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Introducing Aki, Dr. Yu and Pete’s Work! (English Below)
Akiがエディット、Dr. Yuがフィニッシュ、Peteがカラー、サウンドデザインをCutters Studiosが手がけた AIG『#DiversityIsStrength』をお届けします!Aki、プロデューサーRaichi、Dr. Yu のコメントと合わせてご覧ください。
「ほぼCuttersチームと言っても過言ではない江藤さんとのプロジェクトで、すごく楽しい半年間でした!!今年もCutters Studiosの総力を結集して生み出されたAIGのフィルムをお楽しみください。素敵な作品を仕上げられたのも、関わってくださったスタッフの皆様のお力あってです。本当に皆様お疲れ様でした〜!」-Raichi
「貝本さん、完成しましたよ。スタジアムをオッサン2人で全力疾走したのが今では懐かしいです。色々ありがとうございました。」- Dr. Yu
Introducing our new work AIG #DiversityIsStrength, edited by Aki, Finished by Dr. Yu, Sound Design by Cutters Studios and color graded by Pete Ritchie!
“I was able to create the greatest moments and bring the energy to its peak as there were so many beautiful shots. Thank you so much to Egashira-san and everyone from the agency!” -Aki
“Cutters Studios has had an amazing time teaming up with Eto-san for the past six months. Please enjoy this AIG spot which was produced from a lot of hard work by our team. Great work to everyone who worked on this project, the Cutters family is really thankful to have been part of such an amazing team.” -Raichi
"It's finally finished, Kaimoto-san. It feels nostalgic to have two middle-aged men sprint to finish the stadium. Thanks for everything." -Dr. Yu
Agency: TBWA\Hakuhodo Brand: AIG Editor: Aki Mizutani (Cutters Studios Tokyo) Colorist: Pete Ritchie (Cutters Studios Tokyo) VFX Supervisor/Finishing: Dr. Yu (安田 雄策 (Yusaku Yasuda)) (Cutters Studios Tokyo) Post Production Producer: Raichi Hara (Cutters Studios Tokyo) Mix / Sound Design: Mike Regan (Cutters Studios) Chief Creative Officer: Kazoo Sato Senior Creative Director: Takahiro Hosoda Creative Director: Shuhei Tsuji Art Director: Keisuke Shimizu / Yosuke Sugioka Planner: Kei Tominaga Copywriter: Tomoko Kasugai Director: Hisashi Eto Production: Aoi Pro. Producer: Keisuke Mizusako / Masahiro Kawaguchi Production Manager: Taisuke Konaka/Maki Komiya/Kouichirou Narita DOP: Justin Brown CG Director: Kimura Rikiya (tsumiki,Inc.) CG Producer: Konno Asami (tsumiki,Inc.) CG Designer: Masatomi Koji (tsumiki,Inc.) CG Producer: Taiyo Sato (Cafegroup)
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Cutters Studios Tokyo Presents The King of Fighters "Absurd Reality"! (English below)
Cutters Studios Tokyoのプロダクション部門Dictionary Filmsより初の中国進出となる作品 The King of Fighters "Absurd Reality" をお届けします!
OPPO、YCLOSET、The Arabian Nights等を手がけることで知られる中国のブティックエージェンシー GoodzillaとCutters Studios Tokyoがチームを組み、柳沢翔監督、岡村良憲撮影監督を迎え、制作からポストまで手がけました。また今作品を機にCutters Studiosの中国市場への進出のきっかけともなり、上海と東京の架け橋となったCutters Studios TokyoのExecutive ProducerのElishaのコメントと共にお届けします。
「ECDのJiang Panからブリーフを受け取った瞬間からこの作品が形になっていくことを、とても楽しみにしていました。また今回、柳沢翔監督、岡村良憲撮影監督、Cutters Studios、トボガン、日本の映像業界での最高のチームで作品を仕上げられたことに、本当に感謝し、そして誇りに思っております。ぜひ皆さまに作品をお楽しみ頂けると幸いです!」- Elisha Lai (Executive Producer at Dictionary Films Shanghai/Cutters Studios Tokyo)
Cutters Studios Tokyo Presents The King of Fighters "Absurd Reality"!
We are honoured for the opportunity to work together with Goodzilla Shanghai, a top creative agency with a reputation for creating tremendously successful campaigns.
As a team, we worked closely together start to finish, from production Dictionary Films (a production arm of Cutters Studios Tokyo) to post production Cutters Studios Tokyo. This spot marks the first in the hopefully many more collaborations we will have in the future with China.
