daminipal · 3 years
Learning outcome
Research is more than just the gathering of information, it's a process in which individuals ask questions to broaden the horizon of understanding. During this module, the main method of research was desktop research. A desktop study is one of the easiest research methods that provide a wide array of information on the internet. This includes looking at websites, online academic journals, and blog posts. Over the module, I have grown my thought and perception in a more ideational way in terms of how I approach graphics and visuals. I have grown to be more critical when observing or studying narratives. I have become more aware of the ways narratives are constructed in the media. There is often so much information on the internet for every topic, so it has required me to be a lot more selective with my research. I had to consider where and when the information was published, whether the information is outdated or if it has come from a location with certain beliefs or influence from a wider context. This study enabled me to explore backgrounds and gather a whole range of information from different sources. By trailing through lots of sources I picked out the best ones to inform my blog posts and research. Another way in which I have observed my research was personal experience. For example, in my blog posts for 'Negative to positive', I included the theory of negative bias demonstrating how people behave when they encounter any negative experience.
In the future, I would try to build upon the experimental side of my research to elevate my design. Throughout this module and writing blog posts it has certainly developed the angle from which I approach research. However, this module has helped me to find opinions within the topic and around the academic community that have changed my perspective. This module has helped me develop a critical approach to my research and my writing.
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daminipal · 3 years
As per my research study, I was discussing previously in my blog about the pandemic and how people perceive negative content more seriously than positive information, with further research I was able to get some more data in that context. I have also experienced negative bias in my life and I was also able to observe this in other people. I think about the many compliments people receive from friends or colleagues and they do feel flattered at the moment, but then go on with the day in comparison to that a single snide remark can affect them more deeply, and maybe consume their thoughts which could even be carried over for days or even years. This blog will shed light on how people can overcome negative bias which affects them via online mediums with graphics or visuals.
'Negative to Positive'
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The negativity bias is the tendency for humans to pay more attention or give more importance to negative occurrences over neutral or positive experiences. Even when negative experiences are unimportant, humans tend to focus on the negative. Although, from an evolutionary perspective, learning to identify potentially hazardous situations was vital for survival in a harsh environment rich in predators. While today’s world has arguably fewer threats, humans are still wired for self-preservation.
Moreover, News coverage of current affairs is predominantly negative. Images which people with Negative/threat content get more attention from people naturally. Evidence suggests that, all around the world, the average human is more physiologically activated by negative than by positive news stories. Even so, there is a great deal of variation across individuals.
According to my observation and study, Negative bias could be minimized by directing more of our conscious attention toward the positive events and feelings we experience to overlook the thought patterns of one's self. 
Finally, I think people can move towards positive from negative by more awareness of self and environment. They can reflect upon the visuals which they see online every day and try to understand their effect on their life to make wiser decisions as per their actual consciousness.
Sorokaa, S., Fournierc, P., Nird L.,(2019), Cross-national evidence of a negativity bias in psychophysiological reactions to the news,116 (38), 18888 18892 https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1908369116
Courtney Ackerman, What Is Self-Awareness and Why Is It Important? [+5 Ways to IncreaseIt],https://positivepsychology.com/self-awareness-matters-how-you-can-be-more-self-aware/
The mobile spoon (2019)https://images.app.goo.gl/5NNB8nhQYnh9zeUD8
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daminipal · 3 years
Online responsible graphical content can generate a long term reliable audience. This could be the most demanding thing in the current age because there is a lot of data available online but it's difficult for people to trust and choose the most reliable source.
'Responsible Graphical Content' 
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I think Social responsibility should be addressed more within the design field. It can be introduced and taught to students at an early stage of their education, so as they fully understand the power and influence that their creations will have over society, and the role this plays in materialism, overconsumption and our modern-day consumer culture. Modification can be made within graphic design and the urgency for this should be understood by people. The graphic designer can critically reflect on the purpose of their work and answer the question of whom it stands to serve, their audience or consumer culture. They can choose to move away from the creation of artificial needs and the promotion of unnecessary products, and move towards the creation of more useful and lasting communication that contributes to society.
