dancing-flames-blog · 13 years
This roleplay account has been closed.
However, it will remain open should I wish to look back. If you are interested in contacting me, here is my personal. 
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dancing-flames-blog · 13 years
mod: OTP?
....Akuzekuooc: I ship AkuRoku and AkuSai too ;D 
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dancing-flames-blog · 13 years
happy akusai day!
Well, it's currently AkuAku day soooc: THANK YOU
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dancing-flames-blog · 13 years
Hmph. //Scratches his chest and looks up
Married man, huh?
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dancing-flames-blog · 13 years
The Wedding - Part 5 of 5
[1:41] akuseru: and I'll give you as much munny as you want
[1:41] relena: them*
[1:41] reno: ._.
[1:42] priestdusk: AAAAAAAAAAAAAH-!
[1:42] relena: One dead dusk and one dead orangatang, coming up
[1:42] marluxia: .[/sighs softly before taking his leave quietly]
[1:42] reno: HEY HEY AX.
[1:42] reno: I AM YOUR /BEST MAN/.
[1:42] reno: YOU CAN'T KICK ME OUT.
[1:43] kadaj: I volunteer to take his place
[1:43] akuseru: ....You'll live
[1:43] akuseru: maybe
[1:44] relena: -sounds of the priest being beaten to death can be heard-
[1:44] zeku: [/grimaces] That is somewhat gruesome but necessary.
[1:46] akuseru: //Takes his hand and slides the ring onto his finger
[1:46] akuseru: now that priest is gone, I can do this... properly
[1:46] akuseru: I love you, Zexion.
[1:47] akuseru: Always.
[1:47] zeku: [/small smile] Pass me your hand...
[1:48] akuseru: //gently slides his hand into his
[1:48] zeku: [/slides the ring on Axel's finger gently]
[1:49] zeku: And I, you, Axel.
[1:49] zeku: Forever.
[1:49] akuseru: //kisses him gently
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dancing-flames-blog · 13 years
The Wedding - Part 4 of 5
[1:23] akuseru: ....
[1:23] marluxia: ....
[1:23] zeku: ....
[1:23] akuseru: Where the fuck is Yuna?
[1:23] marluxia: Why did I even come..
[1:24] priestdusk: WE SHALL CONTINUE
[1:24] priestdusk: WITH THE VOWS AND SHIT.
[1:24] priestdusk: THEN COMES THE SEX
[1:24] priestdusk: SORRY, I MEANT CUMS THE SEX
[1:24] akuseru: ...
[1:25] akuseru: Are we up the vows you stupid beast or not?
[1:25] priestdusk: HEY
[1:25] priestdusk: YOU WANT TO GET MARRIED
[1:25] reno: Who knows.
[1:25] akuseru: ...I will light you on fire
[1:25] akuseru: and get a new dusk
[1:25] priestdusk: You first, hedgehog.
[1:25] priestdusk: Enlighten us with your becuming vows
[1:26] kairi: ......[/rubs her forehead]
[1:26] akuseru: Zexion... I don't know how I got so lucky with you. I don't know why you even still speak
[1:26] akuseru: to me or how you even know of my existence
[1:27] akuseru: But you're here... You love me and I love you...
[1:27] akuseru: You... made me believe in the heart
[1:27] roxas: oops
[1:27] roxas: S-Sorry I'm late... /scratches head
[1:27] roxas: Uh.. /shuts up ._.
[1:27] akuseru: ....//points to the spot beside Kadaj
[1:28] akuseru: ...Zexion, it's no longer 'I do', it's 'always'.
[1:29] priestdusk: this is so touching, I can feel it in my lower feeler.
[1:30] kairi: ......[/mumbles] lower feele- ....ohgod..
[1:30] priestdusk: GIRL WOULD YOU LIKE TO SEE?
[1:30] reno: ...
[1:30] kadaj: He-HEY!
[1:30] kadaj: [/frowning]
[1:30] akuseru: Please
[1:31] akuseru: continue with our wedding, Dusk.
[1:31] priestdusk: [/nodnodnodfapnodnod]
[1:32] priestdusk: THEY HAVE INSPIRED ME
[1:32] priestdusk: AND MY FEELERS
[1:32] akuseru: Oh god please no
[1:32] priestdusk: YOUR TURN GARDEN GNOME.
