daisychainchoker · 4 days
love the word “rapscallion”. like not only are you a rascal but you’re also kind of spring onion about it too
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daisychainchoker · 4 days
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daisychainchoker · 19 days
love when creatures sniff your hand and are like. ah understood
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daisychainchoker · 1 month
not only are there no bad languages there are also no bad or annoying dialects
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daisychainchoker · 1 month
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daisychainchoker · 2 months
“While many people think fanfiction is about inserting sex into texts (like Tolkien’s) where it doesn’t belong, Brancher sees it differently: “I was desperate to read about sex that included great friendship; I was repurposing Tolkien’s text in order to do that. It wasn’t that friendship needed to be sexualized, it was that erotica needed to be … friendship-ized.” Many fanfiction writers write about sex in conjunction with beloved texts and characters not because they think those texts are incomplete, but because they’re looking for stories where sex is profound and meaningful. This is part of what makes fan fiction different from pornography: unlike pornography, fanfic features characters we already care deeply about, and who tend to already have long-standing and complex relationships with each other. It’s a genre of sexual subjectification: the very opposite of objectification. It’s benefits with friendship.”
— Francesca Coppa, “Introduction to The Dwarf’s Tale,” The Fanfiction Reader (via francescacoppa)
Someone put it into words. I gotta sit down
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daisychainchoker · 2 months
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daisychainchoker · 2 months
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Two years?! I’m in!
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daisychainchoker · 2 months
its been p common knowledge for decades that light pollution can be massively reduced by just putting shades on streetlamps, and that doing that would save energy, help wildlife, and let us see the stars better, but are society says if u wanna change any minor little tiny thing u gotta dedicate ur whole life to campaigning for it and this is a good ways down the list of priorities for most ppl, so instead i gotta walk past newly-installed streetlamps that are just dumb glass globes that use half their electricity to blast half their light directly into the sky where it does only bad things for no reason and think "we should overthrow the government"
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daisychainchoker · 3 months
crystal: charlie, do you want to play a game
charles: no
night nurse: why would i ever want to play a game with you
crystal: it's called girlfriend or best mate
charles: no please no
night nurse: ... and what does this game entail
charles: crystal im begging you
crystal: ill give you a quote ive heard charles say and you have to guess if it was about me before we broke up, or his "platonic-best-mate" edwin
charles: oh bloody hell
night nurse: are the boys not already, as the humans say, together?
crystal: *slamming her hands down on the table* EXACTLY
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daisychainchoker · 3 months
look tom cardy has a lot of goodies but this remains my favorite
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daisychainchoker · 3 months
nothing pisses me off more than when i see a fic on ao3 talking about reach. "this ship isn't here but i added them for reach" "this fandom tag isn't necessary but i'm adding it for reach" "reposting for reach" STOP IT!!!! this is not tiktok this is not twitter this is an ARCHIVE this is not how it works!!!
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daisychainchoker · 3 months
Fuck this is GOLD the whole dancing sequence of the skeletons of dead boys detectives I didn't know this existed
Btw I saw it on twitter where it also explains the details from the opening credits https://x.com/Bowtiedino/status/1796971544545038682?t=GtscLrWq6-_J-xlINf6vrA&s=19
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daisychainchoker · 3 months
a woman holding her boob should be considered a neutral pensive gesture like when a man scratches his beard
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daisychainchoker · 3 months
There is something really magical about the sound of a photocopier photocopying. It feels very substantial. It feels very crunchy. You feel like the machine is putting work into its task, but you also have no fear that it is breaking because it seems so certain and sure of its movement. God damn it's comforting. It makes me want to take the photocopier out into the forest, set up a little fire, and just lean against it while I stare up into the stars knowing that it would copy the stars for me if I would just but have the courage to ask.
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daisychainchoker · 4 months
I keep seeing people say that they want to see Edwin be with someone else and that jealousy is what makes Charles finally realize he loves him back, but I really don't want to see that.. I just don't like the idea of Edwin starting to build something new with someone else and then Charles just coming in to tear it down because he finally realizes his feelings, like that seems so selfish and uncharacteristic of Charles.. also like how sad for whoever Edwin was seeing if that happened.. like Monty all over again. I also don't think Edwin would be ready to try to genuinely date someone else that soon after his confession. Like he's been in love with Charles for 30 years and Charles just said "we have literally forever to figure out what the rest means" and you don't think Edwin would at least give him a few years to see what they figure out before trying to date someone else?
That being said, what I WOULD like to see is them build on the confidence that Edwin gained from his interactions with the Cat King. I'd like to see Edwin experimenting with being more flirty. I want to see him flirt with random guys and I want to see him flirt with Charles. I think Charles idolizes Edwin in a way and I think it can be hard to see someone you so look up to as a romantic prospect for yourself and I think Charles seeing Edwin be flirty is what could realistically make Charles realize that he wants Edwin in that way.
Obviously I think Charles is already in love with Edwin, but I think he's too focused on "respect and protect" to realize it (and of course heteronormativity obviously isn't helping).
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daisychainchoker · 4 months
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do you see my vision?
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