daintyj1 · 7 years
“Life doesn’t always give you what you want; Life is a series of ups and downs, Life is also a choice; good or bad, you choose. You can choose to wallow in the strangling oceanic depths of depression or you can choose to fight the good fight; the fight of faith, But remember that the decisions you make today are bricks of the future, build or destroy, your choice. You and only you holds the…
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daintyj1 · 7 years
Dear Student,                           Be Strong 2 There’s the physical Stress too. You are faced with tough situations from time to time. You know and have been severally that :a good student has to study and complete notes given to them by teachers and submit them to their respective teachers. A good student has to have complete handouts and textbooks in his possessions. A good student has got…
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daintyj1 · 7 years
I gathered strength out of summoned courage. I stood up and staggered towards the sea.This is the perfect time to die.I shivered slightly, The cold was getting at me gradually, finally. I took a step forward.I was a bit surprised that I hadn’t died of cold already. I still wore the office attire I left the house with this evening and it helped deceive everyone that I had paperwork to do at the…
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daintyj1 · 7 years
I gathered strength out of summoned courage. I stood up and staggered towards the sea.This is the perfect time to die.I shivered slightly, The cold was getting at me gradually, finally. I took a step forward.I was a bit surprised that I hadn’t died of cold already. I still wore the office attire I left the house with this evening and it help deceive everyone that I had paperwork to do at the…
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daintyj1 · 7 years
DEAR STUDENTS DISCUSS Dear Student,                                   BE STRONG You suddenly find yourself in the midst of people you hardly know. You may have had premonition that School will be stressful or must have heard that school is stressful. You may have even properly planned and prepared for tough school life….When the time was right, you left for school but nothing, nothing prepared…
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daintyj1 · 7 years
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daintyj1 · 7 years
       There I stood . I was Staring at the ocean,my back against the world.The world seemed Dark and Empty,There is nothing here for me. My clothes were wet because of the  raindownpour, It was raining heavily. My vision was blurred by the rain. I closed my eyes and let the winds make my silk unbelted Kimono jacket blow in all directions. I could not believe it,This was not a movie,this girl…
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daintyj1 · 7 years
SUICIDE IS NOT THE ANSWER 2. There I stood . I was Staring at the ocean,my back against the world.The world seemed Dark and Empty,There is nothing here for me. My clothes were wet because of the raindownpour, It was raining heavily. My vision was blurred by the rain. I closed my eyes and let the winds make my silk unbelted Kimono jacket blow in all directions. I could not believe it,This was not a movie,this girl staring at the ocean is I, Jemima Karen Collins. The best graduating student of Flying Hearts College of Medicine, America.I had my masters degree from the same university,the best university of all times.I had Beauty,Brains and It just seemed that I had Character,at least that was what people said of me..........before It happened. Before Tonight, I had a fancy Job and I was chased by The most Elite men from all over the globe. I was loved by my Parents,adored by my siblings and admired by many. I had what would be every girl's dream. The world was bright and I was happy. Now,The world looks so gloomy . 'This must be a dream', I muttered. Tears began to flow down my eyes.'What happened?,How did I get here?. How...Just How did I get here?' I said in a little more than a whisper. The past few events that lead to tonight came running through my mind.......;They came uninvited. Once upon a time,There existed a happy First class Honours Candidate....,me. At least,The girl that existed before this shadow,this fading shadow staring at the ocean. I was accousted by a lot of men but my heart beat for only one,the one that did not approach me. He was a Christian brother and was actively involved in the church activities. He took his christian life quite seriously.I was not his type. Although, I was not wayward and I believed there was God but I just did not have time For his God,God was a distant feature of the earth. The only thing I knew about God was that he was a Sovereign being , I learnt that from primary school CRK lessons, I dropped that subject in Junior School 3 when I could,I was afterall transitioning to