My Stories
10 posts
Snippets of my own stories and fanfictions. Some may be posted, others are just some scenes that I thought about on the spot but will probably turn into a story.
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daemonfaechaos · 3 years ago
Mated to the 1st Wolf
He was fucked.
It was hard enough, having to process the fact that he was a half-hollow after 20 years of being human. But the instincts don't lie. And now he had to deal with this while stuck in a cave, in the middle of the most dangerous forest in Hueco Mundo with an Espada. Not just any Espada, but the Primera, who also happened to be an Alpha. Oh did he mention that he was a Beta on the cusp of his first heat?
He was so fucked.
{He didn't even realize how right he was}
"Alpha~" he moaned, tears springing in his eyes as he was ignored. He whimpered as thoughts ran in his head. 'Why was his Alpha ignoring him? Was he not enough? Was he a bad Beta?’
( ͡❛ ω ͡❛)
'Not good.' he thought as the sweet Beta writhed on the makeshift bedding made from his coat. His instincts were screaming at him to take. Claim the sweet little Beta who was begging for him, begging for his knot. 'I shouldn't,' he thought, but then a heartbroken whine left the Beta's lips and his body moved without thought. No, he couldn't leave the Beta thinking that he didn't want him.
( ͡❛ ω ͡❛)
Harsh moans and grunts rang through the air as the storm continued to rage in the background. The sound of skin slapping against skin echoing in the shallow cave.
"Starrk." He moaned breathily, his vision whiting out as the knot pushed past his tight rim.
"Mi precioso." Starrk answered as he nuzzled into Ichigo's nape, wishing he could mark his sweet Beta. In all his years of living he'd never met someone who could match his power and he knew deep inside that there wouldn't be another.
But he couldn't. Not while the war raged on. He couldn't put his mate, in such a dangerous position. Not when his mate was a prince of the enemy Kingdom.
( ͡❛ ω ͡❛)
The storm was ending. They both knew it would, no matter how much they hoped otherwise. And so, they spent their last night together learning each other's bodies and whispering sweet nothings and promises they knew they couldn't keep.
"I love you." They moaned as they climaxed, holding each other close. Tears running down Ichigo's cheeks as Starrk kissed them away.
The next day, Starrk awoke alone. He laid there silently staring up at nothing. The space beside him had cooled, letting him know that Ichigo was already long gone. He stretched his arm, trying to imagine the strong warm body next to him, when he felt something. It was the necklace that started it all, the one that suppressed his beloved's hollow heritage. Reverently cupping the small block of gold, he whispered a small promise, he would find him again someday. And with that thought he went home. Back to his siblings, it was time to fight a war.
5 years later
Starrk sighed as he trudged through the peaceful forest of cherry blossoms. With his brother Ulquiorra - silent as always - and Grimmjow - who grumbled and mumbled with every step they took - following behind the valiant steed of their King, Sosuke Aizen.
After 5 years of endless war and bloodshed, talks of peace began when both Kingdoms realized that they were doing more harm than good.
Now, they were being led into the meeting to take place in the Kurosaki household. The family who held the most noble of Quincy blood. A neutral force in the face of the war between Hollows and Shinigamis. Lending only their power for defending their own cities, stuck between Hueco Mundo and the Soul Kingdom.
As they were led into the meeting room Starrk lagged behind everyone as he began to feel a bit lethargic, planning to sleep the entirety of the council away. He stopped when he heard the pitter patter of running feet and a small body slammed into his legs with whooshed "Oof."
He looked down at the young boy and froze. He was staring at his clone, if with a different coloring. With bright orange hair and familiar hazel eyes, the boy looked exactly like he did when he was younger.
"Kazue! Be careful, we have visitors here and-" the familiar voice faded away by the end.
Starrk followed the voice and was star-struck. His Beta.
He looks just as beautiful as he did 5 years ago. His sweet Beta was standing there just as shocked as he was.
"Starrk." Ichigo said breathlessly as he stood frozen.
"Dam!" The small voice broke their reverie and both men looked at the child.
Starrk could not stop the rush of hope and longing in his gut as he watched his dear Beta pick up the 4 year-old boy. He took a step closer and another and another rushing closer to the pair, trying to catch them even as they stood stationary. Matching hazel eyes looked up at him and his hands rose. Cupping both their cheeks he whispered softly, "Mi precioso."
A strangled whimper left Ichigo's throat as he heard his lover's voice after so long.
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daemonfaechaos · 4 years ago
Fun Night
Harry gets lucky thrice in one night.
Or that time when Harry is a man slut who shags everyone he meets. 