Moreover, responsible content creation will also provide inner satisfaction to the artsy sole in the long run. If graphic designers all over the world follow ethical practices strictly then it would become difficult for negative elements to psychologically harm and persuade normal people.
In conclusion, this can lead to creating ethical graphics for marketing without persuading people negatively. Also, it can improve people's behaviour towards a particular thing.
Wong, S.C., Hudawi, S.A., Hamdan, R., Musah, M. (2016).’Understanding of Integrating Social Responsibility Dimensions into Graphic Design Curriculum, 96 (1-2), 547 566, https://ssrn.com/abstract=2744388
Daniel Scott , Graphic design thesis 2012, Design and visual communication, Supervisor: Anders Ljungmark K3, Malmö högskolahttps://www.diva-portal.org/smash/get/diva2:1482445/FULLTEXT01.pdf
Nelson grub,https://images.app.goo.gl/TTGa3LjncAnDxgFaA
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daminipal · 3 years
After going through my study and research I realized that the problem which could be affecting people every day with visuals could be Visual manipulation. It could be one step in solving the questions of my study or I might be able to see the problems and research study in a new light.
'Visual Manipulation by media'
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Today, digital manipulation skills in image-based advertising have become prominent. Media manipulation currently shapes everything people read, hear and watch online. Image manipulation is a persuasive advertising technique to positively influence consumer choices and attitudes towards brands, regardless of higher societal knowledge that digital images are easily manipulated. 
Nowadays, the news is decided not by what is important but by what readers are clicking, and this cycle is so fast that the news cannot be anything else but consistently and regularly incomplete.
Moreover, Media manipulation exploits the difference between perception and reality. The media was long a trusted source of information for the public but now barriers that made it reliable have broken down. 
In conclusion, to defeat these manipulations, problems must be understood by the public. According to my people should become more aware of this environment and choose sources to get information wisely. This problem also includes money in the scenario because media channels get paid only to spread the news in quantity and not in quality so if readers are more aware then they can also choose to pay a specific source for reliable content.
King, A.J., Lazard A.J. (2020) Advancing Visual Health Communication Research to Improve Infodemic Response. Health Communication, 35 14,1723 1728. https://doi.org/10.1080/1051144X.2020.1737907
Dwivedi, Y.K., Ismagilova E., Hughes, D.L., Carlson, J., Filieri, R., Jacobson, J., Jain, V., Karjaluoto, H., Kefi H., Krishen, A.S., Kumar, V., Rahman, M.M., Raman, R., Rauschnabel P.A., Rowley, J., Salo, J., Tran, G.A., Wang, Y.,(2021). Setting the future of digital and social media marketing research: Perspectives and research propositions, International Journal of Information Management. 59,102168,ISSN 0268-4012, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijinfomgt.2020.102168
NewseumED,You are just my type smart, bold and pron to believe anything I say.https://images.app.goo.gl/zD5yLKkwhEdzaGu89
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daminipal · 3 years
"A picture speaks a thousand words"
This saying was invented by an advertising executive.- Fred R. Barnard
A graphic illustration conveys a stronger message than words, as in The book jacket is a big selling point—one picture is worth a thousand words.
After studying and working in the design industry, I can understand perfectly the importance of visuals in everyday life. Most people make their every decision based on 'how a thing looks like. I was working previously in a jewellery design company and the main thing which we were supposed to consider while designing jewellery was its aesthetic appeal. In the last company, I was working as a digital marketer, (from where I got the inspiration to study graphics), while working on projects, I was perfectly able to see the role of graphics in every industry not just designing, as per my experience, A picture can convey strong messages, without even including any text in it.
 "A picture speaks a thousand words"
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This line is an explanation of itself. An image can show things in one instance with precise detail and accuracy and they have the power to persuade people even without the inclusion of any text. Visuals are powerful and they are being used all around the world by media platforms, businesses, govt. Bodies excessively direct people in a particular direction. A picture can be interpreted in different ways by different people as per their life experiences, education, ethnicity etc. 
After studying and making a clear understanding of my previous blogs I came up with many questions and now I am trying to develop a research methodology to solve them.
Questions and problems I think arise during my study here are,
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Is it possible to create ethical graphics for marketing without persuasive manipulation? 
