Ist ein weibliches Little ab 18 j auf der endlosen Suche nach seinem Daddy? * mich zu dir herunter knien und dir fragend in deine Kulleraugen schauen * Ich bin dein Papi, der dir im Bett Geschichten vorliest und dabei deinen Kopf auf seiner Brust liegen hat, während du beim Zuhören friedlich einschläfst. Der dir prüfende Klapse auf den Windelpopo gibt, dich in die Badewanne steckt, dir den Popo versohlt wenn du unartig warst und mit dir zusammen Kekse backt. Der mit dir in den Zoo geht, deine Windeln wechselt, bestimmend den Finger hebt, wenn du Blödsinn ausheckst. Der dir die Welt erklärt, sich sehr über von dir selbst gemalte Bilder freut, dafür sorgt, dass die Windeln an bleiben und keine Widerrede duldet. Der klar stellt, wer das Sagen hat. Der dir eine kleine Überraschung vom Einkaufen mitbringt, dir das zweite Glas Limonade verbietet, deinen Gute-Nacht-Tee kocht und dir dein Fläschchen gibt. Der dir durchs Haar streichelt, dich eincremt, dir deinen Strampler anzieht und deine Bodys zuknöpft. Der dir, wenn wir im Winter durchgefroren vom Spielen im Schnee zurück kommen, einen warmen Kakao kocht. Der Wünsche von den Augen versucht abzulesen, der aber auch schon in deinen Bambiaugen lesen kann, wenn du Unsinn vor hast und mit dem Kopf schüttelt, damit du siehst, dass ich es ahne und du es erst gar nicht probierst. Der bestimmt, welche Sachen du anziehst und sich freut ein Lächeln geschenkt zu bekommen. Dein Papi der mit dir zusammen das Spielzeug wegräumt, gemeinsam mit dir Sachen für das gesparte Geld aus der Spardose aussucht, der Aufnäher auf deine Latzhosen näht. Der dich tröstet, wenn du dir weh getan hast oder tauwig bist, dir Lätzchen umbindet, dein Gesicht abwischt und Dich zum Mittagschlaf hinlegt. Der dich mit deinem Kuscheltier weckt und mit dir gemeinsam das nächste Geschichten-Vorlese-Buch aussucht. ...
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
51 Daddy/DL 41M
Grund: Damit mal ein aktuellerer Jahresstand aller Caregiver-types und Little-types erkenntlich ist, können alle aktiven sich hier verewigen, mit PLZ (einstellig oder zweistellig) oder Raum/Ort,… und für alle transparent durch diese Karte. Auch können sich Community-Mitgleider somit viel besser vernetzen und ohne lange Texte ein Hallo in die Runde winken. Daddies können also auch Nachbardaddies und Littles andere Littles aus der Nachbarschaft erkennen. Empfehlung: - Region (zweistellige PLZ-Kennung, bspw) - Rolle - Alter - Geschlecht(sidentität) Beispiel: 65 DaddyDom, 25M Hinweis: Status, Suche oder andere Inseratsdinge aber nicht hier… Dafür sind Inserate da oder Profiltexte als Informationsquelle. Single oder nicht ist hier egal. Wer hier schreibt, ist ohne Garantie auf Echtheit, Rollenart oder Verirrung… also, wie gehabt (insbesondere an die Littles gerichtet): Passt gut auf euch auf. :)
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Diaper Punishment, Diaper Discipline & Diaper Training: A Short History
For more than two thousand years, various forms of diapers have been used on infants with the sole purpose of catching urine and feces excreted in an uncontrolled manner. Up to the 19th century, diapers were barely comparable to the well-known modern versions and were rather made provisionally from wool or linen yarn instead. In the 19th century, the terry towelling diapers appeared, which were later often combined with rubber pants to increase their effectiveness. The first disposable diapers came up after World War II, and due to the convenience they offered for busy parents they displaced cloth diapers more and more in the following decades.
However, in each generation, mothers and fathers, wifes and husbands, girlfriends and boyfriends existed who were able to see the potential of diapers far beyond their practical function. Those few discovered their usefulness for educational purposes and learned to appreciate their correctional influences on the behavior of young adults and partners.
This post is part of a series of illustrated articles intended to show the evolution of diaper punishment into diaper discipline and, eventually, diaper training.
Part 1: Before 1990
Up to the 1990s, diapers were used for educational purposes mostly in form of diaper punishment, i.e. usually for a short amount of time in order to punish and correct recent misbehaviour, for instance back talking, neglecting duties and inappropriate behavior. Since diapers were only worn for a short period of time and often supervised by a caregiver, the implementation of further rules was not necessary. The caregiver would either demand to use the diaper for its intended purpose or the disciplinary action was more focused on the humiliating aspect of being diapered for a set amount of time. In many cases, diaper punishment was combined with additional measures like spankings or enemas.
Figure 1. An illustration of a mother about to give her adult daughter an enema. The lubricating cream as well as the plug indicate that the enema is not given for medical reasons. The humiliating aspect contributes to the general punishment of dealing with the cramps caused by the hot, soapy water in her intestine until she is allowed to relieve herself on the toilet in the background. Protective rubber panties are already prepared on the cistern and are to be worn afterwards (ca. 1960).
Figure 2. A young woman showing her boyfriend the state of her towelling nappy during a hike, a pair of plastic panties pulled down to her knees. The smile on her face suggests that she is already used to wearing diapers on a regular basis (ca. 1970).
Figure 3. A young woman undergoing a form of correctional long-term diaper punishment in a precursor of modern diaper training facilities, which was a common procedure for women cheating on their partner. Supervised by nurses, cribs, straightjackets and plastic clothing made sure that diapers stayed on and got used for their intended purpose, while mattresses and furniture were adequately protected. A desired outcome were incontinent wifes or girlfriends, since studies showed that the temptation for cheating again basically dropped to zero (ca. 1970).