When Harry gets back to the dorm he finds his best friends awake and having a late breakfast. They only had afternoon classes for today, so they definitely had a lie-in.
“Hey Harry! Sorry about kicking you out last night.” Hermione says with a blush.
“No problem Mione, I appreciate the warning considering what happened last time, I mean I love you guys but I don’t really want to see too much of either of you.” Harry teased before kissing Hermione’s flushed cheek in greeting.
“Wer d’yu go las niy, mayk?” Ron asks through a mouthful of food.
“Ah, met up with Draco and he was nice enough to let me stay over at his place.” Harry said, “Saw his dad and Professor Snape too.”
“Oh well that sounds like fun,” Ron says sarcastically with a wince, “To think you spent the night with our greasy git of a professor and Malfoys, the poncy gits.”
Hermione cuffs Ron at the back of his head, “I’m sure it wasn’t that bad. So what did you guys do last night?” She asked but then regrets immediately when she catches the mischievous glint in Harry’s eyes.
“Oh, I did Draco first, in his bedroom. Then Lucius in the kitchen, on the kitchen island where we ate breakfast. And then finally Severus against a window in the sitting room. You know Draco's father and godfather seem to have a thing for voyeurism.” he states simply and smirks when Ron chokes on his food and Mione drops the omelet she was wrestling from the pan onto the floor. 
“HARRY!” Mione screams with a red face, “I can’t believe you slept with a professor last night!”
Ron looks at her incredulously, “That’s what you took from that?!”
Harry beamed, an overly innocent smile creeping onto his face, “It wasn’t just last night Mione, was also this morning, in his car. And hopefully later after class. But I’m not sure if I’m going for Draco or Severus later. Maybe catch Lucius later in the office.” He cackles as he makes his way out of the dorm with his friends gaping after him, a shit-eating grin on his face as he prowls the halls with a swagger that tells everyone everything yet nothing.
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daemonfaechaos · 4 years ago
He was always watching. Out of plain sight. 
His brother was loved. He was always unseen.
He saw the way they loved him. He felt how they all hated him.
He didn’t realize that someone was watching him too.
He was walking to his favorite place. A meadow in the heart of the Forbidden Forest where he spent most days. Here he could feel something other than resentment and hatred. Where he wasn’t sneered or glared at for bearing the same name as his beloved brother. 
He noticed too late that he wasn’t alone. He was out of the darkness and out in the open by the time he looked up to see rubies staring right at him. 
His breath hitched when the gaze did not pass by his small form. He felt seen.
“Hello Harry.”
He didn’t know what to say as the tall figure of one Tom Marvolo Riddle stalked towards him with the grace of a predator closing on its prey.
A hand cupped his face and it took everything in him to not flinch away. He relaxed and unconsciously nuzzled into the warmth as Tom seemed to completely tower over him. His larger frame enveloping Harry in his heat and the spicy scent of an Alpha. 
Tom leaned towards him and he bared his neck in total submission. Pliant under the Alpha’s warmth.
Tom scented him slowly, an arm wrapping around his waist as his knees buckled under the unfamiliar act. 
“Delicious.” Tom purred as he inhaled Harry’s sweet and minty scent, the Omega mewling softly. 
Tom pulled away to stare at the Omega’s blissed face and glazed eyes, how responsive.
“MINE.” he growled and his chest puffed out in pride as his little mate mewled again and leaned into him more.
“Yours.” Harry replied softly his Omega purring in happiness.
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daemonfaechaos · 4 years ago
It's Tom after all.
"You know you can tell me anything, right?"
"Of course, dear."
The conviction in his voice should have been reassuring. The seriousness in his eyes and the overall knowledge that although Tom Riddle was a master manipulator, he never lies. Least of all to him.
But he knows...
He sees the spot of red in his pristine white shirt.
He hears the rummaging and quiet footsteps late at night.
He knows because he's seen it. And until Tom tells him the truth he'll smile and pretend that he doesn't.
He'll act as if he didn't see his best friend commit an act of murder in broad daylight.
He doesn't care.
After all it's Tom and he knows better than anyone about the darkness inside his closest friend.
He doesn't care.
It's Tom after all.
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daemonfaechaos · 4 years ago
Why I’m Different? Because I’m Yours
Harry and Tom are childhood friends who are in love with each other. Everyone knows except them. But then someone stupid does something idiotic and Tom finally pulls his head out of his arse. Dumbledore tries to manipulate the scene, but what can he do against the power of two Lords?