Senior Secondary School and needed more time to read.I realize that all that was just an excuse,it was not genuine. He barely looked my way when we met at first but with time he became my close friend and it did not take him to long to get me to go to church as he started pestering me to go church. Once or Twice,I did go but I was always bored. I wondered why the other girls my age jumped and shouted halleluyah regularly,I thought they were either hypocrites and feigning their act or trying to blend in or maybe they are just overhyped . I did feel some supernatural presence but I remained ummoved,If God wanted me,he would come and get me,I thought and dismissed the subject of Divinity the moment I stepped out of the church,I thought no more of the subject afterwards.The name of this Christian guy was David,Dave for short. Dave fell so deeply in love with one of those hyperactive church girls called Ebube or something. I was devastated. He confided in me about this Ebube and of course, I did not either discourage or encourage him. I simply kept my distance from him and crawled into my shell I did not know existed until he told me about Ebube. How could I throw my life away because of Love that was not even reciprocated? 'How....How ...Just How could you?' I said amidst Shivers,raising my hands forward and bending my fingers slightly as if I was in a debate trying to convince Judges.I looked up at the skies and memories of the most horrible night of my life came back into play. There was an emergency that evening at Flying Hearts Hospital where I worked as Head of Surgery Department. It was quite a difficult situation as the patient involved was shot very close to her heart and several arteries were punctured and a rib bone bruised.I was asked to conduct the operation as I was an expert and I went in quite confidently but Distracted. I remembered examining the child and noting to myself all the consequences of the gunshot on the girl.The moment I entered the Surgery room, my Professionalism and Doctor instincts Kicked In. I was greeted by the nurses giving the Information they had about this Young girl. Her name was Naomi Williams and she was near death. I said nothing and closely examined her.The doctors generously supplied me all they had found out when they examined her before I had entered. I nodded my head in professionalism and as I listened to the doctors, Nurses placed the neccessary equipments around me. I finished listening to the doctors and examined the patient as well. Questions started doing their side of the deal in my head.Asides the damage,what was our edge? Were the ribs broken, What arteries were punctured? Major arteries? If punctured? To what extent were they punctured? Is she still breathing? Is her breath slowing by the minute were the questions simultaneously asked in my head. I was glad because the rib bone was only bruised and not broken completely. That was a miracle,the rib bones will heal with some Painkillers and supplement . The young girl was bleeding too fast and had lost a lot of blood, We had to take measures to control the bleeding from the Thoracic region and contact her mother to donate some blood,We needed a lot of pints of blood.I looked up at the nurse across me and nearest me. She looked efficient and professional. 'Get across to the Child's Mother,where is she?' I asked in a near shout to my nurse not taking my eyes away from the Patient. 'On the Corridor on this Floor,she refused to stay downstairs in the Visitors space Ma'am'. 'Good, I 'll talk to her myself,This patient needs blood. Do we have Pints of Blood group O blood?' 'Just a minute Ma'am' The nurse hurried out to the surgery room to get back that piece of information we all needed. 'Call me Doctor Sam on your way! And if there are the much needed Blood group pints,Bring them along' I called out to her. She stopped in her tracks and to look at me. 'Yes ma'am', She said and excused herself. I looked at the child again and decided to speak to her mother perceiving that there was not enough pints of the required blood type. 'She's Stable!' I called out to the doctors distancing my self from the girl. 'I will be back'. With that I said,I headed out to look for the Mother of the Little girl on the corridor. I saw with her head bent crying so hard her body jerked. 'Hello ma, I believe you are Nancy's mum?' She stood up with a start. I had to notice that Her eyes were red and swollen. Frankly,In three words,She was a bunch of Nerves. I was filled with compassion. I would try to put a smile on her face by getting her daughter up. Noone but the devil deserves the torture that woman was going through.Although, a lot of emotions were building so fast in my heart, I kept a straight and professional look. 'Yes I am, Doctor,How is my daughter ?' 