Figure 4. In order to increase the humiliating aspect of her diaper punishment, this young woman has been placed on a toilet with her cloth diapers and plastic panties still on (ca. 1980).
Figure 5. Two young women working as housemaids, just dressed in lingerie and diapers. The perspective of getting changed into a fresh diaper once all of their duties were fullfilled served as a very effective incentive for them to get housework done as quickly and thoroughly as possible (ca. 1980).
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Hey my fellow littles! So some time ago I was browsing through some site and came across 30 rules for a little. I can’t for the life of me remember where I got it or who made it originally. But I do still have the screenshots. Now, this is only 20, that’s because the other rules were a bit NSFW, and that’s not what I want these rules to be about. I want them to be rules that a little could take to their Daddy or Mommy, or that a Daddy/Mommy could have their little follow. I really wish that I had a Daddy or Mommy to enforce these rules for me. But I don’t, so I will just share them with the world and hopefully it will help some other little, or parent of a little. Enjoy!
1. You will not speak like a big boy or girl 2. No bad words 3. Never touch your diaper 4. If you need a diaper change you must find an appropriate way to tell an adult using baby talk 5. Never remove your clothes 6. Never fuss or talk back to grown ups 7. You will wear whatever you are put in without complaining about it 8. Never attempt to hide anything a grown up gives you in public 9. You will use only your diapers to relieve yourself, even while in public 10. Never feed yourself unless told to 11. If an adult puts in your paci you will not remove it 12. You will only play with baby toys 13. You must obey all grown ups (anyone over 5 years old is a grown up to you) 14. Never resist a diaper change, even in public 15. Never resist nap time 16. Never speak out of turn 17. Bedtime is at 8:00 PM every night 18. You must hold an adults hand when crossing the street 19. If left alone, you must be in a crib, a highchair, a playpen or secured in some way 20. If someone asks, you must admit you are wearing a diaper, no matter how many people are around
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Let Daddy do that, You're just a baby.
Reasons to feel smol.
1. "Are you hungry Little one?“ Daddy catches you you standing on your tippy-toes trying to reach up to the snacks above the cupboard." Let Daddy do that, you're too little." he easily reaches the place you struggled to touch but instead of pulling down the animal crackers he pushes them further out of the way and instead slices some healthy carrot sticks and apple peices, presented in a shallow plastic bowl. "Daddy knows what snacks are best for you, you're just a baby."
2. "Are making a mess?" It's dinner time and you are trying to enjoy your mac & cheese. The problem is that hasn't given you a fork, so you have to messy and eat with your hands. "Let daddy do that." He wipes the cheese sauce off your fingers with the big bin tied around your neck and loads your rounded toddler spork with a mouthful of pasta. "Here comes the air plane." playfully he makes sure to miss and get some sauce on your cheek. You don't worry about it though, you're just a baby.
3. You watch the bubbles hugging the glass of Daddy's beer, occasionally one breaks free and fizzes to the surface. Daddy notices you are ignoring your 'baba'. "Let Daddy do that." he scoops you into his lap so that you're no longer facing the screen, instead you are looking up at him. The teat of your baby bottle presses against your lips as a Daddy hold it up for you and you suckle like a good girl. You don't want a bitter grown up drink, you're just a baby.
4. You shrug off another outfit after checking yourself out on in the mirror. Does the new jacket go with this dress? Does it go with jeans? Have you ordered the wrong size and colour?
Daddy quietly hangs up the clothes you've given him but instead or picking your adult dress, he goes to draw where your baby clothes are all folded. "Let daddy do that." before you can but in and he selects for you a cute onsie and pinafore dress. You obliging hold up your arms and let daddy clasp the snaps at your legs. When looking in the mirror you suddenly look like a little girl trying on your Mummy's jacket." I can't go out dressed like this." "You're just a baby."
5. You're snuggled In bed together. Your head rested on Daddy's chest listening to his breathing. You cuddle your arms and legs around him, he's like the biggest and bestest Teddy bear. Your other stuffies are in the bed too of course, on standby for when you decide to stop cuddling Daddy. Your comfiness and lull into sleep is disturbed by pressure on your bladder. "Daddy" you whisper, "I need to go potty." "You're just a baby." he mumbles back sleepily. So like a baby, instead of climbing out of bed, you simply relax your bladder and enjoy the feeling of warmth spreading as your thick nighttime diapers soaks up all of your wee-wees. You soon easily fall asleep.
6. It's morning time and you feel the covers shifting. Daddy is getting out of bed but you get to snooze. Later Daddy returns and gently rocks you awake again. You swing your legs off the end of the bed, your diaper is is heavy and clamy between your legs. You stand and reach for the tapes to take your sodden diaper off, you need to go pee again anyway. Daddy bats your hand away. "Let Daddy do that." He takes your hand and helps you lay down on the floor. Instinctively you raise your legs and kick them, feeling babyish in your soggy diaper as Daddy sets out a fresh change, powder and wipes. It looks like you won't be going to sit on the toilet after all. You're just a baby.
Be sure to check out more of my captions only on Patreon
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Rules for Daddy's little Princess.
Most of these I made up myself, but some are taken from other Tumblr users’ rules in DD/lg relationships I have come across and liked them enough to borrow. - Daddy may change, modify, alter, relax, or add to Princess’s rules at any time. - Daddy’s word is final. Daddy knows what is best for Princess.
- If Princess thinks that Daddy should know or would want to know about something Princess will tell Daddy even if he has not asked about it. - Princess is never to say sorry for things out of her control. - Princess is free to speak her mind and offer suggestions to Daddy at any time without fear of punishment.
