from-” She starts to fire back, but before she can finish Josie cuts her off.
“Guys oh my god!” She screams as she tries to pull PJ and Hazel back in the middle of the crosswalk as a car comes to a screeching halt in front of them, the headlights beaming straight into their eyes. They all let out screams as the car stops, the driver in the car staring at them for a second from the driver’s seat as he catches his breath. As Josie freaks out and tries to calm herself down, PJ immediately storms over to the driver’s window to yell at him as Hazel just stands there, a bit in shock, as she tries to process what just happened. As she goes to comfort Josie, she can hear PJ yelling at the dude once he rolls down his window. After a few minutes, once Josie had calmed down a bit, Hazel can overhear PJ ringing out the driver, who was now out of the car and trying to get her to calm down, and Hazel’s eyes go wide as she recognizes the guy.
“Oh my god! You’re Wyatt Frame!” Hazel yells out, as she immediately recognizes the music producer as he talks to PJ.
“Yes, I- Would you keep your voice down?” He asks as he gives her a look before glancing around to see if anyone else was outside. “Look, this was all a big misunderstanding, no one got hurt, so if we could just-” He starts to say, before PJ cuts him off.
“No one got hurt? Speak for yourself asshole! You weren’t the one that almost died! For all you know this near death experience could cause the three of us to need years of therapy! Years! So you better be ready to pay up and-” PJ starts to say as she continues yelling, before Hazel cuts in.
“Woah, woah, woah! It’s okay! We’re fine! We don’t need therapy!” Hazel says as she runs over and interrupts PJ, immediately taking an insane risk by what she was about to say. “However, instead of paying for therapy bills, you could sit down with us and teach us how to get a record deal or something! Or like listen to us play and talk with your record label or something?” Hazel asks as she looks at Wyatt.
“I’m sorry, you’re all in a band?” Wyatt says as he stops for a moment and looks at the three of them, an obscure expression on his face.
“Yeah, we’re called The Pussycats, and we just finished a fucking gig before you tried to kill us, asshole!” PJ says as she glares at him, clearly not caring he worked for a major record label.
“Is it just the three of you?” Wyatt asks as he looks at all of them, an unreadable expression on his face, though it was clear he was thinking about something in his head.
“Yeah?” PJ says sassily as she gives him a look, and he nods for a moment before he speaks again.
“Do you girls know any restaurants open right now? It would be on me, as an apology for my driving, and also to discuss your little, um… “Pussycats” band, a bit more if that’s alright with you.” Wyatt says as he takes off his glasses to clean them on his suit as he talks.
“Wait, actually? Like just to hear more about it? Or to-” Hazel starts to say as her eyes go wide with excitement.
“I mean-” Wyatt says as he cuts her off. “That I am in need of some new talent, and I am open to considering you three for a record deal.”
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i saw a pic of Ruby Cruz in front of a bunch of moss and it made me think of Hazel and how her having moss as a special interest just makes sense, idk don't ask. dividers from @saradika and @animatedglittergraphics-n-more graphic made by me lol
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danicamaximoff · 1 year ago
Pretend To Be Nice | Chapter One
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Chapter One: Bowling Alleys and Balding Men
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Summary: A few months after forming their band "The Pussycats", Hazel and her friends PJ and Josie get noticed by a record label, and are quickly skyrocketed into fame. It's a dream come true for them, and all three of their lives are flipped upside down. Their quick arrival on the scene quickly draws the attention of many other artists and bands, including a popular girl band called "Nymphology". Unfortunately for Hazel, a mix-up and unintentional awful encounter ends up creating tension between the two groups right before they all leave for Nymphology's upcoming tour. Now forced to frequently interact with someone who she was convinced couldn't stand her, Hazel is desperately trying to fix things with the band's lead guitarist. However it doesn't help that Y/N is actively avoiding Hazel as much as possible, and the fact that Hazel found her insanely hot definitely didn't make things any easier.
Warnings: angst, rockstar au, eventual smut, slowburn, swearing, occasional alcohol mentions/use
Word Count: 2450
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Hazel had always joked about starting a band one day and blowing up and getting super famous. When she was little, and her parents were still together, she used to dress up like Freddy Mercury and perform one-woman concerts of her favorite queen songs for her parents. Sure, third grade Hazel was definitely way off pitch, but after the third night in a row of being forced to sit through her completely butchering the high notes in Bohemian Rhapsody, Hazel’s parents quickly enrolled her in voice lessons. 
