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And here is Cyprian without his shirt, so enjoy, I know some people do :]
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Cyprian got some formal clothing for big events, or if wants to hangs out with friends or feels like it.
Art is done by the amazing Zucchi over on Instagram, I got a few more Cyprian art to post so yeah.
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The Saiyan of Legend Reveals himself!
I got some more artwork done for my Dragon Ball oc Cyprian, and I'd think they turned out amazing.
Art is done by the amazing Zucchi on Instagram. He be can be found here
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Like I said, if you want to interact with this Saiyan with the heart of an angel, feel free to shoot a dm.
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My Ocs
General Damian Luther Hyde - A Enclave General trying to reclaim America the right way - Age: 26
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Dragon Ball
Cyprian - A Saiyan of Legend from Universe 7 - Age: 23
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"Many have described these as uncertain times. And while that may be the case for the rest of the world, I can tell you what is certain: the United States will remain strong... and it will remain safe. That is my promise.”
S - 10
P - 5
E - 5
C - 10
I - 10
A - 8
L - 5
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[Our members were once the puppet masters of the United States, quietly pulling strings at every level of power in the nation.]
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「 Name 」
Damian Luther Hyde
「 Species 」
「 Gender 」
「 Sexuality 」
「 Origin 」
「 Age 」
「 Allegiance 」
The Enclave
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「 Body 」
6’5, 200lbs
Damian has a athletic build given his height and weight, he stands tall above his fellow officers, yet underneath his uniform is a heavily scarred and torn body from years of combat.
「 Face 」
Damian’s face, despite it almost never being shown behind the mask he wears, is a decently preserved one, if it weren’t for the heavy scarring around his mouth and eyes, he’d be mistaken for a model. His eyes are a soft amber color.
「 Hair 」
He keeps his hair neatly trimmed and combed, yet he keeps it long
「 Voice 」
Damian’s voice is one or authority. While somewhat deep due to the scarring on his throat, it’s the mask he wears which makes his voice even more intimidating.
「 Clothes 」
He typically is seen wearing his Enclave Uniform, as he holds his position with pride, the few times he is seen without it, he is either in X0-2 Power Armor, or he is in prewar style clothing.
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In the complex and tumultuous world of Damian, there exists a multifaceted individual whose characteristics combine to create a captivating and enigmatic persona. Damian is more than just a man; he is a dynamic blend of virtues and traits that make him stand out in any setting. A close observer would find themselves in awe of the many layers that comprise this unique individual.
One of the first qualities that strike anyone who crosses paths with Damian is his unwavering courtesy and cordiality towards his allies. Whether it's a fellow soldier, a close friend, or a casual acquaintance, Damian treats them all with the same level of respect and warmth. His amiable nature is not just a facade; it's an integral part of his being, as he firmly believes in the power of building meaningful connections with others.
Yet, beneath his friendly exterior lies a mind that is constantly thinking and planning for the future. Damian is no stranger to anxiety and worry, especially when it comes to tactical matters. His ability to anticipate potential challenges and threats has earned him a reputation as a strategic mastermind. He spends countless hours contemplating various scenarios, working tirelessly to ensure the safety and success of his allies and the causes he holds dear.
With charisma radiating from every pore, Damian effortlessly captivates those around him with his jovial, humorous, and proud public persona. As a officer of the United States Enclave, he employs his natural charm to influence and persuade others. His public speaking skills, combined with his wit and sense of humor, make him an adept communicator, able to rally support and inspire others to follow his lead.
Beneath the glimmering surface, however, there lies a profound sense of pride in his heritage and the work he does. Damian takes immense pride in representing the United States Enclave, and his passion for his role is evident in every word he speaks and action he takes. This pride is not born out of arrogance but from a genuine belief in the principles and values that the Enclave upholds.
One of the most defining aspects of Damian's character is his deep-rooted respect for courage, loyalty, selflessness, and duty. He holds these virtues in the highest regard and seeks to embody them in his own actions. This unwavering commitment to principles serves as a moral compass, guiding his decisions both on and off the battlefield. In his eyes, character and integrity are the true measures of a person's worth, and he actively seeks to nurture these qualities in those under his command.
Despite the responsibilities and pressures that come with his role, Damian displays a remarkably generous personality, especially towards those under his command. He recognizes the sacrifices and dedication of his team, and he doesn't hesitate to acknowledge and reward their efforts. His leadership style is marked by empathy and compassion, always seeking to uplift and support those around him, fostering a sense of unity and camaraderie within the ranks.