- Princess must always she can be open and honest with Daddy and talk about everything. Princess must never lie to Daddy, and never be worried or scared about talking to Daddy about anything. - Princess is allowed to talk to Daddy about renegotiating her rules if she is really not comfortable with them.
- Princess is free at all times to express her own opinion, to express reluctance to perform any specific task, or tell Daddy that she is not in the mood. Daddy will take the matter under consideration.
- Princess is to respect Daddy at all times. - Princess is to remember that Daddy always respects her. - Princess must ask for permission to play with herself or to cum. Princess’s princess parts belong to Daddy and are controlled by Daddy.
- If Princess is away from Daddy and contact with Daddy (eg phone) is impossible, Princess may masturbate without permission, but she must tell Daddy later what she has done and what Princess was thinking about while playing with herself.
- Princess will use her manners when speaking to Daddy. eg. “Yes Daddy”, “Thankyou Daddy”, “Please Daddy”, “May I Daddy”.
- If Princess says “no” to Daddy this will likely result in a sorry little Princess squirming over Daddy’s knee with a sore bum. Safewords should be used where appropriate. - Princess may ask for cuddles and kisses at any time. - Daddy and Princess will both try and make time for at least an hour of cuddles per day, not including bedtime. - When Daddy asks Princess if she wants to sleep with Daddy, that doesn’t necessarily mean sex, that just means sleeping with Daddy - spending the night asleep in Daddy’s bed snuggled up in Daddy’s arms. - Daddy may administer punishments to Princess at any time he sees fit, even if no rule is broken. - If Princess has been a good girl Princess may politely (or impolitely) ask Daddy when she wants Daddy to fuck her. - During spankings, Princess will count out loud the number of spanks she has received, followed by “thank you, Daddy” - Princess must every morning look in the mirror and say “I am beautiful and Daddy loves me.“
- Princess will honestly tell Daddy about everything that makes her squirmy, blushy, wet or embarrassed, which of Daddy’s rules make her squirmy, blushy, wet or embarrassed, any anything Princess reads that make her squirmy, blushy, wet or embarrassed. - Princess will brush her teeth every morning and night, and Princess will try her best to eat a sensible breakfast and meals. - Princess will always address Daddy as Daddy, in private. Real name when in public, obviously. When Princess is feeling particularly little, “Papa” or “Dada” etc is also acceptable. - Princess will always hold Daddy’s hand when crossing the street, and hold Daddy’s hand otherwise, when Daddy specifies, in public. - At bedtime, Daddy will give Princess a bath and snuggle up Princess in her towel and dry her off. Princess will then receive her bedtime spanking if Daddy decides it is required, and then Princess will be put into her bedtime nappy and Princess will get a nice long cuddle with Daddy and a bedtime story, along with a bottle feeding, before Princess is tucked in with her teddy and her paci and given a kiss goodnight. (And, sometimes, bedtime in Daddy’s arms, if Daddy is ready for bed too.) - Princess may politely request a bedtime spanking (or any spanking otherwise at any time). - Princess may politely request any punishment if Princess thinks she needs it.
- Princess will present herself to Daddy when summoned, for an inspection, for Daddy to have a perve, to receive Daddy’s cock and Daddy’s cum in any way Daddy deems appropriate, or for any other reason Daddy wishes to summon Princess. - If Princess is well behaved then Princess will be allowed to cum at least once per day. - Princess will not be allowed to cum a greater number of times per day than the number of times Daddy has cum in that day. Daddy will always cum first each day, before Princess. Princess will not be permitted to cum unless Princess has already received Daddy’s cum at least once in that day.
- Daddy may cum wherever he wishes, anywhere on Princess’ body, in her body, or anywhere else he wishes, including her food, her clothes, or any other object Princess (and therefore Daddy) owns.
- Princess will wear no panties when with Daddy in public. - If Princess is out in public at a time (eg. punishment time) when Daddy is keeping Princess in daytime nappies, then a discreet pull-up nappy will be acceptable in public, and will be chosen appropriately by Daddy. No underwear is permitted at all, except for nappies or pull-ups as chosen by Daddy sometimes, unless there are special circumstances. - Daddy will make reasonable adjustments or changes to Princess’s usual rules regarding public underwear when special circumstances justify it. - When Daddy comes home Princess must kneel naked at Daddy’s feet and politely ask to worship Daddy’s cock. This must be performed at least once per day in any other case, even if Daddy is at home all day. - Princess may ask politely to play with Daddy’s cock at any time as much as she likes. Begging is permitted if Daddy says no. - If Princess requests to play with Daddy’s cock and is allowed, Princess must worship Daddy’s cock to a standard acceptable to Daddy. - Princess will always swallow Daddy’s cum. - After every spanking, sexual act or nappy change Princess will politely thank Daddy for what she has received. - Princess may use Daddy’s thumb to suck without asking. - Princess may freely use her pacifier as much as she wishes at any time, unless Daddy has specified that using her paci is mandatory at a given time. - Princess will not remove her pacifier without permission when Daddy puts it in her mouth. - Princess will take her drinks, at home, only in either her baby bottle or sippy cup, as decided by Daddy. - When Princess is naked no clothing will be put on without Daddy’s permission. When Princess is dressed in any clothing (and/or a nappy) chosen by Daddy this clothing will not be removed without Daddy’s permission. - Bedtime nappies are mandatory for Princess. - When Princess is naked Princess may politely request that Daddy put her in a daytime nappy if she wishes. - At home, in private with Daddy, when Daddy decides Princess needs a daytime nappy, Princess will be put in a nappy - no other clothes, naked except for just a nappy. - When Princess is in nappies Princess will use them as intended. If Princess asks to use the big girl potty when in nappies she will be taken to her baby potty, sat down by Daddy and made to go potty in full view of Daddy followed by having her bum wiped by Daddy and put back in nappies. (If Princess thinks this option is too blushy then Princess can of course just potty in her nappies without permission needed.)
