dabiralovesfun 12 days
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In My Shadows. 2
Ateez Fanfiction
To understand the enigma that is Aurora, one must first understand the history behind it.
The beginning of the 1800s was a tumultuous and violent time for the country. The people had no other hobby than killing their leaders and destroying public property. Violence was the order of the day and it seemed nothing could stop it. Anarchy was creeping near. sniffing around.
Enter Kim Haejoong. A man with a solution.
The people had simple demands; Down with the government and class system, equal distribution of wealth and taxes.
Kim Haejoong had a simple solution; Kill them all.
Very simple.
Haejoong was the Supreme leader, and he had no intention of ever letting go. Equal distribution? Bullshit, down with the government? He WAS THE GOVERNMENT, and he sure as hell wasn't ready to die. Down with the class system? How about down with you! But he needed help. The upper-class supported him, of course. He was saving their gold plated asses. But it wasn't enough, the people still outnumbered them. He needed help. And fast.
Enter Selyse Nightengale.
A slim woman with a beauty that made her look deadly. Like a lion, ready to pounce and devour. Her black hair, pale skin, and blood red lips unnerved everyone she came across.
Selyse had a plan. The shadow Cult. She claimed she had spiritual ways to solve the countries issues.
Haejoong called bullshit. He had never believed in spirituality. It was war and victory that got him here, not God or angels.
But Selyse pressed, she wasn't asking him to become a priest or fast. "Conquer.blood with blood" she said.
Haejoong thought she had gone mad, but he was running desperate. The army was loosing to the people, and the violence was getting close to the capital.
Haejoong decided to give the mad woman a chance. It wouldn't cost him anything. If he failed, she died. No biggie.
June 5th, 1870
All the upper-class families gathered in the dead of night, Selyse stood in front of them in a dark red dress holding a bowl.
"We begin"
They all stepped forward to pierce their fingers on a blade and let the blood drip into the bowl.
When the last man was done, selyse began to sing in a shrill voice. The night seemed to get sing in response.
After a while, she covered the bowl.
"It is done."
In a month, all the revolutionary leaders had died strange, violent deaths. Just like that. The people grew scared and Haejoong grew happier. He found it easier to do what he did best.
Surpress and opress.
Selyse was granted riches, and she became a main advisor to Haejoong... Some upperclassmen even whispered lover.
Finally, the country was stabilised, and all thought it was over.
The Shadows had not gotten the memo, though, the murders continued. Violent, evil, and sadistic.
Haejoong couldn't care less, all the deaths were common people.
The families that shed blood that night would never be affected.
Aurora Academy was set up in 1876 to cater to the elites of the capital and as a show of wealth and power.
But there was more to it.
Aurora was created for protection. Why? The families that pleged to the Shadows didn't even know. All they knew is their descendants must attend Aurora or die.
And so it was. Generation after generation. Until it became tradition.
Haejoong was content. He had secured his dynasty. Now his descendants will rule just as he had. Strong and unbreakable.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Hongjoong felt like puking. The bodies were so mutilated you almost couldn't see their faces. But he couldn't break in public, he was a future leader. He had to be strong. Unbreakable. A warrior. A Victor. Just like- Just like Kim Haejoong.
His brain started to fail him. His vision becoming blurry. Be strong. Strong. Unbreakable. Victorious.
A hand gently held him. He looked up, Seonghwa.
"I'm fine." He couldn't afford to say anything else.
"Stop lying."
Thanks for reading this also. I promise it will come together. Trust the process馃槈. Luv youuu鉂わ笍
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dabiralovesfun 12 days
Hi! Could you use the "read more" option?
I'm so sorry! I'm new here. Of course, I'll figure out how and use it. Thanks!馃槝
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dabiralovesfun 13 days
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In My Shadows. 1
To be honest, Tua wasn't really sure what the fuck was going on. One second, she was with her family running a small convenience store, next minute, she was being driven to some fancy school in the capital.
Aurora Academy - since 1876.