We worked with our amazing director Show Yanagisawa, DOP Ryoken Okamura, Editor Ryan McGuire, Sound Design by Another Country and finish by Dr. Yu for this killer film.
The team in collaboration with the world renowned director precisely captured the raw emotions of resignation, frustration, and despair to show how important it is to have a will to fight.
It was a great experience as the Cutters family’s first foray into the China market. Our producer, Elisha, has this to say about her experience being the point of connection between Shanghai and Tokyo:
“Once I received the brief from ECD Jiang Pan, I immediately knew that it would be a great film. I was honored to have been given a chance to work on this project and with director Show! The most important part of it all was this amazing team. Thanks Show, Ryan, the post team at Cutters Studios and Tobogganz as well as client and creative team, who were willing to FIGHT for something different! I hope everyone will enjoy this film! ” -Elisha Lai (Executive Producer at Dictionary Films Shanghai/Cutters Studios Tokyo)
Client: Tencent China Brand: The King Of Fighters Agency: Goodzilla Shanghai ECD: Jiang Pan Production: Cutters Studios Tokyo Director: Show Yanagisawa DOP: Ryoken Okamura Executive Producer: Peter Grasse/ Elisha Lai Producer: Elisha Lai (Dictionary Films Tokyo)/Hide Tsumoto Post Production: Cutters Tokyo Editor: マクガイヤー ライアン (Ryan Mcguire)(Cutters Studios Tokyo) Colorist: 亀井 俊貴 (Toshiki Kamei) (Cutters Studios Tokyo) Finish: 安田 雄策 (Yusaku Yasuda)(Cutters Studios Tokyo)/Kenichi Sasaki Post Producer: Shumpei Negami(Cutters Studios Tokyo) VFX: Juice/Flavor Music: Yuge Sound Design: Another Country Service Production: Tobogganz
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Introducing New Work by Cutters Studios Tokyo for Shiseido “COLORMUSE”! (English below)
Cutters Studios Tokyoが手がけた Shiseido “COLORMUSE”のご紹介です。Dictionary Films Tokyoが制作を手がけ、Akiがエディット、Dr.Yuがフィニッシュ、Toshikがグレーディングを担当しました。ボリュームを上げてお楽しみください!
「髪の毛のデティル、色などの繊細な要素と、モデルたちの動きや表情などのダイナミックな部分のバランスがうまく取れるように気をつけながら、本能的に気持ちのよいエネルギーを感じられることを一番大切にして編集しました。このプロジェクトのチャンスをくださったRicardo、Mayaさん、Seiさんはじめ代理店のみなさん、ディレクターの丸山さんとはとても素晴らしいコラボレーションでした。」-Aki Mizutani
Introducing new work by Cutters Studios Tokyo for Shiseido’s "COLORMUSE". This wicked spot was the creation of the great teamwork by the producers at Dictionary Films Tokyo and edited by Aki Mizutani, composited by Dr. Yu and color graded by Toshiki Kamei. Please turn up the volume when viewing this to maximise your viewing experience!!
"When editing, I placed the most importance of trying to grasp the dynamic balance among the delicate elements such as the details of the hair, the hair colour, the movements and expressions of the models in order to have the audience instinctively feel the pleasant energy. It was truly a great collaboration effort between the team who granted us this opportunity to work together, Ricardo, Maya and Sei, as well as the director Maruyama. Kudos to everyone!" -Aki
Brand: Shiseido Editor: Aki Mizutani(Cutters Studios Tokyo) Online: Yusaku Yasuda(Cutters Studios Tokyo) Colorist: Toshiki Kamei(Cutters Studios Tokyo) Assist Editor: Mariko Ide (Cutters Studios Tokyo) Post Producer: Megumi Irino (Cutters Studios Tokyo) Production: Dictionary Films Tokyo/Pyramid Films Executive Producer: Timo Otsuki Producer: Chaki Hayato, Shota Kawano Production Manager: Mika Ito, Ryosuke Ide Production Assistant: Anna Liu(Cutters Studios Tokyo), Shoma Mochizuki Agency: Ogilvy and Mather Japan Executive Creative Director: Ricardo Adolfo Senior Art Director: Sei Sugiyama Art Director: Maya Weister Copywriter: Mayu Kawase Head of Production: Natsuki Tosa Director: Takeshi Maruyama Director of Photography: Takeshi Hanzawa Music: Audioforce
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Client Service Manager Wanted!