'Good,She's stable but she has lost a lot of blood Ma'am, She needs blood donations ma and quickly' Surprisingly,The mother cleaned her tears with her hands,Expensively Manicured nails,I couldn't help but notice them. She gave me a tough and Heart piercing look. I was taken aback for a bit and was nearly intimidated If not that I was a tough Doctor as well when she gave me that look. She's quite something, I thought. 'I will give all of my blood if It takes that to save my only child' She said with quite a determined demeanor,Lips quivering. 'That's good ma, Please call your husband and some relatives as well who are willing to donate blood'. I said with Doctor's wisdom. Of course,She can't donate all her blood,We will just take some of her blood without risking her own Life. 'Yes Ma, Yes ma....Please Doctor, Save my only Child, save my Nancy'. 'I will try' I said in a near whisper. A very Professional High Pitched Voice interferred in our Discussion. 'Doctor Sam is in the surgery room and we have only one pint of Blood ma'am ' The nurse said returning from the Blood Bank confirming my suspicion that the blood bank was short on blood group O and It's in the surgery room. 'Good, Get some nurses to assist and test what Blood group this woman is and her Family'. The nurse looked right and left when she saw no family. 'Are her relatives on their way?' The nurse said adjusting her glasses.she was smart as well. 'I believe they are' I answered. With that said, I turned and headed to the Surgery room. 'Doctor?' I stopped in my tracks and turned to look at the Child's mother. 'Yes?' She looked at me with trusting eyes like I was some messiah. 'Please save my child,......Please' .She managed to said before breaking down again. I turned back to continue to the surgery room first before saying,' I 'll try, Do your part ma'. 'Doctor?' I stopped and turned again patiently. 'Yes ma'am' She rose to her full height and gave me that steely look. I remained unmoved this time around. 'No mistakes or else I will sue you to court and your career will end with her.' Was she threatening me? I wasn't moved. I was tempted to continue towards the ward. I decided instead to be Patient and Understanding. 'Nancy shall come out alive' 'Good' she said with emphasis on the word. 'Excuse me'I said excusing myself Again I was interrupted by Doctor Sam on the Corridor. 'She's bleeding again Doctor Jemima' 'What?' I whispered in disbelief. Immediately,There was Power Outage. The rest is History.The end result? No, There was no miracle.The Little child of Eight years of age died not because of the power outage but because of my mistake. I left some equipment in her body and She had bled to death.I remember Doctor Sam telling in the darkness after the power outage in a scared whisper that I had left some equipment in the patient's belly,I was afterall,the one who operated her.It was discovered that I was responsible for such costly mistake and the girl's mother fulfilled her promised to sue me to court. The case is still in court and my reputation that I worked so hard to build is at stake,If not ruined. The entire world is watching with mouth gaping with surprise and disappointment at my sudden downfall. I bent my head. What disturbs me the most is that little girl,she deserves the chance to live...to grow into a teenager and get married. She and her mother trusted me to save her life and what did I do? Just what did I do? I killed her child. I forgot some damn Surgical instrument in her body and she bled to death! She died a horrible death. She does not deserve this....She does not,! 'Argh! Take my life instead and raise the gurl pleeeease.....God! God! If you are alive! Answer me please! Take my Goddamn Life! ', I cried. There was no response. I did not expect any. I am not one to insult my self so I kept reflecting on this past events and wallowing in self pity. A sudden overwhelming feeling came upon me and I screamed... 'I am not a bbbbeeeeeaaaast! I am not a murderer!!! GOD!! Where are you?' I managed to utter the last sentence in a whisper before my legs gave way and I fell to my knees on the wet sand and I shouted again before falling into a heap on the ground. With my face on the ground and my nostrils inhaling dirt, I stuggled in vain to get these thoughts out of mind,I was weak in no time and I let these wicked thoughts continue to torment me.The rain fell harder and Ocean tides,currents and Volume grew with ease. Dave would take Ebube to the altar in two weeks. I had no confidant anymore. I am quite a principled Lady so his marriage would mean to me that I would see him less and tell him less also. I am such a wretch. I thought I had seen it all but Life was not satisfied with the whirlwind of woes it brought my way,I say whirlwind because this mishaps hit me hard and too fast causing so much Havoc in such a little time and moreso because all the mishaps are Chain Occurences.No space to rest. No space to laugh again. Just What am I talking about? Last week, I was prepared to go to court to plead guilty. Of course, I tricked my