DAKOTA VIRGINIA WILKEStwenty four. pureblood.former slytherin. care of magical creatures professor."want it, so i got it, did it, so it's done. another thing i ruined i used to do for fun. another piece of plastic i could just throw away, another conversation with nothing good to say."
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closed starter - dakota & silas ( @silcszcbini )
"Come on Silas, don't you know by now that I love to create a little mischief?" Dakota asked with an eyebrow raised. "Besides it didn't hurt anyone, just created a little chaos."
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"I'll be fine, trust me, it's not the worst thing I've heard, nor has it been the worst thing involved mine and Auden's last name. Most of the time it is directed toward him though." Dakota ran her hands through her hair. "I just don't exactly do great being reminded about who my parents are."
"Take all the time that you need," Pepper insisted when she immediately picked up on the energy that Dakota had come over there with. "However, if you want to talk things out you can also do that. I am a notoriously great listener."
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closed starter - dakota & auden ( @audenwilkes )
Dakota laid on her brother's bed, looking over at him, a lot of things just running through her head lately. "Have you ever thought about what it would be like if our family wasn't... y'know, our family?"
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closed starter - dakota & pepper ( @pepperrcsewccd )
Dakota took a deep breath, trying not to lose it. It wouldn't be the first time someone made a comment about her last name, and surely it won't be the last, but it still made her upset. "I'm fine," she said to Pepper when she saw the other, having made plans to meet up. She wasn't sure if Pepper could seethe anger on her face. "I just, need to take a few deep breaths and let it go. God, people are so ignorant."
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"Clearly," Dakota replied. "What's got you out this way? This place is out of the way for you."
"It was not my intention to scare you, 'cos," he chuckled softly, reaching to gently squeeze her shoulders. "Just coming by to say hi. However I tend to be light on my feet."
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"You'd be surprised how much someone can tune out the sound of heels when you grow up in the society I grew up in," Dakota replied. "Plus I tend to be pretty jumpy when I'm very focused on something."
"Sorry– light on my feet," Pepper replied in reflex. "But I am wearing heels, I'm surprised that I didn't give myself away with the sound they make against the pavement," she then quirked a brow. "You okay? Prone to being jumpy perhaps?"
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Dakota jumped when she heard something behind her. "Don't do that!" she yelled at the other. "Don't you know not to scare a girl by coming up behind them?"
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“Oh, I’m well aware,” Dakota replied, clicking her tongue lightly. “Come on Iris, I’m always the one complaining, let me be on the other side. You could literally say anything and I wouldn’t judge, seriously, like who am I to judge anything?”
Iris had to bite her tongue, knowing how easily Dakota could be injured by words and her intention wasn't to tear anyone down. If it had been, she wouldn't have warned them in the first place. "Sometimes a sparkling personality can prove more of an irritation, I hate to tell you. Though that's awfully optimistic of you to think that I'm the type to speak about my feelings, especially in a mood like this."
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“Oh, I’m definitely always eavesdropping,” she answered. “It’s fun.” Dakota gave a slight shrug. “But I mean more on social media. Like no one cares about your tweet on a sandwich.”
"Hm... I suppose." Lucas murmured in response. "Unfortunately gossip sells whether or not it is cruel or unnecessary or true. The Gossip Witches are proof of that." Any time they came to his mind, he thought of them with a certain distain for the pain they had inflicted on the people he cared about. "A sandwich? How closely have you been listening in to other peoples conversations?"
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Dakota put a hand to her heart, "Oh good, I'm glad, that means you're learning," she teased. "Maybe then next time this means I won't have to say anything about it."
"I figured inviting you would mean I'd have to put my own wallet on the line," Ambrose chuckled at his cousin's request. "But of course, I can accept those consequences."
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"Hey, at least we have pretty decent co-insiding allergies and things we buy that are gluten free are also nut free and pretty much all allergen free," she replied at his dig at their snacks. "Either way, I'd keep an eye out to make sure they're not trying to off you," Dakota joked. "I would miss you, because who else would have like the best allergen free flat on the block."
"They probably didn't realise," Auden shrugged. "We have other people visit our place that don't have life threatening allergies, they can eat them instead of eating our kind of pathetic choice for snacks," he chuckled.
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"Oh good, I love having in real life cheat codes," Dakota said, joining her cousin in line. "What would make it better would be if you would buy your lovely cousin, a.k.a. me, lunch."
"Would you look at that? I feel like I haven't seen this place this packed in a while," Ambrose commented, looking around at the area that was more crowded than usual. "Join me– it'll help you cut the line," he offered with a grin.
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"I mean... I guess, but not everyone can write the papers," Dakota replied. "Though maybe it's worse that way, because they do get paid to be stupid. At least we don't have to listen to someone say they ate a sandwich in the papers."
"You mean you don't class the papers similarly? Have you not seen some of the stuff they call news?" Lucas pointed out easily as he scribbled something into his book. "Plenty of dumb people everywhere. Some just manage to make money off their stupidity."
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"Well, I never said I had good ideas," Dakota replied, plopping down next to Iris. "Besides, being in the presence of my sparkling personality should cheer you up, or maybe talking about why you're so pissy right now. I'm all ears."
"I'd seriously consider whether you really want to speak to me right now. I don't promise you will make it out unscathed." Iris warned them as they came up beside her. She bit into the sandwich she'd bought earlier on when she'd managed to grab something. It wasn't exactly appealing but she was bone tired right now and honestly, energy was energy in whatever form it came in.
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Emma Myers as Pippa "I am not okay with this" Fitz-Amobi
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closed starter - dakota & lucas ( @lucasharpcr )
"I think some wizards are smart for not doing anything social media. Sometimes I stare at a tweet and wonder how someone can be that dumb."
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