Cutters Studiosは1980年にシカゴから始まり、現在ロサンゼルス、デトロイト、東京、ニューヨークの順番にスタジオを拡大しているクリエイティブ・ エージェンシーです。東京スタジオはアジア初の海外クリエイティブ・エージェンシーとして2012年11月2日に恵比寿に誕生しました。テレビコマーシャル、ミュージックビデオ、映画などの業界最高級の作品を手掛けています。
Cutters Studiosの理念は、常にクリエイティブな業界最高の体験をクライアントに体感して頂くことです!Cutters Studiosが行うことはすべて業界を変えるという信念で行っています。違う考え方に価値があると信じています。私たちが業界を変える手段はクリエイティブ、効果的なワークフロー、��イディアが溢れる環境を守る事です。そうして素晴らしい広告が生まれていきます。
基本給:月給30万~40万円 ※経験、能力、前職を十分考慮の上、当社規定により話し合いにて決定します。
勤務時間: 9:30~
休日・休暇: 土日祝(休日出勤、代休あり)
問い合わせ先: 03-4540-8860
Client Services Manager Post (English)
【Client Services Manager Wanted 】
Are you a passionate person who enjoys working with people?
Are you looking for a job that’s both fun and challenging?
Cutters Tokyo is looking for an energetic, detail-oriented person to join our creative team as a Client Services Manager!
About Us
Cutters Studios was established in the heart of Chicago's creative district in 1980 as a small editorial studio. The company grew quickly and now provides a range of services including creative ideation, production, creative editorial, sound design, audio mastering, design, animation, visual effects and new media executions. We have studios in Chicago, New York, Detroit, Los Angeles and Tokyo. Currently more than two hundred artists, editors, directors, managers, producers, assistants, and marketing professionals make up the worldwide Cutters Studios family. Cutters Studios Tokyo opened in 2012 to a very welcoming Japanese marketplace. We were at the time, and still are, the only top tier international production outfit in Japan. In five years, our family of five has grown to more than twenty.
Roles and Responsibilities
Cutters is passionate about creative quality in all that we do. Thus, as the Client Service Manager, you will be tasked with creating a conducive and welcoming environment for creative work to happen. Your responsibilities will include but are not limited to:
Delivering an excellent experience to clients and related third parties
The daily organization of the front office
Develop strong relationships with existing and potential clients
Organizing special services and gifts for our guests when needed
Fielding enquiries made to our studio via telephone and email
Basic accounting and other administrative responsibilities
Key Qualifications and Skills
Prior experience working in the field of client service, office managers, department assistants, secretary, etc.
Japanese/English bilingual preferred
Have a positive attitude towards work
Detail-oriented and meticulous in your work
Capable of working in a fast-paced environment
Proactive, willing to go the extra mile
A team player with excellent communication and interpersonal skills
Job Details:
Title: Client Services Manager
Key Skills: Client care, Office Management
Basic Monthly Pay: ¥300,000 to 400,000 *Depending on experience and capabilities
Location: Tokyo, Ebisu
Working Hours: 9:30-
Holidays: Weekends and Public Holidays *Working on holidays may occur, holiday in lieu will be given
Benefits: Basic Health Insurance, transportation fees
Required Documents: Resume in English in Japanese
Contact: [email protected]
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Sachi’s New Editing Work! (English below)
Sachiがエディットを担当した VISA『NEW NORMAL トレーニング篇』をお届けします!Sachiの初のTVCMの作品をお届けできることに、Cutters Studios Tokyo一同誇りに思います!Way to go, Sachi!
We are proud to present our new spot “New Normal: Training Ver” by VISA, edited by our up and coming editor Sachi!
“As this was my very first editing work for TVC, I enjoyed cutting each frame, every second and minute. Can’t appreciate enough all the people involved in giving me this wonderful opportunity.” -Sachi
Agency: I&S BBDO Brand: Visa Editor: 佐々木 幸 (Sachi Sasaki)(Cutters Studios Tokyo) Exective Creative Director: Masaki Honda Creative Director: Takenori Hashimoto Art Director: Tsuyoshi Oyama Copywriter: Takenori Hashimoto Agency Producer: Jun Ogura Director: Shinsuke Jitsumori Production: TYO Inc. Producer: Tadashi Umazume Production Manager: Mihiro Namioka / Eri Ishikawa DOP: Satoshi Uchikawa
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Introducing new work by Cutters Studios Tokyo for TOYOTA "Universal Street Games"! (English below)
Cutters Studios Tokyoが手がけた TOYOTA "Universal Street Games" のご紹介です。 Dictionary Films Tokyoが制作を手がけ、南アフリカでの撮影での撮影を終えたのち、Cutters Studios Tokyoのアーティストのコラボレーションによって磨き上げた作品です。作品に登場する、年齢も人種も違うアーティストのパワーを存分に感じてもらえると思います。
Introducing new work by Cutters Studios Tokyo for TOYOTA "Universal Street Games", fully produced by Dictionary Films Tokyo, crafted by the artists at Cutters Studios Tokyo after shooting in South Africa. We hope you feel the incredible power and energy of the artists in this film.
