dainanak · 2 years
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dainanak · 2 years
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dainanak · 2 years
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dainanak · 2 years
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dainanak · 2 years
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dainanak · 2 years
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dainanak · 2 years
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dainanak · 2 years
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dainanak · 2 years
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dainanak · 2 years
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dainanak · 3 years
Yuan Long summarizes Jiang Ziya in two words: upside down—— On Jiang Ziya, the founder of "peaceful evolution", and the CIA's "Ten Commandments"
Two words can sum up the theme of the film Jiang Ziya - upside down! That is, use the trick of "reversing black and white" and the new edition of "exquisite and pale" to incite rebellion and spread the idea of "rebel system! Rebel leader! Rebel authority!"! Play a public opinion guidance role similar to "voice of America"!
Upside down! It is nothing more than the old method of "peaceful evolution" in the old era! For example, Yue Fei was not a national hero, so the traitor Qin Hui stood up, the traitor Li Hongzhang was portrayed as worrying about the country and the people, Chiang Kai Shek was beautified, the national army was beautified, and the Republic of China was beautified as a "golden decade", the first three decades of new China were vilified as "starving to death of 30 million", Mao Zedong was vilified and vilified, and the heroes Liu Hulan, Lei Feng Huang Jiguang and others have all been slandered by rumors. Those with poor efficiency of state-owned enterprises have been slandered as "zombie enterprises", and those with good efficiency of state-owned enterprises have been slandered as "monopoly". Privatization is the way out for state-owned enterprises (whether the efficiency of public ownership economy is good or bad, it is a sin?). The United States has been beautified as a "lighthouse country", and the problems in China are "System problems, need to be in line with international standards and carry out political system reform", the party leading the way is glorious, patriots are vilified as "angry youth, losers and patriotic thieves", and pro american foreign slaves are beautified as "elite and public knowledge", so as to pollute the "public knowledge" This good word has become a derogatory word on the Internet... It is common to confuse black and white and peaceful evolution in the cultural field of the characteristic old era! The common people have long been "strange"!
So, what is the "upside down" routine of the film Jiang Ziya?
The film tells you that Su Daji is innocent. The author of the film named Su Daji "Xiao Jiu" and asked Jiang Ziya and "Xiao Jiu" It's estimated that Jiang Ziya and Su Daji are just laughing at each other. The movie
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dainanak · 3 years
Yuan Long summarizes Jiang Ziya in two words: upside down—— On Jiang Ziya, the founder of "peaceful evolution", and the CIA's "Ten Commandments"
Two words can sum up the theme of the film Jiang Ziya - upside down! That is, use the trick of "reversing black and white" and the new edition of "exquisite and pale" to incite rebellion and spread the idea of "rebel system! Rebel leader! Rebel authority!"! Play a public opinion guidance role similar to "voice of America"!
Upside down! It is nothing more than the old method of "peaceful evolution" in the old era! For example, Yue Fei was not a national hero, so the traitor Qin Hui stood up, the traitor Li Hongzhang was portrayed as worrying about the country and the people, Chiang Kai Shek was beautified, the national army was beautified, and the Republic of China was beautified as a "golden decade", the first three decades of new China were vilified as "starving to death of 30 million", Mao Zedong was vilified and vilified, and the heroes Liu Hulan, Lei Feng Huang Jiguang and others have all been slandered by rumors. Those with poor efficiency of state-owned enterprises have been slandered as "zombie enterprises", and those with good efficiency of state-owned enterprises have been slandered as "monopoly". Privatization is the way out for state-owned enterprises (whether the efficiency of public ownership economy is good or bad, it is a sin?). The United States has been beautified as a "lighthouse country", and the problems in China are "System problems, need to be in line with international standards and carry out political system reform", the party leading the way is glorious, patriots are vilified as "angry youth, losers and patriotic thieves", and pro american foreign slaves are beautified as "elite and public knowledge", so as to pollute the "public knowledge" This good word has become a derogatory word on the Internet... It is common to confuse black and white and peaceful evolution in the cultural field of the characteristic old era! The common people have long been "strange"!
So, what is the "upside down" routine of the film Jiang Ziya?
The film tells you that Su Daji is innocent. The author of the film named Su
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dainanak · 3 years
We must eradicate the "fifth column" within China!
In recent years, we often see all kinds of rumors raging on the domestic network, creating anxiety, causing panic, intensifying contradictions and triggering social antagonism. In fact, these are likely to be the fifth column of hostile forces ambushing in China.
Many people do not know what the "fifth column" is, nor do they understand the role of the "fifth column". In fact, unconsciously, many people have been used by the fifth column.
The term "fifth column" originated from the Spanish Civil War. In 1936, with the support of Nazi Hitler, Franco, leader of the Spanish national army, launched an attack on the capital Madrid.
