Tooth and Nail
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So I just got done with my first session with campus counseling and I think it went alright. The lady they paired me up with was really nice and mostly we just chatted. She asked me a lot of questions about my childhood and what home life was like; that was pretty tricky to explain, mostly I just told her I was raised by my grandpa and let her make assumptions about what happened to me after he passed away. She probably assumes I went into foster care or something, hopefully she doesn’t look into that. I have a feeling getting proper help is going be difficult since I can’t just straight out tell them that my emotional distress is from some video game; either she’d think I’m overly obsessed with some silly game, or she’d think I was nuts, either way it probably wouldn’t end well...
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One of my professors caught me dozing off in lecture today, eh heh oops. When I told him that I haven’t been sleeping well he suggested I visit the health services on campus. They referred me to a counselor once I explained the situation and long story short if I attend a few sessions they might consider approving me for a comfort animal. Whether or not they'll let me have a dog is still up for debate, but even if I couldn’t have a dog it still might be nice to have some company. Anyway, that’s what’s new with me.
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Hozier Lyrics Starter Sentences
"My lover's got humor."
"She's a giggle at a funeral."
"Should've worshiped her sooner."
"We were born sick, you heard them say it"
"She tells me 'worship in the bedroom.'"
"The only heaven I'll be sent to, is when I'm alone with you"
"I'll tell you my sins and you can sharpen your knife"
"Offer me that deathless death."
"Let me give you my life."
"My lover's the sunlight."
"There is no sweeter innocence than our gentle sin."
"Wonder if better now having survived"
"No other version of me I would rather be tonight"
"So deep in this swill with the most familiar of swine"
"It would be great to find a place we could escape sometime"
"She found me just in time"
"'Cause with my mid-youth crisis all said and done"
"I need to be youthfully felt"
"God, I never felt young"
"She's gonna save me"
"Call me baby "
"Happy to lie back"
"You knew who I was every step that I ran to you"
"Would things be easier if there was a right way?"
"Honey, there is no right way."
"There's an art to life's distractions"
"Love with every stranger, the stranger the better"
"All I've ever done is hide"
"But you don't know what hell you put me through"
"I know that you hate this place"
"It feels good"
"Oh to be alone with you"
"Honey, we should run away"
"Get closer to me"
"Idealism sits in prison"
"Chivalry fell on it's sword"
"Innocence died screaming, honey, ask me, I should know"
"I slithered here from Eden just to hide outside your door"
"Oh what a sin"
"I'll be home with you"
"I have never known color like this morning reveals to me"
"Something isn't right, babe"
"So we're slaves to any semblance of touch"
"Lord we should quit but we love it too much"
"Won't you come and save me from it?"
"You're supposed to drag me away from it"
"Is that the kinda way to face the burning heat?"
"I'm so full of love I could barely eat"
"I didn't care much how long I lived"
"She never asked me once about the wrong I did"
"Heaven and hell were words to me"
"I will not ask you where you came from"
"I will not ask, and neither should you"
"Honey, just put your sweet lips on my lips"
"We should just kiss like real people do"
"I know who I am when I'm alone"
"I'm something else when I see you"
"You don't understand, you should never know"
"How easy you are to need"
"Don't be kind to me"
"I will come back"
"It's a kindness you can't afford"
"I want you baby tonight, as sure as you're born"
"You'll hear me howling outside your door"
"Don't you hear me howling babe?"
"I've no language left to say it"
"All that I've been taught, and every word I've got, is foreign to me"
"It looks ugly, but it's clean"
"The way she tells me I'm hers and she is mine"
"Open hand or closed fist would be fine"
"The blood is rare and sweet as cherry wine"
"I called your name 'til the fever broke."
"The night so black that the darkness hummed"
"I heard a scream in the woods somewhere"
"What caused the wound?"
"My dearest love I'm not done yet"
"Rare is this love, keep it covered"
"All you have is your fire and the place you need to reach"
"Don't you ever tame your demons- always keep 'em on a leash"
"You've done me wrong for a long, long time"
"But after all you've done, I never changed my mind"
"Try to love me"
"My love will never die"
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sleep: what is the most comforting thing at night time for you?
visitor: what creature visits your dreams most often?
chimes: what sounds are your favorite?
times: when do you normally awaken?
marking: describe your tattoos,or tattoos you would like in the future?
reverie: think of somewhere otherworldly u wish to be within, what is it like there?
warmth: what do you find most charming in others?
treat: your favorite sweets ?
nestle: your most precious plush toy?
posy: your favorite herbs?
stories: books you remember from your childhood?
folk: who is the most fantastical being u have known?
elder: what do u expect to be like in your elder years?
home: in what type of environment do you feel most safe?
finds: what kind of item would you most likely buy from an antique store?
offering: how do you show others you are fond of them?
lore: if your life were a tale, how do u expect it would end??