Brand: Toyota Agency: ADK Creative: Satoshi Otsuka Planner: Ryusuke Dohi Art Director: Hiroyuki Kubo Production: Dictionary Films Tokyo(Cutters Studios Tokyo) Creative Supervisor: マクガイヤー ライアン (Ryan Mcguire) Executive Producer: Timo Otsuki Producer: Hayato Chaki Editor: Ryan McGuire (Cutters Studios Tokyo) Online: Dr. Yu ( 安田 雄策 (Yusaku Yasuda)Cutters Studios Tokyo) Colorist: 亀井 俊貴 (Toshiki Kamei) (Cutters Studios Tokyo) Post Producer: Megumi Irino (Cutters Studios Tokyo) Assistant Editor: Freddy Capogreco (Cutters Studios Tokyo)
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Cutters Studios Tokyoより、Womenwillとのコラボレーション作品のエピソード2のご紹介です。
今回のエピソードはAkiのディレクションに、Mariko がエディットを担当し、Aarika LeeとMargie Warrellの2人の素晴らしい女性リーダーが出演しています。
Cutters Studios Tokyo is honoured to present episode two of our collaboration with Womenwill. Today’s episode was directed by Aki, edited by Mariko and features Aarika Lee and Margie Warrell, two amazing female leaders. Please do check out the YouTube link below!
Client: Womenwill (Google) Production: Dictionary Films Tokyo Director: Aki Mizutani(Cutters Studios Tokyo) Producer: Anna Liu (Cutters Studios Tokyo) Editor: Mariko Ide (Cutters Studios Tokyo) Colorist: 亀井 俊貴 (Toshiki Kamei) (Cutters Studios Tokyo) Post Producer: 原 来智 (Raichi Hara) (Cutters Studios Tokyo) Production Assistant: Leanne Yap, Henri Nagano(Cutters Studios Tokyo) DOP: Moto Ishikawa Agency: LoveFrankie Agency Producer: Rebecca Mok, Matt Love Sound: Jeff Ruiz
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Introducing Ryan, Pete and Dr. Yu's New Work!!
Ryanがエディット、Peteがカラー、Dr. Yuがフィニッシュを担当した TSUBAKI『いい髪は背中をおす。』をお届けします。
Ryanのコメントと共に、江藤尚志監督、Peteのカラー、Dr. Yuとのコラボレーションをお楽しみください。
「視聴者の視線が、どのショットも髪の毛に行くような編集を組みました。 画と音の両方で(特に音です!)、彼女の日常生活の酸いも甘いもが、見てわかるというより、感じることができるようにしました。そして、前半のペーシングを、見ていて目まぐるしくなるほど忙しくして、後半の山のシーンの解放感を伝えるようにしました。」- Ryan McGuire
We would like to introduce the Tsubaki’s new spot. This was a team effort by the Cutters Studios Tokyo family; Ryan was the editor, Pete the colorist, and Dr Yu was the online artist.
A word from the editor, Ryan: I made the edit in such a way that the viewer's gaze would go straight to the hair in every shot. The images and sounds (especially sound!) were designed so that you could feel both the sweet and the sour moments of her daily life, rather than just see it. Also, the pace of the first half of video is much busier, such that you could feel the frustration as well as the sense of liberation from the second half of the video. Please check out the collaboration of Director Hisashi Eto, Ryan, Pete, Dr. Yu!
Agency: Wieden + Kennedy Tokyo Brand: Tsubaki Editor: Ryan Mcguire (Cutters Studios Tokyo) Colorist: Pete Ritchie (Cutters Studios Tokyo) Finish: Dr. Yu (Yusaku Yasuda (Cutters Studios Tokyo) Post Producer: Raichi Hara (Cutters Studios Tokyo) Assistant Editor: Freddy Capogreco (Cutters Studios Tokyo) Director: Hisashi Eto
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3月15日19時より開催のALS Awareness Night クラウドファンディングキックオフに先駆け、EYE VDJ 武藤将胤さんのメッセージが公開になりました。 WITH ALS X CUTTERS STUDIOS TOKYOとの挑戦が始まります!