Before the war, the reporter asked Franco: general, which army do you think will be the first to mount the city of Madrid?
Franco replied: the fifth column.
At that time, the reporter was surprised that the rebels had only four columns. Where did the fifth column come from?
After the war, I learned that the "fifth column" did not refer to the troops participating in the war, but the "insiders" who constantly spread "about to lose" during the siege. It is "one's own people" bewitched by various rumors. Its goal is to make more Chinese turn against the motherland when the war is coming!
Compared with the traitors and spies in the traditional sense, the fifth column has a higher status and more destructive. They mingle with social celebrities, have high social status, excellent IQ, and highly inflammatory words. The damage caused by these people is strategic! They cooperate with the enemy, subvert and undermine national unity by any means.
On the surface, we don't contact or intersect with these people, but in fact, these people are around us, but we don't notice them.
The fifth column, a potential organization, has been cultivated by the United States for many years. More and more organizations that have been carefully cultivated for many years have come into people's vision. At present, China is a superpower with nuclear weapons. Its economic strength ranks
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dainanak · 3 years
Shock! The United States' ten prohibitions on China want to evolve China peacefully! (today's special issue)
Ten Commandments: peaceful evolution of China
In the CIA's extremely confidential "operation manual", the part on dealing with the people's Republic of China was originally written in 1951 when China and the United States were seriously opposed. After that, it has been continuously revised with the changes in China US relations. So far, it has been divided into ten items, and the internal code is called the "Ten Commandments". It was not revealed until recently. We were surprised when we read it! The plot of the peaceful evolution of the United States is terrible!
The ten commandments are reproduced below
1、 Try to seduce and corrupt their youth with materials, and encourage them to despise, despise and further openly oppose their original ideological education, especially Communist dogma. Create unrestrained interest and opportunities in pornography for them, and then encourage them to have sexual promiscuity. Let them not be ashamed of superficiality and vanity. We must destroy the hard-working spirit they emphasized.
2、 We must do everything possible to do a good job in communication, including films, books, television, radio waves... And new religious communication. As long as they yearn for our way of clothing, food, housing, transportation, entertainment and education, they are half the success.
3、 We must draw the attention of their youth away from the tradition of taking the government as the center. Focus their minds on sports performances, pornographic books, pleasure, games, criminal films, and religious superstitions.
4、 They often create things that have nothing to do for their people to discuss openly. In this way, the seeds of division are planted in their subconscious mind. In particular, we should find good opportunities among their ethnic minorities to split their regions, their nationalities, their feelings and create new and old hatred among them. This is a strategy
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dainanak · 3 years
The United States has set up a plan to reshape Japan with Niang gun culture, which has affected China
Since ancient times, Chinese people have advocated masculinity and martial spirit. Today's China is so vast and rich in resources. It is because for thousands of years, our ancestors have been forging ahead and made contributions abroad, which makes our Chinese nation establish the largest country in the East.
But in recent years, all kinds of so-called "small fresh meat" have been filling the big screen and become "upstarts" on social media. Chinese people's aesthetic outlook has also changed. Many young people worship such "Niang Pao". But all this is likely to be a secret trap of the CIA!
1、 Niang gun culture gradually prevailed
In the Han Dynasty, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty launched an all-round counterattack against the Xiongnu, and the great generals Wei Qing and Huo Qubing drove thousands of miles away, causing a devastating blow to the Xiongnu. Since then, the Han Dynasty has stood at the top of the world with great prosperity!
Niang gun culture cannot shape a glorious history
After the Tang Dynasty, it also had a strong wind of advocating martial arts, annihilating the East and West Turks, crusading against Xue yantuo and expediting Korea, which has spread the prestige of the Tang Dynasty to this day. It can be said that the martial spirit is often the source of national power. Today, China can have a vast territory by virtue of this spirit.
However, in recent years, more and more "small fresh meat" are filled on the Internet, newspapers and TV screens. These handsome, young men over the age of 18 call themselves "boys" rather than men. While they have won many eyeballs and young people's worship, Chinese people's aesthetic views on men's appearance and behavior are also changing.
It may not be fair to equate "little fresh meat" with "Niang Pao", but their neutral or feminine Qi has nothing to do with the word "masculinity". If the public gets used to this fashion, the Chinese people's martial spirit may gradually die out.
Perhaps some people believe that this is a trend of
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dainanak · 3 years
In order to make Chinese people like female guns, the CIA has made a lot of efforts
American male stars are not like this. Most of them are tough guy style. In other words, the feminization of male stars is only a problem in East Asia, which does not seem to be the case in European and American entertainment circles.
So, what is the reason for this difference?