- When Princess is naked she will ask Daddy permission to use the potty, and Daddy will decide on appropriate action depending on Princess’s need for punishment, either taking princess to her baby potty and helping her use the potty with supervision, putting Princess in a nappy to go potty or perhaps, if good behaviour permits, allowing independent big-girl toilet use.
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Signs of a fantastic Dom
We always talk about “signs of a terrible Dom” so let’s talk about some signs of an actually good Dom
They ask you about your day: They show compassion and actually want to listen about how your day went
They ALWAYS want to keep fields of communication open: Whether you’re in the middle of a kinky-as-fuck scene or you two are in a heated argument, the means of communication is ALWAYS open. Once you give your safe word, IT IS DONE
Aftercare is a top priority. No matter what this is for you in particular, they put a lot of emphasis on aftercare (cuddling, movie watching, bath time, etc.)
They aren’t afraid to scold you when you actually mess up. Sometimes we fuck up, both with our dynamics or we screwed up something at work or school. Doms will scold you, put also help cheer you up and might even offer ways to make it positive
Sex might be apart of the dynamic, but it’s not the focus. I get the fact some people get involved with other BDSM partners for the sole reason of sex, but outside of those VERY SPECIFIC DYNAMICS, sex is NOT the sole focus. It might be a fun “add on”, but it’s NOT the primary objective (penetrative sex or other forms of sex acts).
They are concerned for your safety, but don’t overdo it. They want you safe, but don’t take it to the paranoid level where they need to track every little thing you do.
They respect your privacy. EVERYONE has secrets (”skeletons in your closest”), even among romantic partners who have been partners for a long time, people have stuff they just don’t feel comfortable confessing every little thing in their life. A respectful Dom understands this and doesn’t need to go spying on you or attempt to invade your privacy (track internet history, track phone usage, track where you’ve been, etc.)
They trust you. A Dom who doesn’t trust you will purposely try to fuck up the relationship/dynamic, they will show severe jealousy, and other negative aspects. A Dom that trusts you will respect YOU as a person as well as you to keep your word on different things.
When disagreements happen, they use constructive language. There is not a healthy relationship on this earth that is 100% argument/disagreement free. However, whenever these do happen, it is NOT a “me against you” style argument (”I WON THE ARGUMENT”, none of that). It is done in a way with minimal accusatory/hurtful statements
They respect your hard limits. Doms know hard limits don’t mean “convince me”. They know to stay the fuck away from hard limits with a ten foot freaking pole.
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i want to be diapered
I want to come home after a long, hard day at work. And there you are, in the kitchen, making dinner, a glass of wine already waiting for me on the kitchen table. Kiss me hello and ask me how my day was. You hear my heavy sigh, listen to me complain about how hard my supervisor was on me for no obvious reason. Kiss me. Tell me to relax. You’re here and everything is going to be just fine.
When I start to talk more, surprise me by popping a pacifier in my mouth. I immediately start suckling and feel a wave of submission wash over me. Lead me to the bedroom. Push me down, gently, on the bed and tell me not to worry. Daddy’s here.
I hear the crinkle coming from the dresser, and you appear above me cooing and telling me what a good little girl I am. There’s no need for big girl worries. Daddy’s here. Tell me to lift my hips and place the thick, thirsty, crinkly diaper under me. Tell me how cute I am when I pretend to be big. Slide a suppository in my bottom hole and tell me not to worry, even when I fuss. Daddy is here, and Daddy knows best.
I don’t want to be a big girl anymore, Daddy. I want you to make me into the tiniest, most vulnerable little baby. Take care of all my needs, even the ones that make me shy and hide. I want Daddy to take over and remind me I don’t need to be in charge anymore.
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Make Me Little
I don’t want to be a grown-up right now, so I need your help to make little again.
Take off my clothes. My grown-up clothes. I’m so exhausted from being an adult that I need you to do it for me. Please, take everything off slowly. I want to savior every moment of this transformation, for it alone helps ease my distress.
The last piece of grown-up clothing to go will be my panties. I bet they’ll be damp, but from what? It doesn’t matter, because I won’t be needing them anymore. I don’t want them anymore.
For that moment I’ll be naked, and I don’t like to be naked. It has nothing to do with being shy or self-conscious. I’m in my safe place and on my way to being little, so though grown-up feelings no longer exits. I just need something against my body to cling too and bring me comfort. A security blanket. Except what I want isn’t a blanket. It’s a diaper.
Make me ask for it. Make ask you to change me into diaper. Make me tell you how much I love my diapers. Make me tell you how much I need and want them.
“Please, please change me into diaper. I don’t want to be a big girl anymore.” “I want wear big, thick diapers that make me waddle when I walk.” “I love how my diaper feels on me. Especially when you rub and pat my diaper.” “I’m too little for big girl panties and surely make puddles on the floor without the protection of a diaper.” “When I go potty in my diapers it feel so warm and wonderful. I want diaper to become bloated and I won’t to change it till it sags down to floor.” “I want to be a naughty little girl who needs diapers. Please, please put me in a diaper. Please”
The sound of a crinkling diaper always gives me butterflies. They’re the good kind of butterflies. The butterflies that make my stomach and my whole body tingle. Especially tingling down there.
Please, please pick me up, even if you’re just going to set me down again. When you set me down to put me in a diaper I’ll be good. I won’t kick or fuss, not even when the cold wipes tease my privates.
Tease me. Take your time. Make your movements slow and careful. Stop just to coo and baby-talk me. That will always make me blush and want to hide my face.
Praise me or scold me. It doesn’t matter. Am I a good baby for being so patient during my change? Or… Am I a naughty baby for needing diapers and wanting to wet them? Again, it doesn’t matter. Both will make me squirm and wiggle due to the overwhelming amount of butterflies in me.
