dailyslimes · 5 years
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Slime valentines, part 4 / 4!
💕 [More slime valentines!]
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dailyslimes · 5 years
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Slime valentines, part 3 / 4!
💕 [More slime valentines!]
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dailyslimes · 5 years
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Slime valentines, part 2 / 4!
💕 [More slime valentines!]
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dailyslimes · 5 years
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Slime valentines, part 1 / 4!
💕 [More slime valentines!] 
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dailyslimes · 5 years
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Here’s my preview for @theslimerancherzine​! Could these slimes be having a late-night party...? 🌠
There are so many wonderful contributors involved in this zine, it was a pleasure to see all of them working so hard!
Preorders are open! ✧ Zine Bundle Giveaway ✧ Twitter Preview Post
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dailyslimes · 5 years
Preorders are open!
Preorders for Slime Times: A Slime Rancher Fanzine are open! 
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The Party Gordo bundle is a special edition bundle with a limited number available!! Only 50 Party Gordo Bundles are being sold!
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And we have stretch goals!!
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Mod BOb and Mod Tarr are excited to finally open preorders! The store will be open until February 14th! Get em while they are hot!
To get your copy, please visit our shop here -> [Click me!]
Half of the profits will go to the AE Alliance and the other half of the profits will go to the Crohns and Collitis Foundation!!
Please reblog and share the word!!!
@zine-scene​ @zineapps​ @zinesubmissions​ @zinefeed​ @fanzinewatch​ @fandomzines​ @zinefans​
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dailyslimes · 5 years
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3 days until preorders open!!
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dailyslimes · 5 years
Slime Times Zine Contributors!
‘It’s time that we announced our contributors! 
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The Wiggly Pioneer: Tumblr
The Slimeologist: Tumblr | Twitter | Instagram 
Alina Fetoski: Instagram
Anna K.: Twitter
Byronic Brit: Tumblr | Instagram 
Classo Lalonde: Tumblr | Twitter | Instagram 
DaeofthePast: Twitter | Instagram 
Delight: Tumblr
Elijah Wennstrom: Twitter | Tumblr | Instagram 
Evie Kleinman: Twitter 
Gabby: Instagram | Twitter | Tumblr
Guantesrosas : Twitter | Instagram 
Imajenink: Instagram | Twitter | Tumblr
khayosa: Twitter 
kobayashimaruu: Twitter 
Luischocolatier: Twitter | Instagram 
Makorie: Twitter | Tumblr
Mic S.: Twitter | Instagram 
Misuzu Faraday: Instagram
Munchy: Twitter | Instagram
Noel: Tumblr | Twitter | Instagram 
Nyxborne: Instagram | Twitter
Orangesabor: Instagram | Twitter
Paperpoppy: Tumblr | Twitter
Pineapplegrenader: Twitter | Tumblr 
piplupcola: Tumblr | Twitter 
Quiet Banshee: Twitter | Tumblr 
River Holt: Tumblr | Instagram 
RomieTears: Twitter | Instagram 
Rubin: Twitter | Tumblr
Sarah Batchelder: Twitter | Tumblr | Instagram 
ShaeOverRated: Instagram | Twitter 
Shastasaffor: Twitter 
Skyler Aure: Twitter 
swiftyuki: Twitter | Tumblr
T.Unsworth: Twitter 
Coloring Book Artists 
Becky Hopkins: Tumblr | Twitter
Brenda N.: Tumblr | Twitter
Fern: Tumblr | Instagram
Kyla Frank: Twitter | Tumblr 
Rocio: Instagram | Tumblr 
Sophie Gillies: Instagram 
Zoe M Illustration: Instagram | Twitter
Merch Artists 
Alana: Twitter | Instagram | Tumblr 
Eddie: Twitter
kittisusi: Twitter | Instagram | Tumblr 
Miles J: Tumblr | Twitter
Sara Roberts: Tumblr 
SilviShinyStar: Twitter | Tumblr 
SqueakBee: Twitter 
Youko: Twitter | Instagram 
Mod BOb: Twitter | Instagram
Mod Tarr: Twitter
Stay Wiggly!!!
@zine-scene @zinesubmissions @zineapps @zinehunter@fandomzines @zinewatch
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dailyslimes · 5 years
3 Days Until Apps Close!
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Greetings Ranchers!
Applications close in just 3 days!
We will be looking for around 35 artists and 5 merch artists!
To apply, please [Click Here]
Please be sure you have read the FAQ and the Schedule!
Applications will be open until 11:59 CDT, September 12, 2019.
Good luck,
Mod BOb and Mod Tarr
@zine-scene @zinesubmissions @zineapps @zinehunter@fandomzines @zinewatch
Reblobs are super helpful to us! Spread the word!
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dailyslimes · 5 years
that all being said, i think it will likely be on a mostly-request basis if/when i return. i have a few in my inbox i can definitely get to (thank you all, ive gotten some good ideas), and i definitely want to wrap up the mini story i was doing still however i will probably not be forcing myself to make posts on my own unless i have an idea i'd like to get out there! part of the struggle was thinking of what to draw for the day, tbh
hey all! slight update. in case you all haven’t been able to tell, i’ve not been daily with updates at all. 
there’s more under the cut, but the short version is: a lot has happened in my life since i last made a post and there are a few main reasons i haven’t been updating
Keep reading
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dailyslimes · 5 years
hey all! slight update. in case you all haven’t been able to tell, i’ve not been daily with updates at all. 
there’s more under the cut, but the short version is: a lot has happened in my life since i last made a post and there are a few main reasons i haven’t been updating
to spare everyone with every single detail, here’s the biggest reasons:
i moved to a new drawing program and had to (am still am) relearning it all.
art fight started at the beginning of july, so a lot of my art (and art preparation before the start of july) has been focused there
i also felt i was pushing myself a bit too much. slimes in slime rancher are not hard to draw (which definitely makes them fun), but it was mostly the daily part. there are days where its (physically) hard to draw thanks to my unfortunately very small set up and lack of space on top of my arthritis, and i found there were times i was not giving myself enough slack
i still love slime rancher, and i was very excited to play the update and picked up the secret style dlc as well! i just unfortunately haven’t had the motivation, and wanted to give myself a break. the game still means a lot to me, and i think i’d like to return to this blog soon though, as drawing slimes did make me happy :>
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dailyslimes · 6 years
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Part 3: A good idea, but all the chicken nests are empty. Seems other, faster slimes got to them first. Don’t give up, little slime...!
[The story so far.]
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dailyslimes · 6 years
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Part 2: The slime tried cuddling the tree, but it doesn’t quite get the slime any food. Keep on trying, little slime!
[The story so far.]
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dailyslimes · 6 years
P.S. slime rancher is free on the epic games launcher until Mar 21st! get a free copy, tell your friends, etc., if anyone’s wanted slime rancher but hasn’t been able to get it for whatever reason, here’s your chance!
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dailyslimes · 6 years
couple small things!
first! i’m going to try and get back into posting at least “semi-daily.” updates are gonna be sporadic while i work on a big project! (it’s not slime rancher related, so i don’t think i’ll mention it here until it’s done, if even then)
second! thanks everyone for sending in prompts, it’s given me some great ideas :> 
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dailyslimes · 6 years
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Part 1: A hungry pink slime is wandering around when it spots a pogofruit, high up in a tree. What should it do?
[The story so far.]
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dailyslimes · 6 years
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2 million copies of slime rancher sold! That’s a lot of slimes!!
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