Ever since The Rise of Skywalker came out and fed the Poe/Rey shipping community so well, there has been an explosion of growth in the fandom. Let’s keep it going in 2020! DAMEREYDAILY2020 is a daily prompt community for fanfiction and fanart over the course of this year. We will post a new one-line inspo prompt for each day in 2020, and we’re hoping that the growing and great fandom of damerey, Poe/Rey, jedipilot, and poerey fans will create more stuff for all of us to enjoy!You are welcome to get a headstart on any fics or art. But we’re also hoping that the daily prompts will inspire you to create passionate, imperfect, shorter fanworks, too, instead of stressing about longer or more detailed fics or art. :)Poe Dameron/Rey Skywalker MUST BE THE PRIMARY AND ENDGAME SHIP OF YOUR WORKS FOR THIS COMMUNITY.Tag #damereydaily2020 and we will reblog FICS OR ART THAT FILL OUR PROMPTS onto this blog and add them to the DAMEREY DAILY 2020 collection on AO3! Do not tag us in fics or art that are not related to our prompts, please.Have fun!
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
Will there be any prompts for 2021?
We weren’t planning any (we didn’t finish 2020, either, since people didn’t seem interested!) BUT if someone else would like to take over this blog, then that’s fine -- just message us off anon.
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Rey skywalker is 🤮

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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Star Wars - All Media Types, Star Wars Sequel Trilogy Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Poe Dameron/Rey Characters: Poe Dameron, Rey (Star Wars) Additional Tags: Tumblr Prompt, Prompt Fic, Post-Star Wars: The Last Jedi, Angst, lots of mentions of dead characters, DamereyDaily2020 Series: Part 21 of (not so) daily damerey Summary:
Poe has a lot of ghosts on his shoulder and in his heart. With his relationship with a certain Jedi, he reflects on what he wants for the future.
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Title: Backwards
Chapters: 1/? “The Life Saving Gesture”
Fandom: Star Wars Sequel Trilogy
Rating: Teen
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Poe Dameron/Rey
Characters: Poe Dameron, Rey (Star Wars), Obi-wan Kenobi, BB-8, Rose Tico, Finn, Armitage Hux.
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Regency, Georgian Era, Age Difference, True Love, Friends to Lovers, Pre-Relationship, Arranged Marriage, Protective Poe Dameron, Slow Burn, DameRey,
Collection: Part of DamereyDaily2020
Ben Kenobi, Rey’s father, makes a deal for her hand with an unsavory man.She does NOT want to marry him. Turning to her only friend for help, what does he do?
Here is the link to read it, if you like:
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「 damereydaily2020 prompt: I, myself, am strange and unusual. 」
The Present is two steps back from the future and two steps forward from the past
Rey Skywalker has an unusual skill of precognition. It’s not so uncommon, but her ability to see the future in glimpses rather than mysterious hunches has made her more regarded than the average fortune tellers and palm readers. The difficult thing to navigate with her gift is when she gets the random flashes, but it’s nothing she can’t handle. But for this particular flashforward to the disastrous aftermath of the business next door to Maz’s café, the hint of the future that suddenly comes to her while she’s enjoying the warm weather and her coffee outdoors, someone—the detective in her vision—is looking straight at her…
Poe Dameron has a hidden ability: he can see memories and past events that are most strongly imprinted on objects and places. His retrocognition comes in handy in his job solving crimes at the local police department, though it’s a skillset he has never revealed to anyone. So when he sees a peculiar person staring at him, observing him when he’s down under in the past as he surveys the scene of a crime, he finds himself not only trying to solve the case, but also searching for the girl in his vision, hoping that their paths can cross.
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Star Wars - All Media Types, Star Wars Sequel Trilogy Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Major Character Death Relationships: Poe Dameron/Rey, Poe Dameron & Finn, Poe Dameron & Rey, Poe Dameron & Finn & Rey & Rose Tico, Chewbacca & Rey, BB-8 & Poe Dameron Characters: Poe Dameron, Rey (Star Wars), Finn (Star Wars), Rose Tico, BB-8 (Star Wars), Chewbacca (Star Wars), mentions of Sheev Palpatine | Darth Sidious - Character, mentions of Ben Solo | Kylo Ren Additional Tags: Friendship, Pre-Relationship, DamereyDaily2020, Tumblr Prompt, Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker Spoilers, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, everyone really cares about rey okay, Prompt Fic, Angst Series: Part 19 of (not so) daily damerey Summary:
She took a step back, observing the damage done. He was gone. Palpatine was really gone. It was over.
Ben was gone too, having been killed off by Palpatine minutes before she combined all of her energy with the Jedi before her. He didn’t join the Force; she couldn’t feel him.
Suddenly she felt so very weak, not to mention tired, and the two lightsabers in her hand dropped to the ground right before she fell onto her knees.
Goodbye, she thought dimly even though she had no understanding of why she was saying goodbye; no one would hear her anyways.