"How dare you! You're just a filthy Omega! I am an Alpha!" the student screams trying to push the foot pressing him into the floor off of him.
"Exactly," Harry says with a deathly calm voice, "You're just an Alpha. But you're not my Alpha."
He moves to walk away but the stops and tilts his head back, glaring at the pathetic Alpha with his Avada green eyes glowing with power, everyone in audience was quite terrified to see the normally fun-loving and kind Hufflepuff so serious.
"Know. Your. Place." He speaks without raising his voice, but the firmness and calm makes it all the more threatening making everyone shudder. They feel the magic in Harry saturating the hallway and the oppressing feeling suffocating them all until Harry smiles a sickeningly sweet smile. "Understand?" Then he leaves without waiting for an answer, his head held high, the epitome of grace and power.
They arrive at Head Alpha's private quarters and as soon as they are inside, Tom slams Harry against the wall, dropping their bags uncaringly. Tom pushes his head into the crook of Harry's neck and scents him, making the Omega's knees weak. Harry felt his heart stop when Tom scents him and the Alpha's spicy scent makes slick gush out of his arse, he moans and reciprocates. Nuzzling into Tom's neck and combining their scents.
"Did he touch you Omega?" Tom growls as he pulls away, his Alpha voice making Harry stand straight and his head tilted in submission.
"No Alpha," Harry replies and then moans when Tom pushed his body closer. He could feel the form body of the Alpha beneath his robes and a whine falls from his lips in want. Tom replies by catching his lips in a fervent kiss that was not at all gentle. It wasn't meant to be as Tom claimed him, devouring his lips and plundering his mouth with expertise. Harry moans and submits as he opens his mouth and their tongues dance. In a show of strength, Tom grabs Harry by his thighs and effortlessly lifts the Omega who wraps his legs around the Alpha's waist in response. Their kiss never breaks and Harry begins to rock his hips, pushing his erection against Tom's ripped abdomen. Tom brings them deeper in the room and practically throws Harry on the bed, he pounces, covering Harry's smaller lithe body with his own and capturing his lips in another kiss before Harry registers the movement.
"Good, no one but me will ever touch you. Do you understand Omega? You are mine," Tom says firmly, his blue eyes turning red as his inner Alpha emerges for the claiming. Harry's breath hitched as the Alpha stared at him like a predator eyeing his prey and in a moment of lucidity his eyes water.
Dumbledore shakes his head in admonishment and smiles a grandfatherly smile at Harry. "Come now my boy, Cassian was simply expressing his affections towards the Omega he hopes to pursue. Surely you understand how lucky you are to receive an Alpha's favor? But to attack him for that is unacceptable and you must be punished."
Harry bristles in rage and opens his mouth to retort but he is blocked by Tom. "Professor Dumbledore, are you aware that it is illegal to use the Alpha Voice on an unmated Omega who is already promised to a Lord?" Tom cuts in before Dumbledore can say anymore, "Especially if the unmated Omega is a Lord himself?"
Just finished writing this oneshot. 😊’
Read here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/27366145
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daemonfaechaos · 4 years ago
My Heart
Harry hummed as he swayed against the breeze, dancing his way smoothly around the garden as he held a bundle in his arms. He cooed as the babe babbled and reached for his braided locks. 
“Mon cœur,” He murmured softly as he nuzzled against the small tuft of hair on the baby’s head and inhaled the sweet scent of his son, a submissive like him. 
Here, out in the open where the spring breeze wafted the scent of freshly bloomed flowers, hidden beneath the shade of a great willow tree, he felt at ease. Humming old lullabies and soon his beautiful boy was peacefully asleep. 
A babbling sound from his left drew his attention away from the bundle in his arms. And he turned to look at his other son, a spicy scented alpha his kit was in the arms of one of his most loyal friends. The little alpha was holding out his chubby hand, towards his bearer and blubbering all the while. Coming closer, Harry leant down to nuzzle his cheek and kissed the fussy babe.
“Hush now mi amorcito, I’m right here. Sleep now,” He said softly and the little one settled in his Godmother’s arms, falling into a peaceful sleep. 
Harry smiled as he stared at his two treasures, the most perfect gifts his mates had ever given him; a family. His boys looked so much like his mates that he felt his heart clench, it had been a week since he’d last seen them. He understood why, it was too dangerous and none of them wanted to risk losing their precious kits. They had almost lost them once, he was attacked by one of their closest while pregnant and the protective instincts of his mates reared up as they wreaked havoc on the ones who dared to hurt their pregnant mate. 
