im honestly not sure i can handle everyone’s fuckin political posts for the next 4 years alright
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I highly recommend you follow the person I reblogged this from.
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(Ummm...I just have the Slytherin common room as my phone's background...)
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reblog this if you actually like following me.
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When drama erupts in a fandom 
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be like T’Challa
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If you and your blog love America
Re-blog this so I can follow you back.
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Imagine Your OTP
Tol: is that my shirt
Smol, wearing a shirt that goes down to their knees: ... no
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💭 please reblog if you’re okay with turning meme answers into threads !
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"Oh, you'll go easy, huh? Thanks for that." Wait, how in the hell did he NOT notice that the guy was Italian?! Levi's cheeks began to flush slightly upon hearing Desmond's accent, but he tried to ignore it and stay calm. He did, however, smile at the offer, letting slip a nervous laugh. "Yeah, that'd prob'bly be a good idea!" And no, that wasn't an excuse to stick close to his new crush. Nope. Not at all! Right. He really could do with the coaching, though, just so he wouldn't fall and hurt himself. He'd rather not have to use his mutation to heal, as he somehow didn't think the freerunner would take too kindly to seeing his hands covered in that odd orange glow, repairing his own body by reversing the damage done to it. The longer he could go without revealing that particular secret, the better. "So, what do I need to learn, first?"
"Careful, keep having that much fun and it might actually start being good for your health." (for Desmond, from Levi. Also guess who's kinda sorta trying to revive one of her old blogs? :3 )
Desmond looks at the new face with the biggest grin. “It better be good for my health!” He calls laughing as he hangs from a flag pole. (One of the flag poles that hang off the sides of buildings you know what I’m talking about right?) “Shaun keeps telling me I’m fat so I hope this is good for me!!” He yells as he flips up to crouch on the pole with a grin. “Want to play parkour tag? Hay what’s your name? I have not seen you around before.”
(Hello lovely!!!!)
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Why did Stan Lee make a cameo in The Princess Diaries 2? Was this foreshadowing Disney buying Marvel? Is Princess Mia going to be an Avenger? So many questions
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hope your pets stay healthy in 2017
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(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nix2UgCyqh8)
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He grinned and let out a small laugh as he read the text. That would either shut Lexi up for a while, or cause her to question when the hell he’d become such an outspoken feminist. The stranger’s comment about saving him made him giggle again. He couldn’t help it. Maybe it was her accent? Or perhaps it was the notion that she actually had saved him from his sisters barrage of puns, like a knight in humorous armor. “Levi. Levi Donavan,” he answered happily. “What’s yours?”
"That is the most real, authentic, hysterical laugh of my entire life." (from Levi. Also, hello again! I know it's been a while, but I'm the mun of that Yumichika blog that you used to interact with. I'm finally back~)
Skylar was confused as she heard the man speak to her. Looking over at the man, she asked. “Ah, are you…talking to me?” Her english was broken since she hadn’t spoken it in a while. 
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Y’all, I present to you a very integral part of my childhood. Tales of brain-controlling slugs, walking salad-shooters, and teenagers who could morph into animals in very weird and amusing ways and talk to you inside your head while morphed. It was absolutely amazing! Marco was my spirit animal~
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What the fuck. I thought that was just a joke. Is this childrens book series actually like this?
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While he didn’t understand exactly what she’d said under her her breath, he could tell by the look on her face that it was his cue to shut the hell up. He was annoying her. Great. He tilted his head slightly at her suggestion, though. “Uh...y-yeah, that might actually get her off my back.” What? “Go for it.” Before he could really think it through, the flustered singer was handing a complete stranger his phone, which was now blown up with over fifteen stupidly juvenile puns and counting. There was no passcode on it; Levi wasn’t quite as paranoid as his twin sister, Lexi. He just hoped he wouldn’t regret this.
"That is the most real, authentic, hysterical laugh of my entire life." (from Levi. Also, hello again! I know it's been a while, but I'm the mun of that Yumichika blog that you used to interact with. I'm finally back~)
Skylar was confused as she heard the man speak to her. Looking over at the man, she asked. “Ah, are you…talking to me?” Her english was broken since she hadn’t spoken it in a while. 
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“Huh?” Levi looked up from his phone at the girl who had spoken. “Oh, uh, sorry, no. My sister was pesterin’ me with puns, and I can’t text to save my life, so I had to use speech-to-text software to reply.” Just as he finished his sheepish explanation, his  phone went off about five more times. He ignored it after glancing at the first two messages. Both were ridiculous puns, and he knew the others would be just as bad. “Seriously, I dunno what’s gotten into her. She’s just been super-annoyin’ t’day! Sorry again. I, uh...I know I gotta sound really rude, right now,” he said with a nervous chuckle, putting the phone away, though it continued to buzz. “I’m not tryin’ to be, I promise!”
"That is the most real, authentic, hysterical laugh of my entire life." (from Levi. Also, hello again! I know it's been a while, but I'm the mun of that Yumichika blog that you used to interact with. I'm finally back~)
Skylar was confused as she heard the man speak to her. Looking over at the man, she asked. “Ah, are you…talking to me?” Her english was broken since she hadn’t spoken it in a while. 
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