Little did she know before passing her last breath, her last thoughts reached every being on the planet of Exegol, including the four beings in the universe who were the closest to her.
Goodbye, Poe heard Rey say throughout the Force. He frowned for a brief moment, not understanding how he could hear her and why she would be saying goodbye, before he felt his heart drop to his stomach. Instinctively he turned his head to the Sith temple down below.
“No,” he said shaking his head, each passing moment feeling longer and longer than it should’ve been.
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Prescence (post-TROS fanfiction)
Before I’m posting on Archives, this is my first DamereyDaily2020 during pandemic week, and this is the second after Healing or ‘possibly the third’ series of ‘It’s Like Poetry, Sort Of. They Rhymes.’
Pairing: Poe Dameron/Rey Skywalker
Word count: 4,650
Prompt: ’Two hearts and one home.’ Plus a bonus from late March ‘If You Lived to Be A Hundred’
Summary: Three months later…
Poe had faith that his dauntless ally, his best friend, his ray of sunshine, his beloved Jedi…had returned for him.
Once the Death Star’s latest target and the site of the Rebel base during the final battle. Yavin 4 was a vast and most affluent planet of the Outer Rim Territories, and its large and sprawling tropical jungles teemed with an abundance of exotic beauty.
Following a long hyperspeed, T-70 X-wing Black One had reached Yavin 4. Similar to Ajan Kloss, this tropical moon planet was where Poe Dameron was born. He was glad, relieved to have finally returned from Coruscant and the third meeting of the Galactic Senate’s restoration.
Poe thought about the peace that had ensued after the war, and the friends that he had made along the way. He missed them so much out there, but it was time to come home, take a breath, and rejoin his father. Nonetheless, he was reflected on Finn and the journey with his fellow former stormtrooper Jannah, along with Rose Tico, Chewbacca and Lando Carlissian in search of their families. Larma D’Acy was now in the Senate’s seat while Beaumont Kim as her aide. Caluan Ematt had retired and returned to his home planet with his family. Kaydel Ko Connix had been promoted to Major and continued to serve in the military. And Jessika Pava, the fearless sole member of the Black Squadron was taking over Poe’s command.
He had visited some time with Maz Kanata at her restored castle at Takodana where she had her new cantina, and with Zorii Bliss and Babu Frik who were still running spices like in the days when Poe had worked them long ago. Zorii would keep in touch with him until if she needed hand otherwise.
The giant red planet was covered in clouds as Black One dropped from the atmosphere and flew over the grassy fields to landed perfectly just as near from his father’s homestead.
He pulled off his flight helmet and climbed down from the cockpit. As General Dameron’s temporary side droid while Beebee-Ate was away with Rey, Artoo-Detoo popped up from the astromech socket behind the cockpit, and maneuvered himself with his two small rockets to land slowly onto the ground. Finally, the droid and his maker-pilot were strolling toward the stable next to the farmhouse.
They walked past his mother’s A-wing interceptor, parked next to an old X-wing model, and Poe was suddenly curious. He looked towards the craft as Artoo was suddenly became excited with blipping and whistles.
Poe turned to the diminutive droid, as he arched his brow. “What?” he asked unexpectedly. “What do you mean—“
“Is that you, son?” His father shouted from the nearby stable while fixing his tractor. “And I could hear Artoo’s droidspeak.”
He nodded to himself. “Yeah, Dad,” he said, still focusing on the ship as Artoo rolled closer. “I’m home!”
“How’s my old mates at Coruscant?”
“Er…they all missed you,” he looked closer at the craft: one had the red stripe on two of its wings and on the body. It was sleek, like the T-70 X-wing or his original Black One that had been destroyed inside the Raddus’ hangar.
Poe abruptly realized that this was the T-65B starfighter, the one that Uncle Luke had piloted to destroy the first Death Star at Yavin 4, and then thirty three years later the same craft that had flown to Exegol with the guide of a Sith Wayfinder, with Poe along with Finn and the rest of the Resistance following its track.
Red Five––here? Poe thought. No kriffing way!
“They’re coming to visit you the next seasons,” added Poe, sighed in relief. “And they’ll bring some of that Corellian cognac that you wanted!”
“Sounds good, Poe!” Kes Dameron answered enthusiastically.
That’s Master Jedi-Luke’s X-wing and I recognize this ship, Maker-Poe, the droid beeped to Poe. And I think there is someone here?
“Who?” asked Poe.
“Oh, there’s a visitor for you, kid,” Kes added. “And she’s with our Beebee.”
“Really?” His heart leaped to find out Rey was already there.
“Of course, you Space Porg! Did you see that old X-wing she’s flying?” Kes chucked as Poe got annoyed at his ridiculous teasing. “She’s at our old place. Do invite with your Jedi friend for a dinner tonight.”
“Ah…no problem, Dad. And I’ll tell her!” Poe wore a satisfied grin as he turned to giddy Artoo. ”Will you take it easy, bud?”