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Why does graphical content used by media during covid persuade people to develop a particular behaviour?
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If a picture can speak a thousand words, then why don't people take positive content/ graphics/ visuals more seriously in comparison to fearful content?
In conclusion, In my upcoming post, I will discuss approaches towards these particular questions.
Andre Penner(2021)https://images.app.goo.gl/mAtizRr5EYQJvYyD8
Dralian (2015) A picture is worth a thousand words for real...smh..what is this painting trying to tell you?https://imgur.com/X29QbLd.jpg
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daminipal · 3 years
I see people and I try to analyze why they behave in a certain way, with a particular body language. I notice minor expressions of people and their actions as per condition to understand their behaviour and them personally. I notice everything like body language, behaviour, eye contact, choice of outfit, body odour, colour choice etc. As per my observations, ethnicity plays a big role in developing psychology and lifestyle. I never mind people considering me judgmental because I always try to critically analyze a personality type based on the choices they make and then connect the dots of 'why'. 
PS - According to me, the good intentions of people is the most attractive trait.
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Persuasion is the process of shifting our attitude toward something based on some kind of communication. Much of the persuasion people experience comes from outside forces. Persuasion often involves manipulating people, and for this reason, many find the exercise distasteful.
The psychological mass persuasion could be used to help people make better decisions and lead healthier and happier lives. It could also be used to covertly exploit weaknesses in their character and persuade them to take action against their own best interest. People are exposed to persuasive communication across many different contexts e.g. through marketing and advertising. 
As per many studies, psychological characteristics can be accurately predicted from their digital footprints, such as people's Facebook Likes or Tweets. The application of psychological targeting makes it possible to influence the behaviour of large groups of people by tailoring persuasive appeals to the psychological needs of the target audiences. This method has great potential for helping individuals to make better decisions and also the potential pitfalls related to manipulation and privacy.
Moreover, graphics, visuals and videos play a big role here, as people are bombarded every day with lots of it via social media platforms and their characteristics and quality can play a big role in affecting people's Psychology.
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However, I think regulatory bodies should create a better lawsuit for this practice because it can also have a negative influence on people.
Finally, I think graphics have great potential to create good content to uplift people's lives and choices, by targeting their psychological needs, it also can be used to create greater social awareness. 
Matza, S. C., Kosinskib, M., Navec, G., and Stillwelld, D. J.,(2017), Psychological targeting as an effective approach to digital mass persuasion, 114(48), 12714 12719 https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1710966114
nacdl.org https://images.app.goo.gl/B4obRxgY1M5yvbWH9
Donald farmer(2010)https://www.qlik.com/blog/direct-and-indirect-persuasion
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daminipal · 3 years
Most of us these days spend enormous amounts of time on social media. It has proved itself the most effective and efficient way of communication. I see people socializing all day without actually socializing. Many studies have proved that  Social media images have great potential in moulding the psychology of people which is my second favourite thing after Graphics.
'Social Media'
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Social media images are an important element of any blog or social media post. Visuals make posts more charming and attractive. The world has billions of camera phones in use, this is a new dynamic era around image creation and content. These days people have a very short span of concentration, as a result, social media images are more powerful than ever.
Moreover, high-quality and professional pictures consistently lead to higher engagement on social media platforms. Social media is a very powerful tool that can affect people on a mass scale. The content shown on these media channels affects daily life choices made by people.
In conclusion, social media is a huge part of our life which include a high amount of visual content in it and finally, the quality of that content can affect the human mind and psychology.
Li, Y, Xie, Y. (2020). Is a Picture Worth a Thousand Words? An Empirical Study of Image Content and Social Media Engagement. Journal of Marketing Research, 57(1),1 19. doi:10.1177/0022243719881113
ZahraFarid, (2021),Importance of Social Media Images For Digital Marketing – 7 Tips For Amazing Pictures! March 17, 2021 https://www.socialchamp.io/blog/social-media-images-ideas/
Hootsuitehttps(2021) ://images.app.goo.gl/eBqfeu194AqEdu8BA
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daminipal · 3 years
Since 2019, the whole world is facing an epidemic situation, not just the one which has been created externally but internally too. I see people in my surroundings living in continuous fear of infectious diseases they call 'Covid'. They can do anything to save themselves from that, whatever is required to safeguard them, that can even include putting a double face-covering despite having breathing or asthma issues and Rigorous rubbing of sanitiser onto the skin even after having severe dry skin.
