Hey guys! I just have some writing prompts that I make mini stories from posted daily! Hope you enjoy!
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Want to be praised by historia and nobara for being such a good girl while they take me but degraded by Maki and Ymir who being such a nasty cumslut
saw this in the morning but finally had time to write something😪
warning: degradation(?)praising, teasing, mentions of ‘cumslut’
I feel like historia would be very sweet while shes fucking you, might even hold your hand and rub her thumb against your palm. She’ll wipe your tears when she realizes its too much for you, shushes you when you cry how you cant take it and praises you for how good you’ve done.
Nobara seems like shes a little more rough than historia. She would be gentle with you but would tell you to stop being such a baby about it when she sees you crying from the pleasure. She would also hold your hand and maybe praise you as well and have that cute little smile on her face that makes you all shy.
Ymir seems like she would tease you, like literally tease you when she sees you crying. Like literally have a small smirk on her face and tries to push you off the edge by saying things like “aww I thought you could take it?” or “I thought you were a good cumslut?” like literally drives you crazy.
Maki seems like she wouldnt take your shit. Feels proud when she heard your cries and teases you about it too. Likes to send you over the edge with calling you names and and just fucks you too well that it makes you hazy.
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It just kills me when writers create franchises where like 95% of the speaking roles are male, then get morally offended that all of the popular ships are gay. It’s like, what did they expect?
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Chapters: 8/? Fandom: Overwatch (Video Game) Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Fareeha "Pharah" Amari/Angela "Mercy" Ziegler, Aleksandra "Zarya" Zaryanova/Mei-Ling Zhou, Emily/Lena "Tracer" Oxton Characters: Angela "Mercy" Ziegler, Fareeha "Pharah" Amari, Lena "Tracer" Oxton, Ana Amari, Jesse McCree, Genji Shimada, Hanzo Shimada, Aleksandra "Zarya" Zaryanova, Mei-Ling Zhou, Sombra (Overwatch), Satya "Symmetra" Vaswani, Winston (Overwatch), Emily (Overwatch), Doomfist: The Successor | Akande Ogundimu, Hana "D.Va" Song, Lucio, Widowmaker | Amélie Lacroix Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Gangsters, Girls with Guns, Underworld, Why isn't there a tag for tough love?, Russian Mafia, Smoking, Car Chases, Implied Sexual Content, Rock references fuck yeah, Torture, Boats and Ships, villains in love, Pharmercy, Hate to Love, Gangster Fareeha, Crime Boss Angela, Luxury, Tattoo Marks, Reporter!Emily, rocket angel, Overwatch - Freeform, hand holding, Operas, Pharah x Mercy - Freeform, trigger warning, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Mutual Pining, Victims of Causality, Flirtationship, Comfort Scene, semi-hiatus Series: Part 1 of Overwatch Bundle Summary:
Pharmercy story set in a Gangster AU, based on Super Risu's amazing drawings and inspired by Logos' and orenjikitty's takes on the setting, specifically this piece: https://tinyurl.com/y6ub7979
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I worked on chemistry all day yesterday and today I’m going to the library to focus on maths and history. 👊🏾👊🏾👊🏾
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When your memes about writing gets more notes than your actual writing
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Dont ask me
If I’m sure
That my heartbeat vanishes only around her
As if I’m forcing myself
To be burned alive with want
And at the mercy of a smile
I don’t want her
To make me seem special
I need her
Because I feel the crushing pressure
Of everything’s she’s ever done and how I’ve been helpless to it
Every inch, every fiber of my being blooming like spilled ink
All over the idea of her
I am sure
That this is natural
As natural as the waves crashing over each other
As storms whipping and whirling and making your very bones s h a k e
I don’t want to be seen as special
Unless she sees me as such
She makes me feel freed from all the clothing I’ve hidden behind
I would spring out shamelessly from the shoes and hangers
If it meant I could be near her
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You’re the girl that I want to come home to
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I don't know if I truly want you
Or if I just like the feeling
Of warmth blooming inside me
My toes curling, paperthin smiles
So much
I can't tell if I'm dreaming
And our tension is nonexistent
Like my feelings
Are supposed to be
I'm not supposed to feel this
I don't think
I even want to
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How come it's so easy
Too easy
To believe in things that can't be mine
How can I feel so close
You pressing into me
Me pressing back
Skin and heat and hair and all the little things
That are replaced by air
I call you figment in my head
And that's all you are
Hope and heart and half a wish
Remains of a dream
But still
You exist
And there is space between us
Space and time and steps and hands
All I can feel is distance
A distance the size of forever
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Dear girl next to me,
You have lovely hair, and your pink outfit matches your black and gold beaded owl backpack. How do you make black and pink look so much better than me. I guess I'm a creep for even thinking of a letter to write to you. I swear I'm not. I'm just lonely and sad. But then again, I'm sure that's what they sau about all creeps. Are you texting someone? I hope things are going well there. I wish you were talking to me. Even if it was just small talk. It's miserable that I'm so desperate for attention, to feel that maybe, just maybe someone would want me. Want to talk to me, want to love me. I have a wish for you, pretty pink girl with the owl backpack: I don't wver want you to feel as awful as I do.
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The "Crush Thing"
Let's be real here. My sexuality has never been clearcut. It came to me in stages, and I've come a long way from that. I'm past middle school, where I knew I didn't like boys, simple as that. And I've felt that confusion of being around the stigma that "everyone has someone" but still not liking boys, girls, or anything in between. I switched between, acearo, demi, and the labels would sometimes suddenly no longer become of a part of me, like an old T-shirt that no longer fit, but looked like it did in the mirror. I had my first crush in freshman year, and it was on a girl. I went throught the weirdness of that, the coming to terms of "hey, maybe there is something a bit more to me like I thought" . It developed into a relationship that dissolved so quickly I didn't even get used to the word 'girlfriend' on my tongue. Yeah, I learned that sexual and romantic and aesthetic attraction were all different things. And you know what? For me, those things don't quite line up, and probably never will. By now you're probably thinking, "You've got it figured out. Good job!" I wouldn't disagree with you either. Until today. I was blatantly asked my sexuality. Suddenly, my mouth went dry, and I couldn't answer, like I was an insecure, questioning, teenager all over again. I've never lied to myself about who I was, so now why was I so hesitant? It's not like it was the first time I've talked about it. I initially chalked it up to me questioning myself again. I hadn't really had a crush after my first, could this be am exception? Does this have to deal with my feelings about somekne that appear in a well, crushing force but leave before I could make sense of it? It was neither. Because before I knew it, things were normal again. The dry nervousness about my sexuality dissapeared. I knew who I was, and some random bout of emotion wasn't goingto scare me into being insecure about myself. The truth is, sometimes this sort of thing happens. Your sexuality, whether for a few weeks, or a few minutes, might become unfamiliar to you. It's normal. It might be a lack of confidence, or a hint for something to come. What did I do?? I took it in stride. I kept on moving. And later, things were cleared up. And if you are seriously questioning, chill. You'll be fine. Don't worry about labels too much, because they sometimes aren't meant for everyone. What's modt important then, is to stay true to yourself and do what feels right. You'll know who you are soon enough. - The Sassy Sapphic
#open letter#diaryentry#dailywriting#advice#sapphic#ace#asexual#lgbt#lgbtcommunity#wlw#questioning#selfconfidence#article#random#demisexual#aromantic#acearo#selflove#insecurity#girls#writers
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so my friend @writerblvd and i just birthed this theory about shiro’s white hair (we’re probably not the only ones to think of it, but i’m posting it anyway).
now, we came up with this at 6am/4am (in our respective time zones) so keep that in mind as there may be a few holes or mistakes, but just… hear me out for a sec.