Sorry, sir. Artoo beeped. Never can help it.
He shook himself as he walked and the droid followed. “You know what, you’re a lot more cheekier like Beebee-Ate.” he observed. “And a bit naive.”
Why thank you very much, Master-Poe. You have to add that I’m a stubborn little droid as well. Jedi Master-Luke calls me that, by the way.
“Ah, I almost forgot that.” he chuckled lightly as they move along the path through the woods where his new home was, where his family was, and where the Uneti tree was located. “Does Uncle Luke cross your mind?”
Yes, Master-Poe. We had a lot of adventures when I was with him from time to time. But I can’t say much about what happened after he had gone.
“I know, Artoo,” he sighed sadly.
Until a sound of jubilant beeps and chirps approached as a spherical looking droid followed by a tiny cone shaped, rolled towards Poe.
“Beebee-Ate! Welcome back!” Poe exclaimed, dropping to his knees. He rubbed the droid’s body back as Beebee’s dome head jiggled excitedly like a child has returned from a long trip. “I really missed you, Buddy?”
Same to you, Master-Poe! Beebee beeps and chirps happily. It’s good to be home! What’s up, Artoo and you’ve been spending time with him!
Incredibly much, Beebee-Ate. Artoo replied. Master-Poe is happy you’ve come back.
“And how d’you enjoy crossing the galaxy with your Jedi Mistress-Rey?” he asked with a smile at Beebee. “Have you stuck with her?”
Yes, sir. She’s been keeping my antenna straight in case I get into trouble. We’ve traveled around to all the places, especially Tatooine.
“You mean Luke’s old homestead?”
Yes, sir.
Dio rolled closer to Poe. “Welcome back, Master-Poe.” he said calmly. He had been living there permanently as Poe’s second familiar. “How was the Senate meeting at Coruscant?”
Poe groaned as he nuzzled the droid’s cone head like a house pet. “Lot’s of reconstruction and other headaches, Little Buddy.” he smiled lightly. “Thanks for asking.”
He brought himself back to his feet as he was looked in the direction where he was going. “Is she there?” he asked.
“Yes, sir.” Dio replied.
Jedi Mistress-Rey has been at the tree in about an hour, Master-Poe. Beebee beeped in reply.
“What’s she doing?” asked Poe, looking at Beebee.
Meditating. Beebee double-beeped.
Poe looked over in the direction of the tree. He took a deep breath, glad of see Rey again. They had shared intimately at the forest of Ajan Kloss during an evening celebration. And it felt rewarding to him, as it was so very uncommon.
“Why don’t you guys go with Artoo and charge yourselves alright?” he said at the two. “I just need to speak alone with her.”
Beebee and Dio responded in the affirmative as they joining with Artoo and proceeded to the charging area. Poe resumes up the path, which finally opened into a clearing where he could almost feel her presence.
The ancient Force-sensitive Uneti tree stood there near the lake and his family’s old home, remodeled now as his own. Like The Great Tree at Coruscant, colorful fan-shaped leaves of gold and brown were attached to the coiled branches and stems of the large, twisted trunk.
Then Poe saw the enchanted tree, and near it a beautiful floating figure sat crossed-legged in the air with small boulders and rocks hovering slowly around her as the Force flowed through her. Her eyes were closed peacefully as she concentrated in a meditative trance that flowed between her and the tree.
Poe was silently impressed; he sat down on the grass, placing his flight helmet beside him. Then he stripped off his flight vest and placed it on top of the helmet as he watched the floating and reposed Rey. She had more beautiful since their first encounter on Crait where she had used her power to lift rocks. Looking at her now, Poe thought her once again of how she resembled an ancient Yavinesque goddess with her celestial objects surrounding her.
He’d never fallen in love with any woman in the galaxy before he found her. He had wanted her from the beginning when they first met at the Falcon, and now he loved having her in his life. Time was specifically a good thing when it came to General Dameron, who was gladly reunited with the lone scavenger from Jakku, now a fiercely independent Jedi after the tides of galactic war.
And it was something that he had faith in the ideal of his dauntless ally, his space goddess, his ray of sunshine, his beguiling sweetheart, and his beloved Jedi. She had returned for him.
Then a minute later, Rey had finally completed her meditation. She lowered herself neatly on the ground as the rocks fell around her.
Poe stood up and walked to her. “Hey, Sunshine,” he said to her.
Rey was aware of the familiar voice as she slowly opened her eyes and blinked. “Hey, Flyboy,” she replied breathlessly with a bright smile.
Poe took a quick step forward as Rey approached him and then wrapped her arms around him. At once all his aching memories of three unbearable months had finally lifted, and his eyes closed in bliss that as was back in his beloved Jedi’s arms. He tightened his hold around her waist and leaned against her chest as he inhaled the scent of her.
“I missed you,” she sighed softly.
“Same to you,” he murmured, his face buried in the crook between her neck and shoulder. “I’m surprised that you’re here.”
