freeze, jerkwad!
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just another sideblog dedicated to the lovely Oliver Queen and Felicity Smoak not spoiler free tracking: dailysmoakqueen
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dailysmoakqueen · 4 years ago
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make me choose: @emily-bett asked felicity smoak or oliver queen
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dailysmoakqueen · 4 years ago
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I missed you.
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dailysmoakqueen · 6 years ago
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A series of Olicity sexy moments: 3x20 The Fall.
Requested by @snorlaxishere
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dailysmoakqueen · 6 years ago
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But that’s not real, is it? There are no more “one mores.”                                                                                                         —Someone Great, 2019
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dailysmoakqueen · 6 years ago
Do you have any headcanons about Oliver keeping a journal?
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Ever since 4x06 it’s kind of impossible not to headcanon about Oliver keeping a journal. The really optimistic side of me wants to believe a therapist in Ivy Town told him to start keeping his thoughts down in a journal but I know how difficult it would be for him to sit down and talk to a stranger about everything that has happened. So, I’m not sure who came up with the idea. 
Maybe Felicity suggested it one night when he was feeling particularly troubled. He thought it sounded silly at first. A grown man keeping what was essentially a diary? That was until Felicity gave him The Look. You know the one. The look that causes grown men to wither in their seats. He went out the next day to buy himself a journal. Nothing fancy but something he could see himself writing it. At first, it felt weird, talking to a journal, writing down his thoughts. But as the days went on he started to feel lighter. These thoughts and burdens were lifted off of his chest and buried in the diary. 
Oliver wrote less when he got back to Star City. He simply didn’t have the time but when he does write, he feels so much better. 
Somewhere, Felicity has a box of all his own journals. She’s never read them out of respect for Oliver’s privacy, though she has been tempted. That doesn’t mean that Mia hasn’t read them once or twice… for five times each. 
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dailysmoakqueen · 6 years ago
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Through space and time Always another show Wondering where I am I'm lost without you
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dailysmoakqueen · 6 years ago
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The Squirmell
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dailysmoakqueen · 6 years ago
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dailysmoakqueen · 6 years ago
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dailysmoakqueen · 6 years ago
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Favorite Olicity quotes:2x12 “Is that judgment I’m hearing?”
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dailysmoakqueen · 6 years ago
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dailysmoakqueen · 7 years ago
a collection of various olicity fics and ficlets from my drafts folder, partially completed. some AU, some canon related. many related to established verses i’ve created, although do not need to read those verses to read these fics.
1. daemon au
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dailysmoakqueen · 7 years ago
Never You, Baby: Ch. 1 (an Olicity fic)
Summary: Felicity Smoak has always been a good girl. The kind of girl that gets straight A’s and perfect attendance, and, despite a penchant for hacking, never gets into any real trouble. But being perfect doesn’t make being a teenager any easier and, seeking a distraction, she finds herself hooking up with the sleaziest man whore in school. Oliver Queen is the last guy any self-respecting girl should sleep with. So why can’t she stop?
A/N: It’s insane the kind of stuff I find collecting dust in my google docs… This is based off of The DUFF, but sort of loosely. In fact, I’m pretty sure I’m not going to include any of the actual DUFF stuff in this, but I don’t know yet. We’ll see. I’m basing it more on the book so if you’ve only seen the movie this is going to be a little darker. I’m posting it because why not, but I don’t have any schedule to update just FYI.
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Felicity watched the clock in the front of the room, over the blackboard. Only fifteen minutes left until the school day was officially over.
Usually Felicity was all about school. She loved it. Well, she loved learning and the fact that the effort she put in now would give her more control over her future. She wasn’t as big of a fan if you were talking about, say, the social hierarchy of Starling Prep. She definitely wasn’t a fan of some of her peers, if she could even call them that. But today… today she had an important message awaiting her and Mr. Steele had a strict no phones policy in class.
She glanced to her right to see Helena Bertinelli texting under her desk and rolled her eyes. The policy was more of a guideline for some of the students, but Felicity wasn’t some of the students. She was a scholarship kid, and even though she was pretty sure she was Mr. Steele��s favorite, there was no way she was risking a detention on her sterling record. Not now, when she was getting ready to ask her teachers for recommendation letters for MIT.