Back to the diaper change~
Lotion and powder are a must. They smell so wonderful and further help start to shift into my little-place. They also require rubbing. A delicate gentle touch down there will always make me purr.
I’m ready. I’m so ready.
Once the diaper is on the contract is sealed. A big diaper for a little girl. I’m a little baby now and you’re charge.
My transformation will be complete. The diaper hides any hints of being an adult.
I’ll be Little. I’ll be your Little. Take good care of me, okay?
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Babies have choices too. (NSFW 18+)
***Disclaimer*** The people alluded to here are adults over the age of 18.
Would you rather wet your diaper now, or later?
Which onesie do you want to wear for Daddy today?
Do you want to ask for a children’s menu, or should Daddy do it for you?
Should I spank you, or send you to bed without a change?
What kind of juice do you want in your sippy cup sweetheart.
How many layers should I put you in today?
Which cartoon do you want to watch, little one?
You get to pick what goes in your mouth princess, paci or your big girl bottle.
Do you want to be loud, or should we make you quiet.
Which stuffy do you want to take a nap with today, Honey?
Do you want to play dress up, or go to the park and play in the sand?
What kind of movie do you want to watch tonight? Disney or Pixar?
Do you want to play with your big girl toys, or would you rather play with Daddy?
Do you want to crawl, or should Daddy carry you?
Finally, and most importantly:
Do you want to be little today?
Remember - Its okay to say no.
Authors note: Just kind of a friendly reminder that consent is important in relationships. Kink related or otherwise.
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51, Daddy/ Caregiver/ Dom 39M
Grund: Damit mal ein aktuellerer Jahresstand aller Caregiver-types und Little-types erkenntlich ist, können alle aktiven sich hier verewigen, mit PLZ (einstellig oder zweistellig) oder Raum/Ort,… und für alle transparent durch diese Karte. Auch können sich Community-Mitgleider somit viel besser vernetzen und ohne lange Texte ein Hallo in die Runde winken. Daddies können also auch Nachbardaddies und Littles andere Littles aus der Nachbarschaft erkennen. Empfehlung: - Region (zweistellige PLZ-Kennung, bspw) - Rolle - Alter - Geschlecht(sidentität) Beispiel: 65 DaddyDom, 25M Hinweis: Status, Suche oder andere Inseratsdinge aber nicht hier… Dafür sind Inserate da oder Profiltexte als Informationsquelle. Single oder nicht ist hier egal. Wer hier schreibt, ist ohne Garantie auf Echtheit, Rollenart oder Verirrung… also, wie gehabt (insbesondere an die Littles gerichtet): Passt gut auf euch auf. :)
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A good little girl...
A good little girl…
💖 …says good morning to Daddy.
💖 …helps Daddy dress her, lifting her arms and legs into her clothes when Daddy says so.
💖 …opens wide when Daddy feeds her.
💖 …finishes everything on her plate and in her bottle.
💖 …asks Daddy’s permission when she wants to watch cartoons.
💖 …lies down for nap time when Daddy says so.
💖 …always tells Daddy the truth when he asks her if she’s had an accident.
💖 …is a good little girl while Daddy changes her, lying still and lifting her bottom when Daddy says so.
💖 …cuddles her soft toy and goes straight to sleep when Daddy turns out the lights.
- Looking for his Baby
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51 Daddy Dom 39M
Grund: Damit mal ein aktuellerer Jahresstand aller Caregiver-types und Little-types erkenntlich ist, können alle aktiven sich hier verewigen, mit PLZ (einstellig oder zweistellig) oder Raum/Ort,… und für alle transparent durch diese Karte. Auch können sich Community-Mitgleider somit viel besser vernetzen und ohne lange Texte ein Hallo in die Runde winken. Daddies können also auch Nachbardaddies und Littles andere Littles aus der Nachbarschaft erkennen. Empfehlung: - Region (zweistellige PLZ-Kennung, bspw) - Rolle - Alter - Geschlecht(sidentität) Beispiel: 65 DaddyDom, 25M Hinweis: Status, Suche oder andere Inseratsdinge aber nicht hier… Dafür sind Inserate da oder Profiltexte als Informationsquelle. Single oder nicht ist hier egal. Wer hier schreibt, ist ohne Garantie auf Echtheit, Rollenart oder Verirrung… also, wie gehabt (insbesondere an die Littles gerichtet): Passt gut auf euch auf. :)
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Making Her Feel Little (Definitive Edition)
By no means am I an expert, but see the below list to help guide your little into littlespace and keep her there as long as her little heart desires. Hopefully you see something new or something you’ve never considered! Emotional Care! ——————————————————–
- Ask her if she’s being a good girl - Tell her when she’s being good - Remind her how small she is - Call her cute little or pet names - Talk to her in a cute voice that brings a smile to her face - Say encouraging words - Make her blush - Congratulate her on doing something difficult - Always tell her you love her more. Never give in - Ask her a silly question - Playfully and politely tease her - Sit her in your lap - Cuddle her - Cuddle and tickle attacks - Pick her up and carry her around - Kiss her forehead - Kiss her cheek - Always offer her a hug. From the front and from behind - Pet/pat her head - Pat her diapered butt - Boop her nose - Wiggle her piggy toes - Blow raspberries on her belly - Hold her when she’s sad - Wipe away her tears and console her - Be her safe place to go when she needs one - Hold her when she’s shivering - Play with her hair - Take pictures with her - Put her drawings/colorings on your fridge - Interact in her little space - Lose to her puppy dog eyes - Ask her if there is something daddy can help with - Leave her cute easy to read notes, or little pictures to show you care - Let her smell you, spray your cologne on something for her - Let her wear one of daddy’s “grown up” shirts around the house
