daddymajima · 4 years
📢🗣Attention, please!
😠 this ↘️
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is ❌NOT❌ “baby rilakkuma” 😤 or “dark brown rilakkuma” 😡
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he is ✨Chairoikoguma✨🍯🐝
(also known as Kogumachan 🤫)
Korilakkuma met him while on vacation🍹😎🌊 with Rilakkuma and Kiiroitori in the Honey Forest 🌲🌳🍯✨🌳🌲
Chairoikoguma enjoys spending time 🕑tending his garden 😣💦🌱🌱🌱✨
he is a honey farmer 🍯🧑🏻‍🌾 and works alongside his friends, the Kumabees 🐻🐝✨
he is an adorable small baby bear 👶🏻🐻✨and enjoys napping 💤 or going out to play 🌬🪁✨
That said...
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...thank you 📢😤💬
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daddymajima · 5 years
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daddymajima · 5 years
Venus in Aquarius wants to know everything about you. They will constantly ask you questions about your secret hopes and dreams. Often, people become so enthroned by the attention, it takes them a little while to recognize that Venus in Aquarius does not reveal too much about themselves. You can try to pry, but if Venus in Aquarius does not want to fully open up to you, they will deflect onto something else.
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daddymajima · 5 years
Me after watching the new episode of jojo
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daddymajima · 5 years
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Moodboard for today’s episode~
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daddymajima · 5 years
Venus in Aquarius - Let’s Get Weird Together
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The Venus in Aquarius is likely to have a lot of friends and a budding social life, but they are picky with their lovers. The Venus in Aquarius will not change themselves just to sift through all the incompatible people. They look for people who are accepting of their flaws, and if not their flaws, then of their weirdness. When they find that someone, the Venus in Aquarius holds them dear and long-term, because whereas most people would be turned off by others’ strange idiosyncrasies, it’s not every day that you find people who “vibe” with you. Right there is your diamond in the rough, that’s how you know they’re a keeper. More than that, Venus in Aquarius look for partners with whom they can be weird. They want their partner to be their own individual person and let their freak flag fly, but the Aquarian also wants to fly their freak flag together. For instance, they might think, “If I’m really into reptiles, my partner better be just as into reptiles as I am. I’ll wait forever if I have to…”
To attract other people, the Venus in Aquarius won’t change a single thing about themselves. They’ll go out as they are, accepting of themselves and telling anyone who dislikes that to fuck off. They may have a weird sense of fashion, which definitely is attractive to some. But one thing is for sure: their method of finding their soulmate is to be as laid-back and as chill as possible. Kick your feet up, relax, be yourself, and jump into a conversation, maybe go to a music festival or play DnD with your friends. You might find your soulmate there, or maybe, you might already have befriended them.
Venus in Aquarius usually go for people who share the same sense of humor and with whom they can have enduring conversations. I know that’s obvious, but what I mean is that it’s not easy for the Venus in Aquarius to find someone who can check both of these criteria. The kinds of partners these people have often have nerdy or niche interests, but also a laid-back, chill, and fun personality. Their partners may be hippies, and if not, then they love animals and are concerned for animal welfare. Venus in Aquarius doesn’t go well with stuffiness, awkwardness, quietness, formality, and high-strung people. These people are okay with gushy displays of love, but more than that, they like partners who share jokes with them and go to social events with them. They want a lover they can laugh with, and almost be like a friend; casual and socialite. I know of a Venus in Aquarius who describes her love for her grandmother as like being best friends.
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daddymajima · 5 years
let april shower you with love and affection, cherry blossom petals glide elegantly in the wind like angels in the air blowing kisses. flowers in my hair disguised as a beaming halo, be a goddess of spring with the power to summon liquid sunshine before early summer’s rose bloom. the mood is peace, harmony, and diamonds— i’ve fallen for nature’s sweet delights.
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daddymajima · 5 years
Aquarius sun/moon/venus/mars are clingy, needy and possessive, I would even say they tend be obsessed with the one they love but they try to be lowkey about it🤷‍♀️
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daddymajima · 6 years
- warmth from each sign
Read for Sun/Moon/Venus
Aries: People like being around them, around their aura, around their being, because they are known to be passionate and exude passion, honor, there is fight in them, also they are bright beings and are shown to be very kind around people who deserve it, their innocence is present up till a moment they learn about this world, their naivety continues but they start using their intuition and instincts more to protect themselves. If you enter an Aries heart, they will do absolute anything for you and you can always rely and count on them.
Taurus: Filled with love and do not have a problem expressing and showing how dedicated they are towards their loved ones. With a Taurus beside your side, you will never feel lonely, unloved, you will even get bonus attention and bonus treats.
Gemini: Even though they are focused on the workings of their brain and communication (Mercury) they are actually dreamers. They love the unknown and are always ready for an adventure, you will never feel bored around them, you will always capture little moments that make you think life is worth living, also you will not be afraid to be a bit silly just as they can be. Geminis are always ready to discover something new but also uncover something new about themselves.
