He/They|Adult| basically an obey me side blog where I can spout my thoughts and talk about my ocs| Main: ice-cweam-sod4| 16+ |Picrew link: https://picrew.me/en/image_maker/1588687
Last active 2 hours ago
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
sometimes you need dialogue tags and don't want to use the same four
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Always Remember:
kissing can and will, get boring.
its ok to go to sleep on opposite sides.
forgetting favorites, dates and replies is only human.
you dont have to like, or be friends with all of their friends and vice-versa.
they have a right to spend weekends dedicating to their friends and family. you have the same right.
privacy is still in play.
trying simple things that they like, no matter how much you are sure you will dislike it, is a very small step you can take to show your love to them.
you dont gotta have the same taste in music, food, books etc.
saying i love you, thank you, take care, please and i missed you really helps.
you cant agree with all their life decisions and they cant with yours. keeping an open mind and having an honest and deep discussion about it helps.
they dont need your permission to do things and neither you need theirs.
the intention and care behind the gift matters. not its price tag.
dont try and change them. help them become better versions of themselves and get the same help and support and care from them.
know what matters most and focus on that.
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Friendly reminder that this is a war veteran

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Never Ending
I’d like to say that the games ending does not mean the fandom is or should be ending in any way. There is a near endless amount of materials and potentials for this game and the creative fandom to draw from and to create.
The game is now ours. We decide the future, so giving up on the fandom seems really silly and sad. I’ll still be here. You can count on this blog to always have quotes, answers, fun facts, screenshots, and stories now more than ever.
I will do my part in keeping this game and fandom alive. Please join my efforts and don’t delete your works or accounts just because the games are over.
I don’t know what will happen with Obey me in the future but I’ll be here for it and I hope you will be too.
I am still very angry with Solmare but to the games themselves I want to thank you for getting me through covid and severe depression. You somehow reignited my interest in my faith too. You connected me to my writing and my dreams of the future and helped me in the most confusing years of my newly adult life.
So thank you obey me for all the fun times that I’ve had and will continue to have. As thanks, know I’ll always be here writing the future of the characters you’ve brought to life that I love so much.
Here’s to the future of Obey Me Shall We Date and our fandom.
#reblog🕷️🕸️🩷#obey me#how are people leaving when the game ends?#i mean you CAN do that but#YOU NOW HAVE ALL OF THE CREATIVE FREEDOM
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The right FREE tools to write a book
hello hello, it's me!
today I was thinking of how much you loved my masterlist featuring some free tools for writers, and I thought I would do something like that again but, this time, featuring just one or two tools per step while getting the best of "the writer's workbook" (which is also free).
before going any further, for those who don't know, "the writer's workbook" is, as the name says, a workbook for writers, with over 90 pages. it has lots of sheets divided into categories, to help you build the skeleton of your novel. (know more about it here).
however, we can get the most out of it using other complementary tools to ease this process.
Reedsy generator - it's one of my favorites, and it can be quite useful when you're stuck and want to get an idea. you're free to make changes to it so that it is as unique as possible.
Lucidspark - although it has a premium version, I find it so helpful when it comes to making a mindmap. I've used it multiple times before, including for college assignments, and it's one of the best I've found so far.
Mindmup - I'm sharing this one here as an alternative to lucidspark, since this one doesn't require to create an account, and you have access to unlimited maps. however, in my opinion, it is not as good or intuitive as lucidspark is.
Come up with names
Behind the name - it's a classic, but one of my favorites. you can search every name you could ever imagine, and get its meaning, history, variations, etc. it still has some tools you can use such as a name generator, anagrams, and much more.
Make a profile
Fake person generator - although it was not created for authors, you might find it useful since it gives lots of details and you can be interested in some fields.
Character generator - this one was made for writers, and is simple and easy to use.
Family tree
Family echo - it's so simple yet so helpful.
Inkarnate - it has a paid version, but you can use it for free and create a great map.