The ALS Awareness Night Crowd Funding Kickoff party will begin on March 15 at 7pm! As a prelude to the event, the star of the night, EVE VDG Masato Muto has released a video message. The collaboration of ALS X CUTTERS STUDIOS TOKYO begins!
Editor: Freddy Capogreco Colorist: 亀井 俊貴 (Toshiki Kamei)
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Happy International Women’s Day! (English below)
2018年3月8日の 国際女性デーに向け、Cutters Studios Tokyoが一丸となり Womenwill とタッグを組みショートフィルムの制作に取り組ませていただきました。
私たちCutters Studiosもスタッフの大半以上が女性という非常にユニークな環境のなか、プロジェクトに関わられ光栄です!
Today, we would especially like to celebrate the achievements of the various women who have impacted our lives. Cutters Studios Tokyo has recently teamed up with Womenwill to produce a series of short films on a couple of impressive ladies. The first episode that features the forerunners of fashion, Dian Pelangi and Rachel Lim is released today on Youtube!
Cutters Studios Tokyo is particularly proud of this project as many of our own ladies took part in it; in fact, more than half of our team were women! Kudos to everyone for their magnificent work, especially the wonderful women in our team!
Client: Womenwill (Google) Production: Dictionary Films Tokyo Director: Aki Mizutani DOP: Moto Ishikawa Producer: Anna Liu Production Assistant: Leanne Yap, Henri Nagano Agency: LoveFrankie Agency Producer: Rebecca Mok, Matt Love Post Production: Cutters Tokyo Editor: Sachi Sasaki, Mariko Ide Colorist: Toshiki Kamei Post Producer: Raichi Hara Sound: Jeff Ruiz
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Introducing Aki's New Editing Work!! (English below)
Akiが LA まで渡り、Cutters Studios LAオフィスにてエディットをした Beats by Dr. Dre 『キミを解き放て』のご紹介です。
Cutters Studio LA、Tokyoオフィスとのコラボレーションで生まれたこの作品より私たちスタジオのパイプラインの強さを感じていただけると嬉しいです。変わりゆくシーンにあった軽快なAKiのエディットのご注目ください!
Aki came out to LA to edit “Unleash Yourself” for Beats By Dr. Dre!
This piece was a collaboration between Cutters Studios Tokyo and Cutters Studios LA. This is but one of the many examples of the studios working together. Cutters Studios Tokyo has a strong pipeline worldwide and frequently teams up with the American offices in New York, Chicago, and Detroit as well.
Feast your eyes on the video by clicking the link below!!
Client: Beats By Dr. Dre Editorial: Cutters Studios Editor: Aki Mizutani Executive Producer: Megan Dahlman Producer: Wendy Umanzor Production Co: Stink
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Introducing Aki and Toshiki’s New Work!
Akiがエディット、Toshikiがカラーグレーディングを担当した アサヒス��パードライ「瞬冷辛口2018ジョニー・デップ���篇のご紹介です!ショウダユキヒロ監督、Aki、Toshikiの最高のコラボレーションをぜひお楽しみください!
Introducing Asahi Super Dry’s new spot featuring Johnny Depp, edited by Aki and color graded by Toshiki. Please enjoy the collaboration of the creative minds of the director Shoda Yukihiro, Aki, and Toshiki!
