cyclonearrow · 3 months
@ofcadenza said: “ we’re a team, aren’t we? teams stick together. even when the leader is being a prick. ”
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"Is this supposed to be an apology?" She was already aggravated with him. At least him calling himself a prick made her think he may have had some self reflection and accepted that he had been treating her wrong. It wasn't even like he did anything too bad. He had said one thing that hurt her feelings. She was used to that. She could shake it off. But not when it was him. For some reason, when it was him... It hurt worse. She hated that.
"Because obviously I'm not leaving the team, but if you aren't going to apologize then you'll just have to wait until I get over you being a prick for me to talk to you."
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cyclonearrow · 3 months
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"Do you really think that's what I'd ask YOU to do with me?" Sure, she had asked him to shop with her before... But had she been totally putting him out by doing that? She frowned a little, trying not to let Makoto's blunt response discourage her. She sighed, shaking her head a little as if it would get her anxiety to stop. "I wanted you to help me with something in the kitchen, actually."
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Looking up from his textbook right as he closed it, he blinked a little at her request - odd as it may be, he couldn't help but be curious about it. "Uh... okay? What is it?" A beat before he added, "If it's shopping for hours, forget it. I'll be too tired to do anything else..." And lifted a hand to comb through his fringes. Stuck due to the heat in here, even with an AC on. Summer sucked without a nice cold treat in his hand as a reward for pulling through.
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cyclonearrow · 3 months
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"Ice cream? Are you a little kid?" Honestly, despite her teasing... Ice cream sounded really good. She knew she shouldn't be eating it. The last thing she needed was to gain weight. Not only would it make their mission harder... God, the things people would say. But maybe it's okay just this one time. As a comfort. She wasn't even sure when she last had ice cream. Maybe last summer? She didn't think she had any THIS summer.
A forced sigh, as if he was twisting her arm. "Okay. Fine. Ice cream is good. But just a little bit, okay?" She wasn't really going to let him pay for her, obviously. But going to get some with him would at least be a good distraction. She really didn't want to be alone right now. There was too much on her mind.
"Let's go. I don't want to get stuck out too late."
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"Yeah, me neither," Junpei sighed. His grades had been getting better over the course of the year, and while they still weren't anywhere near as good as Mitsuru's or Makoto's, he'd been proud of himself for improving. But with everything happening recently, he just hadn't been able to focus on school anymore. How could he, when they'd lost a friend?
Even the idea of getting food didn't perk him up as much as it usually did, but he did manage a small smile in response to the question. "Heh, you know I'm always hungry, Yuka-tan. Wanna go get ice cream? My treat."
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cyclonearrow · 3 months
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She could almost grab him by the shoulders and shake him, seriously. He was so dense. She actually wondered if he was doing it on purpose. Yukari didn't stay frustrated with him for long though. This was all on her. She always promised herself she would be smarter than this. Here she was getting stressed out over a boy. But Yuki wasn't a normal boy, was he? Uhg. She sounded so lame.
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"It's different, I guess." She sighs. She couldn't really explain it. She knew Makoto was just nice to her because they were both Persona users. Because he was always helpful and polite to most people. But she didn't want to just rely on him. She wanted to share his burdens. She wanted him to open up to her. She wanted to unravel the mystery inside of his skull. It was selfish. It was actually kind of gross. She wanted him to need her... Because it wasn't fair how much she felt like she needed him. Relying on her in battle was one thing. And relying on her to make sure he ate was another. She wanted him to trust her. But... how could she ask that? Makoto's heart was walled off for a reason... Much like her own. Maybe she just wanted to believe she could help him like he helped her. It was stupid. She was stupid.
"Oh uh... Horror?" She liked them in concept... But Yukari was easily scared. Anything with like ghosts or whatever really got to her. She couldn't really explain it. Like she knew it wasn't real, but something about something being there even if you can't see it... Something that wanted to hurt you... It was just too much. But still... Maybe she could handle it with him there. They fought monsters, after all.
"I haven't seen much horror. I guess we could try that as long as you promise not to laugh at me." A nervous laugh at her own expense. "Some of the girls in the archery team have been talking about this movie. It's about an onryo. I, um... Well she was trying to convince me to watch it so she gave me the dvd. I keep putting it off because uh.... I don't really think I could watch it by myself, you know?"
She paused for a moment, thinking of her favorite genre. She didn't even know. "I guess I like romance. Like the ones that get really emotional. And dramas. I've seen a few action movies that are ok. But I only like the ones with female main characters."
