Daily Roview
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Your Daily Review of the Best Games Roblox has to Offer
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dailyroview · 7 years ago
Grab the Child (Many Child to Collect (Grab))
Did you collect Pokemon cards as a kid? Maybe you collected figurines of some sort?  If so, then this game is for you. In the words of the creator himself:
“I always liked collecting and displaying my favorite artwork on the [Pokemon] cards on my shelf. I wanted to capture that feeling of excitement when you get a rare card and the enjoyment of organizing and displaying them.”
Grab the Child is a game made by Mah_Bucket, who you may know from games such as House of Keys or the incredible Steamed Hams ####post game. He’s also worked alongside zKevin to create the masterpiece that is Purple Skittles, so expect a healthy serving of ‘zKevin memes’ in the game. 
The object of the game is simple. You collect various ‘children’, all with their own personality and description. You make money over time, which you can use to purchase little plastic balls that contain the children. There are children of all different rarities, from the common Noobet to the two top secret special children that I don’t even know! As of writing this article, I’ve collected all but 3 of the non-special children. I know having favorites is frowned upon (Besides scoobis, because how can you not favor a God amongst mortals), but how can I resist the first child I grabbed, Bobbler. He really encompasses the feel of the game with his semi-smug, happy smirk. The game isn’t meant to be something you spend hours on, and it definitely isn’t meant to be a difficult game. It’s merely a fun, casual thing you can load up and check on every once in a while, especially since you make money even while the game isn’t open! 
From the wacky, silly artwork to the Spongebob backing track, the game is an awesome, light-hearted, cozy experience. It takes almost no time to boot up and collect a few children, organizing them to your heart’s content, but  I also find myself talking to other people there, making conversation about our favorite children and even making up silly little things like “Sad is sad because Joey bullies her” or “Angie and Lucy were twins, separated at birth.” It’s all just fun and childlike in the best sort of way. The game has its fair share of bugs; sometimes you’re unable to move the children (relogging usually fixes this) and sometimes you come back to find they’ve been rearranged, but it doesn’t really detract from the experience. I highly recommend this game. Put it in your favorites and boot it up every once in a while, it’s certain to brighten up your day. 
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dailyroview · 7 years ago
Star Wars: Space Battle
Star Wars: Space Battle is exactly what it sounds like. Star Wars battles. In space! This game was developed by DrEgguin and Yup3600. It all started when DrEgguin decided he wanted to build a fully detailed and explorable Droid Cruiser from Star Wars. He had no plans to script anything as he didn’t have the knowledge to do so. When his friend, Yup3600 offered to script a game based on the cruiser, he agreed and decided to make a space battle simulation based off the original Star Wars Battlefront II (2005). DrEgguin says that  the original game took a while to complete, as they had to fit it in along with all their college work. Since then, he’s redone almost all the models in-game, along the way learning how to do scripting himself. 
If you’re anything like me, this game will instantly take you back to days of tense space battles between friends, sitting on their couch playing Star Wars Battlefront II and eating doritos while you completely ignore the studying that you came to their house to do in the first place. Maybe that’s just me, though. Even if you haven’t played the original Star Wars Battlefront II, this game is an instant recommendation from me. The controls are tight and responsive, and the ships fly just as you’d expect them to. It really feels like you’re playing in the Star Wars universe, from the sounds and explosions to to the stunning models that DrEgguin has worked so hard on. It’s very obvious that he’s tried his best to keep everything as lore-friendly as possible, as he even scrapped an entire ship, (the Eta-2 Interceptor, a ship largely used by Jedi pilots) in order to replace it with a more lore-friendly ship that clone pilots would have used in the Battle of Coruscant (the V-wing Starfighter). 