“Oh, I know. That’s why I came to see you, Poe,” she sniffed. “It’s been a long time since I was away.”
“I was worried while you were still out there.”
“More than your Force-sensitivity of tracking me?”
“Indubitably.” Poe lifted his head, raising his brows in a cocky manner and looked at her teary eyes. “I don’t want to spoil it too much, and it takes time,” he said meticulously, wiping her tears with his thumb.
“To be sure,” assured Rey.
He chuckled as his eyes mirroring hers while he stood in silence. It had been months since he and Rey had parted after leaving Ajan Kloss. There had been a lot of opportunities in their separate ways during the restoration of the New Republic, and some perks.
And he could see the truth in her eyes. Rey had missed him all these months since their fight against the Final Order, Emperor Palpatine, and his Sith Eternal, and she had come back to see him once again.
After disowning herself her Palpatine bloodline and adopting the Skywalker’s surname, Rey had made plans for the restoration and reorganization of the New Jedi Order––or maybe a search for the kybel crystal to build her own lightsaber from the parts of her staff.
She had returned to see Poe after her final trip to Tatooine. And either way, Poe was happy that Rey had come.
He began to move closer again until Rey spoke. “I hope you’re surprised I’m here with Beebee-Ate,” she noted. “He missed you.”
“Did he?”
She nodded slowly. “Uh-huh.”
“That’s my buddy,” he shrugged his shoulders with a sardonic grin as they gently pulled away. “And you’ve been flying Uncle Luke’s Red Five. What happened to your Falcon?”
“Lando asked me to borrow it for a while with Chewie,” she answered. “He told me the whole story about how his ship before he was beaten by Han in a card game.”
“That’s him, alright. He’ll never change a bit,” he sighed with a scoff, scratching the back of his head. “Are you going to stay for a while?”
“If you want me to,” she assured playfully, “then, I’m staying.”
“Good, I’m glad you’re welcome here, and you can stay as long as you like,” he said with a smirk. “Also, my Dad made some dinner for us tonight.”
“That’s sound’s wonderful,” she said in an optimistically.
Poe led her on a simple tour of the Force-sensitive tree. Despite growing up in the desert, Rey had already visited so many greens planets in the galaxy like Takodana and Ajan Kloss. But she was amazed at the exotic fields of Yavin 4 with its fresh breezes blowing through the Massassi trees, the scented fresh fruits of Koyo trees that Kes had planted, the bioluminescence of fresh flowers and lush green grasses, and the gleams of the late afternoon sun on the crystal-clear lake that shone with a lustrous and rare beauty.
As they strolled around under the tree in conversation, Rey noticed the renovated house nearby. “I can see the new home that you’ve to built over there. Is that the house where your parents lived?”
“Yup, I’m still restoring it,” he answered, shoving his hands into the front pockets of his fight uniform.
“Perhaps you need a hand. I’ve fixed a lot of stuff besides ships,” Rey glanced at him. “How about it, General Dameron?”
“Why not, Jedi Mistress Skywalker.” he was amused at the tone of her new surname. “A carpenter would be nicer to have around than a scavenger, a mechanic, or even a Jedi. But you only have a new lightsaber rather than a laser saw. Or maybe the Force would do–”
Instinctively, Rey quickly slapped his arm while Poe laughed with a cocky humor as they strolled. She ignored him as she is looked up to watch the gentle breeze moves through the branches of the Force-sensitive Uneti tree.
“Your father showed me this tree, and I can’t believe it’s so beautiful and mythical,” she said. “But it much seems so huge and different, unlike the one at Ahch-To.”
“It’s pretty awesome, huh? And it’s matured and more than I expected.” He walked to the trunk, but did not get close. “My mom helped Uncle Luke to cut two clippings a long time ago. So he gave her one as a thank you present.”
“So Luke has the other one at Ahch-To,” Poe continued. “and you’ve said there was a library underneath the trunk of the tree where the sacred Jedi texts kept.”
“That’s right, Poe.” she answered. “I returned the day on exile as when I saw the tree, it was burned down.”
Later, she stopped as Poe kept strolling. “Have you ever touched the tree?”
“Huh?” he blinked as he halted and turned back toward her.
“Did you?” she asked curiously.
“When I was thirteen, I was supposed to be close to the tree, but I’m afraid that was because I was being sensitive about staying away.” Then he swiftly glanced at her. “Later, I did at this point that I sat under the tree, and when I did, I felt the inside of me for the first time while I was napping.”
“Was it scary?” she asked.
Poe moved shyly away from her. “Nope, it’s childish. But sentimental.”
“Can you tell me, Poe?” Rey giggled, teasing him. “Come on.”
He turned back toward her again and looked down at the necklace that held his mother’s wedding ring around Rey’s neck. His expression was earnest as he moved towards her, and his fingers fiddling with the ring.