Lawyer into believing that I would keep mute and plead Innocence but no,in truth I was going to sell myself. I deserved that Jail sentence and was prepared to give that child's mother up to half of my estates if the court ordered me too.The night before the court day was yesterday. Yesterday, I was raped and robbed by three masked men. Not one, not two men but three Faceless robbers.How these men were able to penetrate and breach the tight security My father insisted on at my Mansion, I do not know. They must have had an inside alliby;a traitor. I have lost everything. I have lost my dignity, Those faceless men stole it. I have lost my Pride,Life took it without warning. I have lost my reputation, just one glance at the Tabloids and news papers and you would know ......,you would know that I lost it all. My fortune? It's meaningless to me now.Money does not give Joy. I told my Lawyer that if he did not see me in 24 hours,he should ship them all to the accounts of 28 different orphanages and Sponsor the Children of the woman whose daughter I killed, to University and even Up to their Masters degree. I begged him to connect them to people who would give them Jobs .Of course,He would not see me in twenty four hours.I 'ld be gone forever. The one thing that gives me joy,my career is gone. I worked too hard to get to where I am today and I lost it in one minute and with one mistake.I studied 22hours over 24 every passing day in college to get to that Position. I went to no parties,I had no friends,I forgot to eat my food and became very thin. I had no relationships,Most of my mates are married with children. I sacrificed too much! I thought it was worth it since I was more successful than they all were. I was Wrong. Worst of all,I lost my Friend Crush to that hyperactive Christian girl whose name was Ebube and does not know jack about anything! But who is the the wise one now. Me or Hyperactive Ebube? No,I corrected my self, She isn't hyperactive,She is in Love with God. Oh I wish! Oh I wish I accepted God on time. Now Its too late, I have got to take my life.This is the perfect night to die....when no one is watching.... About 100 kilometers from the spot on the Island where broken Jemima was,There stood an odd creature with red eyes, two horns,elf ears ,Bloody Fangs in a hanging mouth and a nose that breath out smoke.It was watching Jemima. 'Finally,I have finished this one,she has to die...She has too much potential. Dragging her here was not easy at all as she had intercessors. Assignment almost completed, More blood', It said with a drawl. Who's the next? ' Dave,God's heartthrob and Jemima's intercessor'. It frowned.It might be hard but I, Demonicus,would take him down. It said with a deadly Snarl,More smoke from it's nostrils. There was another who Jemima Knew nothing about. He was as a matter of fact her Arch-intercessor. His name was....'. It always forgot his name. It quickly opened a scroll that held the names of victims and Children of Light he planned on Killing. Again, that Boy's name disappeared from the scroll. It snarled with anger and exhaustion and picked a pen and Scribbled 'Fireboy' where this troublesome Man's name had once been. Authur's note: Hello There! Phew! What a story! I am Princess Joseph and I wrote this story. Anyone can fall into this probelm but always remember that Suicide is not the answer. If right now, you do not feel any pressing need to take your life,then thank God sincerely because his grace covers you. There are three points to learn from this story. 1) Let your happiness not rely on any one asides God. That way,you stay happy all the time. 2) Be wise and extremely careful. If you are not emotionally fit for something. Abstain or ask God.This is to avoid pain,disappointments,mistakes and the lot.Seek God's direction and always ask his opinions on any step you want to take or any action you want to execute. 3) Invite the Presence of God Into your life by observing the quiet time everyday. Life is full of the Good and Bad and it is impossible to get to your place of destiny without passing through the storm. A lot of people loose faith in the period of storm but when You pray,read God's energizing word,praise and hear from God,You will have Joy to lead you through the storm and into your morning. A man is no body without his source. God gives you hope to live through the difficult times.Outside God's presence there is no Protection and Joy at all.Say No to "Had I Known". NOTE: you might not even know who your true intercessors are. The story does not end here,there is a second part. Did jemima take her own life? What happened with Dave and His Fiancee? Make sure to watch out for it and read it.WHAT OTHER LESSONS DID YOU LEARN?
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daintyj1 · 8 years
So today, I brought up a topic about Headwrap on my page with a white and blue logo
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