Filteries - this is sooo complete and accurate!
hope this was helpful! have a nice day <3
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Four years ago, I stumbled across a small, humble otome game. I had thought it would be a passing phase — just something to enjoy on the sidelines for a little while. But before I knew it, I had fallen in love with the world, the characters, and the stories, and I came to see the Devildom as my second home. I remember days when I was feeling down and, maybe not so coincidentally (hehe), will come a message asking me how I was doing or simply offering something to take my mind off of things. Despite being fictional, I think the games brought to me something very real.
Unfortunately, Obey Me, as a game, is ending quite soon. As a thank you for everything, I decided to create this piece.
Thank you so much, Obey Me and its creators, for an amazing four years. It has meant so much to me. I look forward to seeing what you have in store for the future ❤️
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when I was 14 I worked in a grocery store and one day I got to bag Stephen King’s groceries and of course, being the little horror fiction nerd I am I was completely starstruck
I think he thought I was gonna ask for an autograph because I was not even lowkey staring I was full on moon-faced and bouncing and he kept looking over at me hesitantly like aw jeez kid fuck off
anyways I finally managed to squeak out that I was a huge fan and asked for advice on writing, “how do I write as well as you do?” in my horrible thick German accent and broken ass English and he gave me the best writing advice I have ever received
“shit kid, stop worrying about how other people do it and just write your story”
14 years later my wife and I nearly hit him with our car because he was jaywalking
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Have you guys already taken a look at this:
An Obey Me fan game :
I just wanted you to know this

I got the link for you in case you want to play:
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So. The OM news.
Solmare announced on Wednesday that December will be the "final new content" for the two mobile games. Going along with that, Lesson 60 will also be the end of story content in Nightbringer.
Definitely quite some news to take in, and one that's gotten everyone into quite a tizzy, understandably.
First, a clarification: The games are NOT going into End-of-Service (not yet, anyway). Both the OG game and Nightbringer will continue on as-is, just without any new content in general starting in January. This means that we are still going to have access to all the content we've had up to this point, like the main story, Lonely Devil, Devilgrams, Time Chronicle, etc. The announcement also stated that "past events will continue to be periodically re-released," and while it's not completely clear what those re-releases are going to look like, it sounds like the apps themselves will still be around for a while.
Secondly, this is also not the end of the Obey Me franchise. The announcement specifically says, "We promise you that this will not be the end of the seven brothers, the Devildom, or of Obey Me!" It also mentions a "new era" with "new forms of content," and Solmare themselves tried to clarify this the day after too, with assurance that new projects ARE in the works. So this is not the end of our beloved boys (and Thirteen)!!
Now, we don't actually know what this "new era" is going to look like, or what specific kinds of new projects this is referring to. We have been specifically promised new in-person events and merchandise, but of course, that's not particularly promising news for tons of us in the fandom who are not in areas that usually get those events or those who cannot afford to buy the merch, which have sometimes been hard to access for those outside of Japan.
Based on a couple of the VAs' tweets, we do know that OM is specifically moving beyond "アプリゲー���" (app game) format, which means we should not expect a third mobile game anytime soon. (And honestly, thank fuck, because we think we speak for a lot of us in saying the community's trust would just be so broken at that point!) And given their involvement, there are some ideas we can probably safely strike out. But until we get more official information, anything else on this is pretty much just speculation at this point.
But hey, on this blog, we love to speculate and theorize and make wild guesses as to what's going to happen next in OM, don't we? So let's speculate!
Firstly, any kind of print format like light novels and further manga volumes wouldn't involve the VAs, so those are probably out. But we do have the manga volumes they already released, so one possibility could be making a proper anime off of the manga version of the main story! When the gag anime originally released, many people expressed interest in seeing the main story converted into an anime, so that could be an interesting avenue for them to pursue.
Another option would be for them to go down a more audio-focused route. Though we haven't gotten much Otaku FM content in quite a long time, they've only released a couple of characters for their ASMR project so far, and hopefully they will still continue it for the rest of the characters. It's possible that they could bring back Otaku FM or Boys in the House content, especially to promote other new content in this new era. And multiple of the OM voice actors are involved with the Ex and Bee, which seems to have somewhat low numbers so far but has been said to be good (though we haven't looked into it ourselves), so it could be possible for them to try out a similar audio drama format with OM, as a more established IP.
