danavulaj · 5 years
When doing research for my paper I wondered what influences Hawthorn had and if feminism was even a real thought back in the 1800s. I learned that the idea of women being equal from men dates all the way back to Plato times. I also learned that in the mid-1800s (which is the same time Hawthorn wrote The Scarlet Letter) there was something called the “first wave” of femenist. At this time authors were coming out with books about what we now call feminism.
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danavulaj · 5 years
One of the most obvious adaptations of the Scarlet Letter would be “Easy A”. In this movie the main character Olive (Emma Stone) makes deals with boys who normally would never stand a chance with other girls, to tell the school that she slept with them. In return, they give her gift cards to stores. She is similar to Hester in the way that people love to hate her, she is labeled as a slut, and ends up sewing a large red “A” onto all of her clothes to be just like Hester Prinn.
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danavulaj · 5 years
This song is about a girl who was hurt by her lover. How he tricked her and made her feel pain. That he has a history of being bad but yet she believed him when he apologized. That he has been branded as this horrible guy and that he is wearing a scarlet letter
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danavulaj · 5 years
In this essay, the Author decides to touch on the culture and the time when the book was written and how it is very similar to the style of books that were coming out at the time. Kreger touches on this idea of a “moral compass” and this idea of empathy in the villain. I think even know people that are closed minded about things like LGBTQ+ because they don’t personally know someone from that community. People only hate what they don’t understand and if they would only realize that everyone is going through battles in their own lives and to have a little empathy the world would be a much better place.
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danavulaj · 5 years
TSL: Analysis of chapter 9+10
 In these chapters, we study the relationship between Chillingworth (doctor), and Dimsdale (minister). When we come into the scene they are talking about Dimsdale and his sickness/ pain.  They bicker about sin and how people bury it. When the idea of buried sin comes forth Chillingworth begins to think about his buried sin (an affair with Hester). Dimsdale brings up Hester and how she wears her sin on her breast quite literally. Dimsdale says that its easier to show your pain to the world and bare your sin than to have to keep it hidden inside of you. At the end of these chapters, Chillingworth sneaks up on Dimsdale in the middle of the night and pulls up his shirt to see he chest. Chillingworth is overjoyed by what he sees but the reader is kept in the dark. This could open up to the idea that the minister also has something to hide and it is why he has so much empathy, especially for Hester.
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danavulaj · 5 years
While reading my book I started to think about how life actually was in the colony and about the culture. I found that the way Hawthorne writes the book is actually fairly realistic to what life was like back then. I am at the part in my book where they think Pearl, Hesters daughter, is a demon child. This made me think of the cultural and religious beliefs in the 17th century. This was also around the time of the Salem witch trials. 
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danavulaj · 5 years
TSL: Chapter 5+6
In this next chapter, the author decides to skip forward to when Ms. Prin is out of jail. When we meet Hester again she is living in a small cabin secluded from the rest of the colony, where she lives. Hester lives on a plot of infertile land. Hester creates beautiful embroidery for almost everyone in the town. She creates pieces for alms every event except for a wedding because of the bad luck.  As shame burns inside of her, she searches for companionship or sympathy, but to no avail. She devotes part of her time to charity work, but even this is more punishment than solace: those she helps frequently insult her, and making garments for the poor out of rough cloth insults her aesthetic sense. In chapter six we are introduced to Pearl, Hester Prins daughter. Pearl has inherited all of Hester's outlandish mischief.  Because Pearl is her mother’s constant companion, she, too, is subject to the cruelties of the townspeople. The other children are particularly cruel because they can sense that something is not quite right about Hester and her child. Knowing that she is alone in this world, Pearl creates casts of characters in her imagination to keep her company. In summary, Hester is still dealing with the torture and the torment of the townspeople. Even though Hester has caused no harm and constantly helping others she is consistently treated badly. Peral is curious about where she came from and so are the other kids around her. Pearl treats her mom poorly for this reason.
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danavulaj · 5 years
TSL: Chapter 3+4
 These two chapters grow off of the first two. We leave chapter 2 with Hester on a pedestal and everyone surrounding her. When we move into chapter 3 she is still standing in front of the crowd but when a strange man in the crowd with a Native American leader catches her eye, she is suddenly caught off guard, she seems to recognize him. The leaders of the town demand that Hester tell them who the child father is, but she refuses to tell them. In chapter four we learn that the man in the crowd is actually her husband who sent her to America while he stayed back in England. When Hester is sent to prison her husband, Chillingworth, goes to her prison cell with her to give her a potion that he told the prison guard would make her more  “amenable to just authority,”  Hester thinks that Chillingworth is going to poison her but he says that he needs her alive to get revenge. He asks Hester to reveal the child's father because then maybe he wouldn’t be as hard ( sound fake, but okay?) When she refuses to tell him the fathers name he makes her promise to keep his identity a secret too (to not tell the town they are married).  His demoniacal grin and obvious delight at her current tribulations lead Hester to burst out the speculation that he may be the “Black Man”, the Devil in disguise, come to lure her into a pact and damn her soul.
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danavulaj · 5 years
Maybe you can do it. Not today but, maybe tomorrow.
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danavulaj · 5 years
TSL: Chapter 1+2
 The first scene opens up with the main character Hester Prynn holding her child and her being led to her public humiliation. We notice that she is holding a baby and they talk about the embellished “A” on her chest that that red (scarlet) and gold. She is led onto a pedestal while the woman and children scream vile things to her. We later find out that the child is the result of adultery and is so considered “illegitimate”. memories of Prynns childhood flood her head of her parents and her husband who she followed to continental Europe (Boston). The crowd demands that she tell them who the child's father is but she refuses. Hester is used as an example for the other people of the town to show what happens when you commit sin.
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danavulaj · 5 years
How I chose “The Scarlet Letter”
Over the break I went to Portland, Oregon and went to a book store named Powell’s, it was huge and had a bunch of diff sections. I talked for a while with the librarian and he showed me a bunch of different books that fit the criteria and my interests. I decided on “The Scarlet Letter” I chose this one because I love the movie “Easy A”. It is an older book but has lots of scholarship and high diction.
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danavulaj · 6 years
The cold
The white
and the wind.
Gliding in and out of love.
Fear, hate, and tears cover you,
yet I still fell your pull.
The numbness in my chest when I miss the freedom you gave me.
The sound and screams you sanction.
Everything about you makes me want to run and hide,
yet I still come back.
To feel a release. A freedom. A calmness that I can’t find anywhere else.
Maybe I have created this false image of you?
But I don’t really care if you are real or fake.
As long as I can use you for my sake.
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danavulaj · 7 years
Tumblr media
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danavulaj · 7 years
Tumblr media
Haha it seems that rabbits wearing a hat is quite a hit, so here’s another photo!!
Thank you all for liking & reblogging 😊🐰
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danavulaj · 7 years
AHS 20 Time week 4
OMG guys im so exited me and Crystal leave for New York tomorrow and its going to be so lit AAAAAHHHH
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danavulaj · 7 years
What This Is About
This Tumblr is for my 20 time project in Mrs. Allen's Class. On this Tumblr I will be posting audio recordings of my surveys along with the interesting people and things along the way. I hope you check in every so often because I will be posting new things constantly about my adventures!
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