He took a patient breath and began. “I can only I remember what I felt about my mother and me. She was very close to me when I was a little boy. She would take me outside at night when my father was fast asleep. We went to the lake near the growing Force tree, we’d lie down on the grass and stared at the night sky.” Poe released the ring from his hand as he looked up at the afternoon sky. “Once, she pointed to the brightest star –– Caeli, the Bird Star of the galaxy. And it was a good sign; my mother promised me that I’d become the best pilot when I grew up, just like her.”
Poe missed his mom so much when he was with her. She had taught him advising and caring across the galaxy and over until he found himself in a place where the eyes of Shara Bey could not reach him.
“That was very touching, Poe,” she observed. “You missed your mom a lot?”
He sighed as he looked down at the surface roots between his feet, and he felt something like life, a presence, like the air through him. He cocked his head at her. “What about you, Sunshine?”
“What?” she puzzled.
“Have you touched or meditated through the tree?” he asked simply.
She took her breath with ease. “I felt it,” she replied with a simple nod.
“Was it scary or something?”
She shuddered slightly as Poe moved at her. “Hey, it’s alright I’m here with you.” he reassured her.
“It’s like a magnet pulling me, Poe,” she answered, and her eyes rose and met his. “It’s not scary. It replenishes me inside––the Force––through the way of the world, through my parents, Han, Luke and Leia, and Ben. I had cherished them as my faithfully as long as I wished for them. They’re in peace now, and I shall never regret it. The bond between Ben and me has been reconciled and purpose. I was very fond of him and remember him as a friend rather than an adversary. I embraced him with gratitude when he brought me back to life after I was defeated Palpatine and the Sith.”
Poe moved closer to her, brought her hand to his lips and softly kissed her knuckle. “Finn and I thought that you were gone there at Exegol.” he murmured with his breath hitched. “I…I’m––“
“I know, Poe,” she answered softly in a brittle tone. “But I live.”
He watched her in silence for a while, and before he could kiss Rey began to talk about something else.
“I was there in Coruscant,” she said. “At the service.”
He understood. He hadn’t seen her at the Monument Plaza during the service. “Finn told me that you’d left early,” he said.
“I wish I could’ve stayed for a while, but I had something to settle.” she nodded slowly. “That was a good speech, Poe. It was very…”
“Solacing,” he admits, cutting off Rey’s sentence.
Rey clasped both hands. “I’m sorry.”
He heaved a sigh and swallowed, looking more comforted than grieving. “I know, sweetheart. I don’t want to affect myself of having an ordeal like this. I miss everyone, especially Snap and Aunt Leia.”
She bowed her head sadly. “I understand.”
“Leia was your master after Uncle Luke, Rey,” he said.
“Yes,” she said calmly. “Master Leia taught me everything while I was at Ajan Kloss. She watched me what I’m doing, and it was with a patience between peace and calm. She told me about all the moments she treasure with Luke as he taught her every day. I miss her, and especially Master Luke, Poe.”
Rey recollected the motherly relationship with the master who trained her apprentice to refocus and free her mind from fear through the Force. She understood entirely that patience was the key of the Force.
Poe walked and stood beside her as he gazed at the fields. “Before we left on a mission in search of the Wayfinder, Leia said she was passing her torch to me to bring the Final Order down. And while I was at Exegol that I nearly failed or retreated, until the spark which had become a fire finally arrived with Lando and the entire fleet from the whole galaxy. They had done it, and Leia was right about what she’d said about new hope. I believe in her, Rey.”
Then a single tear fell from his eye, and he wiped it away. “Anyway, that was then before the war was over and it was time to move on. But i’m here now with my dad to start a new life, right from the start.”
He took a breath like he’s relaxed from bereavement as he runs his hand through his hair. “So, um…how’s Tatooine?” he asked. “Beebee-Ate told me.”
“Hot during the day, and cold at night,” she said, walking over and staring out at the lake as she felt the gentle wind behind her. “It looks fairly different than Jakku. And it’s not to be lightly traveled, that desert planet.”
“Did you find what you’ve looking for at Uncle Luke’s place?” he asked, watching the most beautiful Jedi he had ever seen standing on the very edge of the lake.
After exploring across the galaxy, and revisiting Ahch-To, her final stop had been the Lars homestead in the Great Chott flat on Tatooine. The moisture farm had remained abandoned, it was there where she buried Anakin and Leia’s lightsabers. She stayed there for a while in peace and tranquility, staring at the striking blue and gold sunrise of the twin suns.
“Nothing special,” answered Rey after took a long breath. She picked up a small stone and threw and skipped it across the water. “But, there’s one who came and visited me before I left.”
“No, it was Leia,” she said, turning her back to him. “She told me everything about Ben, about the pain he’d suffered, that there was still good inside of him, and she could feel it before she died.”
After a moment, Poe sighed as Rey went on. “Leia told me about you, Poe. Not so feisty as you’d think since when you were with her.”
“Oh, please,” he said like he’s was fooling around. “What was our second mom saying?”
