damnyouidjits-blog · 7 years
Hey ya’ll! I’m finally feeling better and getting over this nasty flu. Hope to be on here this weekend!! <3
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damnyouidjits-blog · 7 years
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Bobby’s moodboard
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damnyouidjits-blog · 7 years
“My god you’re bossy.” She said with a roll of her eyes, nonetheless the young girl complied. She said an incarnation, one she had in her memory, and in her hands appeared a book. “You keep him stalled and I could do the exorcising.” 
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Bobby had to blink for a second after watching the youngin’ do her magic. With being a hunter, things happening out of the ordinary was apart of the life, but there were times he had to stop and remember where he was. There were some things that were easy to get accustomed to, while others took time. 
“Fine.” He exhaled a breath, hoping in the back in his mind that she wouldn’t screw up. It was nothing personal. “I’ll be right back.”
The older hunter made his way out, leaving the girl behind, with his sawed off raised and ready. Shortly after there was gun fire and Bobby was swiftly making his way back into the room. “Now!” he demanded. 
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damnyouidjits-blog · 7 years
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5x20 | The Devil You Know ↳ requested by Anonymous
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damnyouidjits-blog · 7 years
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damnyouidjits-blog · 7 years
I’ll be getting to replies tonight or tomorrow.
Work is a bitch right now. 
Gotta love adulting... ugh.
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damnyouidjits-blog · 7 years
“Well yea haven’t changed at all Bobby.” Ash said not hiding his shit eating grin. “Don’t worry bout lil ole me I’m covered.” He said with a rifle filled with salt in hand.
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“Who said I was worried ‘bout ya?” Bobby huffed a breath, holding back the small half a smile that wanted to escape him. It was good to see Ash again after so much time. 
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damnyouidjits-blog · 7 years
jackie snapped her head up when he spoke, she narrowed her eyes. “just because you’re nearly as old as abraham lincoln doesn’t give you the right to be an ass.” she shot back, then her attention was quickly put back on finishing the trap in a quick and efficient manner.
Multiple fists could be heard banging on the opposite side of the door in attempt to break it down; There was no time to argue back with the kid, Bobby had other things to focus on. He exhaled a heavy breath as he thought to himself he was too old for this, but this wasn’t a new thought. It was on going. 
“Jus’ finish the damn thing.” He pumped his weapon, “When I come back, be ready to exorcise these bastards.” 
Bobby typically didn’t work with those he hadn’t known too well, but this wasn’t up for debate. There were a number of them out there and he couldn’t do the job solo. She seemed like a good enough kid, he just didn’t have the time to get to know her much, or most the folks in town since he’d been back. 
He made a swift approach toward the door and removed the objected they’d placed to barricade themselves in. Suddenly the door flew open and black eyes stared him down. The old hunter didn’t waste any time waving his flask to wet them with holy water, then began firing off rounds. 
“Hurry up in there!” he shouted out as he began making large steps backward while firing into the small group. 
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damnyouidjits-blog · 7 years
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“no need to get pissy, i’m here to help you.” the brunette replied as she held up her own gun, loaded and ready.
“If yer here to help, then pick up the pace. We ain’t got all day.” 
Bobby slid his sawed off across the table toward the young brunette as he began to finish filling up the casings. “Load that up.” 
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damnyouidjits-blog · 7 years
At work today, then workout in the evening. Will do replies if I have the chance. Hopefully work will be slow! 
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damnyouidjits-blog · 7 years
“no, none of that. i know demons, and that’s not them.” bella replied with a small laugh. “it’s just so… quaint.” 
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He arched a brow at her response. He was unsure of how he felt about it. Something seemed off. When something seemed off, that’s when the older man felt uneasy. “Quaint, huh? Not exactly a word I’d pick. Care to elaborate?” 
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damnyouidjits-blog · 7 years
Will be in and out throughout the day working on my personal writing and other RP I have going in other places. 
If you want to talk plots, drop me a message in the inbox or chat so we can get stuff going!
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damnyouidjits-blog · 7 years
“Quit yer bitchin’ and make yourself useful, or you can walk right on outta here and become a demons bitch.” He spat as he filled a shell casing with some rock salt. 
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damnyouidjits-blog · 7 years
One minute, he’s finally found some peace in the afterlife and now he’s returned, but the world he’d left was worse than before. Despite being knee deep in demon shit, Bobby wouldn’t have it any other way. He was back to doing what he loved and what he knew best, hunting. The only thing missing were his boys. 
He heard from multiple sources that they were missing. Nobody had seen or heard from them in years which didn’t sit right with the old man. If they were dead, everyone would’ve known. Since they were only missing, they had to be out there somewhere. His initial reaction was to haul ass and start the search, but suddenly all the citizens were trapped in Sioux Falls. He was stuck with no way out, and he sure as hell tried his damnedest to bust out. 
The spell was just too damn strong. 
The town was swarming with ruthless, bloody thirsty demons and other creatures of the supernatural. He couldn’t even take a piss without being overly cautious. He could feel it in his bones that was getting too old at times for the life, but that didn’t mean the was going to slow down. But as the days went by and he was still trapped in his South Dakota town, and still being without his boys, he was growing more convinced that his end was approaching swiftly, again. 
Bobby Singer hid tensely in the corner of the two walls, hiding from any demons that were coming for him as he reloaded his shot gun. It was a death wish to go into the building alone, but what did it matter at this point? There wasn’t much to live for at this point and if he was going down, it was going to be bloody while taking out some black eyed bitches in the process. After reloading his weapon, Bobby exhaled a heavy breath to remain calm and not lose his composure. Mentally he counted quickly to three, then darted to the back of the room toward the exit. 
The door had suddenly swung open and a voice could be heard shouting, ‘C’mon, Bobby!’
“Balls...” Bobby muttered beneath his breath.
He wasn’t a hundred percent sure if the voice outside the doors could be trusted, or if it was even familiar, but life was about taking chances and this was one of them. Bobby was soon approaching the exit and made the abrupt decision to turn back around when he heard multiple steps inching closer from behind. He fired off a couple rounds then slipped out the door, slamming it shut behind him and pressing his back forcefully against it. 
When he took notice of who the voice belonged to, the old hunter heavily exhaled a breath, “Took ya long enough.”
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damnyouidjits-blog · 7 years
jackie didn’t say anything, she pursed her lips. she was a bit hesitant, not in hunting demons that was more than fine, in fact she liked it. but she was scared, not for her but for her unborn child. “well obviously i understood you.” the blonde replied with a raised brow and proceeded to walk over to the left side of the room and begin drawing up the devils trap, keeping out a sharp eye just in case.
Something seemed off about the young woman and Bobby couldn’t put his finger on it. All he knew was she better keep it together in case something goes down, because there was no way he was getting killed again. Resurrecting is a bitch. “Oh, good. So ya do understand English.” He finished loading the barrels, then pulled his flask of holy water out from the inner pocket of his jacket, silently wishing it was whiskey. 
Bobby focused his attention back onto the blonde, “No matter what ya hear, jus’ keep workin’.”
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damnyouidjits-blog · 7 years
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Bobby Singer
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damnyouidjits-blog · 7 years
If anyone has a particular headcanon in mind that your character has with Bobby just drop me a message and we can talk about it. I’m open to most things and open to new ideas. It’s great to be apart of this group. You guys seem pretty awesome. :)
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