The journey into the depths of Damian's character unveils a multifaceted individual with contrasting yet harmonious traits. His courteous and cordial demeanor belies the far-thinking, tactical mind that is always planning for the future. The public image of a jovial and humorous spokesperson contrasts with the deep pride he feels in his role with the United States Enclave.
However, it is his unwavering respect for virtues like courage, loyalty, selflessness, and duty that truly defines Damian's character. These principles are the cornerstone of his decisions and actions, guiding him through the complexities of life and shaping him into an inspirational leader. Yet, through all the challenges and responsibilities, Damian remains generously supportive of those around him, fostering a sense of unity and loyalty within his team.
「 Likes 」
He likes his troops and the command he holds
He values pre-war values over anything else
He loves America and the people it once held
He values righteousness over peace
「 Dislikes 」
The Old Enclave, mostly Stationed at Command Post Enclave the Oil Rig
He hates Tyrant, those who force their will upon others.
The Brotherhood of steel, for the murder of his men, the scarring of his face
The Raiders, their crude and cruel methods of existing
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The Enclave. The last bastion for the old America to arise from. Only the top ranking of the old world government knew about its existence. One of these individuals was General Edward Hyde, this was Damian’s Pre-war ancestor. Damian would be born on a enclave facility, R-1017, a outpost stationed in the Chicago area, after the defeat of Colonel Autumn, the few remnants would head to this Facility. During this point in time Damian was merely a Major at the time, focusing all of his efforts on reclaiming the Chicago area, unlike his three counterparts. President Richardson, President Eden, and President Thomas Eckhart. Damian remained focused on a new goal, reclaiming the America of old, not through violent Genocide, but by showing the side of the government that most had forgotten, by the people, for the people.
In the year, 2287, he’d successfully have the Chicago area under Enclave Control, yet even after that, he was informed about enclave assets on the west coast, and in Appalachia. Making a choice he’d have him and a elite squad, nicknamed the Black Devils. Named after the X-02 power armor they wear, would head to Appalachia to establish a presence there. Afterwards he'd turn his attention back onto the Nation's Captial, The Captial Wasteland, Formerly known as Washington DC.
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「 Total caps: 1776」
Plasma Pistol
X-03 Hellfire Power Armor
Galling Plasma
3 Synthetic G.E.C.K’s made by M.O.D.U.S
A C.A.M.P.
Blueprints for a water Purifier
Radio to Contact both the Kovac-Muldoon Platform, and Chicago
A Combat Knife
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「 Best Skills 」
Pain Train
「 Worst Skills 」
Iron Lung
Lock Picking
“If I must choose between peace and righteousness, I choose righteousness”
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Hey any dragon balls fans that follow me, I got my own dragon ball oc, art done by the amazing people at a discord server I'm in.
Meet Cyprian, A C-type saiyan raised on earth, who loves rock and roll and just to have a good time
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Good morning y'all.
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Howdy y'all been a hot minute since I've been on here, I'm going to probably to be a tad bit more active here. But first and foremost, I have new ocs and I'm probably going to replace all my old ones here with the new ones.
Anyways take care 🙂
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Happy Valentines day. No matter if your single or have a significant other I hope you enjoy your day!
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Hello everyone whom follows me, been a while, hope everyone is doing well, I'm in the mood to rp so feel free to send me a dm :]
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Anyone down to rp, I'm just chilling out here not doing much.
How was everyone's day btw? I hope it was well :]
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Hope everyone is having a amazing Friday :]
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// morning everyone
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//How is everyone today?//
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Meet the Newest RWBY muse to join my Roster, The Manticore of Beacon - Damian Ashton Tenbris
Thanks again NanamiCrocker of deviantart and Andiearts of reddit for drawing my oc
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The Manticore of Beacon academy - Damian Ashton Tenebris is a interesting character, But to be simply put, he loves music and cooking, and those who are his friend will know that the 3rd year as a bit of a carefree attitude willing to always throw the largest parties in beacon that would put the Vytel Festival to shame.
His hobbies includes singing and writing rock music, and cooking these perfect dishes, even if they can be simple.
//But don't be afraid to send in a ask or a DM, to interact with him, as he surely is trouble, but trouble loves company.//
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Hopefully everyone is having a good day :]
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I normally don't post here but today's my birthday, that's all. Ye.
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