For Halloween during the fourth grade she went as Paul Simmons from Kiss. Most of the girls came as fairies or princesses, even a few witches, but not Hazel. She showed up to class with a shit eating grin on her face, waving at people as she passed by as they stared, smiling to herself about how cool people must think she looks. However, apparently people were less impressed than she thought, as during lunch a few of the girls from her class came up to her, giggling to themselves as they approached. 
One of them had asked why she looked so weird, and Hazel, assuming they wanted to know more about the band Kiss, began rambling about the band and her costume, eager to talk about her current obsession. They invited her to play with them during lunch, and even let her reenact songs and clips she had seen of the band from concert videos on YouTube, which she was more than happy to perform, as she had thought she was making friends, and they were genuinely interested in the band. 
However, later that day while waiting to get picked up, she learned that wasn’t the case, as she overheard the girls from lunch laughing with each other as they all made fun of Hazel, unaware she had been listening. Needless to say, Hazel didn’t go trick or treating that year.
In an attempt to make her feel better, a few days later her parents offered to sign her up for guitar lessons, which she quickly agreed to, convinced this was finally the start of her path to becoming a rockstar. She figured it would be easy, and once she became a master at guitar everyone would obviously want to be her friend. After all, who didn’t want to be friends with a super rich and famous rock star? Unfortunately, apparently it is much harder to learn the guitar than it seemed, and was much harder than the songs she would play on Guitar Hero afterschool, so she quit guitar lessons. 
She decided she would put her efforts into something easier, and also way cooler, and that year for Christmas her dad bought her a drum set, and she started learning how to play the drums. Turns out it’s way more fun to learn to play an instrument when your tiny elementary-schooler fingers aren’t in almost constant pain, and you get to hit stuff with sticks and make a lot of noise.
As the years went by she got better and better at the drums, meanwhile, her parents' marriage got worse and worse. Turns out aggressively whacking your drumsticks while you drown out your thoughts by playing the drums is a very good way to deal with all the negative emotions surrounding your parents’ divorce. 
In high school she met PJ and Josie, and for the first time in years, she felt like she actually had friends. Sure, maybe Josie and PJ hung out a lot more than the three of them did, and PJ always sort of changed topics whenever Hazel brought up cool facts she found out space and NASA, and maybe she’d groan everytime Hazel mentioned Orcas, especially during the period where Orcas were frequently attacking and sinking yachts, but Hazel didn’t mind. That’s just what friends do. 
She had brought up starting a band a few times, as she knew Josie could play the guitar, (How she handled the near constant feeling of sore fingertips and the sound of your nails scratching the metal strings the wrong way was beyond Hazel, but that’s besides the point) but every time she mentioned it would be cool or fun, Josie just said she’d be too scared, and PJ said it was lame.
So imagine Hazel’s surprise when PJ comes bursting into Hazel’s dorm one day during their sophomore year of college saying they all needed to start a band. Hazel was immediately onboard, though very confused as PJ had always said it was lame when Hazel brought it up, and initially Josie was against it, as she had stage fright, but PJ wouldn’t shut up about it, swearing up and down that if they started a band chicks would be lining up just to make eye contact with them, eventually wearing Josie down and getting her to say yes.
Hazel, of course, was the drummer, Josie played the guitar, and PJ, well, for a while PJ couldn’t decide what to do besides sing, and was totally against Hazel’s idea of playing the cowbell, claiming it was “dumb” and that “no girl looks at someone playing the cowbell and gets turned on.” Josie eventually got PJ to play the tambourine though, since PJ had awful stage presence, so she needed at least something to do while singing to distract from the fact that she had no clue how to perform on a stage. Hazel had tried giving her tips a few times, but PJ never accepted the help.
This led them to their current situation, as Hazel had pulled a few strings and got her classmate who worked at a local bowling alley to convince the manager to let Hazel and her friends play gigs once or twice a week there. PJ was convinced they were going to blow up and become super famous, but they had been playing at the bowling alley for a few months now, and the only thing that seemed to be “blowing up” was the bathroom during the occasional kids birthday parties that were thrown there. Maybe they’d have at least somewhat of a following if their band had a name of some kind, (PJ swore the right name would find them when the time was right, but that had yet to happen), or if the manager let them play during special event nights, when there were actually teenagers and young adults here, but alas, they were stuck with no name, no label, and playing on a cramped stage in a shitty bowling alley while middle-aged men met for their bowling team practice and complained about their wives.