“She wanted to know how you felt to be without guidance. Your instinct as a leader was genuinely unsurpassable, and it was such a difficult situation with what you did out there. She was pleased with you, Poe.”
Poe missed having Aunt Leia by his side during the war after Shara’s passing. He was just amazed by the miracles in the galaxy.
“When if she comes as a ghost to see you,” said Poe with a light smile. “tell her to say thank you, will you?”
“There’s more,” she said, this time sincerely. “Leia told me that I was her last wish for you—it’s because I’m your gift, Poe. I hadn’t noticed this before we met––”
Poe moved closer to her and felt the way her body relaxed against his. He placed his finger gently on her lips to silence her. “Enough, sweetheart. You’ve talked too much, and I know the exact words that she said to me.”
“Oh, there is something else,” she added with a sigh, leaning her forehead to his, and held her hands on his chest, clutching her fingers against the fabric of Poe’s flight uniform. “While I was still meditating with the tree, and I felt a presence that was unforgettable.”
They stood looking at each other in serenity and longing as the sunlight gleamed on the surface of the Yavinesque lake around them.
“It’s about us, Poe.” she whispered as her breath hitches. She closed her eyes like she was praying.
His heartbeat skipped a beat, and his eyes blinked as though he couldn’t believe what she was saying. “Tell me,” he murmured, as his eyes closed with hers.
“I remember at Crait when you were bewildering me while I used the Force to lift rocks and help you, Finn, and the rest of the Resistance to escape. Then we met at the Falcon, and as we shared about our pain by Ben and then Snoke, we were truly connected. Then we bickered with each other like feral Loth-cats about the Falcon being on fire because of your habit on lightspeed skipping,” Poe snorted at that as Rey lightly chuckled before continuing. “We fought alongside with Finn against the First Order from time to time. And while on a mission, you protected me that I fought my Palpatine bloodline against turning to the Dark Lord’s throne and falling to the Dark Side. And when I was ready for heading to Exegol to face my grandfather, were still arguing that I didn’t need you to safeguard or watch over me anymore. But you still protected me because you were deeply in love from the beginning without telling me.”
And Poe moved to hold her gently, then ran his hands smoothly along her arms and between her neck and her face. His head moved up as his lips brushed softly against her forehead. Rey flutters her eyes blissfully as she let her saying the words to flow. He whispered with kisses, from one of her eyelids to her cheek, and then that close to her mouth. Rey sighed with bliss and felt the feathery touch of his breath against her skin.
She went on: “Then the other day during the victory celebration, the night we shared each other in the deep of the forest when we made love…as the Force enlivened inside of our deepest emotions we shared, and preserved this moment forever. And when we left Ajan Kloss at dawn in our separate ways, I felt that my presence was inside still in your heart and soul, and that you would be waiting for me when I returned from across the galaxy. And now…” she paused for a second with her eyes opened, and Poe instantly stopped kissing her while his eyes stared lovingly at hers. “Poe?”
“What?” he asked, his expression beguiling.
“Why did you stop?” she asked, begging him to continue in his dawdling manner.
“Why did you stop,” he asked. “I wouldn’t know until you allow me to say so.”
Her breath hitched, then she choked up like she was almost crying, and they were both quiet for a moment until her face rested on his shoulder and Poe moved his hand to gently fondle her head.
“I came for you, Poe,” she declared softly at last with her eyes closed. “And I’m here…right here.”
He smiled peacefully, pressing his lips against the crown of her head. “Well, you’re here right now, my Lady Jedi,” he replies. “And I love you.”
With hindsight, she took his hand from her head and placed it gently on her abdomen.
Poe‘s eyes were stunned and surprised, and his mouth parted in wonder. Rey cocked her head to face him and smiled at him.
“No way,” he stammered, furrowing his brows. “Rey, you’re––”
“Does it surprise you, General?”
As their heartbeats touched each other’s chest, Poe’s permission was written into the desperation of with which his mouth met hers, something like a sense of contentment that he shared with her. He wanted more than anything is to be with her eternally.
Two hearts and one home. Poe discerned in thought.
“So you’re staying with me, Rey,” Poe said as his eyes gleamed and smirked. “And if you live to be a hundred?”
Rey laughed joyfully. Tears flowed down on her cheeks, and he gently wiped them away with his thumb. “I hope to live to be a hundred minus a day.” she sniffed in jest.
He chuckled thoughtfully with one brow widened. He nodded and caressed Rey’s face as she looked at him. “So that I never have to live a day without you.”
She leaned her forehead against his. The Force inspirited their emotions because of love, and the heart of the galaxy was forever changed.
“I love you, Space Porg.” she murmured.
Instead of calling her ‘Desert Rat,’ he decided to call her from now on.
“I know, Buttercup,” he answers softly, pulling her gently and returning his lips to hers. “I know.”
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No Other
Pairing: Rey x Poe Rating: T Summary: Rey knows the moment Poe’s lips touch hers. Poe’s the one. Words: 406 Notes: Prompt #11 of @damereydaily2020‘s May list.