The only issue I have with this game is that it is slightly unbalanced. Using a ship that doesn’t have missiles seems like a fatal mistake, as the missiles home in on targets and incapacitate them for nearly 7 seconds, even if they don’t get hit. Aside from this, the game is absolutely stellar; one of my favorites on Roblox, no doubt. If you’re a fan of Star Wars; heck, even if you aren’t, check this game out. There’s nothing more satisfying than destroying an opponent who’s flying at top speeds back towards their hangar and then pulling away at the last second before slamming into their cruiser. I urge you to play this game. Pick a side, either the Republic or the Confederacy and fight for it, either by destroying the enemy cruiser with precise and strategic bombing runs, or take out enemy fighters that are trying to destroy your bombers in intense dogfights. Either way, it’s a great time. And make sure to keep an eye out for an update that will likely be coming later this year, allowing you to take part in the Galactic Civil War, pitting the Rebel Alliance against the Galactic Empire!
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dailyroview · 7 years ago
Stream in Grass
Stream in Grass. This game is hands down the game I’ve obsessed the most over. I don’t know what this game is. At first, it seemed almost like a simple test world, but through compelling narrative, difficult puzzles, cryptic and often downright scary clues and twists and turns so deep and hard to find that I’m surprised I even found them myself, this game has become one of my favorite games on roblox. I don’t know who made this game. Obviously it was created by Somatikos, but that’s clearly an alt profile to someone else. I don’t know how to describe this game. I’ve spent hours trying to analyze it, desperately trying to find the secrets it holds. I’ve even made an online corkboard that you can see an image of here, just a fair warning though, it will spoil some of the puzzles for you. If you want a better look at it, I can send you a link if you message me. From creepy ambient sounds to cryptic messages scrawled in blood, this game has it all. If you’re looking for a mystery to solve, or something of an Alternate Reality Game, then this game is for you. I’m still trying to figure out what it all means. Play this game and find out for yourself.
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dailyroview · 7 years ago
Silly Mayhem
Listen, I get it. You’re tired of all these competitive roblox games that everyone needs to be ‘the best’ at. Well boy, do I have the game for you. Silly Mayhem is a game created by the ROLVe dev team, which is headed by DevRolve. You may recognize them from some of their other games, such as Unit 1968: Vietnam, which is personally my favorite first person shooter on Roblox, or the much more popular Counter Blox: Roblox Offensive, which is recieving a remaster in the forseeable future! Props to the dev team for working so hard and being so passionate about what they love to do, and super huge thanks to DevRolve for answering some questions for this article!
According to DevRolve, Silly Mayhem came into conception when Roblox made constraints available for players to use. He quickly went to work redoing ragdoll physics for his other games, which in his own words, “turned into a suicide simulator because bluay wanted to animate a guy shooting himself and told me to add that to the game.” When that eventually got taken down, his little brother decided to reskin the game into a much more cartoonish approach. It wasn’t worked on for around two whole years, until they decided they wanted to make a game using Ed, Edd n Eddy sounds. Seeing the cartoony, silly antics of their ‘silly simulator’, they messed around with the sounds and other stuff for around two weeks, eventually becoming the Silly Mayhem we have today.
Silly Mayhem is an entirely different breed of game than their first person shooters. In this game, you go around punching and kicking people until they die, or fall off the stage in some sort of hilarious way. The game looks and sounds hilarious, the sound design especially always gets to me. With the constant onslaught of ‘Yeet’s and ‘Spot on’s, it’s always a good time. 
There’s a variety of maps to play on; all of them offering different funny ‘easter eggs’ and sight gags to look at, while beating the ever-loving OOF out of everyone else. The game actually rewards strategic play, by having more in-depth combat than one would think. There are light and heavy attacks for both punches and kicks, and you can crouch too. While crouched, you’ll stun or knock over your enemy with attacks you make, but any attacks made against you will stun you too. It’s all very risk and reward gameplay, with an overarching ‘who cares’ attitude. It doesn’t matter who wins or loses, there is no winning. The only benefit to getting more kills is being rewarded with more sillybucks, which are used to purchase random cosmetics, allowing you to make even crazier-looking avatars. This game is highly recommended, and is quite possibly the winner of the ever-prestigious “Most hilarious sound design on Roblox” award(tm).