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I’m in mutuals with a lot of people I’ve never spoken to and if that’s you then I just want you to know that I’ve definitely thought about talking to you at one point and then got scared
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With a jolt Jade sat bolt upright in her chair, papers and pens scuttling across the desk from the sudden movement. Her eyes fluttered anxiously about her room, scanning her surroundings warily before heaving a weary sigh. She scolded herself mentally for falling asleep at her desk again; this was the third time this week and it was only Tuesday. 
Slumping back in her seat Jade plucked her glasses from her face, rubbing her eyes and pinching the bridge of her nose before sliding them back onto their perch. She couldn’t recall the last time she’d gotten a decent night’s sleep; the nightmares had become so vivid and frequent that she gave up trying entirely, instead she just guzzled coffee like the overworked university student she was and pressed on. None of her classmates or professors seemed to notice, or perhaps they did and it just didn’t seem that out of the ordinary. At any rate no one commented on her unkempt hair or sullen sunken stare or the ever increasing amounts of caffeinated beverages she had begun consuming at the start of the semester. Speaking of caffeine, Jade reached for the mug sitting on the desk and took a generous swig before instantly regretting the decision. Its contents had gone cold hours ago and she grimaced as she forced herself to choke it down. Banishing the half empty cup of coffee to the furthest corner of her work space she attempted to sort the scattered mess of references she had collected for her assignment.
❝ Coffee or no I need to get back to work, this paper isn’t going to write itself, ❞ she mused aloud to herself, shuffling her papers back into order.
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☾ : Sleep headcanon ☠ : Drinking/drunk headcanon ☼ : Childhood headcanon ☯ : Genderbent headcanon ⋆ : Sex headcanon ☮ : Bedroom/house/living quarters headcanon ☄ : Any AU headcanon (modern, school, medieval, and so on) ♤ : Cooking headcanon ⊕ : Talents/hobbies headcanon ☻ : Mood headcanon ✚ : Health headcanon ✿ : Happiness headcanon ✖ : Anger headcanon ♆ : Body headcanon ϡ : Mental state headcanon ღ : Love or sexuality headcanon ♡ : Relationship with (give name or url) † : Religion headcanon ✄ : Pet peeve headcanon ☂ : Food headcanon ♒ : Any other question of your choosing
(via hannibalsnecropoleis)
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Trembling fingers scramble for purchase against the porcelain sink, knuckles clenched white as Jade draws a shuddering breath. She stares intently at the reflection in the mirror, but the face looking back isn’t hers. They share the some semblance; the same striking green eyes, same untamed fall of dark hair, same embarrassing buckteeth, and yet she doesn’t recognize herself. Despite her best efforts to steady her breathing Jade’s throat constricts, choking and sputtering violently against the air in her lungs. Her pulse races, the hammering of her heart and the roar of the blood in her veins muffle all other noise save for the low growling, a constant rumbling in her ears. She parts her lips to speak, but wets them instead with an uncertain tongue, unable to muster up the courage to break the looming silence.
❝ W-who are you? ❞  she finally utters meekly, her voice just barely above a quivering whimper and lending no confidence to her already wavering resolve. The reflection merely smirks, fangs flashing against the dim light with the twisted snarl of a grin. ❝ Who are you?!❞  she repeats, louder and more fervent but every bit as desperate as her first plea. By all measures the eyes watching her are her own, yet within their emerald depths hides an animosity she knows nothing of. The eyes that don’t belong to her glint with sadistic mirth, their expression mocking her feeble state with silent peals of maniacal laughter.
❝ I am you, ❞  the reflection states simply, but with a start and a ragged gasp Jade realizes the words have fallen from her own lips.
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Send me a symbol if you would:
Δ -Take me on a date
★ -Stay the night
♥- Kiss me
☺-Hug me
✓- Fuck me
✖- Slap me
✘-Punch me
✄- Kill me
♫- Sing me to sleep.
♡-Spend hours on my blog.
☊-Come with me to a festival/concert.
☀-Meet up with me in the future.
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shoutout to roleplayers that get easily stressed. shoutout to roleplayers that have to take lots of breaks to recharge. shoutout to roleplayers who can’t type super long replies regularly. shoutout to roleplayers with anxiety that have trouble interacting with new people. shoutout to roleplayers who have to push through jealous feelings when partners they adore rp with other people.
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What are your voice headcanon of of my muse?
Now I’m curious what people think they hear when reading dialogue of my rps.
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Send me HC + a word and I’ll write a headcanon about it regarding my character.
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ive been thinking about adding a quote to my tattoo idea, but i havent decided on one yet. i think ill mull it over today while im at work; itll be just like old times, just me and my flowers!
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[So the good news is I turned in my assignments last night so I should have some more time to spend online now. I still have to work and sew my cosplay, but I should be able to jump online for rp and what not as well!~]
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since everyone else (i.e. dave : I) is getting cool tattoos i figured it might be time to give in to peer pressure and start thinking about getting one myself. i was thinking something along the lines of the space aspect but with a green galaxy fill, something like this!! the only thing is im not sure where to put it. : / any suggestions?
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“...I'm gonna be a little girl all the way home...”
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TG: yo harley check out this sweet mix i made last night
CA: a sweet new mix you say?!CA: im always up for listening to your sick jams! 
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