Read @ AO3
Rey knows the moment Poe’s lips touch hers.
He’s the one.
Poe, with his bright smile that rivals the sun. Poe, with the warm chocolate eyes that are always soft and full of kindness. Poe, with the warm, bone crushing hugs. Poe, with the endless silly jokes who strives to make her laugh. Poe, with a stubborn streak that drives her mad. Poe, who will go to end of the Earth for his friends and loved ones.
Poe’s the one she wants to spend the rest of her life with. Poe’s the one she wants to kiss every morning and every night, Poe’s the one whom she wants to spend nights of passion, Poe’s the one whom she wants to stay in and watch silly movies, Poe’s the one whom she wishes to share every part of herself.
Poe’s the one.
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In Darkness, Light.
Pairing: Rey x Poe Rating: T Summary: He was thankful for Finn, for Rose and, above all others, Rey. She who fought with fierceness and bravery, who was just as stubborn as he, who was kind and gentle with those who needed it, who gave it her all to make sure no more people suffered. Somewhere along the line, Poe had fallen in love with her. Words: 682 Notes: For DailyDamerey2020 prompt #5 of May.
Read @ AO3 | The Series
Even after the defeat (for good this time) of Palpatine, Poe could still feel the clutches of darkness. It was in the air, making him feel like he was choking at the lack of clean air. There were still sympathizers out there, people who still needed them and he felt the weight of leadership keenly.
He was thankful for Finn, for Rose and, above all others, Rey.
She who fought with fierceness and bravery, who was just as stubborn as he, who was kind and gentle with those who needed it, who gave it her all to make sure no more people suffered. Somewhere along the line, Poe had fallen in love with her.
He remembered clearly how he realized it, they were alone after a fight and he was feeling quite low. Instead of berating him, Rey had sat next to him in silence, extended her hand and taken his in hers. She never spoke, simply ran her thumb on his skin in a soothing motion. And he had felt himself relax under her touch.
“You are not alone Poe,” Rey had broken the silence. “Even if it feels that way, you’re not. You have us, you have me. And you’re a man I’m proud to follow.”
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Star Wars - All Media Types, Star Wars Sequel Trilogy Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Poe Dameron/Rey, Finn/Rose Tico, Rey & Rose Tico, Leia Organa & Rey Characters: Rey (Star Wars), Poe Dameron, Finn (Star Wars), Leia Organa, Han Solo, Rose Tico, Padmé Amidala Additional Tags: based off of princess diaries, finn is the heir to naboo, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Alternate Universe, Tumblr Prompt, Prompt Fic, Fluff Series: Part 20 of (not so) daily damerey Summary:
It’s Finn’s big night and of course Rey would be there for her best friend when he’s about to announce his official decision on whether or not he will be the next ruler of Naboo, even if it means she’s uncomfortable and out of place. However, a particular person is able to change her mind about being there.
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Hi! Could we also fill from other months? Or just the monthly prompts? Thank you for making this blog!
You can absolutely fill from the other posted months! The lists are still available on our page, and we would be thrilled if they continue to inspire new Damerey fics. :)
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Star Wars - All Media Types, Star Wars Sequel Trilogy Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Major Character Death Relationships: Poe Dameron/Rey, Poe Dameron & Finn, Poe Dameron & Rey, Poe Dameron & Finn & Rey & Rose Tico, Chewbacca & Rey, BB-8 & Poe Dameron Characters: Poe Dameron, Rey (Star Wars), Finn (Star Wars), Rose Tico, BB-8 (Star Wars), Chewbacca (Star Wars), mentions of Sheev Palpatine | Darth Sidious - Character, mentions of Ben Solo | Kylo Ren Additional Tags: Friendship, Pre-Relationship, DamereyDaily2020, Tumblr Prompt, Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker Spoilers, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, everyone really cares about rey okay, Prompt Fic, Angst Series: Part 19 of (not so) daily damerey Summary:
She took a step back, observing the damage done. He was gone. Palpatine was really gone. It was over.
Ben was gone too, having been killed off by Palpatine minutes before she combined all of her energy with the Jedi before her. He didn’t join the Force; she couldn’t feel him.
Suddenly she felt so very weak, not to mention tired, and the two lightsabers in her hand dropped to the ground right before she fell onto her knees.
Goodbye, she thought dimly even though she had no understanding of why she was saying goodbye; no one would hear her anyways.
Little did she know before passing her last breath, her last thoughts reached every being on the planet of Exegol, including the four beings in the universe who were the closest to her.
Goodbye, Poe heard Rey say throughout the Force. He frowned for a brief moment, not understanding how he could hear her and why she would be saying goodbye, before he felt his heart drop to his stomach. Instinctively he turned his head to the Sith temple down below.
“No,” he said shaking his head, each passing moment feeling longer and longer than it should’ve been.