Also, while the VAs seem to be saying that app games (mobile) are done for now, that doesn't necessarily mean we couldn't get a PC or console game. This could open up a possibility of a more traditional route-based style of otome game, which could give the writers a better position at balancing romance with the larger world adventure elements, and then just extending it with things like DLCs, fan discs, etc. Hard to say if Solmare has the budget to pull off something like that, but it would probably be more up their alley as a game studio and still give their programmers things to do assuming they haven't all been laid off with the current state of the games industry.
And then, of course, we have more things like Overture, the "concert" they put on with new 3D models of the brothers. Even if they can't afford a full-fledged console game, they could definitely still use those models in other ways, but also in more Overture-like concerts. Though personally, we would prefer if they didn't -- no one got into OM to have an idol group game. There are a million idol games and franchises already, and while it's fine as extra content on the side we guess, they're not really strong contenders against all of the actual idol games already out there. But there's money in that genre, so who knows if whatever execs may continue pushing it that direction...
And finally, another possibility, though perhaps also not a very likely one, is a theater show. It's pretty common for animes and such to also have stage productions in Japan. Luke's and Diavolo's VAs in particular have also done theater, including musical theater, so it's not a foreign concept to some of the team. But given the limited geographical scope of something like that, this wouldn't really be good for anyone outside of, like, probably only Tokyo? Still, stranger things have happened, so it's not outside the realm of possibility.
Speculation and all aside...we've been here since basically the beginning, when OG Obey Me was released back in December 2019. The end of content in the games is bittersweet, and we'll certainly be sad after NB Lesson 60 is released. Despite all of its flaws, OM is what got us both back into writing and drawing after a very long time. We started this blog! Neither of us had ever done a fandom blog before! It's been something near and dear (if even frustratingly so) to us for the past five years, so we'll be watching for what's coming next! And in the meantime, we're still here with you all too, for however slowly we put our stuff out.
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rip obey me those boys are my ocs now and they will spin around in my head like rotisserie chickens indefinitely
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When your Character...
Gets into: A Fight ⚜ ...Another Fight ⚜ ...Yet Another Fight
Hates Someone ⚜ Kisses Someone ⚜ Falls in Love
Calls Someone they Love ⚜ Dies / Cheats Death ⚜ Drowns
A Child ⚜ Interacting with a Baby/Child ⚜ A Genius ⚜ A Lawyer
Beautiful ⚜ Dangerous ⚜ Drunk ⚜ Injured ⚜ Shy
A Magical Item ⚜ An Aphrodisiac ⚜ A Fictional Poison
To be Killed Off ⚜ To Become Likable ⚜ To Clean a Wound
To Find the Right Word, but Can't ⚜ To Say No ⚜ A Drink
Astronomy ⚜ Baking ⚜ Cooking ⚜ Cocktails ⚜ Food ⚜ Oils
Dancing ⚜ Fashion ⚜ Gems ⚜ Mythology ⚜ Numbers
Roses ⚜ Sweets ⚜ To Fight ⚜ Wine ⚜ Wine-Tasting ⚜ Yoga
Allergies ⚜ Amnesia ⚜ Bereavement ⚜ Bites & Stings ⚜ Bruises
Caffeine ⚜ CO Poisoning ⚜ Color Blindness ⚜ Food Poisoning
Injuries ⚜ Jet Lag ⚜ Mutism ⚜ Pain ⚜ Poisoning
More Pain & Violence ⚜ Viruses ⚜ Wounds
[these are just quick references. more research may be needed to write your story...]
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I swear tho, if I see people start deleting their fics I'm going to be so upset. Even if the game isn't getting more content that doesn't mean the fandom has to end too.
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At this point. what are the devs even doing with the characters

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or another game while they are at it
"The game in general is greedy, and Solmare does not care about you at all. They just see $$$$$$$ when they put out another lesson or season."
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Have the devs done this before? (written lucifer into fanon teritory I mean)
This is literally the Obey Me fandom with Lucifer 😭

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