cuts-and-cals · 3 years
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cuts-and-cals · 3 years
don’t touch people that don’t want to be touched!!! people might not want to be touched due to abuse, people might not want to be touched due to sensory issues, and some people just don’t like it. i don’t care how weird or ‘sad’ it is that you can’t touch them, just don’t fucking do it. their comfort is more important than you poking them or hugging them.
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cuts-and-cals · 3 years
started restricting and counting againnn
im so gross and fat :[
my thighs squish together and my stomach feels like a hill it disgusts me
im trying to get to 100lbs before school starts again. burning off 38 pounds in 4 months and keeping it there will be hard but i have a pretty fast metabolism so hopefully that will do something to help
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cuts-and-cals · 3 years
hadnt cut in 7 months but i broke and cut a bunchhh (this was taken 2 days ago, and wasnt all i did but yeah)
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i ended up just sobbing and bleeding in the bathroom for like 5 hours but i had to clean up before my parents woke up
didn't get to cut nearly as deep as i wanted to but i got a new razor so hopefully that will go wayyy deeper
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cuts-and-cals · 3 years
heyoo im kanik/nex. i use glitch/angel/bark/he uhhhhh yeah. ill post about triggering topics most of the time so heres that
TW for
self harm (pictures of cuts will be posted)
anorexia (body checking, calorie counting, thinspo, etc)
anxiety and panic attacks
childhood trauma
general abuse
and stuffs like that, so just be careful. luvs u <3
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