[1:32] akuseru: Zexion I am so sorry
[1:33] zeku: ....[/eye twitches slightly, whispers] What is wrong with this dusk?
[1:33] priestdusk: NOTHING WRONG.
[1:33] priestdusk: I HEARD YOU WITH MY FEELERS
[1:33] kairi: ...
[1:33] priestdusk: THESE WORDS AREN'T INSPIRING.
[1:33] priestdusk: HURRY UP
[1:33] akuseru: Don't worry
[1:34] akuseru: The priest isn't what matters
[1:34] akuseru: It's just you...
[1:34] relena: ...Oh fuck this
[1:34] akuseru: You're all that matters now
[1:34] relena: -storms up and punches the dusk in the face-
[1:34] reno: I doubt he's legit...
[1:34] priestdusk: HEY BEETLE GIRL, NO SWEARI- ACK.
[1:34] relena: Oh fuck it all
[1:34] relena: Zexion, do you love Axel?
[1:34] relena: yes?
[1:34] relena: Cool. Kiss.
[1:35] zeku: O-Of course I love him.
[1:35] reno: [/readies camera]
[1:35] reno: Make it a tongue one!
[1:35] zeku: Re-Reno! [/blushes]
[1:35] akuseru: Reno, for christs sake!
[1:36] akuseru: I'll only kiss him if he's happy for me too! If everything’s been said and done...
[1:36] kadaj: [/accidentally snatches the camera and chucks it behind the alter]
[1:36] zeku: I have a few words, if I am allowed.
[1:36] reno: But you're getting /married/. The whole point is to be able to french someone whenever!
[1:36] akuseru: Then speak.
[1:36] reno: Oh, sorry.
[1:37] zeku: Axel, I did not think that this sort of this was possible.
[1:37] zeku: And if you had not persisted, I would never have discovered
[1:37] zeku: How beneficial love actually is.
[1:37] zeku: So I am glad that it is you that I love.
[1:38] zeku: And I know that this is not very heartfelt, because I am not good at such things.
[1:38] zeku: But if I had a heart, I would give it to you as thanks
[1:38] relena: -rolls her eyes-
[1:38] roxas: [/wipes tear]
[1:38] zeku: for allowing me to experience these things.
[1:38] zeku: I love you, Axel.
[1:39] akuseru: I love you too, Zexion.
[1:39] kairi: [/whispers] > o > Now kiiiisss~
[1:39] priestdusk: BUT DON'T SUCK OR BLOW YET
[1:39] akuseru: ....
[1:40] priestdusk: I NOW PRONOUNCE YOU
[1:40] priestdusk: PENIS BUDDIES
[1:40] akuseru: //dips Zexion back and kisses him
[1:40] zeku: [/blushes, returning the kiss]
[1:40] reno: [/takes picture]
[1:41] kadaj: [/glares at Reno]
[1:41] akuseru: //pulls him back and holds him to his chest
[1:41] akuseru: I love you
[1:41] akuseru: Relena
[1:41] akuseru: Kill that thing
[1:41] reno: What? I got it back when you weren't lookin'.
[1:41] akuseru: as slowly as possible
[1:41] reno: ME?
[1:41] relena: -smirk- Gladly... -drags it off-
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dancing-flames-blog · 13 years
The Wedding - Part 3 of 5
[1:00] relena: Oh...does the blueberry come now...? is he wearing a dress?
[1:02] ienzoooo: //obtains rings from somewhere
[1:03] relena: -obtains a basket of flower petals- ....-evil grin-
[1:03] kadaj: [/is Axel's other self-appointed groom's man]
[1:04] relena: -starts walking down the aisle, throwing petals at guests, and reno- Fufufu...-smirk-
[1:05] relena: fuck
[1:05] reno: -_-
[1:05] akuseru: ...
[1:05] reno: [/whispering] Who invited hag?
[1:05] relena: -mutters under her breath- Problem bitch?
[1:05] akuseru: ...How did she get the petals?
[1:06] akuseru: did she gag the actual flower girl and leave her in a closet?
