dainisaurus · 2 years
Fascinating, how a word could triggers me like never before
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dainisaurus · 2 years
Have you ever feel like nobody is taking on your side? No?
Feeling left out, constantly demanded to be good in every aspect. Never considered to have a feeling.
I have gave up my life as a person, a daughter, a close friend, and a member of society.
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dainisaurus · 4 years
어자피 인생은 혼자
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dainisaurus · 4 years
It's okay, as long as you're happy.
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dainisaurus · 7 years
Kebenaran di depan mata, namun aku terus mengingkarinya
yang selalu benar
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dainisaurus · 7 years
They reached their conclusions after carrying out a surgical procedure (endoscopic thoracic sympathectomy) on a 28 year old man to curb his excessive facial flushing.
The surgery entailed cutting the triggering nerves inside his chest. The procedure itself was successful, but 10 weeks later, the usual postoperative prescription of strong painkillers and staged physiotherapy had barely made a dent in the severity of his pain.
The man explained that exercise and movement just made the pain worse, preventing him from completing his rehabilitation and recovery. Furthermore, the constant pain caused him a great deal of distress and wrecked his quality of life.
Before his surgery, the young man had been a keen triathlete, and so had swum competitively in open water. He thought that a cold water swim would, at the very least, provide some welcome distraction from the searing pain.
He returned to the same coastal spot where the triathlon took place. The only way to enter the water there is to plunge in from a rocky outcrop, he explained. Competitors are forced to swim for around 60 seconds before being able to clamber safely back ashore.
To his surprise, the young man felt no pain while he was in the water, but nor has he felt any since, the authors report. His preoperative quality of life has been fully restored and he has resumed his usual sporting activities without further recourse to any painkillers.
More information: Cold forced open-water swimming: a natural intervention to improve postoperative pain and mobilisation outcomes? BMJ Case Reports (2018). DOI: 10.1136/bcr-2017-222236
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dainisaurus · 7 years
I have to sacrifice something to get what i want, bebe. Even it's my chance to talk with you.
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dainisaurus · 7 years
To you, my presence itself is a lie.
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dainisaurus · 7 years
He doesn't have the courage to ask any question
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dainisaurus · 7 years
Cerita dari masa lalu
Dulu pas kecil pengen banget punya rumah 2 tingkat, soalnya pengen bisa liat pemandangan dr ketinggian. Tapi sayang banget ga kesampean. Alhamdulillahnya pas rumah di rehab (gw kelas 5 SD kayanya), depan rumah dibikin kek balkon gitu atasnya, tapi nggak ada tangganya gt cuma buat aksen doang. Yaudah deh, karena pengen liat pemandangan dari atas, gw sama adek naik ke atas pake alat kalo bahasa jawanya ‘ondo’ bahasa inggisnya 'ladder’ (gatau istilah indonesianya apa). Ddaradanddaraa~~~ sampailah gw sama adek diatas dengan perasaan excited banget. Udah puas, gw ngajak adek turun soalnya panas jg kan di atas. Nah pas mo turun shock tu gw liat bawah. Anjaaay tinggi banget, trs gw takut turun soalnya emang agak-agak takut ketinggian gitu. Panik lah gw, gaberani turun, gamau turun pake ladder lagi soalnya serem banget coy mending kalo tangga. Yaudah lah gue teriak-teriak gamau turun. Adek gw udah bete banget tuh gw cuma pegangin tangga doang gamau turun padahal doi udah kepanasan. Udah maksa gw gitu buat cepetan turun sambil marah-marah tp gw ttp kekeuh gamau, maunya turun kalo digendong bapak. Yaudah kan ya karena bete, adek gw turun duluan. Tinggalah gue diatas seorang diri teriak-teriak manggil bapak minta diturunin. Daaaa, kirain krna gw udah teriak-teriak histeris gitu gue bakal ditolongin, ternyata nggak. Disuruh turun sendiri deh gw, lah gila. Udah nangis-nangis ttp gamau nolong hahaha. Trs karena gw udah tidak tahan lagi di atas, turun deh sambil nangis-nangis sama dimarahin bapake :( Nah pesan moral dari cerita ini adalah : 1. Kadang orang gamau tau sama keadaan kamu, jangan suruh orang lain ngertiin kamu. 2. Tanggung jawablah dengan apa yang sudah kamu perbuat, jangan bikin orang lain susah cuma grgr keputusan kamu hehe. 3. Kadang orang gamau nolong meskipun kita udah minta tolong. Apalagi ga minta tolong ya ga? 4. Badai pasti berlalu.