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Not to him. His life was far from normal and nightmares were an almost every night occurrence, so he had no choice but to swallow it and move on. He never was an ordinary guy regardless of what others thought, yet maybe... that wasn't exactly fair to them; to the few friends he tried to create a bond with who somehow cared for him. Don't push yourself so hard, they said.
Just like Takeba.
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"I rely on you in battle and right here, so I don't see a difference. I guess I don't show it enough, huh." He looked down and resumed his meal. He had done so much self reflection in the past that he became numb to what came out of his mouth. "Well, anyway, we can... watch a DVD or something. Kirijo-senpai got us that player for a reason."
A beat of silence and he spoke up again. "I like horror and action movies. Do you... have a favorite genre?" He's only asking because he's curious. Really. Not to see more of her reactions.
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cyclonearrow · 3 months
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HOW DOES YOUR MUSE CARRY EMOTIONS? rules: repost don’t reblog! bold and italicize what applies accordingly.
ANGER: jaw clenching, hands balling into fists, teeth grinding, yelling, going nonverbal, stuttering speech, rushed speech, slow concise speech, rambling, quiet, arms crossing, shaking head, tearing up, animated, expressionless, projects, internalizes, vents, withdraws, passive aggressive, direct, physical outbursts, verbal outbursts
JOY: easy smiles, fighting back grins, suppressed laughter, loud laughter, giggles, chuckling, smirks, whole body laughs, covers mouth when laughing/giggling, throws head back when laughing, slaps leg, touches people around them when laughing, looks down when laughing, looks for eye contact when laughing, sparkling eyes, bubbly happiness, quiet subtle happiness, obnoxious happiness, wants to spread joy, quietly savors joy
SADNESS: crying, bottling it up, seeks distractions, wallows, meditates and processes, avoidance, seeks out comfort, withdraws, talks it out, internalizes it, sad smiles, depression naps, uses alcohol, uses drugs, seeks out sources of joy, fidgets with sentimental item, sits in silence, broods, gets moody, wants someone to share the misery, tries to hide negative emotions, nurtures others to make themselves feel better
EMBARRASSMENT/SHAME: blushing, looking away, rubbing at back of head, covering face, laughing nervously, laughs it off, overthinks, lets it go, self deprecating humor, deflects, gets irritated, smiles, withdraws, crossing arms over stomach, crossing arms over chest, hands in pockets, shoulders sinking, shrugs, falling into silence until comfortable again, talking a lot to compensate
GUILT: avoiding eye contact, shoulders sinking low, head hanging down, crying, chest aches, lashes out, internalizes, apologizes, deflects, communicates, withdraws, grand gestures for forgiveness, accepts fault easily, punishes themselves, martyrdom, victim complex, over-active guilt complex, healthy conscience, internalizes even after forgiveness, seeking redemption, moves on easily, denial, lack of guilt/conscience, sorry they got caught more than caused harm, can’t handle knowing they hurt others
FEAR/ANXIETY: trembling, crying, sarcasm/sass to cope, rambles, goes silent, gets angry, fidgeting, clenching jaw, picking at nails, chewing at lip, pulling at clothes, adjusting jewelry/clothing, swallowing thickly, eyes widening, over-reacts, under-reacts, calm, logical, panic, irrational, overthinks, carefully analyzes, talks to themselves, breathing exercises, flight, fight, withdraw, fawn
Tagged by: stole it Tagging: anyone that wants to ♥
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cyclonearrow · 3 months
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cyclonearrow · 3 months
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cyclonearrow · 3 months
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cyclonearrow · 3 months
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cyclonearrow · 3 months
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983 notes · View notes
cyclonearrow · 3 months
hope the moon reminds you of me
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cyclonearrow · 3 months
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cyclonearrow · 3 months
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Long hair Aigis, anyone?
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cyclonearrow · 3 months
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#yapper wife + quiet husband
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cyclonearrow · 3 months
@limitlesspossibilities liked for a starter ( ♥ )
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"I don't think I did my best on that essay." But who could blame her? Too much was going on. One of their friends just died and she was.... Well, too much had happened. She spent most of her night trying to finish it. She didn't even want to talk to Mitsuru or Makoto or anyone else. Even Akihiko. They all got good grades. She forced herself not to even think about it. "I'm hungry." She wanted something sweet to comfort her. "What about you, Junpei?"
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cyclonearrow · 3 months
@ofcadenza liked for a starter ( ♥ )
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"Yuki-kun." Yukari walked up to his desk. Class had just ended and she felt a little nervous about what people might say about her bold behavior here. But it didn't matter! She wanted to talk to him. "Can you do me favor?" She already asked a lot of him.... But this 'favor' was just an excuse, huh?
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cyclonearrow · 3 months
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Like this for a short starter (likely only one-two lines.)
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