She had heard so much about Aurora, the fact that it was set up for only the elitest of the elite, the fact that it had huge chandeliers everywhere and that the floors were made of gold and the door knobs were just huge diamonds. (Maybe the last part was a lie, she didn't know. But she'll find out soon enough).
Whatever the case, Aurora was a myth for people like her. She didn't belong there, her father wasn't a big shot politician, her mum wasn't some ancient money heiress, she didn't have billions in her trust fund, she didn't even have a trust fund!
It was 3 weeks ago when she got the letter. 100% all expenses paid scholarship to Aurora. The paper was so fancy she almost believed the diamond door knob theory. The letter had said it was because of her outstanding performance in her state speech competition and artistic prowess. She called bullshit. She was sure there were other students with more credentials than her that were able to pay the exuberant fees.
Tua knew she was there to make Aurora look good, probably cover up for something. But what? She was the first scholarship student since the school opened its fancy doors, and she knew it wasn't kindness.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
4 months ago.
To be honest, Yeosang wasn't sure what the fuck was going on. The dorms were eerily quiet, and the BOY'S DORMITORY WAS NEVER QUIET. It was in the morning, and everyone should have been getting ready for the last day of school. There should have been loud and joyful with laughter and pranks in the air... But there was nothing. He slowly walked out of his room and went to knock on Wooyoung's door.
Aurora dorms did not lack luxury, each dorm had a tastefully furnished living space with a smart TV and two study desks, refrigerator, chandelier (of course), two standard sized ensuit bedrooms that the student could customise however as long as it fit the schools regulations, to top it off, each dorm had access to a small balcony overlooking the golf course.
There was no way that Wooyoung was awake, he was the boy's personal alarm clock, and yet when he opened the door, the room was empty. What the hell. His bed was messy, clothes scattered, phone on the floor... It looked like he left in a hurry. OK, now, Yeosang was worried. He grabbed his phone and called Jongho. No answer. WTF. San. No answer. God! Hongjoong. No answer. No real surprise there tbh. Seonghwa. NO ANSWER. OK, maybe there was an alien invasion and everyone had been abducted.
Yeosang rushed out of his dorm to find empty halls. "GUYS!" The silence that greeted him was deafening. He dialed a number again. Mingi..... It rang and rang, and Yeosang was getting ready to hear the automated voice that told him the caller was on available.
"Yeo? Are you OK? Where are you!"
He thought he was dreaming, he almost couldn't talk.
"I-In the dormitory, where did everyone go?"
"How could you have slept past the noise, come out to the woods."
Yeosang walked to the woods at the back of the dorm, if he turned right and kept walking he would arrive at the golf course, but if he continued straight down, it would be nothing but forests. This part of the school was mainly avoided, it gave Yeosang the creeps. He found Wooyoung, San and Mingi at the entrance.
They both looked dishevelled.
Yeosang had so many questions, Wooyoung didn't let him ask. Yeosang didn't think he'd ever seen Wooyoung this serious before. No humor at all behind his eyes, he felt a chill run down his spine.
"Dojun, Sanhwa, Kenji and Mark were found dead in the woods, they had been stabbed repeatedly."
Yeosang felt his ears ring, he hadn't been close to any of the boys, but he knew Dojun was student body president and was pleasant enough, he was supposed to graduate today. What the hell?
"W-Who would do something like that?"
"Someone who really really hated them"
Yeosang looked at Seonghwa, Yunho, Jongho and Hongjoong approaching.
"What do we do?"
"Forget it ever happened and try to leave this freakshow alive." Everyone turned to Mingi.
"How the fuck are we supposed to forget something like this?" Wooyoung seethed.
Mingi shrugged, "It's not like this is the first time, the school is going to cover it up somehow and they'll say it was a drug induced fight or something."
He was right.
Aurora was not a stranger to violent murders. The last one had happened 20 years ago.
And somehow, somehow, their parents still insisted on Aurora.
Yeosang called Bullshit. There was something very wrong with this place.
Thank you for reading, I'm sorry if it was a bit rough.... I didn't really proofread. I promise it would get better tho. Love you all馃槏
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