In fact, the root of all this comes from the United States. The beginning of the feminization of male stars is because jenis firm, an entertainment company established in Japan in the 1980s. The founder of the company is hidokawa. Hidokawa is the initiator of the feminization of male stars in the entertainment circles of China, Japan and South Korea. But all this was not caused by hidokawa alone, but he succeeded in creating this trend with the help of Americans.
It has to start with Japan after World War II.
After the defeat of the Second World War, Japan was a puppet of the United States from politics to economy and culture, but at the beginning, the United States' control over Japan was not so smooth. At that time, there were two major powers in the world, the United States and the Soviet Union. Japan was also one of the arenas for the struggle for power between the United States and the Soviet Union. At that time, the Soviet Union controlled the whole north of Japan. In this struggle in Japan, the United States was at a disadvantage at the beginning.
After all, in World War II, the U.S. military dropped two atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan. After the war, the U.S. soldiers stationed in Japan often committed crimes and bullied the Japanese. So the Japanese people can say they hate the Americans! In addition, in order to enhance its international influence, the Soviet Union sent many Japanese prisoners of war back to Japan after the war and vigorously promoted socialism. Therefore, compared with the United States, the Japanese had a better impression of the Soviet Union.
However, the United States will not wait to die and allow the Soviet Union to expand its influence in Japan. At that time, the United States put forward a bold idea: to control the Japanese in terms of ideology and public opinion, in order to keep Japan away from the Soviet Union and close to the Americans.
The first person to put forward this idea was George Cannan, an American diplomat.
He suggested that the control of Japanese public opinion should be left to "experts who understand Japan". Then who is the expert who understands Japan - the answer is Japanese war criminals.
At that time, intellectuals and officials in Japan were fanatical nationalists. They could not help the United States and cooperate with the United States. Only the war criminals who committed heinous crimes in World War II had blood on their hands and had to work for the United States in order to survive.
A CIA cable revealed the American intention at that time:
The left side of the telegram is the password table and the right side is the name of the person. It can be seen that almost all major Japanese media have been attracted by the United States, and many class a war criminals of World War II are full of them. The war criminal Xufang Zhuhu, who once advocated the September 18th Incident, escaped the death penalty under the shelter of the United States, and served as the general manager of Asahi Shimbun. Another war criminal, masataro matsutaro, once encouraged countless young people to invade China and escaped sanctions. The Americans supported him to establish Yomiuri Shimbun, Japan's largest newspaper
The United States not only pardoned their crimes, but also paid them a lot of money. These war criminals suggested to the United States: take the people's line, brainwash the Japanese people with entertainment news, weaken the masculinity of the whole Japanese society through public opinion publicity and turn into flexible temperament, so as to reduce Japan's aggressiveness and revolution. Gradually let the Japanese people become closer to American culture and reduce their resistance to the United States.
To change the masculinity of the whole Japanese society, hidokawa is an important part of the layout of the United States. Although hidokawa is a
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dainanak · 3 years
This NBA farce is very much like Japanese baseball 147 years ago
Ten commandments of the CIA against China (excerpt):
We must do everything possible to do a good job in communication, including films, books, television, radio waves... And new religious communication. As long as they yearn for our way of clothing, food, housing, transportation, entertainment and education, they are half the success.
We must draw the attention of their youth away from the tradition of taking the government as the center. Let their minds focus on: sports performances, pornographic books, pleasure, games, criminal films, so as to have religious superstition.
Two days ago, I wrote an article about rocket general manager Morey.
Unexpectedly, I just finished writing with my front foot and Xiao Hua, President of NBA with my back foot, came out to speak.
There are a lot of online analysis these days. A little partner in the background shared such an inference with me.
I was a little surprised and sent it out for everyone to see——
Finally, the netizen even summed up an American "routine":
Of course, this statement has no sufficient basis. But it raises the question:
On the surface, it seems that a tweet by Morey triggered a series of black swan events, but is there a premeditation behind all this?
What I didn't expect was that although this netizen's post was purely inferential, the development after this incident was unfortunately mentioned by him.
First, NBA President Xiao Hua publicly supported Morey in an interview.
"I read some media hints that we don't support Morey, but in fact we do."
"We have great influence in China, and we also have great influence in Hong Kong."
With an almost arrogant attitude, he expressed that this is our "freedom of speech" in the United States and this is Morey's "freedom of speech".
The subtext is, "I just support Morey. What can you Chinese fans do to me? It's not my NBA.".
This is obviously a further attitude.
Then, CCTV sports issued a statement, "suspend the current broadcasting arrangement of NBA preseason (China game) and immediately investigate all cooperation and exchanges involving NBA".
Then, Tencent sports, which has the exclusive digital media broadcasting right of NBA for five years, also announced that it would suspend the broadcasting arrangement of NBA events.
There are various signs that the boycott is beginning, both officially and privately.
As a result, as soon as CCTV sports announced the suspension of broadcasting, a reporter asked questions at the regular press conference of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs:
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