dalisayy · 2 years
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Originally posted by lucyllawless
“Well, I shall definitely share a drink to old friends. I feel blessed today, my thanks.” Lothor dipped his head to a bow of a nod. Indeed it was lovely to see a familiar face.
Lothor reached an arm gently to accept the invitation. “To old friends” he said as the glasses met before a sweet flavor honored his drying lips. Today will be a good day.
Gods or not,
Tonight he thanks Dali.
it was odd it had been awhile since she had something nice to celebrate. especially not since arriving here. the people were nice, if not a little warry of her. she could only imagine how lothor must have felt the first time arriving here. if people did not trust her right away she could only imagine the looks lothor must have gotten. a large man like him surely raised some eyebrows. two friends in a strange land it seemed.
the sweet liquor was the perfect way to top this surprise. 
“so tell me, how did a mercenary such as yourself end up in this little trade town? you mentioned you just got in. do you live here now? or just passing through?” she asked, hoping he did not mind all the questions she was throwing his way.
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dalisayy · 2 years
She was being sweet on him, and Lothor had a hard time hiding his smile or red cheeks. Once she told him of that jon he took on two years ago, it was as if he was visiting a dream fresh from yesterday. The barbarian was indeed asked by the caravan leaders to help protect the people and guard their supplies. Honest work for him and he did meet lovely people, including Dali.
“Dalisay!? Yes, I remember. Your mother was indeed a lovely woman as well as a talented dancer, and you sheepishly shy yet charming company. Gods it must of been two years ago I believe. Haven’t heard or seen you since! I merely came to ask for supplies for my journey. It won’t before some times, I’ll be here for a while. If you wish to spend some time over a drink and chat.”
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Originally posted by bills-skarsgards
"what are the chances..." dali smiled, shaking her head. still not believing she was seeing him here. how nice it was to bring back such memories.
"i have not seen a familiar face in a very long time. i have been traveling on my own for a few months now, which is much different than a caravan. i don't know how people do it all the time. it was far too lonely." and dangerous of course. dali spent most of the time traveling disguised as a boy but i will be here for a while. it was safer to do as more people just left her alone if they believed she was a lone boy traveling. not to mention she barely knew how to hold a sword when trouble came her way. but someone despite all the odds she managed to make her way here. "but i will be here for awhile though. i don't plan any more solo traveling for a bit at least." she laughed.
"oh! wait here!" the artist smiled, giving his arm a small squeeze. in a flash she was towards the back of the shop, opening the small door to her room. digging through her things she found a bottle of liquor she had gotten along the way in her travels. "this seems like a cause for celebration! that is if you don’t mind having a drink with me now" she called back to him before emerging holding the bottle and two glasses.
pouring them both a glass she held hers up towards him. "to seeing old friends."
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dalisayy · 2 years
Upon this sunny day, the comforting glow of the sun warmed Loki’s face, something that improved his mood greatly. As of late, he had been grumbling and annoyed by the workload, seeing to the fact that he wasn’t used to working. If he was the king, though, he wouldn’t need to do all that silly little stuff or deal with witless people. He would sit on his throne and raid every land known to man. He undoubtedly deserved the title of the king with his intellectual capabilities and charming nature instead of that brute they were forced to call a king. 
However, if he wanted to charm his way to the throne he required a new tunic. He didn’t expect high quality from humans but there was no other option. He had to stoop low.  “Good morning,” he greeted the young lady, a tight little smile on the corner of his lips. “As a matter of fact yes. I need a new tunic. And I am sure you are the ideal person to help me,” his smile broadened into a grin, a glimmer of mischief in his eyes.
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“i believe i will be just the person you need then.” dali smiled at the stranger. well almost everyone here was a stranger to her and she was a stranger to them all. some of these people having never left this one small village before in their entire lives. many of them growing up alongside one another and here she was. a young woman, with a foreign accent and barely any money to her name. but somehow she was making do with what she had.
this man however was someone she had not seen walking around the village before. but perhaps she had just missed him.
dali gathered up her embroidery hoop and supplies and brought it back into the shop, waving for the man to come and join her. small examples of some of her work were laid out on the tables. intricate detailing embroidery lines the collars and cuffs of men’s tunics and motifs of flowers and the ocean on women’s dresses. all of them cut and sewn to a high degree. in dali’s mind, there was no point in making something cheap when she could just spend the extra time to make it perfect. “is this something you are looking to have made special? any certain detailing or colors. we do have some already made if you wanted to take a look. but if you wanted something nicer. i would have to take your measurements…if that is alright with you sir.”
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dalisayy · 2 years
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Originally posted by sparkling-lux
The large man nodded and followed her to look at her wares. Lothor rubbed his eyes and tried to sober up. She had a face that made the day delightful already, though her accent set off his primal nature. He’d pay to hear her tell tales.
“I am glad she is well. I can understand spending time seeking kin, I have no issue in this, as you are here to help me out. I am here for merely business, and to of course put a good word in or two to the mistress, and yourself.” Lothor said with a respectable body of his head.
“I made no order, but I am in need of supplies. In short time I am going on a little journey and will pay you gladly for items to help along the way. I am Lothor by the way.”
