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Assuming you have an American Online record, yet presently don't involve AOL as your web access supplier, you can in any case keep utilizing your email account with any web association. This is particularly helpful assuming you have been involving the record for work or have various individual contacts that know you through your more established username or address. Like Hotmail and Yahoo, you would now be able to utilize your American Online email account online from any PC associated with the web, yet you can likewise add your AOL email to significantly more helpful work area programs like Outlook Express and Windows Live Mail.
Getting a Windows Live Account
While Outlook Express is an incredible work area choice, assuming that you are hoping to incorporate every one of your contacts, email records and schedules progressively to you PC and mobile phone, then, at that point, Windows Live Mail is the most ideal choice. Assuming you don't as of now have a Windows Live Account then you can get one by visiting the Windows Live Account Setup site .
Assuming you have a Hotmail or Windows Messenger account you as of now have a login and are prepared to arrangement your different records immediately.
Setting Up your AOL Email
The most common way of adding any email address to your Windows Live record is exceptionally straightforward and truly just includes a couple of simple tasks. Prior to starting, in any case, you should ensure that both your AOL and Windows Live records are move forward and dynamic. On the off chance that this is your first time utilizing Windows Live email you will be naturally incited to enter an email, in any case...
On the base left half of the Windows Live window find and snap the Add Email Account connect.
The Email Account Wizard will begin by opening a discourse box.
Enter your email address in its full arrangement and enter your email secret phrase.
Click the Remember Password actually take a look at box to need to reemerge your secret phrase without fail, however just do this for PCs and gadgets.
Type in your name as you need it to show up in the "sent from" field of others' email accounts in the Display Name field. This can be anything you need and doesn't need to match your AOL client name.
Ensure the physically Configure Servers Settings for Email Account check box is unchecked. Windows Live can do this consequently for most web-based email suppliers
Click OK. You will get an affirmation once the American Online record has been effectively added. This should just pause for a minute. You would now be able to browse your AOL email and all your other email accounts you set up from one simple and advantageous program. You can add different records, for example, Yahoo and Gmail, utilizing similar advances laid out above.
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