Physical Care! ——————————————————– - Kissing her ouchies - Calling any injuries ouchies or boo boo’s - Give colorful Bandaid’s with childish designs - Wrap her up and tell her she’s brave for not crying (Or tell her that anyway even her tears have subsided) - Rub her tummy when it hurts - Hold her hand in public so she doesn’t wander off - Help her get something she can’t reach - Buckle her seatbelt - Order for her - Never let her pay - Let her pick out a toy or treat, and buy it for her - Randomly bring her paci to her - Telling her to say “ah” before putting her paci in her mouth - Take her somewhere it would be okay to dress as a little - Open doors for her - Cover her eyes with your hands to hide them from scary or inappropriate things - Let her help you pick something out - Frequent diaper checks - Surprise her with a ‘little’ gift if you haven’t seen her in awhile - Pack a diaper bag in front of her if you’re both going out so she sees firsthand all the little stuff you are bringing along
Time to Get Ready for the day, Baby Girl! ——————————————————– - Good morning text when you’re not around - Pull her close and give her a good morning kiss - Ask her about her dreams - Change her diapers. Baby Wipes, Powder, ointment when needed, baby lotion and a kiss at the end for being good during her change - Undress her - Give her a bubble bath - Wash her hair (make sure she closes her eyes so she doesn’t get shampoo in them when you rinse) - Dry her off with a towel - Choose what she wears for the day - Dress her - Tie her shoes for her - Help her put her jacket or coat on and zip it up for her - Brush her hair - Give her bows, pig tails, or anything else she needs to feel cute
Chore Time & Learning Time! ——————————————————– - Give her a routine - Set up a chore chart - Ask her to think if there was anything she forgot to do today - Help her with a difficult chore - Help her make a difficult choice, spell out the options of each - Ask her to put away her toys - Ask her to gather all her dirty clothes for you to wash - Remind her to say “Please” and “Thank you” - Ask her to count something. (How many apples do we have left? How many cars are there in line? How many fingers am I holding up?) - Ask her the color of something - Ask her to identify some basic shapes - Tell her to read you something easy - Ask her to spell something easy - Ask her to do basic math (1 animal cracker +2 raisins =?) - Ask her if she has any homework, if she needs help with her homework, or if she’s finished her homework
Meal Time! ——————————————————– - Handing her a sippy with a yummy drink - Handing her a bottle (ba-ba) - Tell her to keep both hands on her drink so she doesn’t spill - Put her in a bib before meals - Sitting her in a high chair or booster seat when practical is preferred - Remind her to wash her hands before a meal - Refilling her sippy for her so she doesn’t spill - Blowing on hot food - Cutting her food for her - Cut the icky crusts off her sandwiches - Feeding her her food - Airplane or other playfulness to make sure she eats her meal - When out to eat, ask for a kid’s menu (and crayons where applicable) - Wipe her mouth or hands off when she gets messy - Tell her to be a good girl and finish what’s on her plate - A sweet treat every now and then - Ask her to count one of her food items or tell you the color of different things on her plate - Telling her no sweets so she doesn’t ruin her next meal - Use dishes and silverware meant for toddlers. Plastic forks with dull prongs or plastic plates with cartoon designs on them are best
Play Time! ——————————————————– - Surprise trips to the park - Push her on the swing - Take her to play with puppies and kitties - Those little kid trips every Little dreams about (Disney World) - Sand castles at the beach, snow forts in snow, leaf piles in the fall - Kiddie pool out back on a hot summer day - Take her on a “themed” little date - Playing with her toys with her - Joining her in her tea party - Referring to her stuffies by name - Interacting with her stuffies as if they’re living - Remembering little stories or traits about her stuffies - Invite her to a surprise tea party with her stuffies and you - Puppet show! Or more likely an interactive story using her stuffies - Play pretend with her. Put yourself in the imaginary world she has chosen - Ask her about her imaginary friend - Let her play dress up with her clothes or your adult clothes - Color with her - Make her something while drawing or doing arts and crafts - Finger painting somewhere it’s okay to make a mess - Sidewalk chalk outdoors with her - Play little aged games (Candyland, for example) - Build her a blanket fort - Piggy back rides - Give her upsies! Toss her up and catch her (if practical) - Chase her around the room/house/yard - Suggest a movie meant for little ones - Watch cartoons with her - Play a cute 2 player game. Co-op, or competitive (but let her win once in awhile) - Sing-a-long songs. Have her sing them or dance - Have a play pen set up and/or the foam piece flooring set up in their main playing area
Bed Time! ——————————————————–
- Ask if shes ready for bed. “Bed-Time, Beddy Bye Time, Ni-Night time, etc” - Remind her to brush her teeth and go potty before bed - Dress her in her jammies and night-time diaper - Ask her which stuffie she wants to sleep with and put it in her arms - Find her favorite blanket, her “blankie” and give it to her - Tuck her in - Read bedtime stories - Make up a fairy tail story for her – Ask for her input in your made up story - Sing or hum her a lullaby - Ask her if she needs her night light, plug it in if she does - Check for monsters (closet, under bed, hallway) - Keep her safe from the dark, the thunderstorms, or the meanies in her life - Be her big spoon - Let her fall asleep on you - Goodnight texts when you’re not around - Be there for her if she has nightmares. Tell her everything is okay now that Daddy is here.