[1:06] kadaj: [/somewhat unnerved]
[1:06] reno: Probably.
[1:06] reno: Hey, Ax.
[1:06] relena: -throws a few at Kadaj-
[1:06] kadaj: [/splutters]
[1:06] reno: Isn't it ironic that your best friend isn't here?
[1:06] reno: I figured /he'd/ be the best man...
[1:06] relena: whose idea was it to give me these?! 8D
[1:07] reno: Not that I ain't flattered.
[1:07] akuseru: Roxas had his reasons.
[1:07] kadaj: [/coughs, supressing his laugh]
[1:07] reno: Huh? Ah
[1:07] kadaj: [/it was totally Reno's idea]
[1:07] reno: gotcha.
[1:08] ienzoooo: a-ah!
[1:08] ienzoooo: //walks slowly//
[1:09] reno: Ugh, this is taking too long.
[1:10] reno: [/walks down the aisle, picks Iezno up and throws him over his shoulder]
[1:10] ienzoooo: Put me down! H-hey!
[1:10] kairi: -facepalm- Idiot..
[1:10] ienzoooo: -mutters-
[1:10] reno: [/walks back and puts him down]
[1:10] kadaj: [/laughing]
[1:10] reno: Bridesmaid hottie, your turn.
[1:11] kadaj: [/elbows Reno] Shutupabouther.
[1:11] reno: Hurry up so Ax here can get some action!
[1:11] akuseru: I'm not on fire, am I?
[1:11] reno: ...no.
[1:11] kairi: O-oh! Right~
[1:11] akuseru: Thank fuck-- Reno I will kill you do not open your mouth again
[1:11] kairi: -fuck walking, skips down the aisle-
[1:11] kadaj: [/stifles laughter]
[1:11] reno: [/shuts mouth]
[1:11] kadaj: Reno, you are terrible.
[1:12] marluxia: I hate everyone here but you, Zexion.
[1:12] marluxia: I hope you know that.
[1:12] akuseru: Where. Is. Zexion.
[1:12] marluxia: [/grimaces]
[1:12] zeku: [/blinks] My gratitude to you, Marluxia.
[1:12] zeku: If circumstances were different, perhaps the outcome would have differed in your favour.
[1:13] zeku: Let's go, I won't last any longer.
[1:13] relena: Reno... go grab the child Axel is marrying so we can get this over with
[1:13] relena: get drunk
[1:13] relena: fuck
[1:13] relena: and then not remember any of it
[1:13] marluxia: [/blinks before smiling flatly] How cruel...
[1:13] akuseru: Oh my god Relena would you shut up--
[1:13] relena: and then Axel can go to prison, for being a paedophile
[1:13] marluxia: [/starts to walk down the aisle?]
[1:14] zeku: [/sighs, walks]
[1:14] akuseru: ...//staring, completely bewitched
[1:15] zeku: [/tries to keep a straight face]
[1:16] kairi: -giggling like a schoolboy bitc-//SHOT
[1:17] akuseru: //mouth opens just a little
[1:18] marluxia: [/leads Zexion up to Axel before handing him over reluctantly]
[1:18] zeku: [/sends Marlu a small smile, before glancing bashfully at Axel]
[1:18] akuseru: Marluxia.
[1:18] akuseru: Thank you.
[1:19] kairi: ((-eye fucks kadaj-))
[1:19] marluxia: [/tempted to kick Axel in the balls] ... hn. [/takes a seat]
[1:19] kadaj: (([/eyesex with Kairi across the alter]))
[1:19] priestdusk: LET US PENIS.
[1:19] akuseru: //takes Zexions hand in his and smiles at him absolutely lovingly
[1:19] reno: [/thinks about mushrooms]
[1:19] priestdusk: **BEGIN.
[1:20] priestdusk: WE CUM TOGETHER
[1:20] priestdusk: TODAY
[1:20] priestdusk: NOT IN SEX
[1:20] priestdusk: BUT FOR MARRIAGE
[1:21] reno: ...
[1:21] marluxia: [/facepalm]
[1:21] priestdusk: WE WILL CREATE A BOND
[1:21] priestdusk: OF HGKDJHWUIODJWI
[1:21] priestdusk: wait is this even legal
[1:22] kairi: ....
