cvril · 8 years
“Honestly they are some of the ugliest shoes but its not as bad as the girls who wear the duct tape dresses every year. I honestly don’t know why anyone would want to do that to themselves much less at prom. And beach first homework later. Like the responsible adults we clearly are.” 
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“ someone actually wore a duct tape dress? that sounds so bad. how did they not get kicked out? how did they have a date? ---guess it comes to prove that looks don’t get you dates alone. but yes, the beach--- we should get ice cream on the way! ”
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cvril · 8 years
intros are a thing? fRICK. ok. hi i am kylen i also play mordecai. but imma post cyril’s thing for so yEAH
- cyril has lived in california all his life with his parents & his brother. a lot of shit went down as he grew up though.
- his older brother ( killian who was like 18 at the time ) got arrested shortly before cyril turned ten ( it was from some hardcore stuff; like robbing a car, destroying the car, then going in for a hit & run )
- nobody ever talked about killian after that & there was literally no pictures around the house of him anymore. like /no one/ talks about him at all. 
- to cope with the loss, around the age of fourteen cyril went to the beach, didn’t know how to swim, & was being taught by this one boy. 
- push comes to shove & the boy teaches him how to not only swim but to surf too. it’s really nice & the two continued to be friend for hella long time.
- both boys wanted to be each other’s soulmates. it was the only reason the two actually waited on dating one another for the four years they’d known each other.
- when they both turned eighteen though ( which was thankfully in the same month ) they tried to see if their hearts lit up next to one another & they didn’t. this led to a super sad cyril.
- after than his best friend & crush moved so that he could travel to actually find his soulmate. real crushing for cyril.
- lowdown: he’s super laid back & super happy. he likes to smoke weed so there’s that & he’s a lowkey beach bum? at the same time though he loves to write but doesn’t let anyone read what he writes about
- he owns a dog name bark ruffalo bc he can
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cvril · 8 years
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“Relax, kid. I’m not coming onto you or anything. I swing for the other team. 
An English major? A kid after my own heart, then. Do you have any stuff you’ve written? I’m always willing to be an editor.”
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“ that’s so cool! i mean it too, uh, sorry if that comes off as weird or something. i’m fine with editing my own stuff. a lot of my stuff falls under a thesis paper type. nothing that needs to be read since it’s a mess. ”
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cvril · 8 years
“I think there are plenty of questions that need asking especially how you manage to surf with crocks on and not fall of the board!That is some kind of black magic. And now you are offering to help me with homework? Honestly I think we are going to be quick friends”
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“ there is no way for me to surf with crocs off. you should see all the cuts i get on my feet from surfing. that’s why i know to wear crocs & what not when i’m not surfing. ohhh--- at least i’m not that one girl who wore cros as a fashion statement to prom. that was super scary really. i don’t mind helping you with your homework, not at all really, it’s the least i could do. ”
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cvril · 8 years
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“Just call me Vivian. Professor Sterling is for the classroom and the bedroom.
So, Cyril, what are you studying?”
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“ oh. just vivian it is then seeing as we’re not--- uh--- ” cyril couldn’t even bring himself to complete his sentence. “ i’m just a regular english major in hopes to go into play writing. but i’m in classics for my minor. ”
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cvril · 8 years
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“I- It. It was clearly a joke. Obviously, I believe heavily in academic honesty. Look, we apparently got off on the wrong foot. I’ll withhold my odd brand of humor.
I’m Vivian Sterling.”
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“ i never said we got off on the wrong foot, i’m a little oblivious sometimes so don’t mind me at all. it’s nice to meet you vivian--- or should i call you professor sterling? either way i’m cyril moya. ”
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cvril · 8 years
“Oh god that actually sounds hilarious and now we have to go so I can snap chat this whole thing! And its just class, honestly I probably wont miss much.”
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“ oh god, please don’t snap chat me. then everyone is going to know that i’m that weird kid who wears crocs when he’s just on the beach but who can tolerate being barefoot when he surfs. i’m going to get so many unnecessary questions. ---if you end up missing too much i could always help you out if you’d like. ”
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cvril · 8 years
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“Well, in that case, I’ll write your papers for the right price… I’m kidding, obviously.”
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“ that’s not even a joke at this point, i like writing so i wouldn’t even attempt to pay you for that. but thanks for the offer - even if you’re kidding. ”
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cvril · 8 years
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“I’m sure you’re learning plenty. I just feel like it’s my calling to mold young minds. 
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“ i can mold my own mind. but thanks for trying anyways, professor--- it’s a nice gesture. ”
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cvril · 8 years
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“You know, I could probably teach you a thing or two, unlike a lot of these professors around here. Do you enjoy the subjects you study?”
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“ what makes you so sure that i’m not already learning enough? i enjoy my classes enough & i’m content with what i’m learning. ”
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cvril · 8 years
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“Well, you’re welcome to attend one of my classes. There are some empty seats.”
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“ i don’t mean to be rude or anything but i think i’ll pass on that offer. i’m sorry, i’m just actually enjoying my day so far without having to stress about something i have to turn in. ”
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cvril · 8 years
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“I’m not judging you, I’m just wondering where I can get my own pair pf tusks”
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“ is it weird i was about to offer you mind? whoops. --- you could always make them out of paper, that’s why i did, although beware the stick to your gums after a bit. you might also want to try chopsticks though. ”
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cvril · 8 years
do you have any fc preferences for you soulmate?
( * OOC ! ) ------- anyone is fine with me for either gender. i would appreciate having someone who is a poc or underused fc but anyone works!! if you were looking for specifics just im me off anon & i would be delighted to give you some suggestions maybe??
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cvril · 8 years
“You could always read the course material in advance, or study for other classes. Anything, really, that can be considered productive.”
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“ i guess i could. but if i do that when will i have time for fun? i have good enough marks for my classes do i really have to study that much? ”
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cvril · 8 years
“Well I mean if you are offering..” she smiles. “Honestly a few people told me not to but considering how easy the classes are so far I wouldn’t mind skipping just one. “ 
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“ i, uh, wasn’t---- but now i am! so you’re totally going to skip class to go to the beach with me of all people? just so you’re aware i wear crocs when i’m at the beach so i don’t cut my feet up on barnacles. --still want to go to the beach with me? ”
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cvril · 8 years
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“ what? i’m a walrus---- i know i’m a little old for playing with my food, but i’m not too sure what to do today since my professor canceled class. ”
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cvril · 8 years
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Maybe scheduling my first semester of college during the summer was a bad idea. Honestly I would rather be at the beach. 
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“ that doesn’t sound good at all. really though---- why don’t we go to the beach? ”  
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