Important Things to Ask or Say! ——————————————————– - “Did you go potty?” “Do you need to go potty?” - “Do you need to be changed?” - “Did you go pee-pee?” “Did you make a mess?” - “Did you take your medicine like a big girl?” - “Be careful baby” - “Make sure you stay close to Daddy” - “You’re too little to do that!” - “Does baby need a hand?” - “Did you learn anything new today?” - “Do you need anything from Daddy?” - “Do you love Daddy?” - “What does my little girl want to do today?” - “Tell me everything about your day. I want to know!” - “Which veggie is the most icky?” - “Are you ticklish? Where is your most tickliest spot?” - “Are you scared of the dark?” - “Which Stuffie is the one to which you tell all your secrets?” - “Which dinosaur is best?” - “What shape do you want your (Sandwich, Pancakes, Cookies, etc.) in?” - “Where’s the best hiding spot for hide and seek?” - “Which drink is the bestest, most yummiest drink?” - “What color is your toothbrush?” - “What does baby want for her birthday?” - “Which snacks make you feel the Littlest?” - “Other than stuffies, what other Little toys do you have? Cars? Tea Set? a Red Wagon?” - “Remember we give puppies (or kitties) soft pets” - “We try and color inside the lines, don’t we baby girl?”
Punishment Time! ——————————————————�� - If she’s not being good, tell her to behave herself - If she continues to misbehave, threaten a spanking - Make sure she doesn’t say inappropriate words - Make sure she doesn’t get into anything meant for adults; (babies get curious!) - Make sure she shares her toys and plays well with others - Put her in a nap if she’s fussy - Put her in time out if she’s being naughty - Make her say out loud why she’s being punished - Make her write lines outlining how she misbehaved - Use your stern daddy or mommy voice - Avoid yelling, shouting, or raising your voice if at all possible - If all else fails, over the knee spanking (diapered or bare bottomed)
Last, but not least,
YOU’RE HER WHOLE WORLD, and she needs to know that she is your whole world too!
Input/constructive criticism appreciated Inspiration from posts by daddyslovelyprincess33, kitten-space-124 sciencescribbler, and jennibellarella. ©OliveEyedDaddy(®)
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Reblog if you also LOVE DIAPERS and PACIFIERS
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Grund: Damit mal ein aktuellerer Jahresstand aller Caregiver-types und Little-types erkenntlich ist, können alle aktiven sich hier verewigen, mit PLZ (einstellig oder zweistellig) oder Raum/Ort,… und für alle transparent durch diese Karte. Auch können sich Community-Mitgleider somit viel besser vernetzen und ohne lange Texte ein Hallo in die Runde winken. Daddies können also auch Nachbardaddies und Littles andere Littles aus der Nachbarschaft erkennen. Empfehlung: - Region (zweistellige PLZ-Kennung, bspw) - Rolle - Alter - Geschlecht(sidentität) Beispiel: 65 DaddyDom, 25M Hinweis: Status, Suche oder andere Inseratsdinge aber nicht hier… Dafür sind Inserate da oder Profiltexte als Informationsquelle. Single oder nicht ist hier egal. Wer hier schreibt, ist ohne Garantie auf Echtheit, Rollenart oder Verirrung… also, wie gehabt (insbesondere an die Littles gerichtet): Passt gut auf euch auf. :)
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Making Her Feel Little (Definitive Edition)
By no means am I an expert, but see the below list to help guide your little into littlespace and keep her there as long as her little heart desires. Hopefully you see something new or something you’ve never considered! Emotional Care! ——————————————————–
- Ask her if she’s being a good girl - Tell her when she’s being good - Remind her how small she is - Call her cute little or pet names - Talk to her in a cute voice that brings a smile to her face - Say encouraging words - Make her blush - Congratulate her on doing something difficult - Always tell her you love her more. Never give in - Ask her a silly question - Playfully and politely tease her - Sit her in your lap - Cuddle her - Cuddle and tickle attacks - Pick her up and carry her around - Kiss her forehead - Kiss her cheek - Always offer her a hug. From the front and from behind - Pet/pat her head - Pat her diapered butt - Boop her nose - Wiggle her piggy toes - Blow raspberries on her belly - Hold her when she’s sad - Wipe away her tears and console her - Be her safe place to go when she needs one - Hold her when she’s shivering - Play with her hair - Take pictures with her - Put her drawings/colorings on your fridge - Interact in her little space - Lose to her puppy dog eyes - Ask her if there is something daddy can help with - Leave her cute easy to read notes, or little pictures to show you care - Let her smell you, spray your cologne on something for her - Let her wear one of daddy’s “grown up” shirts around the house
Physical Care! ——————————————————– - Kissing her ouchies - Calling any injuries ouchies or boo boo’s - Give colorful Bandaid’s with childish designs - Wrap her up and tell her she’s brave for not crying (Or tell her that anyway even her tears have subsided) - Rub her tummy when it hurts - Hold her hand in public so she doesn’t wander off - Help her get something she can’t reach - Buckle her seatbelt - Order for her - Never let her pay - Let her pick out a toy or treat, and buy it for her - Randomly bring her paci to her - Telling her to say “ah” before putting her paci in her mouth - Take her somewhere it would be okay to dress as a little - Open doors for her - Cover her eyes with your hands to hide them from scary or inappropriate things - Let her help you pick something out - Frequent diaper checks - Surprise her with a ‘little’ gift if you haven’t seen her in awhile - Pack a diaper bag in front of her if you’re both going out so she sees firsthand all the little stuff you are bringing along
Time to Get Ready for the day, Baby Girl! ——————————————————– - Good morning text when you’re not around - Pull her close and give her a good morning kiss - Ask her about her dreams - Change her diapers. Baby Wipes, Powder, ointment when needed, baby lotion and a kiss at the end for being good during her change - Undress her - Give her a bubble bath - Wash her hair (make sure she closes her eyes so she doesn’t get shampoo in them when you rinse) - Dry her off with a towel - Choose what she wears for the day - Dress her - Tie her shoes for her - Help her put her jacket or coat on and zip it up for her - Brush her hair - Give her bows, pig tails, or anything else she needs to feel cute