Agency: Hakuhodo Brand: Asahi Super Dry Editor: Aki Mizutani Colorist: Toshiki Kamei Assistant Editor: Sachi Sasaki Post Produer: Raichi Hara Director: Yukihiro Shoda Production: TYO Inc. Music: Black Cat White Cat
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【アシスタント募集 Assistant Wanted 】(English below) 現在 Cutters Studios Tokyo では、以下のポジションの募集をしています。 ・カラリスト アシスタント ・オンライン アシスタント 経験未経験関わらず、責任感があり、楽しむことを忘れず、そして情熱を持って私たちと作品を作り上げたいと思ってくれる方を探しています。 インターナショナルかつ多文化な Cutters Studios ファミリーの一員になりませんか? まずは、[email protected] まで簡単な自己紹介と共にご連絡ください。たくさんのご連絡おまちしています! contact: [email protected] ________________________________________________________________
【Assistant Wanted 】 Cutters Studios Tokyo is looking for people for the following positions: ・Color Assistant ・Online Assistant We are searching for people who are responsible, know how to work hard as well as play hard, are passionate, and enjoy working with a diverse community. Please come and join the Cutters Studios family! Contact us at [email protected] with a brief self-introduction if you would like to apply! contact: [email protected]
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Introducing Matt's New Editing Work! Cutters Studios Tokyoの Matt Osborne がエディットをした Porsche "Cayenne"のご紹介です! 作品内登場人物の、忘れられない一瞬一瞬の一時をMattのエディットが美しく繋ぎ描いています。息を飲むほど美しい映像をお楽しみください! Introducing another stunning spot Porsche "Cayenne", edited by Cutters Studios Tokyo's editor Matt Osborne. Contact: [email protected] Client: Dr. Ing.h.c. F. Porsche AG Agency: Grabarz & Partner Werbeagentur GmbH Editor: Matt Osborne Creative Director: Ralf Nolting Creative Producer: Florian Pack Director: Rob Chiu DOP: Paul Meyers Music + Sound Design: Ben Lukas Boysen Production Company: Iconoclast Berlin
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【チョコレートムース】Kaoruko's Corner Episode 15 バレンタインデーまであと1日!!やっぱり手作りチョコで届けたいあなたへ! 今回は材料たったの5つで作れる、オシャレな「チョコレートムース」! 今週のゲストはCutters StudiosでNo.1 オシャレなアシスタントエディターのフレDが手伝ってくれました 🙂 キャラクター性溢れる動画を参考にして、ぜひ手作りチョコを作ってみてください ☺️
今週 Cutters Studios Tokyo に遊びに来てくださった方にはこのチョコレートムースを提供しております! #KaorukosCorner でシェアしてもらえると、Kaoruko から素敵なプレゼントが届きますよ。 まだまだゲスト出演の方募集しています! _______________________ Kaoruko's Corner はCutters Studios Tokyo のインターン生 (The Cutters Future Filmmakers Program)によってプロデュース、ディレクション、エディットが行われています。 ※随時インターンを募集しておりますので、ご興味のある方はご連絡ください。
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【タコのカルパッチョ】Kaoruko's Corner Episode 13
Happy Monday!! 今週も寒さに負けず、元気よく Kaoruko's Corner をお届けしたいと思います!
今回は火を使わず、切って���ぜるだけの簡単「タコのカルパッチョ」! ソースがとても美味しく、タコと玉ねぎに絡めて食べると、とても美味しいです! 動画の様にタコをオシャレに飾ってぜひ誰かに作ってみてはいかがでしょうか?
今週 Cutters Studios Tokyo に遊びに来てくださった方はぜひ食べてみてくださいね!
#KaorukosCorner でシェアしてもらえると、Kaoruko から素敵なプレゼントが届きますよ!
_______________________ Kaoruko's Corner はCutters Studios Tokyo のインターン生 (The Cutters Future Filmmakers Program)によってプロデュース、ディレクション、エディットが行われています。
みなさん、ぜひ Cutters Studios Tokyo に遊びにいらした際は、Kaourko に say hi して下さいね。 まだまだゲスト出演の方募集しています!
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【インターンを募集しています!】 世界各国から集まった個性豊かなアーティストの仲間入りしませんか?
Cutters Studios Tokyo では随時インターンを募集しています。 Cutters Studios Tokyo のインターンは他とは一味ちがう、「The Cutters Future Filmmakers Program」のもと、期間は6ヶ月の教育課程、グローバルな環境のもと、撮影、編集などのスキルだけではなく、あなたにった求めているスキルや経験がきって手に入るはず!年齢、経験、国籍は不問です!
興味のある方は まずはご連絡を!! Contact: [email protected]
またはお気軽に Facebook でメッセージください :)
#CSTFFP #futurefilmmakers #tokyofilmproduction #filmmaker
++++++++++ Future Filmmakers Wanted!
You could be the one who changes the future. Cutters Studios Tokyo believes in developing thinkers, not robots. Our Future Filmmakers Program seeks to change the industry by discovering new talent and offering a chance to engage in our craft and culture.
This is an opportunity to learn all the key technical skills through working on our projects, learning how to be a creative problem-solver, and most importantly gain invaluable experiences from our diverse community.
FFP graduates have carried on to pursue successful careers in the film/advertising industry both locally and abroad.
Contact: [email protected] Or just message us here on Facebook! +++++++++++
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