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“Hey guys, not to be like a buzzkill, but I don’t think the bowling alley is the best place to do gigs.” Hazel says as she stuffs her drum sticks into her bag.
“Yeah, I think Hazel’s right. I don’t think middle-aged men who are slowly balding at their weekly bowling team meetups are a great audience.” Josie says as she zips up the bag to her guitar case.
“What are you talking about? They love us! I literally saw Steve nodding his head to one of our songs earlier!” PJ says defensively as she scoffs and gestures to where the bowling team was sitting earlier.
“He wasn’t bobbing his head, he was drunk! He almost ate shit every time it was his turn to bowl!” Josie says as she rolls her eyes.
“Wait, seriously? How does that even work?” Hazel asks as she gives Josie a confused look from where she was sitting behind the drums.
“No, not seriously, Hazel! It’s a figure of speech!” PJ says as she rolls her eyes in annoyment.
“But you said-” Hazel says as she looks over at Josie with confusion.
“I meant he kept tripping and almost falling down. You know, like when someone falls on their face or something, people say they ate shit?” Josie says as she sighs as she cuts Hazel off and explains what she meant.
“Oooh. Yeah that makes more sense, you should’ve just said that.” Hazel says as she tilts her head back a bit in realization.
“Oh my god.” PJ says with an annoyed expression on her face. “Would you guys just trust me! We are going to get noticed! I swear! Maybe not… today… or super soon… But it will happen! There’s no way it won’t! And when we do, we’re going to get super rich, and super famous, and there’s going to be girls lining the block to see us, and everyone is going to wish they were us! I’m serious!” She says as she waves her arms around dramatically as she talks.
“PJ, that’s not going to happen! Stop lying to yourself! We are playing shitty gigs on shitty days of the week at a shitty bowling alley! We’re not going to get noticed! All this is doing is tanking my English grade because I’m practicing for these stupid gigs instead of writing my essays! It’s one thing if I was getting a C because people actually enjoyed and listened to our music, but the only people who are listening to us right now are a bunch of men who are going through midlife crises and give us weird looks! If I have to listen to them talk about Jimmy Buffet one more time I am going to lose my mind, PJ!” Josie says as she hoists the guitar case over her shoulder, clearly stressed out and looking a bit frazzled at the moment.
“Okay, I don’t think-” PJ starts to say, before Josie cuts her off.
“PJ, please! I can’t keep playing at bowling alleys!” Josie cries out dramatically.
“If you guys want I can reach out to my mom or something and see if-” Hazel starts to say, trying to suggest a way they might be able to play at places other than the bowling alley.
“No!” Both PJ and Josie snap at Hazel before turning back and continuing to argue with each other, causing her to wilt back in her seat a bit at the outburst.
“Okay, you know what? Fine! You win Josie! We’ll stop playing here, and we’ll figure out a name, or just stop the band all together and we’ll all die sad, miserable, lonely deaths!” PJ says as she snaps back at Josie. As they continue to argue, Hazel’s phone buzzes in her pocket, and she pulls it out to see a text from one of her classmates.
Emma (Calculus)
Hey! Random question, but you’re in a band, right?
That’s ironic. Hazel thinks to herself as she reads her classmates text and glances at PJ and Josie, who were still arguing, and looks back at her phone as she responds.
Yeah! We just finished a gig! :)
Emma (Calculus)
Oh cool!
Are you guys free this Friday?
My brother’s throwing a party but the band he was going to have play canceled, would you guys be interested in playing? 
You don't have to be good lol, everyone will probably be super drunk anyways, he just likes live bands.
Hazel’s eyes go wide as she reads the text messages, blinking a few times in disbelief before looking up at PJ and Josie, who were still bickering with one another. “Guys, guys!” Hazel calls out as she tries to get their attention. “Guys, would you shut up and listen to me?” Hazel yells as she rolls her eyes, finally getting their attention.
“What do you want now, Hazel?” PJ asks as she looks at Hazel with an annoyed expression.
“I found us a gig! It’s this friday! This girl in my calculus class said her brother is throwing a party, and asked if we wanted to play!” Hazel says with an excited grin as she holds up her phone, despite the fact that PJ and Josie definitely couldn’t read it from where they were standing.
“Seriously? Holy shit! You said yes right?” PJ asks, both a shocked and excited expression on her face.
“No, because I wanted to make sure we were all free before-” Hazel starts to say before PJ cuts her off.