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Happy Quarantine, I’m complete the one shot (that’s include the May prompts and last March prompts *my bad*), however I haven’t post yet because it’s non-beta’d. Help😢
Hello, Damerey Daily community! Would anyone be interested in beta’ing this one-shot? If so, please contact @msfangirlgonewild directly! :)
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Revenge of the Fifth: May 2020 Prompts
And we’re back, with some changes! Apologies that March and April were, um, March and April of 2020, which left little to no inspiration to do very much. But we’re back with a new month of prompts!
THE CHANGES: We will not be posting one prompt a day, because it was clogging up the #damerey tag. We WILL still be checking the #damereydaily tag for your responses and will reblog at least once a week. We are going to post the FULL MONTH of prompts at once (on this post) from now on, so if you want to fill them, please bookmark this post!
May 2020 Prompts
What if I'm someone you won't talk about? → Harry Styles, "Falling"
I love you. Remember. They cannot take it. → Delirium, Lauren Oliver
Not to worry, we're still flying half a ship → Obi Wan Kenobi, Revenge of the Sith
May the Force be with you. → Star Wars franchise
The dark is generous and it is patient and it always wins – but in the heart of its strength lies its weakness: one lone candle is enough to hold it back. → Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith movie novelization, Matthew Stover
Your lipstick stain is a work of art/ I've got your name tattooed in an arrow heart → Five Seconds of Summer, "She Looks So Perfect"
Love is not a hot-house flower, but a wild plant, born of a wet night, born of an hour of sunshine → Harriet Spofford, Amber Gods
"I had to go through hell to prove I'm not insane/had to meet the devil just to know his name” - Ella Henderson “Ghost”
“Hey honey! Good morning! How’d you sleep? I adopted 32 cats and dogs, do you want pancakes?” - Parks and Recreation, 4x19
Love: a single word, a wispy thing, a word no bigger or longer than an edge. That's what it is: an edge; a razor. It draws up through the center of your life, cutting everything in two. Before and after. The rest of the world falls away on either side. → Delirium, Lauren Oliver
Don't wanna know another kiss. No other name falling off my lips → Lady Gaga, "I'll Never Love Again"
I have learned not to worry about love; but to honor its coming with all my heart. → Alice Walker
Who, being loved, is poor? → Oscar Wilde, A Woman of No Importance
Out, out, damned spot! → Macbeth, William Shakespeare
I wanna live with you even when we're ghosts → James Arthur, "Say You Won't Let Go"
Everything seems simple until you think about it. → The Time-Traveler's Wife, Audrey Niffenegger
We love the things we love for what they are → Robert Frost, Hyla Brook
Feels so good but I'm old/Two thousand years of chasing taking its toll → "Closer," Kings of Leon
And buried in your bones there's an ache that you can't ignore → "The Greatest Show," The Greatest Showman
I like when it rains/And the thunder is running through my veins/I wanna switch off stars/I've always liked it better in the dark → "Music to Make the Boys Cry," Diana Vickers
Two hearts and one home → Harry Styles, "Sweet Creature"
The wave returns to the ocean. → The Good Place 4x13
Meditation is not just blissing out under a mango tree. → Matthieu Ricard
I never thought about how important the sky was until I didn't have one. → Across the Universe, Beth Revis
Is it cool that I said all that?/Is it chill that you're in my head?/'Cause I know that it's delicate. → "Delicate," Taylor Swift
No name? Well, the roads are full of nameless girls. → George RR Martin, Feast of Crows
These are the ghosts who broke my heart before I met you. → "Ghosts," Laura Marling
You are all better than you think you are, you are just designed not to believe it when you hear it from yourself. → Community 101
If soulmates do exist, they’re not found. They’re made. → The Good Place 4x09
Picture a wave in the ocean. You can see it, measure it, its height, the way the sunlight refracts when it passes through, and it’s there, and you can see it, you know what it is. It’s a wave. And then it crashes on the shore, and it’s gone. But the water is still there. The wave was just a different way for the water to be for a little while. → The Good Place 4x13
This is the Way. → The Mandalorian series
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As a personal challenge to myself, and because I’m pretty fond of writing about these two dorks in love, I wanted to see if I could complete all the available Damerey Daily prompts.
And, as of a few hours ago, they are all complete (and one prompt got two fics because I had two different ideas, and one prompt I did twice because I forgot I did the first one. Oops.)
All together, it’s 19,719 words over 93 separate works. Thank you to everyone who read, hit that kudos button, and commented!
The full list with links to the drabbles or ficlets, all relatively short with a few exceptions, are available below!
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Star Wars Sequel Trilogy Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Poe Dameron/Rey Characters: Poe Dameron, Rey (Star Wars) Additional Tags: Drabble, Modern AU, Established Relationship, Birthday, Fluff Series: Part 57 of Damerey Daily 2020 Summary:
It’s Rey’s birthday, and what better way to celebrate than by baking his girlfriend a cake?
Too bad Poe forgot that he doesn’t actually know how to bake.
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