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dailyroview · 7 years ago
Beyond the Stars
Beyond the stars is a game developed by Imperator, a group owned by Roytt, who has a uh... delightfully terrifying roblox avatar. Now when this game first came out, I hopped on board and held on for dear life. I swear, playing this game has been some of the most fun I’ve had on roblox. And it’s definitely one of the games I’ve played the most of.  Unfortunately for me, I got a bit over-excited while playing the game and crafted a harvesting tool that was too high level for me to use, and consumed my old harvesting tool in the process, leaving me basically back at square one. Make sure you’re the right level for the tools you’re making! Now this game is very similar to other spacebound exploration games, like Starbound and No Man’s Sky; I’m sure it’s not for everyone. It can be very grind-heavy at times, and finding some resources can be extremely frustrating when other people take them right before you get to them. I would definitely have liked to see more client-side resource gathering, but I managed. The worlds are beautifully crafted, and each are memorable in their own way. From the earth-like Gate all the way to the beautiful tropical waterfalls of Realta 9, the world-building is top-notch, and some of the best I’ve seen in Roblox. The character movement and animations are spot-on as well, truly feeling like a sci-fi adventure exploration game. Dashing feels amazing, and the trails you leave behind, which you can customize through a lootbox system, look great. The spacesuits that the characters wear as well are super cool and feel very dead space inspired. The spacesuits are also customizable through the lootbox system.  While I’m generally against lootbox systems in games, this one is incorporated fairly well. Selling high-value items can easily get you enough credits for crates, which can give you some super sweet looking items. If you’re desperate for cash, though, you can purchase credits for robux as well. All in all, the game is likely not for everyone. If you’re into grinding for materials in foreign planets, seeing cool creatures and enemies, finding new ways to traverse terrain and looking awesome while doing it, then you’ll love this game. 
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dailyroview · 7 years ago
Robot 64
Robot 64 is a game by zKevin. In his own words, the game is “a modern 3D Platformer with a large array of movements.” The game features the adorable protagonist, Beebo; a little robot on a mission to destroy the sun, both because it’s angry and for the sake of having a plot. You can dive, flip, skateboard and glide your way to victory as you work to collect power moons stars Ice Creams in order to put out the evil sun. Your journey takes you through 6 different worlds, along with a beautiful hub world and a final moon zone with challenge levels. You’ll meet a variety of wild and wacky characters along the way, along with some memorable boss fights that I won’t spoil for you. The game is fun, lighthearted, and the music is absolutely stellar, thanks to the developer’s own musical talent, which you can find more of on his Soundcloud. The game’s humor is always right on point. The dry, witty humor mixed with “internet culture” references and lighthearted comedy makes every single character worth talking to, even if that character happens to be a sign with eyes.  The game’s control scheme and movement mechanics are an obvious nod at 3D mario games, along with the name of the game being an obvious spin on Mario 64. Robot 64 manages to keep the nostalgia of mario 64 while being a completely different game altogether. On top of the base game, there is a very in-depth level creator that allows the game to have hours upon hours of endless fun, playing and creating levels and testing other people’s creations. This game is seriously endless, you could recreate an entire mario game in the level editor!  The genius behind this game, zKevin, who also goes by @kevinisnotseven on twitter is one of the most prolific content creators on roblox, and this is just the latest of his many wonderful creations. I highly advise you to check out some of his other games, such as Cleaning Simulator and Purple Skittles, both of which I’ll be sure to review in the future. Seriously, this guy is younger than I am and knows more about game design, comedy and music than I could ever hope to know. Check this game out, I cannot stress this enough, which is why it’s the first review that I’m making on this blog. Go play the game. There’s a chance you’ll like it(TM). 
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