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The persuasive marketing by media in terms of covid using Graphics
The coronavirus pandemic has brought science to the front of the worldwide public sphere. Every newspaper article has been written, so many press conferences held, and so many minutes of television news broadcasted in such a short amount of time about a microscopic virus and the science dedicated to investigating it. The pandemic has generated its peculiar images. Doctors are hidden behind extensive protective gear, row upon row of intubated patients in hospital intensive care units, nervous officials presenting the tally of the day for infected and deceased, empty streets in usually busy cities, and masked citizens queuing for the supermarket.
This kind of scenario has been created by the media with videos, pictures and graphics. A deep fear of death and infection has persuaded people to do things that can harm their bodies. Despite facing severe health issues worldwide people had been persuaded forcefully for things that affected their bodies negatively.
In conclusion, regulatory bodies should respect the dignity of the human body of every individual and should be more generous with the people who don't want any external object affecting their bodies. The media should generate and spread more positive content so that people would start living peaceful life again.
Delicado, A., Rowland,J., (2021),Visual Representations of Science in a Pandemic: COVID-19 in Images.Front. Commun. 6:645725, 12.doi: 10.3389/fcomm.2021.645725
News10(2021) time to double it up. https://mobile.twitter.com/CNNnews18/status/1385220840669679620/photo/1
BBC News(2021) coronavirus: what you need to do
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daminipal · 3 years
I have done my graduation in fashion and lifestyle accessories and obtained work experience in different areas of designing and marketing. After doing that, choosing to study graphics was one of the best decisions I have ever made.
Why Graphics?
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mid 17th century: via Latin from Greek graphics from graphē ‘writing, drawing’.
When we think of anything, it is often in visual terms – the first depictions of the structure of DNA; Darwin’s sketches of the tree of life; even DaVinci’s Vetruvian Man. The power of these pictures to speak to people, especially those outside our specialized research communities, is worth far more than a thousand words.
Graphics have the potential to increase the attractiveness, understandability, and communication power of research findings. They can help to reach correct audiences that research literature never will.
How is it useful?
A graphic designer uses colors, diagrams, shapes, and photographs to communicate with prospective customers. The use of various designing tools and software such as Corel Graphics Suite, Photoshop, Adobe InDesign, and Illustrator have simplified the design process while the availability of different marketing mediums such as website, social media, digital, and print media have made it possible to convey messages consistently and graphically. This allows business owners to show off their brand to a large client base. 
Overall, the importance of graphics in the current scenario is undeniable. Online visuals communication, different marketing practices and social media content majorly rely on graphics and videos.
In conclusion, it is important to learn more and see the different aspects of graphics as it can open many new doors to new perspectives.
Khoury, C.K., Kisel, Y., Kantar, M. et al.(2019) Science–graphic art partnerships to increase research impact. Commun Biol 2, 295 . https://doi.org/10.1038/s42003-019-0516-1
Wikipedia commons(2020) A collage of Graphic Designer applications/projects. https://commons.m.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Graphic-designer-application-projects-collage-2.0.jpg#mw-jump-to-license
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daminipal · 3 years
An educational background in designing, love for art and bringing up in a country of rich heritage and diversity gives me different perspectives to see things around me. I see visuals as the fastest and effective way of communication with everyone despite their different gender, race or ethnicity. Human psychology is my second interest. I like to understand why people do certain things in certain ways, for me it broadens up the horizon for creative thinking and effective problem-solving.
The content for my blog is Critical Analysis demonstrating the argument of a qualitative research study, The Annotated bibliography is representing a list of important references that contributed to my research, The Blog posts mirror my observations and thoughts for the current scenario with my interests of study.
Overall, this blog will give insight into the study I am pursuing to understand human behavior with visuals and graphics. The purpose of this blog is to study, understand and explore different possibilities to solve the current problems which people are facing due to bad visual marketing practices.
To conclude, the blog combines academic work with the current happenings of the world.
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