Cancer: They are always there for you and know exactly what to do to make you feel better. They really care for and take care of their loved ones. Regardless of you needing a shoulder to cry on, a friend, a listener, someone to celebrate your successes with, a Cancer will always be there by your side. They are a mother figure, so prepare to hear the truth from their perspective and them bringing you down to earth if necessary to show you to the right direction, even though a water sign and emotional, sensitive they have a feisty side where they can point out things.
Leo: A radiant, warm personality everyone wants a piece of. You should really value your friendship with them, they will always encourage you, support you, be giving and fight for you if necessary. Their golden heart is as big as they get.
Virgo: Always ready to help and sacrifice their time, sacrifice things for the people they love. If you have a Virgo by your side, you have a counselor, a critic, a friend, a right hand (and basically Google), you will also be fulfilled after spending time with them, they know your happy points and can get that side out quickly.
Libra: They love feeling at peace, they love being the mediator and keeping the balance. They will do a lot of things for the people they love, just so they can be happy and Libras enjoy that happiness alongside them. They can go out of their way for a lot of things, sacrificial, a listener, a soft-hearted best friend everyone wants.
Scorpio: Focused, intense, motivated also their passion is something to be touched from, something that inspires and they will try to inspire you and motivate you, to be the best version of yourself as you can be, to compete with yourself. They are extremely dedicated friends and loyal friends, once they achieve intimacy with people their whole world is whole.
Sagittarius: A challenger, a friend that will challenge you to think out of your zone, them questioning everything will infect you to do the same. They will teach you a lot, but will also be ready to learn a lot from you, they will follow your footsteps. Also they are adventurers, free-spirits, honest beings that will give you a great time, lots of laughter and humor. They really know how to enjoy life and they would like to share that with you. They are the optimistic point of life you go to when your world crashes for a moment.
Capricorn: Ambitious and hard-workers, loyal, dedicated, a pillar we all rely on. People with the best advice, best humor and someone who really wants you to succeed and will be behind each party, but also behind each sadness to console you. People who will challenge you in order for you to find pieces of yourself and never be lost, even if you are they will guide you. A friend with whom you can create little traditions, also inside jokes, something just between the two of you.
Aquarius: They will inspire you, they will be there for you, they will always be giving. They will be the string that keeps the group of friends together, they really try around their friends. Someone with whom you can talk about everything and anything and never be bored. Exploring together and achieving causes for the better of society, huge things I know but what can an Aquarius not do? They think of everything and will take you along the ride, because they are so friend-oriented they are stronger with you by their side, but you are too. A rare gem to always protect.
Pisces: The friend that will always understand beyond all understandings, the friend that will literally feel your pain, but feel your happiness and joy x 10. Really sensitive, creative and imaginative, they will make you look at things differently and really remind you why you are human, why you are on this very Earth, they will make you question about your mission. But they will always try to prove how grateful they are for meeting you, for having you. They will cherish you, they will be your support system forever.
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daddymajima · 6 years
Gayest griffguts moment in your opinion?
Omg trying to choose just one moment is impossible lol. Ok well if I take this question super literally, “gayest” not just as in most homoerotic or suggestive or romantic but specifically as in indicative of sexual orientation, I think I’ll have to go with this one:
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Because it’s a call-back to the exact moment that prompted Guts to ask Griffith if he’s gay, and Casca is basically saying yeah Guts, you were right, he probably does want you exactly the way you first assumed because he’s clearly incredibly in love with you.
In the scene Casca’s reminding Guts about Griffith didn’t answer Guts’ question and just changed the subject to an analysis Guts’ fighting style, deflecting his personal feelings and refocusing on Guts as an asset. But here’s Casca to remind us of that moment and tell us that Guts’ strength and ability to fight is neither here nor there, and really obviously not why Griffith “wants” Guts.
Also ofc we eventually learn that she’s jealous of Guts because she’s in love with Griffith.
Like there’s literally no hetero explanation for Berserk as a whole, but this scene specifically goes extra hard by actively tying Casca’s “it’s as if…” to the question of Griffith’s sexuality. It barely counts as subtext.
(also here’s an answer to a similar ask where I did top 5 if you’re interested)
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daddymajima · 6 years
venus in aquarius
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daddymajima · 6 years
February 25, 2005
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daddymajima · 6 years
Venus in Aquarius, Uranus in the 7th, Venus in the 11th, Venus-Uranus aspects: Develops a personal definition of love. Experiments and defines what is needed and wanted from a relationship, regardless of what other people may think. Gives lovers freedom and expects the same in return, can become frustrated at partners when they have spent too long in another's company. Can feel 'suffocated' once feelings start arising, and also insecure because words cannot articulate these sensations
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daddymajima · 6 years
“I forgot light. It drained from the edges of trees until all shapes blurred. But not your eyes.”
— Diana der Hovanessian, from The Selected Poems; “Forgetting” (via autumnalsonata)
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daddymajima · 6 years
“When you believe in yourself, the dream believes itself into existence. When you are not limited by conditioning, you can see far beyond the horizon of possibilities”
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daddymajima · 6 years
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thank you to @hannyatattoo for reminding me it is this man’s birthday
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daddymajima · 6 years
Kiryu without his top:
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Kiryu with his top:
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