[1:22] kairi: [/twitch]
[1:22] kadaj: [/winks at Kairi]
[1:22] akuseru: ..............
[1:22] priestdusk: CONTINUING
[1:22] priestdusk: NOW I AM MEANT TO SAY
[1:22] marluxia: Axel, were you that cheap you couldn't even hire an English speaking, humanoid priest?
[1:22] priestdusk: SOME RELIGIOUS CRAP- HEY.
[1:22] priestdusk: YOU.
[1:22] akuseru: I arranged for Yuna to be the Priestess
[1:22] priestdusk: POOF FACE
[1:23] priestdusk: YEAH, YOU POOF FACE.
[1:23] priestdusk: WITH THE POOF HAIR.
[1:23] marluxia: ...what
[1:23] kairi: [/blushes and looks away from kadaj]
[1:23] priestdusk: THIS ISN'T YOUR WEDDING
[1:23] priestdusk: SHUT YOUR GARDEN HOLE
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dancing-flames-blog · 13 years
The Wedding - Part 1 of 5
[0:24] reno: Yo, Ax.
[0:24] reno: My jeans are cool for this, right?
[0:24] akuseru: ...Of course, Reno
[0:25] kairithebabe: -standing around helping zexion get ready- ouo excited~?
[0:25] akuseru: Zexion might puncture a hole in your lung later
[0:25] zeku: ....I suppose. [/pulls on his cuffs nervously]
[0:25] reno: [/shrugs] My only suit is my work suit.
[0:25] reno: And that's dirty.
[0:25] reno: So I wore my nice jeans.
[0:25] akuseru: ......I don't mind
[0:25] akuseru: You look fine
[0:25] akuseru: How do I look?
[0:26] kadaj: Yo~! [/In the grooms area]
[0:26] akuseru: Don't tell me 'nervous'
[0:26] reno: uncomfortable. [/grins]
[0:26] akuseru: Kadaj //nods
[0:26] akuseru: oh you--
[0:26] kadaj: Reno, what are you wearing this is a wedding.
[0:26] kadaj: [/frowns]
[0:26] reno: It was this or speedos.
[0:26] akuseru: Reno, there's a tux round back
[0:26] kadaj: [/grimaces]
[0:26] akuseru: ...No speedo's, for the love of god
[0:26] kadaj: Fine, I'll make sure he gets ready.
[0:26] reno: Neeh, I guess I'll go put it on.
[0:26] kadaj: [/shoves Reno to the change rooms]
[0:27] reno: Wanna help me get undressed, Kadaj? [/grins]
[0:27] kairithebabe: It'll be fine Zexy!
[0:27] kairithebabe: Now stop tugging at them
[0:27] kairithebabe: -messes with them a bit- you're gonna break the buttons
[0:27] kadaj: ...You are my brother's, not mine. I can't help you~ [/kicks him slightly]
[0:27] reno: Ow...
[0:27] zeku: I apologise...
[0:28] zeku: Kairi, please, enlighten me. I have never been good at things like this.
[0:28] akuseru: God.
[0:28] akuseru: I feel like a wreck
[0:28] akuseru: I've never been more fucking nervous
[0:28] kadaj: You're fine~! At least you're not drunk...
[0:28] kadaj: unlike your brother.
[0:28] akuseru: Prompto's with Zexion, right?
[0:28] kairithebabe: Enlighten you on what? -straightening his tie-
[0:28] kadaj: I also placed bets that the flower girl will be drunk
[0:28] akuseru: ....Dear Kingdom Hearts
[0:29] akuseru: He's drunk?
[0:29] reno: [/walks in with suit on] I am NOT drunk.
[0:29] reno: I'm /high/.
[0:29] akuseru: ...If Marluxia shows up drunk
[0:29] akuseru: I'll kick his arse
[0:29] akuseru: ....
[0:29] akuseru: Reno
[0:29] akuseru: What
[0:29] zeku: [/glances away] On...weddings?
[0:29] reno: On weed.
[0:29] zeku: I did research and everything, but I still don't understand them.
[0:29] akuseru: Why
[0:29] akuseru: Would
[0:29] akuseru: you
[0:29] akuseru: do that
[0:29] kairithebabe: A-ah...