Pushing away those dark memories he turned to walk back inside their little but comfortable safehouse, his friend following quietly behind him. They went straight into the nursery where they place the babies in their shared crib. He stood watching over them as his friend gave him a comforting hug before leaving the small family alone. For what seemed like hours he stood there watching his babies sleep without a care in the world when he turned when he felt eyes on him and he saw his mates, standing tall with a soft look in their eyes.
“... Harry.”
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daemonfaechaos · 4 years ago
He really didn’t know what happened. One minute he was scrubbing away at dirty cauldrons for his detention with Snape and then suddenly he was on his knees with a cock pushing down his throat. He moaned when a large hand gripped his hair and he was pushed down onto the large cock he was sucking on like a lolli. Thank the Gods that he didn’t have a gag reflex or he was sure he would’ve been choking already, but despite that he could feel his own cock throb at the thought. He relaxed his throat and gripped the strong thighs in front of him for leverage, letting the Alpha fuck his throat. 
“My, my Severus. How impatient, you couldn’t wait to bring him to bed?” A smooth voice filtered in. 
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daemonfaechaos · 4 years ago
Privy to His Innermost Thoughts
Harry knew that he was staring, but he just couldn’t help it. Why, oh why did he have to be such a freak. He was attracted to the man who was hellbent on spiting him since the moment he stepped into the man’s classroom. But fuck if he wasn’t so damn hot then maybe he wouldn’t be in this position, staring heatedly from across the room as he watched Severus Snape display his talents in potion making. Those large hands and deft fingers cradling the vial gently as the smooth baritone of his voice carried out in the room. He inwardly moaned when he felt slick gushing from his hole as he imagined those hands on him and that voice whispering dirty things in his ear.
“Potter! Detention! Tonight at 7, and maybe next time learn to pay attention!” Severus barked out, breaking Harry from his daydream.
Blushing a cherry red, Harry realized that everyone was staring at him. He was the only one seated while all the others were already at their stations preparing the potion that was taught just 10 minutes ago. He quickly stood and practically ran into the store room for the ingredients and came back out to prepare his own station. Despite having spent the discussion dreaming of being bent over on the potion master’s desk, he managed to produce a successful product that was only two color shades away from perfection. Just as he was bottling up his vial he felt a hot breath against his ear.
“Mr. Potter, do not forget our appointment this evening,” Severus spoke firmly, his voice making Harry’s knees tremble and a whine caught in his throat.
“Yes P-professor,” Harry stuttered out as he felt more slick gushing out when he caught a whiff of Severus’ scent. 
As the Alpha moved away Harry discretely casted a cleaning and drying charm on his pants to make sure that he wasn’t completely drenched in class.
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daemonfaechaos · 4 years ago
I love a/b/o snarry but sadly there isn't much fics in this category. So thanks for writing it. And no one would mind if you'd write even more 😏🙄
Thanks, I hope you enjoy my stories. I have more in stock 😉
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daemonfaechaos · 4 years ago
Prone to Accidents
One week into 5th year Harry and Severus become victims of a botched potion in detention. Things change between the two and so does the course of the war.
How will Severus feel when he finds out that the spawn of his childhood enemy is his true mate? 
Now that Harry has the attention of his secret crush will he show his hidden scales?
----------------------------------------Sneak Peek--------------------------------------------
"Are you sure Harry? You know if I do this, there is no going back," Severus asked, uncertainty creeping in his tone. Harry was young, there were plenty of other Alphas who would be a better match for him, although just thinking of another Alpha touching what was his made his blood boil. Their history was complex and a life of mateship with him of all people would not be easy.
"Please? Wanted you for so long. Please Alpha? Mark me? Make me yours," Harry replied.
The sound of panting filled that room as the two came down from the high of their orgasms. Harry squeaked when he felt the cock inside him continuously twitching as it pumped Severus' seed into his arse, he shivered as he was bred. Potion stained fingers ran through his hair and his back in comfort, rubbing the tension away.
“Potter? Are you alright?” Severus asked gruffly.
Harry couldn’t help the chuckle that left him, his voice hoarse from all his moaning and screaming. "Just peachy professor,” he replied, not bothering to move from where he lay on his stomach on the desk. “Back to Potter, now are we?" he teased.
"Harry," Severus started hesitantly, "Will you tell me about your scars?"  
Harry stiffened above him, "... Do I have to?"
Severus' heart broke at the fear in his voice and the distressed scent of his Omega almost made him want to discontinue, but he needed to know.
"Yes, I need to know, love."
Harry smiled at the endearment before taking a deep breath.
Read my story here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/26820106/chapters/65431246
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