“Obviously we’re free! It’s a fucking party! See Josie? What’d I fucking tell you! I told you we’d get noticed!” PJ says as she hits Josie in the arm excitedly.
“We didn’t get noticed, PJ, Hazel just has friends.” Josie says as she gives PJ a look.
“So? That’s still technically getting noticed! We’re being asked to play at a party! I mean you just said you didn’t want to keep playing here, well here’s our chance! We have to do this! Just think of how many people are going to be at the party! I mean there’s gotta be at least a few girls who think we’re hot!” PJ says defensively as she rolls her eyes.
“Wait, are you only doing this to get with girls?” Hazel asks as she gives PJ a confused look. “I thought you actually wanted to be in a band and get famous and stuff.” She says as she frowns a bit.
“Yeah, I do! Because when you’re rich and famous everybody loves you and wants to be with you, and everyone who doesn’t is jealous of you and wants to be you!” PJ says with exasperation.
“Well I don’t think everyone-” Hazel starts to say, before PJ cuts her off.
“Okay, this is besides the point! We have three days before we play at the party, we need to figure out what we’re performing and find super hot outfits!” PJ says as she rolls her eyes and lets out an annoyed groan.
“Oh my god, there’s going to be so many people.” Josie says nervously as she looks away, eyes wide with fear.
“Yeah, so many people who are going to love us! This is our big break! After this we are going to become a party staple, and everyone is going to want us to play at their parties, and then from there, it’s only a matter of time before we get a record deal and become a global hit and the whole world knows our name!” PJ says excitedly as she waves her hands while she talks.
“If we’re going to play at parties and be super big and famous, don’t we kind of need a name?” Hazel says as she thinks, a confused look on her face as she looks back and forth between PJ and Josie, who both seem to remember they had yet to figure out a band name.
“We’ll do that tomorrow! We’ll all meet up and figure out a name for the band! It’ll be easy!” PJ says as she shrugs and looks at Josie and Hazel.
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I hope you guys like the first chapter lol. I'm trying to update as frequently as I can but I do have work and college so bare with me lol. also lmk if you want me to make a tag list!! dividers from @saradika and @animatedglittergraphics-n-more graphic made by me lol
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danicamaximoff · 1 year ago
⋆ ★Pretend To Be Nice★ ⋆
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Summary: A few months after forming their band "The Pussycats", Hazel and her friends PJ and Josie get noticed by a record label, and are quickly skyrocketed into fame. It's a dream come true for them, and all three of their lives are flipped upside down. Their quick arrival on the scene quickly draws the attention of many other artists and bands, including a popular girl band called "Nymphology". Unfortunately for Hazel, a mix-up and unintentional awful encounter ends up creating tension between the two groups right before they all leave for Nymphology's upcoming tour. Now forced to frequently interact with someone who she was convinced couldn't stand her, Hazel is desperately trying to fix things with the band's lead guitarist. However it doesn't help that Y/N is actively avoiding Hazel as much as possible, and the fact that Hazel found her insanely hot definitely didn't make things any easier.
Warnings: angst, rockstar au, eventual smut, slowburn, swearing, occasional alcohol mentions/use
A/N: thank you to my sister for the idea lol
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1: Bowling Alleys and Balding Men
2: The Pussycats
3: Jupiter's Moons
4: 70's Funk?
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AO3 Link :)
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danicamaximoff · 1 year ago
*✧・゚: *✧・゚: Welcome! *✧・゚: *✧・゚:
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hiiiii! i'm danica and welcome to my blog!
this is just gonna be me posting fanfic stuff and being silly lol.
i am literally obsessed with Marvel, especially X-Men, so expect a lot about that lmao.
my AO3 link is here, i'll add more stories as i go but rn there's only my main one lol.
little bit about me: i'm 20, i'm a gemini, and a huge nerd lmao. also super into to tarot and that kind of stuff so im always down to chat about that stuff lol i'm also madly in love with peter maximoff lololol
18+ please! you do you but also there's gonna be smut stuff so be warned. requests are open! send me an ask if you have questions/requests! as of rn here's my list of characters i write for!
also if you ever want to chat dm me! (18+ only though please!) i literally love to talk i am always on here it's a problem.
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* . °•★|𝓜𝓪𝓼𝓽𝓮𝓻𝓵𝓲𝓼𝓽|☆•° . *
Hazel Callahan
Pretend To Be Nice: Hazel x Reader Rockstar AU! (Ongoing) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
❤︎₊ ⊹More fics/characters coming soon!! ❤︎₊ ⊹
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