[0:29] kadaj: [/elbows Reno in the ribs harshly]
[0:29] kairithebabe: Uhm...
[0:29] reno: Ow.
[0:29] reno: Stop hurting me!
[0:30] kairithebabe: You go in there, and then
[0:30] wittlenamine:
[0:30] akuseru: Jesus. //undoes his tie and redoes it
[0:30] kairithebabe: Axel will look up at you
[0:30] reno: Rude had some.
[0:30] kairithebabe: and he'll have this look
[0:30] kadaj: Am I hurting you? Silly me~ [/ELBOW]
[0:30] kairithebabe: on his face
[0:30] reno: We busted this drug ring!
[0:30] kairithebabe: like you complete him
[0:30] kairithebabe:
0 notes
dancing-flames-blog · 13 years
The Wedding - Part 2 of 5
[0:33] kairithebabe: For the nerves, come on, drink up!
[0:33] zeku: [/eyes widen slightly] I-I don't drink, though.
[0:33] kairithebabe: Trust me
[0:33] kairithebabe: You'll want it
[0:33] zeku: I don't want to be even remotely incoherent for Axel's sake.
[0:34] akuseru: Reno
[0:34] kairithebabe: -sets it down beside him and hands him the bouquet-
[0:34] akuseru: My stomach feels like that time we went to wonderland
[0:34] akuseru: and we at that fucking mushroom
[0:34] reno: That was fun.
[0:35] reno: Do we have any mushrooms now?
[0:35] kadaj: If you upchuck on your bride, I can tell you that the brat will not be pleased.
[0:35] reno: I could go for some...
[0:35] kadaj: [/hits Reno on the back of the head] Act mature right now.
[0:35] akuseru: No okay
[0:35] kadaj: You're meant to be the best man, so act like the best man.
[0:35] akuseru: I threw up for like a month
[0:36] akuseru: I won't throw up on him!
[0:36] akuseru: //throws himself into a chai
[0:36] akuseru: r
[0:36] akuseru: I just want to see Zexion
[0:36] akuseru: and I want to kiss him
[0:36] reno: You're gonna faint or something.
[0:36] kairithebabe: I think... it's almost time...
[0:36] akuseru: and tell him I love him or something!
[0:36] kadaj: [/whispers to Reno] Do something about it then.
[0:37] reno: [/frowns] That's what a wedding is FOR....
[0:37] akuseru: I'll be fine. //stands up, brushing down his suit
[0:37] reno: You'll be saying that to him in like
[0:37] reno: ... son.
[0:37] reno: *soon
[0:37] akuseru: If something catches on fire
[0:37] akuseru: put it out
[0:37] akuseru: I can't help it
[0:37] zeku: [/bites his lip slightly]
[0:38] zeku: Kairi, I am nervous.
[0:38] kairithebabe: -points to the glass- Just a sip, it's good for you
[0:38] reno: Well, should we go take our posts?
[0:38] akuseru: ...One more second
[0:39] reno: Okaaay
[0:39] zeku: [/takes a deep breath and downs the whole glass quickly]
[0:47] reno: Well, Ax, you ready?
[0:48] akuseru: ....
[0:48] akuseru: I'm ready
[0:48] akuseru: More ready than I'll ever be
[0:49] akuseru: //grins crookedly and walks out to take his place
[0:49] reno: Ya still have to wait for the bride anyhow [/smirks]
[0:49] akuseru: Reno, I will kill you
[0:49] reno: [/pats his back]
[0:49] kairithebabe: Alright! You ready? -grin-
[0:50] zeku: ...I suppose I am.
[0:50] akuseru: Don't do anything stupid, okay, Reno?
[0:50] akuseru: I trust Kadaj
[0:50] akuseru: I don't trust you
[0:50] akuseru: and that says a lot
[0:50] reno: ...Nice, man.
[0:50] akuseru: I love you man
[0:50] akuseru: but
[0:50] akuseru: You're currently off your face
[0:50] reno: I may just have to get naked at your wedding to get back at you.