Chore Time & Learning Time! ——————————————————– - Give her a routine - Set up a chore chart - Ask her to think if there was anything she forgot to do today - Help her with a difficult chore - Help her make a difficult choice, spell out the options of each - Ask her to put away her toys - Ask her to gather all her dirty clothes for you to wash - Remind her to say “Please” and “Thank you” - Ask her to count something. (How many apples do we have left? How many cars are there in line? How many fingers am I holding up?) - Ask her the color of something - Ask her to identify some basic shapes - Tell her to read you something easy - Ask her to spell something easy - Ask her to do basic math (1 animal cracker +2 raisins =?) - Ask her if she has any homework, if she needs help with her homework, or if she’s finished her homework
Meal Time! ——————————————————– - Handing her a sippy with a yummy drink - Handing her a bottle (ba-ba) - Tell her to keep both hands on her drink so she doesn’t spill - Put her in a bib before meals - Sitting her in a high chair or booster seat when practical is preferred - Remind her to wash her hands before a meal - Refilling her sippy for her so she doesn’t spill - Blowing on hot food - Cutting her food for her - Cut the icky crusts off her sandwiches - Feeding her her food - Airplane or other playfulness to make sure she eats her meal - When out to eat, ask for a kid’s menu (and crayons where applicable) - Wipe her mouth or hands off when she gets messy - Tell her to be a good girl and finish what’s on her plate - A sweet treat every now and then - Ask her to count one of her food items or tell you the color of different things on her plate - Telling her no sweets so she doesn’t ruin her next meal - Use dishes and silverware meant for toddlers. Plastic forks with dull prongs or plastic plates with cartoon designs on them are best
Play Time! ——————————————————– - Surprise trips to the park - Push her on the swing - Take her to play with puppies and kitties - Those little kid trips every Little dreams about (Disney World) - Sand castles at the beach, snow forts in snow, leaf piles in the fall - Kiddie pool out back on a hot summer day - Take her on a “themed” little date - Playing with her toys with her - Joining her in her tea party - Referring to her stuffies by name - Interacting with her stuffies as if they’re living - Remembering little stories or traits about her stuffies - Invite her to a surprise tea party with her stuffies and you - Puppet show! Or more likely an interactive story using her stuffies - Play pretend with her. Put yourself in the imaginary world she has chosen - Ask her about her imaginary friend - Let her play dress up with her clothes or your adult clothes - Color with her - Make her something while drawing or doing arts and crafts - Finger painting somewhere it’s okay to make a mess - Sidewalk chalk outdoors with her - Play little aged games (Candyland, for example) - Build her a blanket fort - Piggy back rides - Give her upsies! Toss her up and catch her (if practical) - Chase her around the room/house/yard - Suggest a movie meant for little ones - Watch cartoons with her - Play a cute 2 player game. Co-op, or competitive (but let her win once in awhile) - Sing-a-long songs. Have her sing them or dance - Have a play pen set up and/or the foam piece flooring set up in their main playing area
Bed Time! ——————————————————–
- Ask if shes ready for bed. “Bed-Time, Beddy Bye Time, Ni-Night time, etc” - Remind her to brush her teeth and go potty before bed - Dress her in her jammies and night-time diaper - Ask her which stuffie she wants to sleep with and put it in her arms - Find her favorite blanket, her “blankie” and give it to her - Tuck her in - Read bedtime stories - Make up a fairy tail story for her – Ask for her input in your made up story - Sing or hum her a lullaby - Ask her if she needs her night light, plug it in if she does - Check for monsters (closet, under bed, hallway) - Keep her safe from the dark, the thunderstorms, or the meanies in her life - Be her big spoon - Let her fall asleep on you - Goodnight texts when you’re not around - Be there for her if she has nightmares. Tell her everything is okay now that Daddy is here.
Important Things to Ask or Say! ——————————————————– - “Did you go potty?” “Do you need to go potty?” - “Do you need to be changed?” - “Did you go pee-pee?” “Did you make a mess?” - “Did you take your medicine like a big girl?” - “Be careful baby” - “Make sure you stay close to Daddy” - “You’re too little to do that!” - “Does baby need a hand?” - “Did you learn anything new today?” - “Do you need anything from Daddy?” - “Do you love Daddy?” - “What does my little girl want to do today?” - “Tell me everything about your day. I want to know!” - “Which veggie is the most icky?” - “Are you ticklish? Where is your most tickliest spot?” - “Are you scared of the dark?” - “Which Stuffie is the one to which you tell all your secrets?” - “Which dinosaur is best?” - “What shape do you want your (Sandwich, Pancakes, Cookies, etc.) in?” - “Where’s the best hiding spot for hide and seek?” - “Which drink is the bestest, most yummiest drink?” - “What color is your toothbrush?” - “What does baby want for her birthday?” - “Which snacks make you feel the Littlest?” - “Other than stuffies, what other Little toys do you have? Cars? Tea Set? a Red Wagon?” - “Remember we give puppies (or kitties) soft pets” - “We try and color inside the lines, don’t we baby girl?”
Punishment Time! ——————————————————– - If she’s not being good, tell her to behave herself - If she continues to misbehave, threaten a spanking - Make sure she doesn’t say inappropriate words - Make sure she doesn’t get into anything meant for adults; (babies get curious!) - Make sure she shares her toys and plays well with others - Put her in a nap if she’s fussy - Put her in time out if she’s being naughty - Make her say out loud why she’s being punished - Make her write lines outlining how she misbehaved - Use your stern daddy or mommy voice - Avoid yelling, shouting, or raising your voice if at all possible - If all else fails, over the knee spanking (diapered or bare bottomed)
Last, but not least,
YOU’RE HER WHOLE WORLD, and she needs to know that she is your whole world too!
Input/constructive criticism appreciated Inspiration from posts by daddyslovelyprincess33, kitten-space-124 sciencescribbler, and jennibellarella. ©OliveEyedDaddy(®)
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