A phone dinged in the back of the room and everyone spun to see who it was. Everyone except Felicity, that is. She already knew.
“Sorry about that, Walter,” a voice said, sounding just as smug and overly confident as always. “I forgot to turn it back on silent.”
“Make sure you do, Oliver,” Mr. Steele said, his accent becoming slightly more prominent with his frustration. “And then put it away, please.”
Felicity glanced over her shoulder to see the student in question flip his phone to silent and then shoot a wink to Helena before placing it back in his pocket. Helena barely tried to suppress her smirk and Felicity spun back around in her seat, rolling her eyes. She had little doubt what those two would be doing later.
Each other, she thought with an annoyed eye roll.
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dailysmoakqueen · 7 years ago
fic: Instagram Followers Control Their Date
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Hi Guys! In today’s video, you guys decide my brother’s date with my best friend Felicity! This is definitely gonna be interesting since, ya know, these two aren’t even dating. Do you think they’re gonna kill me for this? Tune in and find out!
AN: So here we are again with another youtuber au fic. This basically conceived in my brain when I watched Remi Cruz’s video where her instagram followers control her first date. For some reason, my brain immediately thought this would be a cute Olicity au.  I don’t even know how I managed to write this. Honestly, it might even be considered a crack fic. I hope you guys like it though!
Thea smiles into the camera, giving a little wave. She’s seated on the floor of her room, the lights are dimmed, setting the tone.
“What’s up my Royalties, welcome back to another Thea Thursday video.”
“And oh my god, you guys, this is actually a very special video. I honestly feel like this may be my most anticipated video. At least anticipation from me because i’ve had this idea brewing in my head for a while. You guys don’t know what’s about to happen, unless of course you were following along my instagram a couple of weeks ago.”
"But I feel like even if you didn’t know this was gonna happen, you guys probably wanted something like this to happen anyway. So let’s get to it.”
“This is a trend that’s been going on for a while now on youtube and I already did an Instagram Followers Control My Day video a while ago and that went well. But there’s a new one that started called Instagram Followers Control My Date. Sounds intriguing, right?”
“So I thought it would be fun to do something like that but, I also know that you guys are probably sick of me and Roy at this point. And let’s face it, you guys already control my dates with Roy anyways cause I always ask you on Instagram or on Twitter what we should do. Which is why I thought why not change it up a little. So that’s how this came to be, so… here’s what’s going on.”
“You guys know my best friend Felicity Smoak? She used to be my roommate. In fact, if any of you are OG Royalty’s then you’ve seen her in a lot of my old videos. She’s still in some of my vlogs now but not a lot because she actually works at a legitimate job as a kickass computer wiz. She’s also been single for a while now so I thought why not set her up in a blind date…
With my brother!”
“Yup, I’m setting her up on a blind date with my big brother Ollie, whom you all know. You see him sometimes in my videos and notorious for being a grump.”
“So here’s the thing, Ollie and Felicity are actually friends. Like they work together and they hang out sometimes. I figured they’d be the perfect people for this fun video because Ollie is also perpetually single. And I think the two of them will have a great time.”
“I actually got this idea from you guys. In a few of my vlogs where you see Ollie and Felicity, you guys commented on how they would look good together as a couple. Honestly, at first, I can’t really see it cause my big brother and my best friend, ew.”
“But then I thought about it…if they get married then that means Felicity can be my sister…”
“Anyways, I figured it would be harmless fun. It’s not like it’s an official date or anything. Besides, Roy and I will be joining them as well and it’s kind of fun to pull those two out of their comfort zones. I also know they’d be more comfortable being put in this position when it’s the two of them rather than with strangers because they already hang out with each other all the time.  And let’s just say… the day took a surprising turn.”
“So without any further adieu, here’s the Instagram Followers Controls My Brother’s date.”
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dailysmoakqueen · 7 years ago
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No mask? No chance.
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dailysmoakqueen · 7 years ago
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for @blackcanarydinah​
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dailysmoakqueen · 7 years ago
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i miss you...
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