“that would be very appreciated. i only just arrived here to the village. and the mistress has been very kind in giving me a job here.” and a place to sleep as well. not that she would tell the stranger her bed was just beyond the doors in a small back room. it was nothing fancy nor was it terrible. but enough space to call her own until she was able to find another place to stay in. maybe she would be lucky and some small home would become abandoned and she could move in. until then however the back of the shop would do just fine. 
dali began pulling out a few examples of clothing she had made to show the man. “i would be happy to make you something if that is what you are looking for. i do hope you are here for a few days? unless you are just passing through and leaving tonight?” she asked the man.
however when the man mentioned his name she nearly dropped the stack of fabric in her hands. “lothor?” she said. memories rushed back to her of the large and slightly intimidating man who was part of the group of mercenaries to helped to protect the caravan many moons ago. she had been far too nervous to really talk to him back then, but now here he was in the shop. “i do know you.” she said, putting down the fabric and taking a step closer towards him. “the leaders of the caravan hired you to help protect us…gods when was it…two years ago? i doubt you would remember me there were so many of us. my mother was a dancer there… i’m dalisay, or well dali most people call me.” she paused, speechless for a moment. so surprised to see him here in this small place. “sorry i…it’s just nice to see someone from before…i, uh…sorry.” she said, shaking her head to turn back to her work.
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dalisayy · 2 years
Oh how his old self would have loved this, to see a beautiful woman dancing in a storm. He could thing of no better way to worship him, to invigorate his powers. He would have protected her from danger, made lightening dance around her, close enough to feel dangerous, far enough that she would not be harmed. 
There was no one to protect her from it now. 
“Aye, I think my own mother was always frustrated with my playing with.. in storms” he gave her a small smile. They had always been small since he had fallen to earth. 
“But they have not hurt me yet. Nor you, if you are still dancing today.” He had moved closer, close enough that he no longer had to shout, watching as the storms lit their figures intermittently. “Thor would be pleased, I think, to see you standing strong in his chaos!”
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memories of her mother’s dancing flashed back to her. dali missed her more than she could put into words. a deep sense of grief that had burred its way into her very bones. but her mother would not want her daughter to be so sad, to wallow in a grief that wanted to overtake her like the waves in a storm. no, instead she would want to see her dancing. dali could close her eyes for a moment and see her beside her in the rain.
“i am learning of your gods here still. people in the carvaan would talk of thor though and his might. maybe he is celebrating something now to bring such a storm like this. i would hope he may think i am strong for being here. and you as well.” she said, giving the stranger a smile. odd enough that she had no feeling of worry around him. all her time traveling one may think she would have a heightened sense of paranoia but even in the storm she did not feel it. “i am dalisay and who are you stranger?” she asked of him.
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dalisayy · 2 years
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Originally posted by jasonmomoaonline
The journey was long. Long.
“Lothor! We reached port!” Lothor’s ears twitched. One of his hired hands rang only good news today. The large bear of a man stood up and waited until port. He alone walked off to meet a fine lass. Either the hang over was hitting him or this woman was the best thing he’d seen since ever. Lothor politely coughed.
“I was expecting the mistress, but I will not complain her absence. We do hope she is in good health. We are merely here for goods”
this man looked familar but it was hard to place exactly where she had seen him before. dali had met hundred of people before, thousands even. it was part of the life being in a traveling caravaan, you met more people than you could ever keep track of. but his face....how could someone forget a face like that? it was clear he was someone but her memory was failing her. 
she was thinking too long and quickly caught herself to begin speaking again. “oh yes, apologizes she is not here. she is in good health, just out visiting some family. so it’s just me here. i hope that is enough.” she said standing up from her seat. “please come in.” she said waving the man inside the shop. “were you looking to pick something up or have something mad?” she asked, her accent unlike those around her. but it seemed maybe his was to. “i...i am sorry but do i know you? you seem so...familiar.”
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dalisayy · 2 years
location: the seamstress shop
open starter
it was a beautiful day to sit outside. not a cloud in sight and the sun shining brightly down on the village. closing her eyes, for a moment dali soaked in the calming atmosphere of the day. in her lap her latest embroidery hoop was almost done. it was an intricate detailing of one of the viking ships she had first seen when she first arrived in the village. a small tapestry of her time here.
her hands made quick work of the details on the ship. her concentration focused entirely on her project until she heard the footsteps of someone approaching the shop. there was a bright smile on the young woman’s face as she greeted the guest.
“good day.” dalisay greeted, her voice thick with a foreign accent. “this mistress is not in the shop currently but i could help you with something if you needed?” she asked them.
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dalisayy · 2 years
The night was dark, the cold darkness that came from a storm like this. The only break to the darkness came from the flashes of lightning across the sky. Bringing to world into view for a second or so, before it was plunged into darkness once more. 
He should be the only one out in this weather. The only one who felt at home under the torrential rain. It was during one of those flashes of lightning he realized he was not. 
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“What are you doing” he had to shout to be heard above the thunder “you could get yourself killed!” 
how does someone call a strange land home? was it even possible to be home in a place she knew so very little about? but there was the beginning of roots being put down here or at least the sprinkling of them going out. she had a job as a seamstress, at least some way to keep coin in her pocket and food in her stomach. she had a roof over her head, although it was just a back room of the seamstress shop but it was something. somewhere to call her own at least for a bit.
yet there still was an ache of something missing. something yet to come, she couldn't explain it. it kept her tossing and turning that night.
and suddenly she was running outside in the pouring rain, her head thrown back feeling the water on her face. she had no idea why she was out here or what drove her into the storm but here she was. and through the clashing sounds of the thunder she heard another voice. “i could say the same for you sir!” she called back to him, her accent foreign to these lands. “my mother used to say dancing in the rain was the best way to connect to nature. that it helped to connect you to the earth.”
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