as we all know, it turned white during his time held captive by the galra. the voltron wiki says that it was due to stress. but what if (dun dun dun) that’s not it at all.
as we saw in 3x07, honerva/haggar didn’t always have white hair. it was originally a dark grey, until she was exposed to quintessence (before/after shown below).

so, our theory is that when they gave shiro his metal arm, they had to expose him to quintessence in order for him to properly be able to control it and use it like a normal arm.
think about it, his body would most likely not be able to form its own connection to the foreign technology and treat it like a regular limb. so the galra probably had to do something to fabricate that connection, hence the quintessence.
this theory only makes more sense when you look at the placement of the white hair on shiro’s head.

it seems like it would be weird for only that part of his head to be exposed right? until my friend pointed out the fact that it’s directly over the frontal lobe.

the frontal lobe of the brain controls all sorts of things, so at first we thought that they would have done surgery on that. but then we realized, oh fuck, it’s actually the motor strip that controls the voluntary movements of the skeletal muscles.

but, umm… look at where the roots of the white hair actually stem from.
the front part of the white hair is actually mostly grown out. but the roots of the white streak seem to be growing, yep you guessed it, right over the motor strip.
my friend also pointed out that arm has to be powered by something, right? like that thing can cut through metal and weld doors shut. if the arm is truly connected to his brain by quintessence, that would also explain the fact that there seems to be a power source inside of him.
so, yeah, those are just our thoughts. but, like i said, it’s super late, so maybe we’re both just completely insane. what do you guys think?
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Eliza Schuyer Sisters Dress Tutorial
Below the cut is a step by step tutorial on how I made my friend’s Schuyler Sisters dress.
Keep reading
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Check out this post on Amino
#body#writing#bopo#poetry#i hope you like it#its kinda personal#but i feel it would help#itd be really nice if you read it#I'll copypaste here later#self love#poems
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