[0:50] kadaj: [/smirks]
[0:50] kairithebabe: Alright~ -grabs her bouquet and heads for the door- Come on, -smile-
[0:51] kairithebabe: Everyone's waiting for /you/ you know~
[0:51] akuseru: get naked in the broom closet with Kadaj later
[0:51] akuseru: now shut it //grins
[0:51] zeku: ....I know.
[0:51] reno: [/sighs and waits]
[0:52] akuseru: Hey, I owe you drinks next time we go out
[0:52] ienzoooo: [/backs away slightly]
[0:52] kairithebabe: Who is giving you away...?
[0:52] akuseru: I said I'd never get married
[0:52] akuseru: You said I would
[0:52] akuseru: Guess you were right, for once
[0:52] akuseru: //looks up and laughs a little
[0:52] zeku: ...I do not have anyone to do that.
[0:52] akuseru: The only time I am pleased to have you be... right...
[0:53] zeku: I kind of wanted Marluxia to do it.
[0:53] zeku: If he felt up to it, of course.
[0:54] kairithebabe: Oh~ -grins- Sure, want me to go find him?
[0:54] zeku: [/small smile] If you could.
[0:54] marluxia: [/straightens tie] No need...
[0:54] marluxia: I'm here.
[0:55] zeku: Marluxia...
[0:55] zeku: Would you?
[0:55] marluxia: [/smiles softly] I suppose I can.
[0:55] marluxia: For you.
[0:55] akuseru: //grips the end of his blazer
[0:55] marluxia: [/holds arm out]
[0:55] relena: -lingering around the area thingy- Why am I here again...?
[0:55] marluxia: Shall we?
[0:55] relena: Oh...right... free booze
[0:56] kairithebabe: ouo great~
[0:56] zeku: [/is slightly surprised, but takes his arm] I-...thank you, Marluxia.
[0:56] ienzoooo: //still doesn't understand what in the hell is happening o-o
[0:56] marluxia: [/sighs] I couldn't possibly miss this day.
[0:56] marluxia: I understand how much it means to you.
[0:57] zeku: ...Yes, it does. I am in debt to you, Marluxia.
[0:57] marluxia: How rude it would be of me to get my hatred of Axel blind me to your feelings, Zexion.
[0:58] zeku: I am glad that you are not a rude person then.
[0:58] kairithebabe: Yes?
[0:58] kairithebabe: Yeeees?
[0:58] zeku: [/sighs lightly] Let's go then.
[0:58] akuseru: //looks towards the doors
[0:58] marluxia: Very well.
[0:58] akuseru: Please. Open.
[0:58] akuseru: I need to see his face...
[0:58] kairithebabe: Wonderful! oh wait -fixes his fringe- ..better
[0:59] marluxia: [/eyeroll]
[0:59] kadaj: [/GRACEFUL BRIDE MUSIC]
[0:59] kadaj: [/DUH DUH DU-DUM]
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dancing-flames-blog · 13 years
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dancing-flames-blog · 13 years
...I am... getting married... Today
...Got it memorized?
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dancing-flames-blog · 13 years
The wedding is tomorrow!
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dancing-flames-blog · 13 years
Someone, somewhere really likes your blog, and they want you to know it.This is the anonymous revolution! If you want to take part just send this message to the blogs you love. It's just a little thing that will brighten their day, and hopefully make up for all the anon hate that is everywhere on tumblr. If you love someone's blog, spread the word. One message at a time we can make tumblr a kinder place!
.............................................If I wasn't set to be married in a few days.ooc: FUCKING AWWWWWWWW. THANK YOU SO MUCH THIS IS SO CUTE I WANT TO HUG YOU OMG OMG OMG HOW CAN YOU LIKE MY LAME AXEL? ASDFGHJKLDSHGFJKSDGJDFIGK 
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dancing-flames-blog · 13 years
Hmmm? //looks down at her
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dancing-flames-blog · 13 years
Akuroku, Akuzeku or Saixel?
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dancing-flames-blog · 13 years
//scratches the back of his head and flops onto his bed
Wedding's soon, eh? //smiles to himself
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dancing-flames-blog · 13 years
zexypoo replied to your post: I am so boooooreeeeeed
…were you looking for me, Aku? [/raises an eyebrow at him]
...I was. //grins and pulls him into a warm embrace.
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