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dainisaurus · 7 years
You guys need to understand why this is actually so monumental for EXO – this #1 is COMPLETELY different from the other times [REMINDER!] MELON CHANGED THEIR CHART to make it difficult for idols! Like sure album sales are amazing, but so many people like to pretend that EXO has no public presence or that it’s only because of “crazy fangirls streaming at midnight” that their songs would get#1. This is why when Melon had their chart reform and changed the timing to the noon/evening, everyone was quick to say “RIP EXO” “Guess they won’t be getting number one songs since no one Korea knows them”
Because to do well during this time you NEED to have BOTH an ENORMOUS fandom AND a huge public presence, which is nearly impossible. NO group has managed to get a #1 after the chart reform because it is just THAT difficult. Only GDragon and IU who are known as “DIGITAL MONSTERS” were able to debut #1, not even Twice or Red Velvet although they performed well. This reform was MADE to STOP idols from taking over the chart and represent the public taste
But would you look at that
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What? What was that you said? EXO are “digital flops?” “No one in the public knows them?” “It’s only crazy fangirls?” “EXO are declining?”
Sorry couldn’t hear you over the sound of complete, and utter digital slayage
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dainisaurus · 7 years
Karena kamu nggak tau, mungkin yang kamu tunggu smsnya ternyata lagi ngetik sms buat kamu disaat kamu ngetik 'sibuk banget ya?' instead of 'kok ga sms-sms kan aku nungguin'
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dainisaurus · 7 years
Happiness is to not be haunted by your past
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dainisaurus · 7 years
Happiness is to be grateful in every state you are
Inspired by QS 2 : 152
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dainisaurus · 7 years
Happiness is to not be haunted by your past
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dainisaurus · 7 years
Happiness is to read your message
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dainisaurus · 7 years
Expect the Unexpected
Banyak yang bilang kalo masa-masa kuliah itu kesempatan buat nyari pengalaman di mana-mana. Ya ikut organisasi lah, ikut kepanitiaan sana-sini lah, ya ikut segala kegiatan diluar kampus lah. Kadang, mindset yang kaya gini bikin orang ‘mendewakan’ mahasiswa yang ikut kepanitiaan sama organisasi banyak. Wah keren ya dia, pasti sukses, pikir kebanyakan orang. But somehow gue agak kesel juga sama pemikiran ini hahaha. Okelah mahasiswa yang punya pengalaman organisasi atau mari kita sebut aktivis pasti lebih terasah kemampuan bekerjasamanya. Tapi apa cuma aktivis doang yang bisa sukses cuma gara-gara mereka menang pengalaman segudang? Kadang, orang yang diem-diem doang, cupu, kupu-kupu dan hobinya main laptop doang bisa jadi orang yang sukses juga. Orang yang kerjaannya ngegame mulu bisa jadi professional gamer, orang yang hobinya kongkow, dandan, sama foto-foto bisa jadi selebgram atau youtuber terkenal, orang yang hobinya kokoreaan mulu juga bisa jadi blogger terkenal sampe bisa bawa dia jalan-jalan keliling dunia, jadi pembicara di talkshow seputar korea, bisa wawancarain idol favorit dia. Kalo dari segi materi, apa yang kayak gitu nggak bisa disebut sukses juga? Huahahaha, atau gini deh. Cewek yang hobinya dirumah doang, kalem, nggak suka macem-macem, nggak jadi aktivis, ternyata doi adalah ibu yang baik buat anak-anaknya, istri yang baik buat suaminya, pinter masak, pinter handle kerjaan rumah. Apa yang kayak gitu nggak disebut sukses juga? Ya, sukses itu tergantung bagaimana kamu melihat dan mengukur pencapaianmu sendiri. Eventually you’ll shine with your own way. Kadang, nggak perlu nanggepin omongan orang kalo kamu harus ikut organisasi ini lah, acara ini lah buat sukses. This is your life, only you know how to deal with it. Tapi inget satu hal, you have to master something you really enjoy doing, and put all your heart into it. Jangan nyerah. Ga mutu ya? Wkwk, hanya sebuah pemikiran dari seseorang yang males menyibukkan diri menjadi aktivis. The words written above was just excuse haha ._.
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