I have a lot of high goals for 2014.
I would say "high hopes," but they're not hopes. If there's one thing I'm good at, it's making shit happen. So that's what this year's gonna be all about. So far, my list of 2014 resolutions is 12 points long. I have even more goals stored in my mind that I haven't written down yet. My favorites are to work out harder and more often, run at least five 5ks, get straight A's, eat clean, quit biting my nails (for good), save more money, and look hot as fuck in a LBD by my 21st birthday. The rest aren't as important, but I'll be equally as proud when they happen. I've always been a goal-setter, but this year I'm taking setting (and meeting) goals to a whole new level. It's been a while since I've used this thing, and I'm hoping that with the new year comes a renewed love for blogging. Hey guys, how are you? If you're still around, thanks for not giving up on me. A lot's happened since we last spoke; I'll fill ya in eventually. How was your NYE?
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i thought of you, while in the shower
and i thought of how nice it’d be
to have your things among my things
along the bathtub’s edge
and i imagined myself running out of soap
and using yours
and wearing you to work, and the grocery store
and i imagined that night, laying down beside you
and smelling your neck
and finding out where all my soap had gone
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This is too much
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wanna hear a joke? my new "boss."
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sometimes I really miss blogging...and then I remember that my life is boring and I have absolutely nothing to blog about besides work. 
whatever. hi, guys! I'm in a blogging mood, so prepare for some word vomit all over your dash for the next few hours.
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Me: I can't stand her. I hate her. I see her face, and I just wanna kick it.
Coworker: There's the Melissa I'm looking for! I knew you had a dark side! I wanna see an animal come out of you. C'mon, let's hear it!
Coworker: ...Was that a kitten?
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I've never been majorly into anything Zodiac-related, but I've come to realize that I am so dead-on a Virgo that it's terrifying. my goodness.
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